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SIGN and BOOK With a Special Message

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This is a list of SIGN and BOOK with a special message.

  • A Little Opera
    • info (32, 29)
      Welcome to the opera!
      Today performing:
         -o0o- Jack on the Beanstalk -oOo-
    • info (32, 28)
      Welcome to the opera!
      Today performing:
         -o0o- Escape from L.A. -oOo-
    • info (32, 27)
      Welcome to the opera!
      Today performing:
         -o0o- Zombies, Dawn of the Dead -oOo-
    • info (32, 26)
      Welcome to the opera!
      Today performing:
         -o0o- Vampire's Kiss -oOo-
  • A Small Shop
    • magic_mouth (12, 4)
      Use this Mana Crystal at your own risk. We are not responsible if you die from overuse of the crystal.
    • Mana Crystal East Room (10, 7)
      Please drop 500 platinum coins in the barrel to enter the Mana Crystal East Room.
      -= Warning =-
      Standing on or near a mana crystal for too long can be fatal to your health.
    • Cancellation Booth (6, 9)
      Please drop 1500 platinum coins in the barrel to enter the Cancellation Booth.
      -= Warning =-
      Do not carry any equipment in the cancellation booth that you don't intend to have adjusted.
    • Mana Crystal West Room (6, 7)
      Please drop 500 platinum coins in the barrel to enter the Mana Crystal West Room.
      -= Warning =-
      Standing on or near a mana crystal for too long can be fatal to your health.
    • magic_mouth (4, 4)
      Use this Mana Crystal at your own risk. We are not responsible if you die from overuse of the crystal.
  • Abandoned House
    • magic_mouth (6, 1)
      A voice booms:
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      A house with no door...?
    • magic_mouth (5, 1)
    • magic_mouth (3, 1)
    • magic_mouth (1, 1)
  • Abandoned Shrine
    • magic_mouth (13, 9)
      You hear a booming voice.
      "How dare you steal that precious relic? You shall pay for that!"
  • Abandoned Temple, Dungeon Level 4
    • magic_mouth (14, 4)
      You hear angry noises behind the door. Whatever is in there, sounds more dangerous than a kobold. You wonder if you should just leave it alone.
    • sign (14, 1)
      We have finally recovered the altar that had been stolen from us by these cursed kobolds. We looked everywhere for it; who'd have thought they would take over this abandoned temple and hide the altar on the bottom! We wonder what their motivation was... maybe they can't tell altars apart? Or maybe they expected they'd be able to reconsecrate it? Fools.
      Anyway. Praised be The Brave, The Just. The altar is back where it belongs, in our chapel under the barracks.
  • Abyss, Level 5
    • magic_mouth (10, 3)
      You feel a deeeeeep daaaaaark chill that bites your soul. *chomp*
    • magic_mouth (9, 3)
      You feel a deeeeeep daaaaaark chill that bites your soul. *chomp*
  • Acme Inc. of Brest, First Floor
    • sign (5, 23)
      Welcome to Acme. Inc construction shop!
      You will find here everything you need to build your own customized home, sweet home.
      Make sure to read our documentation on how to build nice maps.
  • Administration, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (29, 18)
      Mr. Bacal is very busy. You can't meet him now. Please come later.
    • magic_mouth (24, 18)
      You are not allowed in this office. Please take an appointment with the Secretary.
  • Administration, Level 2
    • Danger... (31, 45)
      Head Quarters
    • sign (29, 46)
      10 armies....
    • New Logo (18, 25)
      TTTTTTTT  EEEEEE  LL    EEEEEE   CCCC     OO  .  MM        MM
         TT     EE      LL    EE      CC    / OO  O/   M  MM   MM M
         TT     EEEE    LL    EEEE    CC    |OO  _/OO  M    MMM   M
         TT     EE      LL    EE      CC    \ __/ OO   M          M
         TT     EEEEEE  LLLLL EEEEEE   CCCC     OO     M          M
          B       R       E       T     A     G      N      E
    • magic_mouth (2, 19)
      I wish U a happy September!!!!
    • magic_mouth (1, 19)
      Brittany is a very nice place in September...
  • Adventurers Guild, 2nd Floor
    • challenge with reward (19, 19)
      We hope to provide you with a challenge with this practicing compartment.
       - The Guild
    • magic_mouth (13, 11)
      Undead practicing room - please leave generators intact to allow some practice to those who come after you.
    • magic_mouth (11, 15)
      Practicing against floating, spellcasting monsters - please don't damage the generators.
    • magic_mouth (10, 23)
      Practicing Area - Enjoy yourself!
  • Adventurers Guild, 3rd Floor
    • training hall - warning (22, 24)
      Take care, this one might be dangerous! There are a few unfairnesses around...
    • coffee area (10, 21)
      Come here to have a coffee, wine or fruit, and a nice chat with your fellow adventurers.
    • to second training area (9, 25)
      Find another place to have some fun.
    • Rune of Marking (8, 28)
      Friendly Rune.
    • magic_mouth (8, 4)
      You hear a laughter in the distance.
  • Adventurers Guild, Entrance
    • library tome (26, 23)
      This door leads to the guild library. Feel free to browse through the books, but do not take anything away. Take care not to anger the librarians, they are so nice!
    • alchemy room (24, 28)
      In this room you may use the cauldron to test your alchemy recipes. Take care if entering while someone else is experimenting, it might be dangerous to your health.
    • Creature Museum (20, 13)
      Please do not destroy the exhibits!
      And take care not to anger them!
      It is recommended to put up the security spikes to avoid accidents.
    • arms and armour museum (20, 11)
      Don't even think of taking anything away..
    • Guild Room (11, 24)
      In this room you may place items you want to give to other guild members. The items will not vanish from there.
    • magic_mouth (10, 11)
      Local Guild Bank
  • Agito
    • Caution! (2, 13)
      - Prevent the discovery of this place. -
      Don't shout!
      Please speak with low voice.
  • Air House
    • sign (5, 6)
      Hello, and welcome to the Air House! This house was used by Julio the Great for various experiments. Enjoy the exhibition!
  • Alfalfa's House
    • magic_mouth (7, 6)
      Phew! Something reeks behind this door.
  • Alfalfa's House Basement
    • magic_mouth (15, 2)
      This must be where the orcs got in. There is a hole in the wall leading to a corridor that seems to head off into some underground caverns. You can't see down it very far though, because the way is blocked by a rockfall. This seems to have happened after the Orcs came through, trapping them here. You suspect that the cave-in may have been deliberate, which leads you to wonder; what were the orcs trying to block themselves off from?
    • magic_mouth (6, 6)
      There seems to be a lot of smoke. Was something burning?
    • magic_mouth (6, 4)
      There seems to be a lot of smoke. Was something burning?
  • Ali's Cave
    • note (21, 17)
      We weren't able t. get mu.h loot from th. bank but we plan an.ther heist so.n.
  • Aljwaf Crypt, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
    • gravestone (5, 13)
      Here lies Sabi, beloved concubine of the great and terrible Al Jwaf.
    • magic_mouth (5, 11)
      You hear a strange echo.
    • graverobber's note (3, 6)
      The tomb lies deep below. ...many traps... ...keep to the coloured tile... Beware the guardians!
    • scroll (2, 10)
      The tomb is finished, I have placed your gems where you may find them my beloved. Hurry to me. You have but to step through the gate.
    • magic_mouth (1, 1)
      You hear the sound of shifting sand...
  • Aljwaf Hall
    • magic_mouth (17, 16)
  • Aljwaf Hall, Inner Sanctum
    • magic_mouth (19, 2)
      Halt! Who goes there?
      No man may enter the tomb of Al Jwaf.
    • magic_mouth (16, 22)
    • letter (14, 27)
      Dear Renn,
      I am looking forward to your return home. I know it was a great opportunity for you to be a foreman on this construction job, but we miss you all the same.
       - Your mom.
    • magic_mouth (10, 0)
    • magic_mouth (5, 0)
      Go to your doom robber!
  • Aljwaf Tomb
    • gravestone (4, 4)
      Here lies the bones of our Lord Aljwaf the terrible. May none disturb his eternal slumber.
  • Alter
    • note (8, 6)
      The Great Thief -M.F.-
    • note (8, 6)
  • Amphis
    • sign (78, 36)
      Foreign language department
    • sign (78, 12)
      Math & Physics Departments
    • sign (76, 37)
      To RAK
    • sign (59, 15)
      Let's play music
    • sign (27, 27)
    • book (17, 4)
      EG 101
      EG 201
      EG 203
    • sign (15, 23)
      Private Ltd
      Do not disturb
    • sign (11, 25)
      U've been warned
  • Ancient Basement
    • sign (2, 13)
      Melvinus, Wizard of Dark Paths, Esq.
      Visitors please request audience with my secretary.
  • Ancient Ruins, Cave
    • sign (3, 11)
      Using bombs is very efficient killing method.
  • Angel's Abode
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      You see an Angel appear before you The Angle says:
      "Stop brave adventurer...do not take what is not your from this lonely hovel. The owners have gone through great hardships. So if you do feel the need to take anything YOU WILL DIE!"
  • Angry Giant's Bungalow
    • sign (6, 14)
      Warning, the angry giant is not only angry, but he is a pretty tough customer. You should be at least 8th level to enter, and 10th to kill the giant.
  • Animal Quarantine
    • magic_mouth (20, 37)
      A cowering worker cringes in terror. HELP!!@#$@# The Animals!! They've TAKEN OVER~!@@$
    • sign (17, 37)
      Warning! Higher level characters only!!
  • Apartment Building
    • magic_mouth (24, 14)
      Suite #
    • magic_mouth (20, 14)
      Apartment #1
    • magic_mouth (16, 14)
      Apartment #1
    • README (12, 10)
      With this map you can buy keys to the various rooms, in which you can store stuff.
      The stuff you drop off will stick around indefinitely (will not be reset with map resets). This gives a place to permanently store stuff.
    • magic_mouth (7, 11)
      Apartment #4
    • magic_mouth (6, 11)
      Apartment #1
    • magic_mouth (2, 11)
      Apartment #3
    • magic_mouth (1, 11)
      Apartment #2
  • Ara Nor
    • statue (8, 15)
      Outpost Ara Nor
      This outpost commissioned in the memory of Lord Ara of the sharp eye. Hero of the Denau Uprising.
  • Arena Battleground
    • First Aid Station (33, 3)
      First Aid Station
    • First Aid Station (31, 1)
      First Aid Station
    • sign (23, 38)
      Use these handles to add obstacles of your choice to the arena. You have to agree with your opponent on the selection of obstacles.
    • info (19, 41)
      Place your winning-bets on the red squares each. When you're both satisfied, pull the levers and step on the teleporters.
    • magic_mouth (17, 29)
      A cheering crowd is waiting for you upstairs... You are the hero of the day!
    • info (15, 41)
      Place your winning-bets on the red squares each. When you're both satisfied, pull the levers and step on the teleporters.
    • sign (11, 38)
      Use these handles to add obstacles of your choice to the arena. You have to agree with your opponent on the selection of obstacles.
    • 11 (4, 43)
      Ladieees aaand Gentelmeeen!! The Gladiators are ready for Cooombaaat!
    • 15 (4, 36)
    • Snacks & Drinks (3, 33)
      Snacks & Drinks
    • Snacks & Drinks (1, 31)
      Snacks & Drinks
  • Arena Entrance
    • About the Arena (18, 21)
      The Arena is a place where friends can fight each other without facing actual death penalties. Two players and 100 platinum are needed to enter; just go to the registration office to the north.
    • How it Works (18, 20)
      Before combat, both players are given the opportunity to set certain conditions, such as obstacles, for the match. They can also decide to place winning bets. Peaceful mode is automatically ignored. This means that you can attack your opponents by simply running into them. The one who is victorious will gain all of the treasure. This is not required. The winner also receives one finger of the defeated foe as a trophy for victory. Neither combatant will earn experience.
    • Safety (18, 19)
      The Arena Director takes safety very seriously. Because of this, the Arena is a very safe place. The loser will find himself in the first-aid station, with no loss of experience or stats. Moreoever, inside the arena, draining attacks don't take effect and acid doesn't harm equipment, so there is NOTHING to be afraid of.
    • Information Booth (14, 21)
      Here you'll find everything you need to know about the arena.
    • Souvenirs (14, 15)
      Buy souvenirs!
    • Scorn Battle Arena (11, 21)
      Welcome to the famous Scorn Battle Arena! If you don't know how it works, visit the information booth to the right.
    • Gladiator's Registry Office (11, 10)
      Ever wanted to battle your friends without having to fear death? - Then step ahead. (If the spikes are closed the ARENA is already occupied.)
    • sign (11, 6)
      All payments are final. No refunds.
      Items placed up for betting are forfeit if one or both players quit the arena before a final decision (kill) is made. Items will be sold to defray the cost of refunding the spectator fees.
    • Tickets (8, 15)
      Two ways of entering the terraces of the area: Pay 50 plat to the guards each time, or buy a permanent ticket once!
    • 4 (0, 20)
      The eastern gate is set in motion...
    • 2 (0, 17)
      The western gate is set in motion...
  • Arena of Lake Country
    • sign (38, 28)
      Go left all the way and turn to find the exit.
    • sign (38, 1)
      Go left all the way and turn to find the exit.
    • sign (23, 28)
      Go left all the way and turn to find the exit.
    • sign (23, 1)
      Go left all the way and turn to find the exit.
    • sign (10, 1)
      Go left all the way and turn to find the exit.
    • sign (9, 28)
      Go left all the way and turn to find the exit.
    • sign (9, 19)
      Go to middle of the arena and say 'start' when you are ready. No magic is can be casted in the arena and adjacent areas to prevent magical means of fleeing..
    • sign (1, 21)
      This arena is used to judge if a prisoner should die or allowed to be free. If you want to try your luck go to the towers of luck in inner city.
       -Arena Management
  • Astral Vault
    • note (28, 13)
      Welcome to the Astral Vault!
      * The area with the grey marble can be customized with buildable materials
      ** IMPORTANT: Customize the floor tiles in the vault (grey marble tiles) before trying to save items on it!!!
      ** HINT: There are 256 buildable floor tiles in the vault
      ** NO items are saved on the white tiles
      * Only one gate from one regional bank can be open at a time
      * The storage area is a no_spells area
  • Atelir of Artifact (Prison)
    • magic_mouth (5, 1)
      Something written on the door:
       sphinx's head
       Giant Worm's eye
       mithril chainmail
       dragon's heart
       demon's head
       bottle of wine
       potion of aethereality"
  • Atelir of Artifact (Prison), Level 2
    • magic_mouth (26, 1)
      The cristal ball are fixed at the Mysterious Altar. So you cannot get it.
    • magic_mouth (25, 2)
      Statue says:
        "One who robs the cristal will be cursed."
  • Azumauindo Guard House
    • magic_mouth (15, 18)
      A strange force pushes you away from the garden.
    • magic_mouth (15, 11)
      A strange force pushes you away from the garden.
    • magic_mouth (14, 18)
      A strange force pushes you away from the garden.
    • magic_mouth (14, 11)
      A strange force pushes you away from the garden.
  • Back
    • sign (5, 9)
      Say 'back' to go back.
  • Bank of Skud
    • magic_mouth (13, 14)
      Welcome to Skud's Currency Exchange. Please form a single file line. Have a nice day.
    • magic_mouth (12, 14)
      Welcome to Skud's Currency Exchange. Please form a single file line. Have a nice day.
    • magic_mouth (11, 14)
      Welcome to Skud's Currency Exchange. Please form a single file line. Have a nice day.
  • Bank of Skud, Lone Town Branch
    • Accounts (9, 16)
      Please use the next available teller.
  • Bank of Skud, Navar Branch
    • magic_mouth (11, 13)
      The guard eyes you suspiciously as you pass him.
    • sign (11, 9)
    • magic_mouth (10, 13)
      The guard eyes you suspiciously as you pass him.
    • magic_mouth (9, 13)
      The guard eyes you suspiciously as you pass him.
  • Bank of Skud, Nurnberg Branch
    • sign (21, 5)
  • Barren Crypt
    • book (8, 17)
      Once there stood upon the desert, a city called Narcopin, ruled by a dynasty of kings, wise and powerful. In time the monarchs grew less wise but more powerful. The last of their line was Aljwaf the terrible. His reign was bloody and he made enemies of all the neighbouring lands. His troops put women and children to the sword, he consorted with evil forces. It is said he cared for nothing save a single concubine. He fashioned a necklace for her made of one ruby, two emeralds and three sapphires. His reign ended when he was stricken with an unknown wasting disease and died horribly after a long illness. Some said the illness came from his evil dealings, they were quickly impaled for treason. Narcopin was razed to the ground by the surrounding kingdoms within six months of his death.
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      You hear a faint muttering.
  • Barrier Station
    • magic_mouth (23, 7)
      This is the Barrier Station. Please bring up your passports.
    • 3 (14, 10)
      The guards examine your passport.
    • 2 (14, 4)
      The huge gate is set into motion...
    • magic_mouth (6, 7)
      This is the Barrier Station. Please bring up your passports.
  • Bed Room
    • picture book (7, 1)
      This is a picture book for children.
  • Beginners
    • Type an A to read (15, 28)
      This is the beginning of a guided tour into Crossfire. To fight monsters you run directly at them. The sooner you kill them off the better. Try standing on top of the handle at your right and press the 'A'-key. The gate will then open and a monster will try to attack you. Run directly toward it to knock it down. Good luck!
    • Type an A to read (15, 25)
      You survived. That is promising ;-> As mentioned it is better the sooner you kill off the beasts. That way they do not get so much time to hurt you. To go really fast you can hold down the Control-key to run in a direction. Try opening the gate at your right and run in by holding down the control-key and just pressing the direction key _once_.
    • Read by typing an A (15, 22)
      Practice to run with the Control-key down once more. Speed is very important in this game. Another thing that you should know is that to fight many beasts at once can be dangerous. You may be badly injured before you manage to kill them all off. Well, go practice now!
    • A A A A A .... (15, 19)
      It is time to get to know some other monsters. Monsters generate from monster generators and you should try to destroy the generators as early as possible, to limit the number of monsters being produced. So, open the gate at your right and destroy the face-shaped generator right away. Do not waste time reading this ;-)
    • sign (15, 16)
      Not all monsters have generators and not all monsters need a generator to reproduce. Sometimes you get a reward for winning a hard battle. By the way: Chests are opened by pressing the key 'A' while standing on top of them or by pressing 'a' if you have it in your inventory. The middle mouse button can also be used. Try it out.
    • sign (15, 13)
      All doors are not the same. Some need keys and some need strange button mechanisms :) If you don't have a key, you can try to hack the door to pieces. Beware of standing on a gate when it starts to go up.
    • sign (15, 9)
      Now you are on your own until the next sign.
    • sign (15, 2)
      Did you find anything?
    • sign (14, 8)
      Now let us see how well you do in _real_ combat.
      Good luck!
    • sign (14, 4)
      Spell training area. To cast a spell e.g. small fireball type: 'cast small fire
      When you have done this you will notice that the Range line changes to: "spell (small fireball)"
      You now do the same as you do when you fire arrows. Hold down the SHIFT-key and press a direction key. But beware. Spells can and often do hurt you...
    • sign (14, 1)
      Here you can test your shooting weapons or spells if you possess any. If you have readied a bow and have some arrows handy, you can fire by holding the SHIFT-key down while pressing a direction. Your arrows fly for ever if they do not hit anything. Make sure you pick up your arrows. Arrows easily burn ... You apply a bow by clicking on it with the middle mouse button.
    • sign (9, 4)
      Go get the wand, apply it, open the gate, fire at the monsters and RUN! CAREFUL: YOU MAY HURT YOURSELF ...
  • Beginners 2 Entry
    • sign (10, 6)
      One Potion of Shielding and one Potion of Heroism
    • sign (4, 6)
      One Potion of Healing and one Minor Potion of Life
  • Beginners Entry
    • sign (10, 6)
      One Potion of Minor Life
    • sign (4, 6)
      One Potion of Healing
  • Beginners2
    • Looking alone is not sufficient (17, 5)
      Not all that looks alike is the same.
    • Do not enter! (12, 4)
      You must learn when to fight, and when NOT to fight!
    • Test doors for traps before opening (8, 14)
      Test a door for traps before you open it or you may regret it.
    • Check for Traps (8, 9)
      Check for traps before entering this corridor.
    • Rune of Marking (6, 11)
      If you enter this corridor and don't react fast, you will die!
    • Check chests for Traps (3, 13)
      Always check chests for traps as they may be trapped also!
  • Bingo Hall
    • magic_mouth (9, 4)
      Don't steal the bingo money!
  • Bizuzu's Treasure Room
    • sign (5, 4)
      Bizuzu's Treasure Room.
  • BlackMind, Grave
    • gravestone of BlackMind (6, 7)
  • BlackMind, Holes
    • note (10, 9)
      Go to hell!
  • Bob's House
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      Beware of guard dogs
    • sign (10, 14)
      Thieves are severely penalized in this town!!!
      It would be nice of you not to bother with others' lives.
  • Bomb de Pon
    • sign (26, 25)
      In this corridor, the only place you can use magic is on the marking rune.
    • Rune of Marking (26, 22)
      You can cast magic here.
    • Instruction2 (24, 20)
      Don't turn left carelessly, or you'll catch cold breath.
      Move on to the marking rune quickly, and invoke create earth wall.
    • Rune of Marking (22, 22)
      Cast create bomb from here.
    • Rune of Marking (19, 22)
      Cast create bomb from here.
    • Instruction (16, 20)
      Create bomb is a very powerful spell.
      1. Move to on the marking rune and invoke create earth wall to the north.
      2. Pull the lever to open the gate.
      3. Move on to the marking rune and invoke create bomb to the north.
      4. Escape from explosion.
    • Do you have a Potion of Shielding? (10, 17)
      Bombs should be used carefully.
    • Proof Scroll (10, 17)
    • sign (8, 4)
      Bombs Transfer System:
      1. Put bombs on the teleporter.
      2. Pull the lever.
      Don't enter the teleporter!
    • magic_mouth (7, 1)
      Here is the lever!
    • sign (5, 24)
      Bombs Transfer System (in trouble):
      1. Put bombs on the teleporter.
      2. Pull the lever.
      Don't enter the teleporter.
  • Bone House
    • magic_mouth (15, 9)
      ACK!!! A house of the Dead!!!!
  • Bowyer's Workshop
    • book (10, 3)
      Projectiles of Lightning can be made with 20 arrows or bolts and the tooth of a skull.
    • book (3, 8)
      Projectiles of Poison can be made with 20 arrows or bolts and the stinger of a scorpion.
    • book (3, 7)
      Projectiles of Paralysis can be made with 20 arrows or bolts and the eye of a beholder.
    • book (3, 6)
      Create projectiles of Cold with 20 bolts or arrows and the remnants of a ghost.
    • book (3, 5)
      Create projectiles of Fire with 20 bolts or arrows and the meat of a wyvern.
    • book (3, 3)
      Create projectiles of Slay Dragon with 20 bolts or arrows and a single claw from one of the beasts.
  • Breezy Acres
    • sign (23, 21)
      Number four, Breezy Acres.
    • sign (13, 4)
      Number Two, Breezy Acres.
    • sign (10, 9)
      Number One, Breezy Acres.
    • sign (10, 2)
      **Breezy Acres**
      Very Ventilated Condominimums at Afordable Rates.
    • sign (9, 12)
      Number Three, Breezy Acres.
    • White's Study (2, 9)
      Read now of the superstitious animal cults which were commonly worshiped before the age of enlightenment, and still today in remoter areas and wild lands. Of particular note were the cult of the Bear, the cult of the Spider, the cult of the Serpent, and the cult of the  Great nations were formed based on the worship of these creatures. Nations now mostly fallen and forgotten.
      - B.Z.White
  • Brest Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (9, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (9, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Brest Inn
    • magic_mouth (22, 16)
      Private Dining Hall (20 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (22, 7)
      Private Dining Hall (20 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (17, 7)
      Group Suite (20 platinum)
    • Rooms (13, 18)
      Most rooms can be used for multiple days without repayment; just don't close the lever behind you!
    • magic_mouth (12, 7)
      Group Suite (20 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (10, 16)
      Bargain Bunks (5 silver)
    • magic_mouth (9, 10)
      Double Room (10 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (9, 7)
      Master Suite (50 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (7, 16)
      Economy Room (5 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (6, 16)
      Economy Room (5 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (4, 16)
      Economy Room (5 platinum)
    • magic_mouth (3, 16)
      Economy Room (5 platinum)
  • Brest Magic
    • magic_mouth (3, 18)
      The Ground level of the Tower
    • magic_mouth (3, 17)
      The Ground level of the Tower
  • Brest Town House
    • Brest Town House Owner Guide (8, 26)
      Welcome to your new town house located in beautiful downtown Brest. Brest Realty hopes you will have a long and happy residency in our town.
      Note that many areas of your new home are buildable. Some materials may not fit with the existing walls and floors in your town house so choose your building materials wisely. You may find the town house completely usable as is and feel no need to add-on with building materials. However, the ability to modify your town home is available should you desire it.
    • magic_mouth (6, 31)
      Please drop 5000 diamonds here to purchase a town house. Thank you.
  • Brest Trade Market
    • Brest Trademarket (8, 15)
      Welcome to the Brest Trademarket.
      Here 2 players may place their tradable goods in the trade zones.
      Then both players can turn their levers to complete the trade.
      Note: put only on object on each teleporter please.
    • Trader 1 (6, 13)
  • Burial Ground
    • howling voice (6, 6)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (6, 6)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (6, 6)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (6, 6)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Bear's gravestone (6, 6)
      I wish for a beer..
    • howling voice (6, 5)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (6, 5)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (6, 5)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (6, 5)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (6, 4)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (6, 4)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (6, 4)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (6, 4)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (6, 3)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (6, 3)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (6, 3)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (6, 3)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Memorial of 444719 (6, 3)
      High Priestess of Fido, Marshall of the Crusaders.
    • howling voice (6, 2)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (6, 2)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (6, 2)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (6, 2)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Ragnor's Gravestone (6, 2)
      Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.
    • howling voice (6, 1)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (6, 1)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (6, 1)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (6, 1)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Kashu's gravestone (6, 1)
      I wish someone bring Dragonbane back and rid the land of dragons.
    • howling voice (5, 6)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (5, 6)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (5, 6)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (5, 6)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (5, 5)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (5, 5)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (5, 5)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (5, 5)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Elbereth's gravestone (5, 5)
      Peace! In life or in death!!
    • howling voice (5, 4)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (5, 4)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (5, 4)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (5, 4)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Jurudan's Gravestone (5, 4)
      Jurudan the Blond rests here.
    • howling voice (5, 3)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (5, 3)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (5, 3)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (5, 3)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (5, 2)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (5, 2)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (5, 2)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (5, 2)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Igor's gravestone (5, 2)
      Death cannot trap me!
    • howling voice (5, 1)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (5, 1)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (5, 1)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (5, 1)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Ancient Gravestone (5, 1)
      Simosianius Alidritus Rests Here.
    • howling voice (4, 6)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (4, 6)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (4, 6)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (4, 6)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (4, 5)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (4, 5)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (4, 5)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (4, 5)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Morind's Gravestone (4, 5)
      *** RIP ***
      Morind Termaness
    • howling voice (4, 4)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (4, 4)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (4, 4)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (4, 4)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Jurudas's Gravestone (4, 4)
      Jurudas Sleeps Forever Here.
    • howling voice (4, 3)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (4, 3)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (4, 3)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (4, 3)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Farkhenn's Gravestone (4, 3)
      Last House of Family Farkhenn. Please clean your feet before stepping inside.
    • howling voice (4, 2)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (4, 2)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (4, 2)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (4, 2)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Driffens Gravestone (4, 2)
      Remember Us, the Driffens!
    • howling voice (4, 1)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (4, 1)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (4, 1)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (4, 1)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Hrivenness's Gravestone (4, 1)
      Hrivernness Rests Here, after a short life of 947 years.
    • howling voice (3, 6)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (3, 6)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (3, 6)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (3, 6)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (3, 5)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (3, 5)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (3, 5)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (3, 5)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (3, 4)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (3, 4)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (3, 4)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (3, 4)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Klurissa's Gravestone (3, 4)
      May She Eternally Hunt Dragons, In the Celestial Caves of Oron.
    • howling voice (3, 3)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (3, 3)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (3, 3)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (3, 3)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Ancient Gravestone (3, 3)
      I told them I was sick!
    • howling voice (3, 2)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (3, 2)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (3, 2)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (3, 2)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Gurunarri's Gravestone (3, 2)
      In Memoriam, His Wife and 44 Children.
    • howling voice (3, 1)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (3, 1)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (3, 1)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (3, 1)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Unnamed Gravestone (3, 1)
      Whoever he may be, may He Find Fido(tm).
    • howling voice (2, 6)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (2, 6)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (2, 6)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (2, 6)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Arch Stenton's Gravestone (2, 6)
      Arch Stenton Lies Here, and died as he lived, without any gold in his pockets.
    • howling voice (2, 5)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (2, 5)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (2, 5)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (2, 5)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (2, 4)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (2, 4)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (2, 4)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (2, 4)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • A nearly erased Gravestone (2, 4)
      H.j..uik .es. H.r.
    • howling voice (2, 3)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (2, 3)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (2, 3)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (2, 3)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Volgenriss's Gravestone (2, 3)
      Volgenriss Sleeps forever Here.
    • howling voice (2, 2)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (2, 2)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (2, 2)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (2, 2)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • IronWolf's gravestone (2, 2)
      I will revenge!
    • howling voice (2, 1)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (2, 1)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (2, 1)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (2, 1)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (1, 6)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (1, 6)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (1, 6)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (1, 6)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • EagleEye's gravestone (1, 6)
      I wish to rest in peace.
    • howling voice (1, 5)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (1, 5)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (1, 5)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (1, 5)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • howling voice (1, 4)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!"
    • eerie voice (1, 4)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (1, 4)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (1, 4)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • X. Ofrendisa's Gravestone (1, 4)
      Here lies Xavines Ofrendisa,
      Fourth Princess of Khundsdorf
    • howling voice (1, 3)
      "Tell me my name..."
    • eerie voice (1, 3)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (1, 3)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!"
    • sad voice (1, 3)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Sannantes's Gravestone (1, 3)
      Sannantes Rests Here.
    • Angel of Death (1, 2)
      A magnificent but somewhat frightful statue.
    • howling voice (1, 1)
      A voice howls in rage, "DIE!!
    • eerie voice (1, 1)
      An eerie voice whispers, "Live ... Not ..."
    • mad voice (1, 1)
      A mad voice shouts, "DIE!!!
    • sad voice (1, 1)
      A sad voice weeps, "He died ..."
    • Ragnarok's gravestone (1, 1)
      I wish to see Morrigan once more.
  • Butakis' Elite Training Tower, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (22, 17)
    • magic_mouth (22, 15)
    • sign (21, 13)
      Warning 2:
      Specially named monsters may be a lot harder than others of their kind. They were selected out of their kind to perform certain functions.
    • magic_mouth (20, 22)
      Trapped inside this room?
      Say exit to get teleporterd out of here.
    • sign (19, 13)
      Warning 1:
      Do not leave litter on teleporters or other transporters. That will stop them from properly functioning.
    • magic_mouth (18, 17)
    • magic_mouth (18, 15)
    • sign (14, 21)
    • sign (13, 14)
  • Butakis' Elite Training Tower, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (31, 12)
      If you can't teleport out with the right activation word, it is only because someone litter here and made the teleporter malfunction. Clear it up and it will function again.
    • magic_mouth (29, 12)
      If you can't teleport out with the right activation word, it is only because someone litter here and made the teleporter malfunction. Clear it up and it will function again.
    • magic_mouth (29, 9)
      If you can't teleport out with the right activation word, it is only because someone litter here and made the teleporter malfunction. Clear it up and it will function again.
    • sign (28, 22)
      One dark elf at the end of the room holds the key to the treasure room. Kill him, get the key and take your rewards.
      The gate may close behind you as you enter. Stand in front of the gate to reopen it from within.
    • magic_mouth (27, 14)
      If you can't teleport out with the right activation word, it is only because someone litter here and made the teleporter malfunction. Clear it up and it will function again.
    • magic_mouth (26, 9)
      If you can't teleport out with the right activation word, it is only because someone litter here and made the teleporter malfunction. Clear it up and it will function again.
    • sign (24, 10)
      To go in, step on the teleporter and say, 'in'.
      To come out, step on the inside teleporter and say, 'out'.
      One of the dark elf inside has a key to the treasure room.
      Good luck!!
      Warning: Littering on teleporter will make it malfunction.
    • magic_mouth (22, 21)
      Drop 10 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (22, 20)
      Drop six foods to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (21, 22)
      Drop six foods to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (21, 19)
      Drop 10 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (20, 22)
      Drop 10 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (20, 19)
      Drop six foods to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (19, 21)
      Drop six foods to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (19, 20)
      Drop 10 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
    • sign (19, 13)
      Garbage disposal
    • sign (18, 31)
      When you are ready, step on the teleporter to the right, and say the word, 'Charge'. You will be teleported within the fences. The exit it located at the other end of the room, a teleporter. Test you courage and strength.
    • sign (16, 31)
      This room is quit a bit harder than the room to the north. Monsters move in a pattern. You will get a bit more than regular experience out of them.
      The gate may close behind you as you enter. Stand in front of the gate to reopen it from within.
  • Butakis' Elite Training Tower, Level 2
    • sign (31, 23)
      That was the famous death tree formation by peterm.
    • sign (31, 19)
      A lot of dungeon place are like this, you don't know what's in there and you can't get back out once you get in. Also there are places where walls seemingly solid can be passed. There is a treasure room within and you need three keys to access the treasure. Say the word 'start' to reveal the surprise. Say the word, 'open' or 'out' to come back out. Good Luck!
    • sign (24, 31)
      Giants are big and slow, making them not very maneuverable. There are several ways to kill them safely.
    • sign (23, 16)
      This room you can enter from the opposite side and kill your opponents or run pass them to the near end to teleport out. Step on the teleporter, say 'in' to go in and 'open' to start the fight.
    • magic_mouth (22, 21)
      Drop twelve small diamonds to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (22, 20)
      Drop 500 gold coins to pay the training fee.
    • sign (21, 15)
      To go to klondor's wand shop, enter here.
    • magic_mouth (19, 21)
      Drop fifteen foods to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (19, 20)
      Drop 100 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
    • sign (19, 13)
      Garbage disposal
    • sign (17, 31)
      Ogres, small trolls, dark elves and gnomes. Be careful!
    • sign (10, 20)
      Room upwards contains fast-moving, poisonous species that's hard to deal with even to higher level players. Research the best way to deal with them. Good Luck!
      Use the middle mouse button to click on the handle in your look window to correctly turn the handle.
    • sign (9, 20)
      Fast moving gnomes are hard to hit. And they have the sneaky strategy of hit and run. Hard to deal with sometimes. Dark elves uses missile weapons and can be hard also. Good luck!
    • sign (9, 14)
      These are poisonous species. Be careful. Poison can last more than a while sometimes.
  • Butakis' Elite Training Tower, Level 3
    • sign (26, 11)
      Congratulations for making so far. It's a good option to step on the teleporter and leave now. But there are greater rewards with greater challenge waiting.
    • Dark panther (21, 23)
      @match push|how|get
      If you have the dust I requested, I won't push you back.
      @match banisher
      The Undead Banisher is the weapon on the table behind me. It's the prize of finishing the training. It is one of the greatest weapon one can acquire. It is feared by all undeads. Its power grows with the master of the weapon.
      @match prize|training
      If you finish the training and get the dust of the Fierce Spectre to prove it, I will give you a prize.
      @match *
      Hello. Finish the training and you may get a prize.
    • sign (20, 19)
      This is the undead training level. Be careful, some of them drain you! And other nasty things. You need special magical dust to pass through walls. And some undead carry them. So you need to find them before you run out of magical dust. Extreme caution is advised.
    • magic_mouth (19, 21)
      Drop thirty diamonds to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (19, 20)
      Drop 250 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (16, 21)
      You need some of these special magic to pass the some of the walls.
  • Butakis' Elite Training Tower, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (22, 21)
      Drop sixty small diamonds to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (19, 20)
      Drop 500 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
  • Butakis' Elite Training Tower, Level 5
    • sign (20, 19)
      You will die without means to protect from fire!! Be warned!
    • magic_mouth (19, 21)
      Drop sixty diamonds to pay the training fee.
    • magic_mouth (19, 20)
      Drop 500 platinum coins to pay the training fee.
  • Cage
    • Bizuzu (8, 6)
      @match yes|no
      You have no choice idiot... Now go to hell!
      @match help|please|mercy
      Uuurgh! Can't you die with honor?
      @match *
      Hahaha, stupid guy! We're bored so we'll kill you for a change... haha! Is that okay for you?
  • Captain Connor's Stronghold
    • statue (7, 23)
      Captain Connor
      He'd never ask us to do anything (or one) he wouldn't do himself
    • statue (7, 21)
      Julian the Apostate
      Harbinger of the Doomed Rat
      Ship's Navigator
      And a ruthless Bastard
    • statue (7, 19)
      Wiggs the Priest
      The Posterboy for the Seven Deadly Sins
      He puts the Adult in Adultery
    • statue (6, 18)
      Sable Hoxie
      First he led the Clan,
      Now, he plays the fiddle.
      Where do you think Nero learned?
    • statue (4, 18)
      Buccaneer Bodingo
      Ships El Buracho
      "Drinking and Wenching, Drinking and Wenching, When do we attack?"
    • statue (2, 18)
      Capt. J. Hook
      A truly bloodthirsty dog
  • Casino Infernal, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (21, 16)
      You hear angry muttering coming from inside this slot machine. Perhaps it is broken.
    • Gold Slots (18, 15)
      Odds for Gold Slots:
      3 Clubs pay  1
      3 Staffs pay  2
      3 Shields pay  3
      3 Swords pay  4
      3 Wands pay  5
      3 Scrolls pay  10
      3 Jackpots pay  20
      4 Clubs pay  10%
      4 Staffs pay  15%
      4 Shields pay  20%
      4 Swords pay  25%
      4 Wands pay  35%
      4 Scrolls pay  50%
      4 Jackpots pay  100%
    • Diamond Slots (18, 13)
      Odds for Diamond Slots:
      3 Silver pay 1
      3 Gold pay 2
      3 Platinum pay 3
      3 Sapphires pay 4
      3 Emeralds pay 5
      3 Rubies pay 6
      3 Diamond pay 10
      3 Jackpots pay  15
      4 Silver pay 10%
      4 Gold pay 15%
      4 Platinum pay 25%
      4 Sapphires pay 30%
      4 Emeralds pay 40%
      4 Rubies pay 50%
      4 Diamond pay 60%
      4 Jackpots pay  100%
    • Imperial Slots (18, 12)
      Odds for Imperial Slots:
      3 Dreads pay 1
      3 Dragons pay  2
      3 Knights pay  3
      3 Wizards pay  4
      3 Titans pay  5
      3 Septres pay  6
      3 Emperors pay  10
      3 Jackpots pay  20
      4 Dreads pay  10%
      4 Dragons pay  15%
      4 Knights pay  20%
      4 Wizards pay  25%
      4 Titans pay  30%
      4 Septres pay  40%
      4 Emperors pay  50%
      4 Jackpots pay  100%
    • magic_mouth (15, 10)
      Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the war
      Waterloo - Promise to love you for ever more
      Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I wanted to
      Waterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with you
      Waterloo - Finally facing my Waterloo
    • magic_mouth (13, 10)
      My my, at Napoleon did surrender. Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way. The history book on the shelf. Is always repeating itself.
    • Gold Slots (12, 15)
      Odds for Gold Slots:
      3 Clubs pay  1
      3 Staffs pay  2
      3 Shields pay  3
      3 Swords pay  4
      3 Wands pay  5
      3 Scrolls pay  10
      3 Jackpots pay  20
      4 Clubs pay  10%
      4 Staffs pay  15%
      4 Shields pay  20%
      4 Swords pay  25%
      4 Wands pay  35%
      4 Scrolls pay  50%
      4 Jackpots pay  100%
    • Platinum Slots (12, 13)
      Odds for Platinum Slots:
      3 Jesters pays  1
      3 Lords pays  2
      3 Ladies pays  3
      3 Princes pays 4
      3 Princesses pays  5
      3 Queens pays 10
      3 Kings pays 20
      3 Jackpots pays 25
      4 Jesters pays  10%
      4 Lords pays  15%
      4 Ladies pays  25%
      4 Princes pays 35%
      4 Princesses pays  40%
      4 Queens pays 50%
      4 Kings pays 60%
      4 Jackpots pays 100%
    • Imperial Slots (12, 12)
      Odds for Imperial Slots:
      3 Dreads pay  1
      3 Dragons pay  2
      3 Knights pay  3
      3 Wizards pay  4
      3 Titans pay  5
      3 Septres pay  6
      3 Emperors pay  10
      3 Jackpots pay  20
      4 Dreads pay  10%
      4 Dragons pay  15%
      4 Knights pay  20%
      4 Wizards pay  25%
      4 Titans pay  30%
      4 Septres pay  40%
      4 Emperors pay  50%
      4 Jackpots pay  100%
    • Bank (10, 23)
      Imperial Bank of Skud kiosk.
  • Castle Bauer Entrance
    • magic_mouth (12, 1)
      You hear voices from the other side of the wall:
      "voice A: Have you found the path to Eureca's treasure rooms yet?
       voice B: Not yet.. I'm sorry. There must be a well-hidden passage somewhere. But sooner or later we'll find it.
       voice A: Tell your team of losers and idiots they shall HURRY UP!! I need Eureca's treasure, so that I can conquer the whole of Pup Land!
       voice C: ...And what about Eureca?
       voice A: Do I look like Eureca's babysitter?! He is gone, so this country needs a new king... Pup Land needs ME! Bua hua ha ha!
  • Castle Bauer, Fourth Floor
    • magic_mouth (1, 7)
      Written on the Converter:
       "Please drop a huge gold nugget."
  • Castle Bauer, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (18, 3)
  • Castle Bauer, Third Floor
    • Bauer's notes (14, 4)
      ... Eureca's treasure chambers are not only filled with jewels, gold and artifacts. There is also a huge gold nugget of incredible value.
  • Castle de Clouds, Dungeon
    • sign (41, 52)
      Operating Room
    • sign (36, 45)
      Operating Room
  • Castle Gatehouse
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      Halt, enemy of Scorn!
  • Castle Kitchen
    • magic_mouth (7, 4)
      Castle kitchen - authorized personnel only.
    • magic_mouth (6, 4)
      Castle kitchen - authorized personnel only.
  • Castle of Brittany, Entrance
    • sign (9, 13)
      Don't kill the sages they are so nice!
  • Castle of Brittany, Finale
    • sign (5, 45)
      Titanic fun ahead!
  • Castle of Eureca, 2nd Level
    • Lauretta's Diary (18, 1)
      We have been attacked by monsters suddenly. Eureca led us in this room, and then he ran out of the castle to ask someone for help. We are still waiting for him.
      My son and I are afraid that this secret room will be discovered by the monsters soon...
    • magic_mouth (14, 16)
      An oven.
  • Castle of Eureca, 4th Level
    • scroll (22, 20)
      You are very clever! So I'll give you a special hint to treasure!
      o:hidden pit
      X:entrance to treasure room
      *   *
      *   *
    • magic_mouth (7, 17)
      You feel a premonition of DANGER!
    • Sokoban (3, 5)
            | o  oo|
            |ooo oo|
            |oooo o|
            | ooo o|
            |ooo oo|
            |o o oo|
      +-----+ o o  |
      | ooo  oo o|=|
      |ooooooo oo|
      |  oooooooo|
      |o*ooo oooo|
      | ooooooooo|
  • Castle of Eureca, 5th Level
    • magic_mouth (20, 35)
      Gothwolte cries:
      Nooo, this can't be happening! I will return and then... Guuuuuhh!!! GWAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!
    • 11 (20, 26)
      You hear an angry voice:
      Mortal! Who are you to challenge the likes of me? I have watched the creation of earth - I have seen birth and implosion of many galaxies! And you? - A baby, a pile of dust!
    • magic_mouth (17, 1)
      Wow, you've never seen such a huge gold nugget before! Too bad you can't pick it up...
    • training arena (9, 41)
      If you enter, you'll be treated like a punching bag.
    • magic_mouth (9, 30)
      Lord Eureca is dying! But his lips are moving, he is trying to say something...
  • Castle of Eureca, 6th Level
    • sign (2, 2)
      Gothwolte's Pet Room
  • Castle of Eureca, 7th Level
    • scroll of warning (14, 11)
      Be careful!
    • sign (2, 4)
      Pet Room2:
      You'd better build earthwalls before opening the door.
  • Castle of Eureca, 8th Level
    • magic_mouth (17, 13)
      An alarm sounds!
    • notice (8, 5)
      Protect the torch from impudent adventurers. It's better to have it destroyed than having it stolen.
       - Gothwolte
  • Castle of Eureca, 9th Level
    • magic_mouth (7, 3)
      You hear a shout:
      Help, Help me!!
  • Castle of Eureca, Dungeon Level 1
    • magic_mouth (10, 8)
      Underground of the castle.
  • Castle of Magara, 2nd Floor
    • sign (24, 17)
      Beware! Try to kill those creatures from distance!!
  • Castle of Magara, Entrance
    • info (2, 1)
      This is a new version of the Castle of Magara. The outlook has been improved and some valuable treasure has been put in to make it more attractive. =)
  • Castle of Magara, Rooftop
    • magic_mouth (4, 4)
      This is the roof of the castle. Huh, the wind picks up speed...
    • magic_mouth (4, 3)
      This is the roof of the castle. Huh, the wind picks up speed...
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      This is the roof of the castle. Huh, the wind picks up speed...
  • Castle of Ra-Gar, Dungeon
    • sign (2, 20)
      WARNING!!!!! Do not pull the lever if you value your life!!
  • Castle of Ra-Gar, Dungeon Level 2
    • sign (15, 5)
      Dis be stuff room... Scruffy wit stuff.. No go in... bad if go in.
  • Castle of the Marquis, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (53, 33)
      A worn inscription reads:
      Leaders of death, followers to consume but they seek... the wraiths look to find... any of ... by elven hands... they seek...
    • magic_mouth (53, 31)
      A worn inscription reads: They seek...
    • magic_mouth (32, 54)
      A worn inscription reads: The enemy of all who wear rings...
    • magic_mouth (27, 7)
      You fall from the ruined stairway.
    • magic_mouth (15, 29)
      Sacrifice is demanded!..
  • Castle of the Marquis, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (53, 41)
      The winds are strong out here.
    • magic_mouth (41, 53)
      It is windy on the roof.
    • magic_mouth (28, 35)
      This is a new area unknown to you... somehow you feel the Marquis is here.
  • Castle Saromok Volcano
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      Impressive... though you have much ahead of you yet. Enter my fortress, if you dare... he he heh.
  • Castle Saromok, Courtyard
    • magic_mouth (18, 27)
    • magic_mouth (17, 27)
      You hear Saromok laughing at you as he smites you from his tower.
  • Castle Saromok, Fire
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh... urghh.... You defeated the Fire Master.
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      Fire Master says: You have overstayed your welcome, you pathetic weakling. By his will, I challenge you to a duel to the death. Do you accept?
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      You are sucked into an alternate dimension!
  • Castle Saromok, Floor 10
    • Saromok's Journal (6, 6)
      Day 1: The orc machine was just finished. This marvel will churn out 1000 orcs a day easily!
      Day 2: The army is coming along nicely, already I have over 1000 skilled orcs under my command.
      Day11: My army of orcs is over 10,000 strong now. No civilization can withstand such an attack.
      Day12: The army is suited up and almost ready to be mobilized. Luckily the only way to stop the destruction of the world now is to kill me, and I am extremely powerful...
  • Castle Saromok, Floor 11
    • magic_mouth (16, 8)
      He he heh.... Saromok animates an object to attack you!
    • magic_mouth (16, 8)
      He he heh.... Saromok animates an object to attack you!
    • magic_mouth (16, 8)
      He he heh.... Saromok animates an object to attack you!
    • magic_mouth (16, 8)
      He he heh.... Saromok animates an object to attack you!
  • Castle Saromok, Floor 12
    • magic_mouth (7, 5)
      You have disabled the focus crystal. This has caused a distortion of the fabric around you and a Worm Hole has appeared.
  • Castle Saromok, Floor 9
    • magic_mouth (20, 7)
      Aaaahhhhhhuughh.... You defeated the Electricity Master.
    • magic_mouth (20, 7)
      Electricity Master says: My master is starting to find your persistence annoying. By his will, I challenge you to a duel to the death. Do you accept?
    • magic_mouth (20, 7)
      You are sucked into an alternate dimension!
  • Castle Saromok, Front Gate
    • magic_mouth (5, 3)
      You feel nervous as you enter Saromok's grand fortress.
    • magic_mouth (4, 3)
      You feel nervous as you enter Saromok's grand fortress.
    • magic_mouth (3, 5)
      It's settled then, here is the key to the volcano. I will enjoy watching my pet destroy you. Should you manage to survive however, my pet dragon has a key to this gate.
  • Castle Saromok, Ice
    • magic_mouth (5, 5)
      Aaaarrrrg.... You defeated the Ice Master.
    • magic_mouth (5, 5)
      Ice Master says: Master says that you are a mockery of a magic user and must be destroyed. By his will, I challenge you to a duel to the death. Do you accept?
    • magic_mouth (5, 5)
      You are sucked into an alternate dimension!
  • Castle Saromok, Top
    • magic_mouth (12, 12)
      Aaarghh... thss... is.... imposs..ble.... ughh.. You have defeated Saromok, the Master Sorceror.
  • Cave of Ordeal, Level 3
    • sign (16, 36)
      You're not finished yet ;-)
    • sign (16, 21)
      Keep pushing the button.
    • scroll (16, 19)
      Say "unusual" to the reception guy.
    • sign (11, 2)
      Unusual kobolds!! They are very dangerous!!! You better not engage them in melee combat.
    • sign (7, 16)
      Don't worry :)
    • sign (4, 6)
      Unusual kobolds!! They are very dangerous!!! You better not engage them in melee combat.
  • Cave Passageway, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (8, 10)
      guard room
  • Cave Passageway, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (14, 9)
      He is...
    • magic_mouth (9, 16)
      You have a bad feeling about this...
      His daughter is...
    • magic_mouth (9, 3)
      His wife is...
    • magic_mouth (7, 10)
      His son is...
  • Cave Passageway, Level 4
    • sign (4, 30)
      You can cast spells here. Do you know "show invisible"?
    • sign (3, 28)
      You can teleport to the other end of this corridor.
    • sign (2, 1)
      The Eternal Road. Can you reach the end of it?
  • Cave Weapon, Antechamber
    • magic_mouth (14, 21)
      Guard Room
  • Cave Weapon, Biological Organisms Research Group
    • sign (15, 15)
      Lab: Biological Organisms Research Group.
    • magic_mouth (14, 10)
      You hear..
       "Hyper madmen have high physical ability. But they are weak in magic..."
    • magic_mouth (14, 2)
      You hear ..
       "Hyper beholders have high magical potential. But their Con is poor..."
    • magic_mouth (6, 14)
      You hear..
       "Hyper kobolds move very quickly, but they are weak..."
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      You hear...
       "Hyper goblins are very strong, but they are too slow..."
    • magic_mouth (4, 2)
      You hear..
       "Hyper demons have high defence abilities. But they have only poor Str..."
  • Cave Weapon, Genome-Project Testing Room
    • info (15, 14)
      Lab: Genome-Project Testing Room. (You cannot use magic here) Demiliches live in the hole behind you. Don't disturb them...
    • 11 (11, 14)
      LOOK! That kobold seems very strong!!!!
  • Cave Weapon, Research Group
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      You hear,
        "Enhanced nunchacu raises Dex, but it is damned..."
    • magic_mouth (14, 10)
      You hear a voice,
        "Enhanced hammer can inflict lots of damage, but it is too heavy.."
    • magic_mouth (14, 2)
      You hear some voice,
        "Enhanced Axe raises your Str, but it drains your Dex..."
    • magic_mouth (6, 14)
      You hear..
        "The Enhanced bow has a poor shooting speed."
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      You hear...
       "The Enhanced staff raises the magic abilities, but it drains Con..."
    • sign (3, 1)
      Lab: Weapon Research Group.
  • Chaos Lair, Antechamber
    • sign (15, 10)
      One third chance the altar is activate.
    • sign (14, 14)
      Place where the pillars get teleported. The pillars that are teleported need to be on top. I put them at the bottom of the file to be safe. Same with walls in Chaos_lair4.
    • magic_mouth (10, 34)
      You feel the vibrating and burning air around you. Though you have experienced thousands of battles, this feeling makes you suffocate in your own adrenaline.
    • magic_mouth (9, 35)
      You feel the vibrating and burning air. Though you have experience thousands of battles, this feeling makes you suffocate in your own adrenaline.
    • magic_mouth (9, 5)
      You sense that the Chaos Lord is very near. Victory in the last battle makes you feel very lucky. But how long will your luck last?
    • magic_mouth (8, 34)
      You feel the vibrating and burning air around you. Though you have experienced thousands of battles, this feeling makes you suffocate in your own adrenaline.
    • magic_mouth (8, 5)
      You sense that the Chaos Lord is very near. Victory in the last battle makes you feel very lucky. But how long will your luck last?
    • magic_mouth (7, 35)
      You feel the vibrating and burning air. Though you have experience thousands of battles, this feeling makes you suffocate in your own adrenaline.
    • magic_mouth (7, 5)
      You sense that the Chaos Lord is very near. Victory in the last battle makes you feel very lucky. But how long will your luck last?
    • magic_mouth (6, 34)
      You feel the vibrating and burning air around you. Though you have experienced thousands of battles, this feeling makes you suffocate in your own adrenaline.
    • magic_mouth (6, 5)
      You sense that the Chaos Lord is very near. Victory in the last battle makes you feel very lucky. But how long will your luck last?
    • magic_mouth (5, 35)
      You feel the vibrating and burning air. Though you have experience thousands of battles, this feeling makes you suffocate in your own adrenaline.
  • Chaos Lair, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (30, 21)
      A feeling of being discovered creeps up your spine.
    • magic_mouth (26, 24)
      A feeling of being discovered creeps up your spine.
    • magic_mouth (21, 19)
      A feeling of being discovered creeps up your spine.
    • magic_mouth (19, 26)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon; because you hear the noise of lots of dragonmen and maybe other creatures.
    • magic_mouth (18, 27)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon; because you hear the noise of lots of dragonmen and maybe other creatures.
    • magic_mouth (18, 17)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon.
    • magic_mouth (17, 15)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon.
    • magic_mouth (16, 27)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon; because you hear the noise of lots of dragonmen and maybe other creatures.
    • magic_mouth (16, 26)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon; because you hear the noise of lots of dragonmen and maybe other creatures.
    • magic_mouth (16, 19)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon.
    • magic_mouth (15, 27)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon; because you hear the noise of lots of dragonmen and maybe other creatures.
    • magic_mouth (15, 15)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon.
    • magic_mouth (15, 13)
      A feeling of being discovered creeps up your spine.
    • magic_mouth (14, 27)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon; because you hear the noise of lots of dragonmen and maybe other creatures.
    • magic_mouth (14, 17)
      You hope nobody will discover will discover you, not too soon.
    • magic_mouth (8, 23)
      A feeling of being discovered creeps up your spine.
    • magic_mouth (4, 17)
      A feeling of being discovered creeps up your spine.
  • Chaos Lair, Finale
    • magic_mouth (11, 19)
      You enter the Lair of the Chaos Lord. Do you see him? If not, you will soon.
    • magic_mouth (10, 19)
      You enter the Lair of the Chaos Lord. Do you see him? If not, you will soon.
    • magic_mouth (9, 19)
      You enter the Lair of the Chaos Lord. Do you see him? If not, you will soon.
    • magic_mouth (8, 19)
      You enter the Lair of the Chaos Lord. Do you see him? If not, you will soon.
  • Chaos Lair, Passageway
    • magic_mouth (16, 6)
      Blasts of hot air coming from inner cavern. Hotter than any fire.
    • magic_mouth (15, 34)
      It's deathly quiet here.
    • magic_mouth (15, 7)
      Blasts of hot air coming from inner cavern. Hotter than any fire.
    • magic_mouth (15, 6)
      Blasts of hot air coming from inner cavern. Hotter than any fire.
    • magic_mouth (14, 34)
      It's deathly quiet here.
    • magic_mouth (14, 31)
      You feel you need to do something to open the gate, a password or to identify yourself.
    • magic_mouth (13, 34)
      It's deathly quiet here.
    • magic_mouth (13, 31)
      You feel you need to do something to open the gate - Some identification might be required here.
    • magic_mouth (12, 34)
      It's deathly quiet here.
    • magic_mouth (12, 31)
      You feel you need to do something to open the gate, a password or to identify yourself.
    • magic_mouth (11, 34)
      It's deathly quiet here.
    • magic_mouth (11, 6)
      Blasts of hot air coming from inner cavern. Hotter than any fire.
    • magic_mouth (11, 5)
      Blasts of hot air coming from inner cavern. Hotter than any fire.
    • magic_mouth (10, 34)
      It's deathly quiet here.
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
      Blasts of hot air coming from inner cavern. Hotter than any fire.
    • 2 (5, 35)
      You broke the silence and summoned the guardians!
  • Chapel of Valkyrie
    • magic_mouth (8, 16)
      May the Deathbringer bless you, faithful warrior!
    • magic_mouth (8, 2)
      Choose your path. When your mission is complete, return to this point and wait a few seconds.
  • Chess Club
    • sign (22, 5)
      Please don't take away the chess-figures! They're worthless anyways.
    • Chess Club (16, 3)
      Welcome to the Scorn Chess Club!
  • Church of Gabriel
    • statue of an angel (14, 1)
      It is a statue of an angel.
    • magic_mouth (12, 2)
      This is my blood.
    • Statue of the archangel Gabriel. (11, 1)
      It is a statue of Archangel Gabriel.
    • magic_mouth (10, 2)
      This is my body.
    • statue of an angel (8, 1)
      It is a statue of an angel.
  • Church of Gabriel, Crypt
    • magic_mouth (29, 6)
      My, my, this church is well stocked.
    • magic_mouth (28, 6)
      This must be the sacramental wine.
  • Church of Gorokh
    • sign (10, 5)
      Here is the list of heroes who discovered Gorokh's secret treasure:
  • Church of Valkyrie
    • magic_mouth (12, 9)
      Testament of your faith awaits you down the stairs. Prove your worth to Valkyrie!
    • magic_mouth (3, 20)
      Crossed swords prevents you from going down this stairwell.
  • Church of Valkyrie, Path of Faith
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      Valkyrie is the goddes of war and battle. Favoried diety of warriors, paladins and other who wish to pick up blade, staff or even the shield.
    • magic_mouth (31, 13)
      Valkyrie is the Destroyer of all that is Unnatural...
    • magic_mouth (31, 5)
      Valkyrie praises those who stand victorious after battle.
    • magic_mouth (30, 22)
      Valkrie the Brave, The Just and The Deathbringer invites you to her Path of Faith. Proceed, young initiate...
    • magic_mouth (30, 21)
      Valkrie the Brave, The Just and The Deathbringer invites you to her Path of Faith. Proceed, young initiate...
    • magic_mouth (30, 18)
      Valkyrie is the goddes of war and battle. Favoried diety of warriors, paladins and other who wish to pick up blade, staff or even the shield.
    • magic_mouth (30, 13)
      Valkyrie is the Destroyer of all that is Unnatural...
    • magic_mouth (30, 5)
      Valkyrie praises those who stand victorious after battle.
    • magic_mouth (29, 21)
      Valkrie the Brave, The Just and The Deathbringer invites you to her Path of Faith. Proceed, young initiate...
    • magic_mouth (28, 29)
      A foe awaits you. Defeat him and prove your worth to all who follow Valkyrie and join the ranks of her supreme army.
    • magic_mouth (27, 29)
      A foe awaits you. Defeat him and prove your worth to all who follow Valkyrie and join the ranks of her supreme army.
    • magic_mouth (22, 28)
      Apply the lever to begin the test.
    • magic_mouth (22, 27)
      Apply the lever to begin the test.
    • magic_mouth (20, 40)
      A choice and a test await you..
    • magic_mouth (20, 39)
      Valkyrie can grant to her faithful a tolken of life which allows her follers to cheat death, but only before she reclaims her gift. Those who are truly faithful can receive this gift, often.
    • magic_mouth (20, 31)
      Take the stairs to decline joining Valkyrie in the glory of battle.. Or turn right and face a short test of your might and skill in battle.
    • magic_mouth (19, 40)
      A choice and a test await you..
    • magic_mouth (19, 39)
      Valkyrie can grant to her faithful a tolken of life which allows her follers to cheat death, but only before she reclaims her gift. Those who are truly faithful can receive this gift, often.
    • magic_mouth (19, 31)
      Take the stairs to decline joining Valkyrie in the glory of battle.. Or turn right and face a short test of your might and skill in battle.
    • magic_mouth (15, 44)
      Through the grace of Valkyrie, all tainted magic can be removed through the followers in her faith, by prayer.
    • magic_mouth (15, 43)
      Through the grace of Valkyrie, all tainted magic can be removed through the followers in her faith, by prayer.
    • magic_mouth (12, 3)
      Angels shall be expelled from our realm through the might of those devoted to Valkyrie. Their war with the Demons has no place here.
    • magic_mouth (12, 2)
      Angels shall be expelled from our realm through the might of those devoted to Valkyrie. Their war with the Demons has no place here.
    • magic_mouth (11, 42)
      With that Grace comes the great blessing of Valkyrie to your weapon to aid you in your battle against all those who oppose our Just deity.
    • magic_mouth (11, 41)
      Valkyrie grants Wisdom and Grace to those who place the trophies of our fallen enemies upon her altar.
    • magic_mouth (11, 34)
      Undead have no place in our realm and always face the wrath of Valkyrie the Deathbringer.
    • magic_mouth (11, 28)
      Valkyrie provides her followers an aura of immunity from the vile attack of magic. But be careful, this aura does not protect from attack of elements, death or the magic the impairs the mind or body.
    • magic_mouth (11, 17)
      Valkyrie banishes demons not by prayer or magic, but with strong sword or fist. Their unending feud with Angels belongs in their planes.
    • magic_mouth (10, 42)
      With that Grace comes the great blessing of Valkyrie to your weapon to aid you in your battle against all those who oppose our Just deity.
    • magic_mouth (10, 41)
      Valkyrie grants Wisdom and Grace to those who place the trophies of our fallen enemies upon her altar.
    • magic_mouth (10, 34)
      Undead have no place in our realm and always face the wrath of Valkyrie the Deathbringer.
    • magic_mouth (10, 28)
      Valkyrie provides her followers an aura of immunity from the vile attack of magic. But be careful, this aura does not protect from attack of elements, death or the magic the impairs the mind or body.
    • magic_mouth (10, 17)
      Valkyrie banishes demons not by prayer or magic, but with strong sword or fist. Their unending feud with Angels belongs in their planes.
    • magic_mouth (2, 6)
      No prayers or spells are to be used by those who follow Valkyrie. Faith in their skills in battle is all they need.
    • magic_mouth (1, 6)
      No prayers or spells are to be used by those who follow Valkyrie. Faith in their skills in battle is all they need.
  • Church of Valriel, Bell Tower
    • letter (3, 13)
      Dear Mr Redwood,
      As you are our town's best carpenter, could you have a look at the bell tower of our church? That part of our church is quite old and I am afraid that a bell might fall down and hurt someone.
    • sign (1, 13)
      Here are recorded the heroes who reached the top of Valriel's church:
  • City De Clouds - Office of Guards, Level 1
    • sign (115, 45)
      Esquire Lounge
    • sign (113, 44)
      Esquire Lounge:
      All tiles are unique unless otherwise noted. This area is a place where those with the rank of Esquire may come and replenish themselves.
    • CDC Lieutenant of Arms Seal (39, 79)
      This seal proves the rank of Lieutenant of Arms of the CityDeClouds in all the realm that the city controls.
    • overstock (23, 57)
  • City De Clouds - Office of the Guards, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (101, 43)
    • magic_mouth (97, 43)
    • magic_mouth (92, 41)
    • sign (42, 51)
      The Boss
    • sign (37, 51)
      The Assistants
  • City de Clouds Apartment, 2nd Floor
    • Washroom (15, 10)
      (Free for tenants)
  • City de Clouds Bank, 2nd Floor
    • Partnership Accounts (9, 19)
      Partnership Accounts
      The First World Bank has partnered with the Bank of Skud to bring you fast transaction account access anywhere in the world.
  • City de Clouds Bank, 5th Floor
    • Bullion Exchange Rate Compendium (9, 7)
      ----Printed For The------
      ----First World Bank-----
      --of the CityDeClouds----
      --Bullion ExchangeRate---
      Std Bullion Weights------
      Std Bullion Purity_______
  • City de Clouds Bank, Lobby
    • First World Bank (8, 22)
      Welcome to the CityDeClouds branch of the international First World Bank. Accounts and safety deposit keys are downstairs. Currency Exchange is on the current floor. The Diamond Exchange is on the 3rd level and the deposit rooms are on the 4th level. The First World Band is the largest currency and bullion exchange in the world, partnered with many smaller banks to give you access to your accounts anywhere in the world.
  • City de Clouds Big Store
    • sign (40, 2)
      Employees Only >>
  • City de Clouds Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (10, 8)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (3, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • City de Clouds IPO
    • magic_mouth (37, 11)
    • magic_mouth (33, 11)
    • magic_mouth (28, 9)
    • Manual (20, 17)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office, ask Colette for help.
      Get a preaddressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with:
      use_skill inscription 
      You can write multiple lines, when done drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be send.
    • Prospectus (19, 17)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You.
  • City de Clouds Kitchen
    • book (9, 3)
      The fabled waybread of Aelingas requires 7 of the elven wafers, and a draught of hero's drink.
    • book (7, 3)
      A mushroom which provides a bit more for the refined tastes, can be made with 7 mushrooms, and water of the wise.
  • City de Clouds Real Estate INC.
    • CDC Cloud Real Estate INC. (15, 4)
      Welcome to the office of CDC Cloud Real Estate INC. Here we will help you find the place for your home.
  • City de Clouds Vault A1
    • Notice (33, 59)
      At the entrance to the vault is a circular marble area. Parts of the white marble are marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These correspond to the first number on your combo-cards (ie: the 1 in 1:4). The fruit here correspond to the second number of your combo-cards (ie: the 4 in 1:4). If you had a combo card that said 1:4 you would place a clover on the marble tile that said 1. You do this for each of the combinations on your combo-cards. Once all is entered the vault will open if it was done in the correct sequence (tile 1 then 2 then 3...). Don't loose your combo-cards. Don't enter the combo too fast. To lock the vault once you're done enter an incorrect digit on one of the number floors, the vault will lockdown.
    • 8 Rep (30, 62)
      8 Rep
    • 7 Rep (29, 62)
      7 Rep
    • 6 Rep (28, 62)
      6 Rep
    • 5 Rep (27, 62)
      5 Rep
    • 4 Rep (26, 62)
      4 Rep
    • 3 Rep (25, 62)
      3 Rep
    • 2 Rep (24, 62)
      2 Rep
    • 1 Rep (23, 62)
      1 Rep
    • card (11, 15)
    • card (11, 14)
    • card (11, 13)
    • card (11, 11)
    • card (11, 10)
    • card (11, 9)
    • card (10, 15)
    • card (10, 13)
    • card (10, 11)
    • card (10, 9)
    • card (9, 15)
    • card (9, 14)
    • card (9, 13)
    • card (9, 11)
    • card (9, 10)
    • card (9, 9)
    • card (7, 15)
    • card (7, 14)
    • card (7, 13)
    • card (7, 11)
    • card (7, 10)
    • card (7, 9)
    • card (6, 15)
    • card (6, 13)
    • card (6, 11)
    • card (6, 9)
    • card (5, 15)
    • card (5, 14)
    • card (5, 13)
    • card (5, 11)
    • card (5, 10)
    • card (5, 9)
    • card (3, 15)
    • card (3, 14)
    • card (3, 13)
    • card (3, 11)
    • card (3, 10)
    • card (3, 9)
    • card (2, 15)
    • card (2, 13)
    • card (2, 11)
    • card (2, 9)
    • card (1, 15)
    • card (1, 14)
    • card (1, 13)
    • card (1, 11)
    • card (1, 10)
    • card (1, 9)
  • City de Clouds Vault B2
    • Notice (33, 59)
      At the entrance to the vault is a circular marble area. Parts of the white marble are marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These correspond to the first number on your combo-cards (ie: the 1 in 1:4). The fruit here correspond to the second number of your combo-cards (ie: the 4 in 1:4). If you had a combo card that said 1:4 you would place a clover on the marble tile that said 1. You do this for each of the combinations on your combo-cards. Once all is entered the vault will open if it was done in the correct sequence (tile 1 then 2 then 3...). Don't loose your combo-cards. Don't enter the combo too fast. To lock the vault once you're done enter an incorrect digit on one of the number floors, the vault will lockdown.
    • 8 Rep (30, 62)
      8 Rep
    • 7 Rep (29, 62)
      7 Rep
    • 6 Rep (28, 62)
      6 Rep
    • 5 Rep (27, 62)
      5 Rep
    • 4 Rep (26, 62)
      4 Rep
    • 3 Rep (25, 62)
      3 Rep
    • 2 Rep (24, 62)
      2 Rep
    • 1 Rep (23, 62)
      1 Rep
    • card (11, 15)
    • card (11, 14)
    • card (11, 13)
    • card (11, 11)
    • card (11, 10)
    • card (11, 9)
    • card (10, 15)
    • card (10, 13)
    • card (10, 11)
    • card (10, 9)
    • card (9, 15)
    • card (9, 14)
    • card (9, 13)
    • card (9, 11)
    • card (9, 10)
    • card (9, 9)
    • card (7, 15)
    • card (7, 14)
    • card (7, 13)
    • card (7, 11)
    • card (7, 10)
    • card (7, 9)
    • card (6, 15)
    • card (6, 13)
    • card (6, 11)
    • card (6, 9)
    • card (5, 15)
    • card (5, 14)
    • card (5, 13)
    • card (5, 11)
    • card (5, 10)
    • card (5, 9)
    • card (3, 15)
    • card (3, 14)
    • card (3, 13)
    • card (3, 11)
    • card (3, 10)
    • card (3, 9)
    • card (2, 15)
    • card (2, 13)
    • card (2, 11)
    • card (2, 9)
    • card (1, 15)
    • card (1, 14)
    • card (1, 13)
    • card (1, 11)
    • card (1, 10)
    • card (1, 9)
  • City de Clouds Vault C3
    • Notice (33, 59)
      At the entrance to the vault is a circular marble area. Parts of the white marble are marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These correspond to the first number on your combo-cards (ie: the 1 in 1:4). The fruit here correspond to the second number of your combo-cards (ie: the 4 in 1:4). If you had a combo card that said 1:4 you would place a clover on the marble tile that said 1. You do this for each of the combinations on your combo-cards. Once all is entered the vault will open if it was done in the correct sequence (tile 1 then 2 then 3...). Don't loose your combo-cards. Don't enter the combo too fast. To lock the vault once you're done enter an incorrect digit on one of the number floors, the vault will lockdown.
    • 8 Rep (30, 62)
      8 Rep
    • 7 Rep (29, 62)
      7 Rep
    • 6 Rep (28, 62)
      6 Rep
    • 5 Rep (27, 62)
      5 Rep
    • 4 Rep (26, 62)
      4 Rep
    • 3 Rep (25, 62)
      3 Rep
    • 2 Rep (24, 62)
      2 Rep
    • 1 Rep (23, 62)
      1 Rep
    • card (11, 15)
    • card (11, 14)
    • card (11, 13)
    • card (11, 11)
    • card (11, 10)
    • card (11, 9)
    • card (10, 15)
    • card (10, 13)
    • card (10, 11)
    • card (10, 9)
    • card (9, 15)
    • card (9, 14)
    • card (9, 13)
    • card (9, 11)
    • card (9, 10)
    • card (9, 9)
    • card (7, 15)
    • card (7, 14)
    • card (7, 13)
    • card (7, 11)
    • card (7, 10)
    • card (7, 9)
    • card (6, 15)
    • card (6, 13)
    • card (6, 11)
    • card (6, 9)
    • card (5, 15)
    • card (5, 14)
    • card (5, 13)
    • card (5, 11)
    • card (5, 10)
    • card (5, 9)
    • card (3, 15)
    • card (3, 14)
    • card (3, 13)
    • card (3, 11)
    • card (3, 10)
    • card (3, 9)
    • card (2, 15)
    • card (2, 13)
    • card (2, 11)
    • card (2, 9)
    • card (1, 15)
    • card (1, 14)
    • card (1, 13)
    • card (1, 11)
    • card (1, 10)
    • card (1, 9)
  • City de Clouds Vault D4
    • Notice (33, 59)
      At the entrance to the vault is a circular marble area. Parts of the white marble are marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These correspond to the first number on your combo-cards (ie: the 1 in 1:4). The fruit here correspond to the second number of your combo-cards (ie: the 4 in 1:4). If you had a combo card that said 1:4 you would place a clover on the marble tile that said 1. You do this for each of the combinations on your combo-cards. Once all is entered the vault will open if it was done in the correct sequence (tile 1 then 2 then 3...). Don't loose your combo-cards. Don't enter the combo too fast. To lock the vault once you're done enter an incorrect digit on one of the number floors, the vault will lockdown.
    • 8 Rep (30, 62)
      8 Rep
    • 7 Rep (29, 62)
      7 Rep
    • 6 Rep (28, 62)
      6 Rep
    • 5 Rep (27, 62)
      5 Rep
    • 4 Rep (26, 62)
      4 Rep
    • 3 Rep (25, 62)
      3 Rep
    • 2 Rep (24, 62)
      2 Rep
    • 1 Rep (23, 62)
      1 Rep
    • card (11, 15)
    • card (11, 14)
    • card (11, 13)
    • card (11, 11)
    • card (11, 10)
    • card (11, 9)
    • card (10, 15)
    • card (10, 13)
    • card (10, 11)
    • card (10, 9)
    • card (9, 15)
    • card (9, 14)
    • card (9, 13)
    • card (9, 11)
    • card (9, 10)
    • card (9, 9)
    • card (7, 15)
    • card (7, 14)
    • card (7, 13)
    • card (7, 11)
    • card (7, 10)
    • card (7, 9)
    • card (6, 15)
    • card (6, 13)
    • card (6, 11)
    • card (6, 9)
    • card (5, 15)
    • card (5, 14)
    • card (5, 13)
    • card (5, 11)
    • card (5, 10)
    • card (5, 9)
    • card (3, 15)
    • card (3, 14)
    • card (3, 13)
    • card (3, 11)
    • card (3, 10)
    • card (3, 9)
    • card (2, 15)
    • card (2, 13)
    • card (2, 11)
    • card (2, 9)
    • card (1, 15)
    • card (1, 14)
    • card (1, 13)
    • card (1, 11)
    • card (1, 10)
    • card (1, 9)
  • City de Clouds Vault E5
    • Notice (33, 59)
      At the entrance to the vault is a circular marble area. Parts of the white marble are marked as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These correspond to the first number on your combo-cards (ie: the 1 in 1:4). The fruit here correspond to the second number of your combo-cards (ie: the 4 in 1:4). If you had a combo card that said 1:4 you would place a clover on the marble tile that said 1. You do this for each of the combinations on your combo-cards. Once all is entered the vault will open if it was done in the correct sequence (tile 1 then 2 then 3...). Don't loose your combo-cards. Don't enter the combo too fast. To lock the vault once you're done enter an incorrect digit on one of the number floors, the vault will lockdown.
    • 8 Rep (30, 62)
      8 Rep
    • 7 Rep (29, 62)
      7 Rep
    • 6 Rep (28, 62)
      6 Rep
    • 5 Rep (27, 62)
      5 Rep
    • 4 Rep (26, 62)
      4 Rep
    • 3 Rep (25, 62)
      3 Rep
    • 2 Rep (24, 62)
      2 Rep
    • 1 Rep (23, 62)
      1 Rep
    • card (11, 15)
    • card (11, 14)
    • card (11, 13)
    • card (11, 11)
    • card (11, 10)
    • card (11, 9)
    • card (10, 15)
    • card (10, 13)
    • card (10, 11)
    • card (10, 9)
    • card (9, 15)
    • card (9, 14)
    • card (9, 13)
    • card (9, 11)
    • card (9, 10)
    • card (9, 9)
    • card (7, 15)
    • card (7, 14)
    • card (7, 13)
    • card (7, 11)
    • card (7, 10)
    • card (7, 9)
    • card (6, 15)
    • card (6, 13)
    • card (6, 11)
    • card (6, 9)
    • card (5, 15)
    • card (5, 14)
    • card (5, 13)
    • card (5, 11)
    • card (5, 10)
    • card (5, 9)
    • card (3, 15)
    • card (3, 14)
    • card (3, 13)
    • card (3, 11)
    • card (3, 10)
    • card (3, 9)
    • card (2, 15)
    • card (2, 13)
    • card (2, 11)
    • card (2, 9)
    • card (1, 15)
    • card (1, 14)
    • card (1, 13)
    • card (1, 11)
    • card (1, 10)
    • card (1, 9)
  • City de Clouds Villa, Basement Level 2
    • sign (15, 31)
  • Click de Pon
    • Proof Scroll (25, 12)
    • sign (17, 13)
      Don't burn the proof scroll!
    • sign (10, 5)
    • Instruction (5, 12)
      Set your mouse-cursor on the goblin and click, then you'll find:
  • Cloud World Castle
    • magic_mouth (113, 3)
      And lo the second wizard appears!
    • magic_mouth (109, 1)
      There is a great rumble in the air. You sense the presence of the second wizard! He who you thought had been destroyed forever in the tower is here now!... but you cannot see him. He must be using a charm...
    • magic_mouth (55, 65)
      Elf: Get out of here trespasser!
      **Burning liquid falls from above!**
  • Cloud World Castle, Dungeon Level 2
    • magic_mouth (61, 53)
      You see men being slowly burned alive. Their flesh chars as they scream out.
    • magic_mouth (61, 49)
      You see men being slowly burned alive. Their flesh chars as they scream out.
    • magic_mouth (59, 53)
      You see men being slowly burned alive. Their flesh chars as they scream out.
    • magic_mouth (59, 49)
      You see men being slowly burned alive. Their flesh chars as they scream out.
    • magic_mouth (49, 86)
      Upon the slabs of rock men have been ripped apart while alive. Blood pools at the foot of the alters.
    • magic_mouth (48, 86)
      Skeletons of men lie on the alters. It looks as if their flesh was picked clean from atop the stone tables...
    • magic_mouth (47, 86)
      Evidence of human sacrifice...
    • magic_mouth (45, 35)
      You see men being butchered, their arms and legs hacked off before your eyes, the dead limbs falling off their bodies to the ground, collecting a mass of blood... the prisoners still live though as if some unholy force keeps them alive to feel the pain and horror.
    • magic_mouth (43, 36)
      You see men being butchered, their arms and legs hacked off before your eyes, the dead limbs falling off their bodies to the ground, collecting a mass of blood... the prisoners still live though as if some unholy force keeps them alive to feel the pain and horror.
    • magic_mouth (42, 38)
      You see men being butchered, their arms and legs hacked off before your eyes, the dead limbs falling off their bodies to the ground, collecting a mass of blood... the prisoners still live though as if some unholy force keeps them alive to feel the pain and horror.
    • magic_mouth (41, 37)
      You see men being butchered, their arms and legs hacked off before your eyes, the dead limbs falling off their bodies to the ground, collecting a mass of blood... the prisoners still live though as if some unholy force keeps them alive to feel the pain and horror.
    • magic_mouth (41, 35)
      You see men being skinned alive, screaming as the blood flows from their raw flesh with strips of skin dangling from their arms and legs.
    • magic_mouth (40, 39)
      You see men being butchered, their arms and legs hacked off before your eyes, the dead limbs falling off their bodies to the ground, collecting a mass of blood... the prisoners still live though as if some unholy force keeps them alive to feel the pain and horror.
    • magic_mouth (38, 44)
      You see men being sawed in half alive. Some are still awake as they hit the ground in half.
    • magic_mouth (38, 43)
      You see men being sawed in half alive. Some are still awake as they hit the ground in half.
    • magic_mouth (37, 46)
      You see men being sawed in half alive. Some are still awake as they hit the ground in half.
    • magic_mouth (37, 41)
      You see men being sawed in half alive. Some are still awake as they hit the ground in half.
  • Cloud World Castle, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (49, 55)
      A mere witch could not have caused such strife...
    • magic_mouth (46, 52)
      You see some... other place... through the portal, dark, unnerving..... without structure....
  • Cloud World Castle, Level 5
    • magic_mouth (97, 48)
      The sweet girl cries. She is afraid. The dragons circle around the castle waiting for their sacrifice to be released. The girl is now on her knees crying. The elves are agitated that she kneels... it may anger the dragons. One elf throws a heavy stick at the girl, it strikes her in the head and she falls unconscious.
  • Cloud World de City
    • Lot 5 (114, 43)
      Lot 5
    • Lot 2 (111, 108)
      Lot 2
    • Lot 3 (106, 99)
      Lot 3
    • Lot 4 (106, 43)
      Lot 4
    • Lot 1 (103, 108)
      Lot 1
    • sign (63, 106)
      -Welcome to the City De Clouds-
      The city was created upon the whim of a great wizard thought to be long gone who built a tall tower to the clouds and infused upon them an air of magik so thus they could support a wondrous city.
    • sign (60, 109)
      Area Dragon Dock
      <--< East
    • magic_mouth (48, 110)
      An Area Dragon Port Pass can be acquired at CDC Area Travels LTD. in the CityDeClouds.
    • magic_mouth (47, 48)
      A statue of a great wizard stands before you. The wizard is holding a staff and is wearing a amulet of some sort...
  • Colosseum
    • Mac's Hotdog Stand (31, 19)
      Delicious Yummies Available
    • Members' Stand (4, 19)
      Shhh.... Please don't cause a disturbance here.
    • sign (1, 3)
      Competitors only beyond this point. Pay 200 gold to try your luck!
  • Condemned Market
    • Condemned (57, 10)
      Condemned by order of the City
    • Condemned (56, 1)
      Condemned by order of the City
    • Condemned (46, 10)
      Condemned by order of the City
    • Condemned (43, 1)
      Condemned by order of the City
    • magic_mouth (40, 8)
      If only you had the key...
    • Condemned (16, 1)
      Condemned by order of the City
    • Condemned (13, 10)
      Condemned by order of the City
    • Condemned (2, 10)
      Condemned by order of the City
    • Condemned (2, 1)
      Condemned by order of the City
  • Cornerbrook Estates
    • sign (14, 0)
      Cornerbrook Estates
      Highly desirable condominimums at affordable rates!
  • Courthouse
    • magic_mouth (17, 2)
      Congratulations - Hope you're not too wet... Ask in the magic shop for clues about the next stage.
      p.s. Pull the handle before you exit.
    • sign (7, 7)
      To claim those rewards, you need to complete four quests:
      - Air
      - Fire
      - Earth
      - Water
      Good luck!
    • magic_mouth (5, 1)
      You have been magically transported somewhere vaguely familiar...
  • Creepy House, Dungeon Level 2
    • sign (11, 13)
    • Create Earth Elemental (2, 17)
  • Crill's Projectile Store
    • Crill's Projectile Store (29, 24)
      Welcome to Crill's Projectile Store.
  • Cross
    • note (12, 11)
    • note (11, 4)
    • note (5, 12)
    • note (4, 5)
  • D Pass
    • magic_mouth (5, 23)
      You discover a hidden tunnel between the scrub!
  • Damaris' House, Basement
    • Dangerous Cellar (1, 6)
      This sign points towards danger.
  • Damaris' House, Entrance
    • letter (12, 3)
      Dear Damaris,
      I hope you will enjoy the clock.
    • sign (9, 13)
      This is a private house. Please don't take anything away.
  • Damaris' House, Upper Level
    • magic_mouth (1, 3)
      You are not allowed to walk around this house!
  • Dancing Lessons
    • Belly Dancing in Progress (11, 10)
      Madam Stomata is taking this lesson.
  • Darcap Circus Bigtop
    • Big Top (17, 27)
      Many Rings : Try your luck!
      Pull the handle to escape.
      If you win - you get your money back!!
  • Darcap Circus Chess
    • Chess (5, 6)
      20 gold to play the royal game!
  • Darcap Circus Double Your Bet
    • Double or Nothing (5, 14)
      Drop 20 gp to enter
      Double your gold with each kill
  • Darcap Circus Ghost Train
    • Ghost Train - Danger (3, 14)
      Beware some of the exhibits have
  • Darcap Circus Roller 1
    • magic_mouth (2, 3)
      Kiddies must be at least as tall Bert or Ernie to go on rollercoaster.
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      Kiddies must be at least as tall Bert or Ernie to go on rollercoaster.
    • Rollercoaster (1, 1)
      Drop 20 gold coins to go on Rollercoaster.
  • Darcap Circus Shooting Gallery
    • Shooting Gallery - 20 GP (14, 6)
      Shoot the chickens....
  • Darcap Circus Throwing Gallery
    • magic_mouth (11, 25)
      Please visit us again.
    • magic_mouth (11, 23)
      Welcome to Rumzap's Throwing Gallery.
    • magic_mouth (11, 20)
      Pets have to stay outside.
    • Tips (9, 9)
      1. Try 'throw taped socks' or 'ready_skill throwing'
      2. Do some test throws against the wall.
      3. Pick up the socks one by one.
      (otherwise you might throw more then one at once)
      4. Lock all other stuff in your inventory.
      (or you might throw away unexpected things)
    • dontsteal (2, 19)
      No one is allowed to enter or leave the throwing gallery with the game pieces!
    • demilich hit (1, 7)
      Congratulations, the demilich is our hardest target.
    • zombie hit (1, 6)
      Okay, zombie has been hit.
    • vampire hit (0, 7)
      Good. You smashed the vampire.
    • linecrossing (0, 6)
      Don't step beyond the line!
  • Darcap Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (5, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (4, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Darcap Library
    • Darcap-Navar Relations, by Poltihr (17, 17)
      The closest to Darcap, it was only logical Navar would help build a road joining its northern neighbourg around 6150 EK.
      But Navar leaders were reluctant to trust the hordes of undead living in the town, so, according to Fuldar's research, they ensured the road joining the towns went through a narrow tunnel can could be destroyed easily, to sever the ties with Darcap if the need ever arised.
      The tension between the towns was exacerbated when, in 6170 EK, the outpost of Navar south of Zaah's castle was assaulted by undead. It took many negotiations (and some say money was exchanged too, though no one could bring a formal proof) for the Navar forces to not retaliate.
    • Short History of Darcap, by Alvanes (17, 16)
      Darcap was founded around 2265 EK, by the Kingdom of the Masts (on which few information is known). The colony was left isolated after the disappearance of this kingdom, and suffered for millenia afterwards.
      During this period many inhabitants converted to Devourers to survive.
      It is only in 6138 EK that the first stranger, Herghist Appelnisht, a famous explorer, set foot in the town. During his 2 years stay, he learnt the history and customs of Darcap and taught the whereabouts of the rest of the world to the inhabitants.
      Navar then helped build a road connecting the two towns (some wonder why it goes through a narrow tunnel), and sponsored a shrine of Gaea.
      To forget their awful past, and attract many visitors to not be forgotten again, Darcapians decided to build the biggest circus in the world, and a big port conducting business with the rest of the continent.
    • Julio the Great, by Simpoe (17, 15)
      Not much is known of Julio's life before he came to Darcap. Some rumors say he was a great wizard knowing all about Elementals, working for kings or rich merchants, doing strange work for them.
      His arrival in Darcap, in 6796 EK according to most sources though some like Ubnief say it is some years before or later, was pretty unnoticed at the time.
      He purchased four houses in the center of the town (for quite a large sum it is argued), and started living there full time a few years after initially coming.
      Quite shortly after that, though (the consensual date is 6798 EK), strange events started to occur in his rooms. Witnesses told of weird sounds, eruptions of flame or cold wind, and other disagreements.
      A few years later, neighbours officially complained to the authorities for various explosions and destructions in their houses surrounding Julio's owns.
      Quite isolated, with no friend known at the time, Julio lived alone, and died around 6804 EK.
      It is only in 6813 EK that the sultan Marshi IV, having respected the dead wizard's wish to wait some years, published evidence showing Julio was a major element in the town's prosperity.
      For years, and even before his arrival in the town proper, he had advised the sultan and his aids on the affairs of the world, favored the expansion of commerce to and from Darcap, and used his obviously great influence to enhance Darcap's circus (a full research can be found in Tilmuo's story).
      As many inhabitants, including neighbours who did complain, started to tell how Julio did help them, solving many conflicts even as he was criticised, it was decided by popular consensus to make a statue of him out of gratitude.
      His houses, escaping planned destruction, were restored, and became a museum to his work.
    • sign (13, 2)
      This part of the library is under construction.
  • Darcap library, upper floor
    • magic_mouth (17, 2)
      Ground floor: research area, exit
    • magic_mouth (16, 6)
      Darcap history
    • Darcap's summed up history, by Alvanes (15, 5)
      Darcap was founded around 2265 EK, by the Kingdom of the Masts (on which few information is known). The colony was left isolated after the disappearance of this kingdom, and suffered for millenia afterwards.
      During this period many inhabitants converted to Devourers to survive.
      It is only in 6138 EK that the first stranger, Herghist Appelnisht, a famous explorer, set foot in the town. During his 2 years stay, he learnt the history and customs of Darcap and taught the whereabouts of the rest of the world to the inhabitants.
      Navar then helped build a road connecting the two towns (some wonder why it goes through a narrow tunnel), and sponsored a shrine of Gaea.
      To forget their awful past, and attract many visitors to not be forgotten again, Darcapians decided to build the biggest circus in the world, and a big port conducting business with the rest of the continent.
    • Darcap and Navar relations, by Poltihr (12, 8)
      The closest to Darcap, it was only logical Navar would help build a road joining its northern neighbourg around 6150 EK.
      But Navar leaders were reluctant to trust the hordes of undead living in the town, so, according to Fuldar's research, they ensured the road joining the towns went through a narrow tunnel can could be destroyed easily, to sever the ties with Darcap if the need ever arised.
      The tension between the towns was exacerbated when, in 6170 EK, the outpost of Navar south of Zaah's castle was assaulted by undead. It took many negotiations (and some say money was exchanged too, though no one could bring a formal proof) for the Navar forces to not retaliate.
    • Julio the Great, by Simpoe (12, 5)
      Not much is known of Julio's life before he came to Darcap. Some rumors say he was a great wizard knowing all about Elementals, working for kings or rich merchants, doing strange work for them.
      His arrival in Darcap, in 6796 EK according to most sources though some like Ubnief say it is some years before or later, was pretty unnoticed at the time.
      He purchased four houses in the center of the town (for quite a large sum it is argued), and started living there full time a few years after initially coming.
      Quite shortly after that, though (the consensual date is 6798 EK), strange events started to occur in his rooms. Witnesses told of weird sounds, eruptions of flame or cold wind, and other disagreements.
      A few years later, neighbours officially complained to the authorities for various explosions and destructions in their houses surrounding Julio's owns.
      Quite isolated, with no friend known at the time, Julio lived alone, and died around 6804 EK.
      It is only in 6813 EK that the sultan Marshi IV, having respected the dead wizard's wish to wait some years, published evidence showing Julio was a major element in the town's prosperity.
      For years, and even before his arrival in the town proper, he had advised the sultan and his aids on the affairs of the world, favored the expansion of commerce to and from Darcap, and used his obviously great influence to enhance Darcap's circus (a full research can be found in Tilmuo's story).
      As many inhabitants, including neighbours who did complain, started to tell how Julio did help them, solving many conflicts even as he was criticised, it was decided by popular consensus to make a statue of him out of gratitude.
      His houses, escaping planned destruction, were restored, and became a museum to his work.
  • Darcap Orc Pits
    • magic_mouth (26, 7)
      The wizard's orc has fallen!
    • Information (25, 22)
      Welcome to the orc pits!
      Stay and watch the show!
      Or if you have some extra armor to spare, why not make a bet and send your own champion to fight for you!
      Head to the other side of the arena and deposit your weapons and armor for the fight of a lifetime!
    • magic_mouth (25, 6)
      Let the fight begin!
    • magic_mouth (24, 7)
      The player's orc has fallen!
    • sign (24, 6)
      Pull the lever behind to start the fight!
      Only one fight per map load.
      Place any bets before you start the fight.
      No refunds.
    • sign (23, 6)
      This trigger opens the item chute and gives your items to the orc.
      Warning: Attempting to send players will not work and may clog the chute causing you to be stuck.
      Warning: Attempting to send pets in the item chute will anger your pet! Keep them clear of the item chute!
  • Darcap Raffle 1, Entrance
    • instruction (9, 13)
      You can draw the raffle here!!
       1. Go to Dungeon No.1 (downstairs) and retrieve the raffle ticket.
       2. Go upstairs and pull lever 1 on the 2nd floor.
       2. Come back here, pull lever 2 right in front of you.
       3. Then pull lever 3.
       4. At last pull lever 2 again.
    • Dungeon No.1 (4, 17)
      The raffle dungeon for beginners (~lvl 3-10).
  • Darcap Raffle 1, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (19, 9)
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      Be aware!
  • Darcap Tower Defense
    • book on Tool Information (36, 19)
      To rotate a tower, use the rotate tower tool. Face the tower you want to rotate and then apply the tool. Continue applying until you feel satisfied with the tower orientation.
      To destroy a tower, use the destroy tower tool. Face the tower you want to rotate and then apply the tool. The tower is now destroyed, and you can build another tower on the same spot.
    • book on Tower Information (35, 19)
      You can choose between three types of towers: the large bullet tower, the lightning tower, and the fire tower.
      To place a tower, purchase a tower card from the altar. Then, apply the card while standing on any of the tower placement tiles on the map. Note that you can only place one tower on a tile, and you can only place towers on the tower placement tiles.
    • Welcome to Tower Defense! (35, 18)
      Welcome to Tower Defense!
      When the game is started, monsters will follow the path. Your goal is to build towers in order to kill all the monsters before they reach the end of the path. To get started, read the books in front of you. Can you survive all the waves?
    • book on Rules (34, 19)
      You lose the game if a monster reaches the end of the path. You win if you successfully kill all the monsters before they reach the end of the path.
    • Tools (29, 2)
    • Armory (28, 7)
      Welcome to the armory! Here you can access everything you need to set up your towers!
    • Towers (24, 2)
    • magic_mouth (18, 2)
      YOU LOST!
    • YOU LOST (18, 1)
      You lost! Better luck next time.
    • magic_mouth (16, 2)
      YOU WON!
    • YOU WON (16, 1)
      Congratulations! You have successfully completed Tower Defense!
    • magic_mouth (11, 1)
    • MONSTER TIPS (0, 6)
      1. All monsters but carry the event_death so the game accurately determines when the player wins
      2. All monsters must be standing still and have run at 0% HP so that they don't move off the path
      3. All monsters must be friendly so that players cannot attack them
      4. All monsters must have the property reflect missile so that players cannot shoot arrows at them
  • Darcap's Manor
    • magic_mouth (15, 13)
      A sign on the wall reads: To the white key.
    • magic_mouth (15, 6)
      A sign on the wall reads: To the brown key.
    • magic_mouth (4, 13)
      A sign on the wall reads: To a random key.
    • magic_mouth (4, 6)
      A sign on the wall reads: To the blue key.
  • Darcap's Manor - blue zone
    • sign (2, 3)
      Welcome to the Blue Zone.
      To get the key, it's easy: use the lever somewhere on this level.
      Caveat: the lever will only work if there are exactly 4 kobolds on the map.
      Good luck.
  • Darcap's Manor - brown zone
    • magic_mouth (26, 21)
      Step on this teleporter to get back to safety.
    • magic_mouth (25, 25)
      Defeated, you have no choice but leave this place. Maybe come back when you're stronger?
    • sign (23, 20)
      Welcome, adventurer.
      Death is an important thing, that can either hit you without any warning, or that you can accept.
      You are morally stronger when you're ready for it, though you must not waste it.
      Now you can apply the lever in this room and try again to kill Kaptel, or you can come back later.
    • sign (23, 9)
      Note to mapmakers: the connection 11 will be activated by the death script of Kaptel. The button on this spot is here to clear Gridarta's warning, and ensure that if you change the number for any reason, you'll check this spot.
    • magic_mouth (19, 2)
      Congratulations on winning on Kaptel.
    • sign (2, 3)
      Welcome to the Brown Zone.
      To get the key, it's easy: step on the teleporter, and kill Kaptel.
      Caveat: you will only succeed if you accept the inevitable.
      Warning: there is no easy exit apart killing Kaptel.
      Good luck.
  • Darcap's Manor - white zone
    • note to map makers (32, 1)
      Note to mapmakers: This button is here to ensure you don't change the 60 connection value for the final gate. This value is used in the Python script of this map.
      So if you really want to change the value, change the final grate, the button AND the value in the script, please!
    • sign (26, 25)
      Welcome to the white zone.
      To get the white key, just explore the map.
      Caveat: Be curious.
      Warning: This is a one-way zone, you can't go back once you enter.
    • magic_mouth (24, 26)
      Don't waste your only chance!
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Back to ground floor.
    • sign (1, 1)
      Congratulations on reaching the end of the map!
      But beware, this is not the end of your quest!
      When you feel you're ready to tackle the last challenge to get the white key, say 'ready'.
  • Dark Angel
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      Hanuk booms, "I command you to step forward!"
    • magic_mouth (14, 2)
      Hanuk booms, "I command you to step forward!"
    • magic_mouth (9, 10)
      A strong evil aura forces you back!
    • magic_mouth (8, 12)
      Hanuk says, "Make your sacrifice and I will let you go."
    • magic_mouth (8, 10)
      A strong evil aura forces you back!
    • magic_mouth (8, 8)
    • magic_mouth (7, 10)
      A strong evil aura forces you back!
    • magic_mouth (2, 14)
      Hanuk booms, "I command you to step forward!"
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      Hanuk booms, "I command you to step forward!"
  • Dark Cave, Dwarven Camp
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      A handful of dwarves sit 'round the campfire. The eldest greets you. "Welcome to our camp! I am afraid we have not much to offer you. We are refugees from the mining town of Grondell and our stores are low, but we will share what we can."
    • magic_mouth (5, 5)
      Hail, good fellow! You bring news? Ah, but that is good to hear! Please, take this letter to the mine town south of here. Find the last band of dwarves, hidden deep in the tombs, and deliver your message!
  • Dark Cave, Dwarven Tomb
    • magic_mouth (7, 55)
      This appears to be a dwarven tomb.
    • A warning (7, 49)
      Be prepared for bad things ahead! There is a nasty surprise or two.
    • Last Warning! (7, 43)
      We warned you once.
      But good luck. The next room can be deadly.
    • magic_mouth (5, 33)
      The appreciative dwarf priest presents you with a reward for your services.
    • magic_mouth (5, 33)
      Drop the letter from the dwarf captives here.
  • Dark Cave, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (15, 46)
      It appears to be a wizard's study.
      The wizard is evidently engrossed in his research and has so far ignored you.
    • magic_mouth (13, 30)
      The ruins appear to be dwarven. Apparently a mining town.
    • magic_mouth (8, 55)
      It appears as if these stairs have not been used in some time.
    • magic_mouth (8, 25)
      Across the bridge, you see some squat ruins. In the distance, one building appears well-lit and in good condition.
    • sign (7, 25)
      Soldiers no pass.
        -- Genral Bumf
  • Dark Elf House
    • All trust is foolish... (4, 10)
      All trust is foolish...
    • Dark Elven Creation (3, 10)
      If you go in, you are at their mercy.
  • Dark Forest Temple
    • magic_mouth (18, 32)
      This path must lead to the temple of the Dark Gods.. It looks dangerous: the trees have taken life and are dancing in strange patterns
    • magic_mouth (18, 31)
      This path must lead to the temple of the Dark Gods.. It looks dangerous: the trees have taken life and are dancing in strange patterns
  • Dark Forest, Inner Temple
    • magic_mouth (14, 25)
      Something smells yummy up ahead.
    • magic_mouth (14, 2)
      You peer down the hole into the smelly torchlit depths.... It goes down, and down, and down... Somehow, you don't look forward to seeing the end of it.
    • magic_mouth (13, 2)
      A foul reek wafts from the hole. A scary analogy between that hole and the mouth of a demon blows through your mind briefly.
    • magic_mouth (13, 1)
      A foul reek emanates from the hole. Somehow, the hole seems like a huge maw, ready to swallow you up.
    • magic_mouth (11, 7)
      Diabolical! They've stored the food just out of the reach of the starving prisoners.
    • magic_mouth (10, 7)
      Prisoners! Maybe they know something.
    • magic_mouth (5, 7)
      A corpse! Well, at least it's fresh and doesn't stink yet. Poor bastard!
    • magic_mouth (1, 25)
      Something smells yummy up ahead.
  • Dark Forest, Outer Temple
    • magic_mouth (8, 4)
      The altar here has some depressions in the shape of gemstones.
    • magic_mouth (8, 0)
      These doors must lead to the inner temple.
    • magic_mouth (7, 4)
      The altar here has ten small angular depressions shaped like gemstones.
    • magic_mouth (7, 0)
      These doors must lead to the inner temple.
    • magic_mouth (1, 1)
      This Taifu seems to be an excellent weapon.
  • Dark Temple, AnteChamber
    • magic_mouth (21, 22)
      You wonder what kind of treasure lies hidden down there...
    • magic_mouth (20, 22)
      You wonder what kind of treasure lies hidden down there...
    • magic_mouth (20, 1)
      Ugh! A troll. Better get those fire spells ready!
    • magic_mouth (19, 1)
      Hmmm. Are those magical writings near that handle across the room? They must be guarding their treasure with magical traps as well as with their foul pets!
    • magic_mouth (12, 5)
      An ominous grunting sound comes from beyond the door.
    • magic_mouth (10, 17)
      This door is cold to the touch.
    • magic_mouth (5, 12)
      You might want to simply run past this fellow! He looks very dangerous
    • magic_mouth (5, 10)
      You hear faint zapping sounds, and smell an odor of ozone.
  • Dark Temple, GemTunnel
    • magic_mouth (4, 38)
      Uh, oh. It looks like they've installed magical traps in this passage. One wrong step, and I'll surely be dead.
    • magic_mouth (4, 37)
      You vaguely see odd arcane markings on the ground in front of you. They look very dangerous. However, there must be a way through.
    • magic_mouth (3, 38)
      Uh, oh. It looks like they've guarded this way with all sorts of magical traps. Better be careful, one misstep and you die!
    • magic_mouth (3, 37)
      You vaguely see some odd arcane markings on the stone ahead. They look dangerous. However there must be a way through.
    • magic_mouth (3, 1)
      Hmmmm. There's something strange about this place. You get the feeling that simply taking the Stone and leaving might not be wise.
  • Demon Training
    • sign (10, 15)
      Training Centers Incorporated
      Please pay the designated fee to enter the training center to train with our demon trainers.
      Cowards need not enter. Cowardly running about may get one ejected from entering this training center.
  • Demonic House
    • book (16, 4)
      Speak thee to the dead tree beside the temple of Gorokh - Ask. If you answer the riddle you will be admitted into the inner sanctum.
  • Dick's House
    • sign (10, 17)
      If you want to enter this room, go and ask Dick about "extra."
    • Information (10, 6)
      There are three dungeons.
       1.Click de Pon (low level)
       2.ShowInv de Pon (medium level)
       3.Bomb de Pon (high level)
      There are special items in each dungeon: one is a key, another is the Proof Scroll. Go to the dungeons and get them.
  • Dol-Guldur
    • sign (6, 5)
      You might want to look at the library...
  • Dol-Guldur, Armoury
    • sign (13, 17)
      Here's some acid... It may help your stomach.
    • sign (4, 12)
    • sign (2, 17)
      Miam Miam...
  • Dol-Guldur, Entry
    • README (3, 3)
      Note - like some other dungeons in Brittany, this one was previously one very large map. I have split it up into smaller pieces. But when playing, it should be kept in mind that this was one large map.
    • sign (2, 1)
      Are you seekin' for the Key to the mines?
      Take my advice: get as many clues a you can, and then have a look north of here.
  • Dol-Guldur, Library
    • sign (23, 28)
      There's nothing like reading a book near the fireplace...
    • book (19, 28)
      Once in the Mines: Try to find a way from west-door to east gate...
    • sign (16, 27)
      The library...
  • Dol-Guldur, Master's Chamber
    • book (33, 4)
      Careful the wells are deep and dangerous in the Mines...
    • sign (31, 8)
      Do not disturb while eating...
    • magic_mouth (25, 3)
      Who dares to disturb my sleeping...
    • magic_mouth (25, 2)
      Who dares to disturb my sleeping...
    • magic_mouth (25, 1)
      Who dares to disturb my sleeping...
    • magic_mouth (7, 3)
      Alert !!!
    • magic_mouth (7, 2)
      Alert !!!
    • magic_mouth (7, 1)
      Alert !!!
    • sign (5, 1)
      Master's chamber...
    • sign (3, 10)
  • Dol-Guldur, Stables
    • sign (24, 9)
  • Doors Galore
    • Instructions (15, 16)
      No spells and no prayers are allowed in this dungeon. Use keys or lockpicks to open doors, melee won't work well. .......and always search for traps.......
    • magic_mouth (12, 21)
      One last small fight and the treasure finally is yours.
    • magic_mouth (12, 20)
      What might have happened?
    • magic_mouth (12, 19)
      It seems the ogre chief ran into a trap and died here........ and you finally get your treasure.
    • magic_mouth (11, 21)
      Fortunately you are found and rescued by the Team that is repairing the dungeon now. It didn't want to be disturbed in the repairs and moved you out.
    • magic_mouth (11, 20)
      You find the ogre chief surrounded by some friends, ....... and the chief still has your treasure.
    • magic_mouth (11, 19)
      Looks like there was an ogre camp here....... but tired waiting for the ogre chief his friends left it.
    • magic_mouth (10, 21)
      You find some ogres waiting for their chief.
    • magic_mouth (10, 20)
      You hear a door open to the northeast and a voice:
      "Finally you found the trigger. The door has opened and I can get my treasure!"
      You notice that the ogre chief is talking about YOUR treasure.
    • magic_mouth (10, 19)
      The ogre chief still is waiting behind the closed door, shouting "Don't dare to tough the treasure, it's MINE!"
    • magic_mouth (9, 21)
      You hear noises behind the door to the west.
    • magic_mouth (9, 20)
      An ogre is working on the last door. Fight or Leave now?
    • magic_mouth (9, 19)
      As a third door opens you hear a loud voice from the far northeast:
      "Did you finally find that trigger that opens the door to the treasure?"
      Answer from the west: "Not yet Chief, I'm still searching!"
      OGRES !!!
    • magic_mouth (8, 21)
      A second door opens. It seems you are not alone seeking treasure here...
    • magic_mouth (8, 20)
      You hear some noises from the west. It sounds like a door was opened.
    • magic_mouth (8, 19)
      A Thief moves out of hiding. "Welcome to the House of Doors."
    • Dungeon is closed for maintenance (2, 19)
      Unfortunately the last player collapsed the dungeon. It will remain closed until the repairs are done. We will be open soon.
          - The Management
  • Dragon Guild of Scorn
    • sign (11, 14)
      Welcome to the Dragon Guild! All dragons are permitted to enter. Other creatures may enter only in company of a dragon.
    • flesh guide for wyverns (10, 7)
      Delicious meals for wyverns:
      skull's tongue (mjam!)
      wyvern/dragon steaks
    • flesh guide for wyrms (10, 6)
      Delicious meals for wyrms:
      beholder's tongue
      demon's head
      elemental residues
      wyvern's steak
    • flesh guide for hatchlings (10, 5)
      Delicious meals for hatchlings:
      zombie's corpse
      ogre's parts
      para elemental residues
      ghost's ectoplasm
  • Dragon Mountain, Peak
    • magic_mouth (22, 12)
      treasure chamber
  • Dragon Quest, Electric Dragon Lord
    • magic_mouth (0, 12)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
    • magic_mouth (0, 11)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passage way here.
    • magic_mouth (0, 10)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
  • Dragon Quest, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (13, 4)
      You hear a great many harsh calls up ahead, as of a horde of breeding wyverns.
    • magic_mouth (13, 3)
      You hear a great many harsh calls up ahead, as of a horde of breeding wyverns.
    • magic_mouth (13, 2)
      You hear a great many harsh calls up ahead, as of a horde of breeding wyverns.
    • magic_mouth (13, 1)
      You hear a great many harsh calls up ahead, as of a horde of breeding wyverns.
  • Dragon Quest, Fire Hatchery
    • magic_mouth (0, 12)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
    • magic_mouth (0, 11)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passage way here.
    • magic_mouth (0, 10)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
  • Dragon Quest, Wyvern Nest
    • magic_mouth (29, 22)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
    • magic_mouth (29, 21)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passage way here.
    • magic_mouth (29, 20)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
    • magic_mouth (22, 28)
      A biting chill is wafting up from the caves in this direction.
    • magic_mouth (21, 28)
      A biting chill is wafting up from the caves in this direction.
    • magic_mouth (21, 11)
      You smell ozone wafting from the tunnel above.
    • magic_mouth (20, 28)
      A biting chill is wafting up from the caves in this direction.
    • magic_mouth (20, 11)
      You smell ozone wafting from the tunnel above.
    • magic_mouth (19, 28)
      A biting chill is wafting up from the caves in this direction.
    • magic_mouth (19, 11)
      You smell ozone wafting from the tunnel above.
    • magic_mouth (18, 28)
      A biting chill is wafting up from the caves in this direction.
    • magic_mouth (18, 11)
      You smell ozone wafting from the tunnel above.
    • magic_mouth (17, 11)
      You smell ozone wafting from the tunnel above.
    • magic_mouth (16, 11)
      You smell ozone wafting down from the tunnel ahead.
  • Dragon Training
    • sign (10, 15)
      Training Centers Incorporated
      Please pay the designated fee to enter the training center to train with our dragon trainers.
      Cowards need not enter.  Cowardly running about may get one ejected from entering this training center.
  • Dragonlord's Lair
    • magic_mouth (16, 20)
      Which one is it?
    • magic_mouth (5, 1)
      This seems to be a quick exit to the mountains.
    • magic_mouth (0, 12)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
    • magic_mouth (0, 11)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passage way here.
    • magic_mouth (0, 10)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
  • Dream
    • magic_mouth (9, 3)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (9, 2)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (9, 1)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (8, 3)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (8, 2)
      You fall into a deep sleep.
    • magic_mouth (8, 1)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (7, 3)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (7, 2)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (7, 1)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (3, 3)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (3, 2)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (3, 1)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (2, 3)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      You fall into a deep sleep.
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (1, 3)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (1, 2)
      You awake.
    • magic_mouth (1, 1)
      You awake.
  • Dressing Room, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (10, 7)
      Underground of Dressing Room.
    • magic_mouth (9, 14)
      Something is odd about this place...
  • Dressing Room, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (7, 28)
      At least level 25 required...
  • Dried Up Well
    • note (12, 34)
      Here lies the treasure which I have taken from countless enemies and foreign ships. If anyone takes from this number I will cut off from their body a hand and foot from opposite sides.
  • Dry Well
    • magic_mouth (3, 3)
      There are many angry sounds coming from nearby. Better watch your step.
  • Dungeon of Death
    • magic_mouth (26, 16)
      You are very greedy, hahaha!
    • magic_mouth (26, 10)
      Hahaha, go to hell.
    • magic_mouth (26, 6)
      You are very greedy, hahaha!
    • magic_mouth (24, 16)
      Hahaha, go to hell.
    • magic_mouth (23, 5)
      Hahaha, go to hell.
    • magic_mouth (20, 5)
    • magic_mouth (19, 5)
    • sign (18, 7)
      Dave is very strong. So, you'd bette activate the Monster Transfer System, lead the monster to the pentagram, and transfer monster to comet room. You should probably not enter the pentagram...
      Be careful of the movers. They will push you in.
      --- Dave ----
      level: 100
      Str  : 100
      Dex  : 100
      Con  : 100
      Wis  : 100
      Pow  : 100
      Int  : 100
      hp   : 30000
      exp  : 1000
      wc   : -100
      ac   : -100
    • magic_mouth (18, 5)
    • sign (18, 1)
      In this dungeon, you cannot cast magic. Fight with your physical ability!
    • scroll (17, 15)
      Don't become greedy. You should be unselfish man.
    • sign (16, 15)
      This door waste the Treasure Key. If you open the door, you cannot open treasure room!
    • magic_mouth (15, 24)
      Treasure Room.
    • sign (14, 11)
      Stand here and say "open" to open the gate if you are trapped.
    • sign (6, 17)
      Room of Comet:
       Password to escape from the room is "kasdjuFkuGngauG"
  • Dungeon of Life
    • magic_mouth (26, 16)
      You are very lucky, hahaha!
    • magic_mouth (26, 10)
      Hahaha, go to heaven!
    • magic_mouth (26, 6)
      You are lucky!
    • magic_mouth (24, 16)
      Hahaha, go to heaven!
    • magic_mouth (23, 5)
    • magic_mouth (22, 5)
    • magic_mouth (21, 5)
    • sign (18, 7)
      That Dave is very strong. You should activate the Monster Transfer System to defeat him. But now the system is in a breakdown. So, you'd better to go back.
      --- Dave ----
      level: 100
      Str  : 100
      Dex  : 100
      Con  : 100
      Wis  : 100
      Pow  : 100
      Int  : 100
      hp   : 30000
      exp  : 1000
      wc   : -100
      ac   : -100
    • magic_mouth (18, 5)
    • sign (18, 1)
      In this dungeon, you cannot cast magic. Fight with your physical ability!
    • sign (16, 15)
      This door waste the Treasure Key. But there is no way to escape from this room except opening the door.
    • magic_mouth (15, 24)
      Treasure Room.
    • sign (6, 17)
      Room of Comet:
       Password to escape from the room is "kasdjuFkuGngauG" (a success rate of 5/9)
  • Earth House
    • sign (4, 4)
      Hello, and welcome to the Earth House! This house was used by Julio the Great for various experiments. Enjoy the exhibition!
  • Eastern Gate of Scorn
    • WARNING... (26, 9)
      WARNING: Once beyond the city walls, you are on your OWN!
    • magic_mouth (gate open/close) (16, 13)
      The rusted outer gate is set in motion with loud noise emanating from the southern wall.
    • magic_mouth (gate pass) (15, 13)
      Halt! Who wishes to enter? You show your gate pass... Oh a merchant, Pass Friend.
    • magic_mouth (hero of scorn) (14, 13)
      The guard shouts.... The brave hero of Scorn returns to us! Open the gates, prepare the way! You think you hear muffled laughing from somewhere...
    • magic_mouth (hero of scorn) (14, 0)
      A guard yells.. The Hero of Scorn! Open the gates, open, we can't keep the Hero waiting. Hurry Hurry.
    • magic_mouth (gate pass) (13, 0)
      On seeing you have a gate pass the guard turns the handle nearby and says... Arrhh, a merchant off on trade.. Pass..
    • magic_mouth (gate open/close) (12, 0)
      You hear from behind the northern wall the sound of great wheels turning as the inner gates are set in motion.
  • Easy House
    • magic_mouth (9, 18)
      There seems to be a bump under the mat.
    • magic_mouth (9, 8)
      You smell smoke from down below.
    • magic_mouth (7, 6)
      Phew! Something reeks behind this door.
  • Easy House Basement
    • magic_mouth (6, 6)
      There seems to be a lot of smoke. Was something burning?
    • magic_mouth (6, 4)
      There seems to be a lot of smoke. Was something burning?
  • Easy House Top
    • magic_mouth (11, 7)
      Ogarth Stong.
      Ogarth KiL.
  • Ebony Tiger Thief Guild, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (11, 2)
      You step into a dark eerie corridor. Smell of death lies beyond.
    • magic_mouth (11, 1)
      You step into a dark eerie corridor. Smell of death lies beyond.
    • magic_mouth (3, 11)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test
    • magic_mouth (3, 8)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test.
    • magic_mouth (3, 5)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test.
    • magic_mouth (3, 2)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test.
  • Ebony Tiger Thief Guild, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (11, 2)
      You step into a dark eerie corridor. Smell of death lies beyond.
    • magic_mouth (11, 1)
      You step into a dark eerie corridor. Smell of death lies beyond.
    • magic_mouth (3, 11)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test.
    • magic_mouth (3, 8)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test.
    • magic_mouth (3, 5)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test.
    • magic_mouth (3, 2)
      No, you don't!
      This is not the way to pass the test.
  • Ebony Tiger Thief Guild, Master Level
    • sign (22, 21)
      You need a Thunderfist to trade for this item. These pair of bracers have the power to turn the wearer semi-ethereal and protect it from physical attacks. However it weakens the wearer both mentally and physically.
    • sign (22, 20)
      You need 30,000 diamonds to trade for this item. Think of a way to transport the diamonds here. The ring turns the wearer into a super-hero with incredible fighting power.
    • sign (22, 19)
      You need a fragment of chaos to trade for it. The Gauntlets are an ingenious artifact that were made from the lost knowledge of the element of electricity. It tunes the wearer in every aspect to the element. However it has some undesirable effects, as the most powerful artifacts usually do.
  • Elven Moon Entrance
    • magic_mouth (24, 29)
      Hidden path with locks and keys
      Only the clever will find the way
      The labyrinth teams with bees
      Seek the elven lady Fey
    • magic_mouth (20, 20)
      What a strange patch of dark grass.
    • magic_mouth (18, 5)
      A grass bridge rises out of the lake.
    • magic_mouth (8, 12)
      The large tree creaks. Was there a face on the tree?
    • magic_mouth (2, 7)
      There is a soft voice on the wind. It sings in a magical voice:
      The elven lords of old
      Clad in green from head to toe
      They seek treasure not of gold
      Armed with wooden bow
      Crystals pure as the gods foretold
      Trying as time and green in glow
  • Emporium of Power
    • tome (37, 11)
      Spell Point regeneration rate controls how fast one's Spell Points are replenished. Some races, such as elves, have an innately fast spell point regeneration. Spell-casting classes also regenerate Spell Points at a faster rate. Besides this, the equipment one uses may also affect spell point regeneration rate:
      o Some magical rings or amulets are resonant to the patterns of the aether, and cause Spell Points to flow into the wearer faster. These items show a (magic+N) when identified.
      o Although some armour specially crafted for mages may increase spell point regeneration, in general most heavy armour will impede the flow of Spell Points into the wearer and slow down Spell Point regeneration rates.
      o Special weapons crafted for mages may also have Spell Point regeneration bonuses.
    • exposition (37, 10)
      There are two factors controlling one's magical powers: Spell Point capacity, and Spell Point regeneration rate. Spell Points is the force that drives magical spells; Spell Point capacity is how much Spell Points one can naturally have. Spell Point regeneration rate is how fast the Spell Points are replenished. Spell Point capacity is controlled mainly by one's power (Pow) and level of magic experience. One's intelligence (Int) also affects this capacity, to a lesser degree. Some magical equipment grant Pow bonuses, which will increase this capacity while worn. Improvement potions may also permanently increase one's Spell Point capacity. There are also very rare gemstones that have capacity to store Spell Points. Spell Points stored in these crystals can be retrieved at a single touch. High-level wizards use these stones to increase the total amount of Spell Points they have at their disposal.
    • sign (35, 11)
      The Glowing Crystal exhibited here is one of the rare gemstones that are able to store Spell Points. Touching it when your Spell Points is at maximum capacity will transfer half your Spell Points into it. Touching it when you are below maximum capacity will retrieve any stored Spell Points, up to your capacity. This particular crystal can only store up to 200 Spell Points. Crystals with capacities for 1000 Spell Points and beyond are known to exist; and are very much sought after by all spellcasters.
  • Enigme, Entrance
    • sign (15, 33)
      Notice: This dungeon was previously one huge map. I split it up into smaller more reasonably sized pieces. This should just be remembered if some of the exits to the different levels seem a little haphazardly tossed in, and also for the puzzle answers, all the maps should be considered as one.
      --Mark Wedel
    • sign (14, 33)
      Pay attention to the clues listed on the next signs.
    • sign (12, 33)
      First: How many Big-Wizards?
    • sign (11, 33)
      Second: How many Grimreapers?
    • sign (10, 33)
      Third: How many Kobolds?
    • sign (8, 10)
      Don't look for teleporter.
  • Enigme, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (13, 28)
      Look for a large button to continue your quest!!!!
  • Enigme, Level 3
    • sign (2, 10)
      Increasing way, starting at 0.
    • sign (1, 9)
      Third: How many Kobolds?
    • sign (1, 8)
      Second: How many Grimreapers?
    • sign (1, 7)
      First: How many Big-Wizards?
  • Enter at Own Risk
    • sign (14, 15)
      Emergency exit next door.
    • Journal Entry (13, 12)
      All I have to do to gain the treasure is slay a few small trolls.... (The rest of the message is unreadable)
    • Love Story (12, 9)
      This book details the story of Romeo and Julie.
    • Attention Sign (10, 11)
      Passing beyond this room is not recommended.
       - The Owner
  • Entrance
    • magic_mouth (10, 4)
      Say the holy word to enter.
  • Entrance Hall, Level 1
    • 10 (16, 12)
      You feel a draft...
    • magic_mouth (14, 2)
      The wall is just an illusion!
    • sign (7, 7)
      We constructed this temple to admire the ancient heroes.
  • Entrance Hall, Level 5
    • sign (8, 7)
      On each altar must a player stand.
      One should a crown sacrifice.
  • Eric's Place
    • magic_mouth (1, 1)
      Before you stands a sandstone house.
    • Mailbox (1, 0)
      Eric's Place
      31 River Road
  • Eswald's Coffee Shop
    • magic_mouth (9, 10)
      A wonderful smell wafts through the air.
  • Eureca Road, 1
    • magic_mouth (15, 15)
      The hall echoes with loud voice:
        "I'll test your power and wisdom. The next lever is to the south of here. If you feel that you are not ready for this test yet, go back by word of recall."
  • Eureca Road, 2
    • magic_mouth (15, 15)
      The hall echoes with loud voice:
        "I'll test your wisdom if you push the button, you could enter the teleporter. But doors will prevent you from going through..."
  • Eureca Road, 3
    • scroll (36, 31)
      Pass on the five pentagrams quickly, then go to the center. Please burn me after reading!
    • magic_mouth (33, 30)
      Where is Eureca?
    • magic_mouth (30, 26)
      The entrance to the upper level of Eureca's Castle is at the end of the ...
    • magic_mouth (30, 19)
      To enter the prison in the castle of Bauer, you must go through an ...
    • magic_mouth (30, 12)
      What is the password of the Liberation Army?
    • magic_mouth (26, 30)
      To see Eureca's family, you need three ...
    • magic_mouth (26, 23)
      What does Bauer want?
    • magic_mouth (26, 16)
      What do you need to pass the Barrier Station?
    • magic_mouth (26, 9)
      Who is Kurte?
       1. A god of Pup Land
       2. A teacher
       3. Eureca's friend
    • magic_mouth (23, 26)
      To find Eureca, the spy of Regular Army ... to the underground of Headquarters of Liberation Army.
    • magic_mouth (23, 19)
      To go to the underground of the Guild of Law, you enter the ... near the Guild.
    • magic_mouth (23, 12)
      Why did the war occur?
       1. Eureca's absence
       2. Bauer's absence
       3. Alex's absence
    • magic_mouth (19, 30)
      What does Alex want?
    • magic_mouth (19, 23)
      Where does Sumson hang around?
      - In the ... bar.
    • magic_mouth (19, 16)
      Where did the Regular Army reach?
       1. Upper level of the Castle of Eureca
       2. Underground of the Castle of Eureca
       3. Entrance of the Castle of Eureca
    • magic_mouth (19, 9)
      What is Cordish?
       1. Pupuly's servant
       2. Bauer's spy
       3. Eureca's servant
    • magic_mouth (16, 26)
      There is the "Agito" of the Liberation Army under the ...
    • magic_mouth (16, 19)
      Which statement is correct?
       1. Eureca is the boss of gang.
       2. Eureca has the Treasure.
       3. Eureca's wife is Bauer.
    • magic_mouth (16, 12)
      Who attacked Tower of Pupuly?
       1. Nuzgul
       2. Ologhi
       3. Evil Master
    • magic_mouth (12, 30)
      To go to the "Agito" of Liberation Army, you tell password to ...
    • magic_mouth (12, 23)
      What did you encounter in the Cave?
       1. Mistelious Room
       2. Eternal Road
       3. Ultimate Route
    • magic_mouth (12, 16)
      Who are servants of Eureca?
       1. Pupuly, only
       2. Pupuly & Cordish
       3. Pupuly & Bauer
    • magic_mouth (12, 9)
      To join the Regular Army, where did you go?
       1. Cave of Ordeal
       2. Tower of Ordeal
       3. Tower of Pupuly
      Answer one, two or three.
    • magic_mouth (9, 26)
      There was a scroll in the Tower of Ordeal. What was written in it?
       1. Bird week
       2. Natural food is healthy
       3. Let's protect nature
    • magic_mouth (9, 19)
      What is located under Nurnberg ?
       1. Prison
       2. Tunnel
       3. Aqueduct
    • magic_mouth (9, 12)
      To join the Liberation Army, where did you go?
       1. Tower of Ordeal
       2. Power Plant
       3. Tower of Pupuly
      Answer one, two or three.
    • magic_mouth (6, 6)
      The hall echoes with loud voice:
        "I'll test your knowledge about Shining Kingdom. Don't be deceived.. You will see many illusions..."
  • Euthville Magic Shop
    • magic_mouth (36, 21)
      Boy, I quite enjoy it when someone steps on my head!!
  • Evil Shrine, Antechamber
    • magic_mouth (19, 8)
      You see here a mural of several priests gathered near a rune covered wall.
    • magic_mouth (17, 13)
      Sacrilege! Your kind is not tolerated here! The Snake god becomes very angry! Snakes pour from the pits!
    • magic_mouth (17, 7)
      You see here a rune covered wall.
    • magic_mouth (16, 8)
      You see here a mural of a figure walking along a ribbon of black into the open maw of a large snake being.
  • Evil Shrine, Central Chambers
    • magic_mouth (24, 12)
      Beyond this door lies the Warden of the third gate.
    • magic_mouth (24, 7)
      Beyond this door lies the Warden of the fourth gate.
    • magic_mouth (15, 31)
      The entrance to the tunnel here looks like the mouth of a large serpent.
    • magic_mouth (7, 12)
      Beyond this door lies the Warden of the first gate.
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      Beyond this door lies the Warden of the second gate.
    • magic_mouth (4, 24)
      This side of the under-shrine looks like it will collapse any minute now.
  • Evil Shrine, East
    • magic_mouth (28, 19)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (26, 12)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (26, 9)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (26, 6)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (25, 19)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (24, 5)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (21, 5)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (20, 21)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (17, 20)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (17, 5)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • cryptic book of Hsam (17, 2)
      ... and the believer shall pass through the runed wall and into blackness, thereby walking the path of night into the domain of the lamia, where the four wardens keep her eternally imprisoned ...
    • magic_mouth (15, 20)
      There are cryptic symbols on the wall here.
    • magic_mouth (13, 13)
      This chamber looks like a large tomb.
    • magic_mouth (13, 12)
      This chamber looks like a large tomb.
  • Evil Shrine, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (10, 32)
      You hear something large slither nearby.
    • magic_mouth (9, 32)
      You hear something large slither nearby.
  • Evil Shrine, West
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      This room is filled with many cryptic murals.
    • magic_mouth (14, 13)
      This room is filled with many dreamlike murals.
    • magic_mouth (14, 3)
      You see here a mural of three sisters sitting by a stream weaving. They are making a shimmering cloak with a golden spinning wheel.
    • magic_mouth (13, 20)
      You see here a mural of a lamia gouging the eyes from a woman.
    • magic_mouth (10, 11)
      You see here a mural of a the snake god giving birth to a snake woman. The snake god is horrified.
    • magic_mouth (8, 18)
      You see here a mural of several men being eaten by dark spirits of chaos.
    • magic_mouth (6, 2)
      You see here four black spirits bound in chains made of fire. The snake god appears in the background.
    • magic_mouth (1, 9)
      You see here a mural of four black spirits guarding the doorway to a prison wherein a snake-woman resides.
  • Fernicious Fenx Family Pet Emporium
    • Manual of Long Hours (29, 10)
      The manual details various techniques of maintaining wakefulness while working long hours.
    • Guide to Hard Work (29, 9)
      The Guide to Hard Work contains a series of intimidating exercises for underpaid laborers.
    • magic_mouth (29, 7)
      Above the door is a sign carved in wood that reads "DUTY". You notice on the other side of the door there is a sign above it that reads "RESPECT".
    • magic_mouth (26, 5)
      Undead Pirate is more trouble than he's worth, and that's about a Girdle of Fighting. I'll hand him over to you for that.
    • magic_mouth (23, 5)
      Elven Princess is a long way from home. For 1 elven boots you can try to take her there.
    • magic_mouth (20, 9)
      Welcome to my store! We purchase containers and food. Our special packages contain a ready to use pet, though some of them can be kind of wild when you let them out of the box. It's best to turn the box upside down and just shake it to let them out, and also prepare to be very charming.
      As it is sometimes difficult to tame these magical pets, I have had my wife, who is a wizard, prepare a special pentagram. Open your pet box above the pentagram and the pets you purchase here will be automatically charmed for you. Opening them elsewhere may have unpredictable results.
      All sales are final.
    • magic_mouth (20, 5)
      This fool tried to rob from us, we still can't find our bracers of dexterity that he took. If you give us a pair we'll set him free and maybe he'll be grateful and rob for you.
    • magic_mouth (14, 8)
      Just look at this fine animal. He sings, he dances, he loads ammunition. He's eating me out of house and home. Pleeeease take him for only 200 platinum.
    • magic_mouth (14, 3)
      Not your average troll, no, not at all. He's big, he's fierce, he'll fight for you, for only 1000 platinum. Of his own free will of course, we would never harm such a fine upstanding humanoidish beast.
    • magic_mouth (11, 8)
      A fire serpent! Just think of the things you could do if you had a fire serpent of your very own... Only 400 platinum.
    • magic_mouth (11, 3)
      Isn't this a fine pack of wolves?
      Observe the sheen of their coats, the strong teeth and jaws. They are well trained and will follow you for the modest sum of 2000 platinum.
    • magic_mouth (10, 6)
      This vicious monster is trained to do one thing only, kill, and kill on command. Well, he may not fit through every door you find, but for only 1200 platinum that's your problem not mine.
    • magic_mouth (6, 20)
      Isn't she the finest animal you've ever seen!?
      Only 150 platinum buys her, just drop it in my hand and you can go home with this gorgeous beast today. Mind you, she's too wild to ride, and got a bad temper, but she'll stand right by you in a fight. Watch her hooves heh heh...
  • Fire House
    • sign (7, 6)
      Hello, and welcome to the Fire House! This house was used by Julio the Great for various experiments. Enjoy the exhibition!
  • Fire Temple, Fifth Floor
    • scroll (35, 1)
      This scroll contains the final secrets for the alchemical preparation which grants temporary immunity to fire. It's pre-publication, so you're getting a scoop on the rest of the world.
      Unfortunately the ingredients are not written, maybe you can find them elsewhere...
  • Fire Temple, First Floor
    • Alchemical research center (26, 9)
      Alchemical research center.
    • magic_mouth (24, 12)
      Up to the mezzanine.
    • magic_mouth (19, 2)
      You see something under the little demon.
    • magic_mouth (17, 18)
      Up to the mezzanine.
    • magic_mouth (16, 18)
      Up to the mezzanine.
    • magic_mouth (13, 21)
      You see something under the little demon.
    • Principal Investigator's Office (13, 9)
      Principal Investigator's Office.
    • magic_mouth (10, 2)
      You see something under the little demon.
    • Power room (5, 24)
      Power room.
    • magic_mouth (3, 19)
      You see something under the little demon.
  • Fire Temple, Fourth Floor
    • sign (29, 32)
      Clean suits and boots are required past this point.
    • sign (29, 27)
      Microfabrication laboratory.
    • sign (20, 33)
      Etching room -- caution!
    • sign (12, 32)
      Oxidation room.
    • ingredients (1, 33)
      This scroll describes a large research project run by the demons which is intended to discover the physical means by which demons get their immunity to fire. From the text, you glean that
      - fire para-elemental's residue
      - 7 water of ruby
      - dragon's steak
      - 3 balm of asbestos
      are the ingredients necessary to produce an alchemical preparation capable of granting a temporary immunity to fire similar to a demon's. However, this scroll does not describe the alchemical methods.
  • Fire Temple, Lava Chamber
    • magic_mouth (27, 15)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
    • magic_mouth (27, 14)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passage way here.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      A hot wind is blowing in from the passageway here.
    • magic_mouth (18, 11)
      A blast of hot air comes up the stairs. The heat below is unbearable.
    • magic_mouth (18, 10)
      A blast of hot air comes up the stairs. The heat below is unbearable.
    • magic_mouth (17, 11)
      A blast of hot air comes up the stairs. The heat below is unbearable.
    • magic_mouth (17, 10)
      A blast of hot air comes up the stairs. The heat below is unbearable.
  • Fire Temple, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (16, 28)
      The fire god demands sacrifice of an enemy elemental's residue.
  • Fire Temple, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (30, 15)
      The altar before you seems oddly cool for an altar dedicated to the fire god. Somehow, that doesn't seem right.
    • magic_mouth (29, 15)
      The altar before you seems oddly cool for an altar dedicated to the fire god. Somehow, that doesn't seem right.
    • magic_mouth (28, 15)
      The altar before you seems oddly cool for an altar dedicated to the fire god. Somehow, that doesn't seem right.
    • magic_mouth (27, 3)
      In order to proceed you must sacrifice a chinese dragon's steak as token of your service to the Fire God.
    • magic_mouth (21, 17)
      In order to advance, you must demonstrate your alchemical knowledge relevant to the fire god. Name the animal essence required in the formula for summoning a fire elemental.
    • magic_mouth (21, 16)
      In order to advance, you must demonstrate your alchemical knowledge relevant to the fire god. Name the animal essence required in the formula for summoning a fire elemental.
    • magic_mouth (21, 15)
      In order to advance, you must demonstrate your alchemical knowledge relevant to the fire god. Name the animal essence required in the formula for summoning a fire elemental.
    • magic_mouth (13, 17)
      Now name the first mineral required for the formula for the dust of conflagration (alphabetically first).
    • magic_mouth (13, 16)
      Now name the first mineral required for the formula for the dust of conflagration (alphabetically first).
    • magic_mouth (13, 15)
      Now name the first mineral required for the formula for the dust of conflagration (alphabetically first).
    • magic_mouth (6, 17)
      In order to advance, you must demonstrate your alchemical knowledge relevant to the fire god. Begin by naming the liquid required to make dust of ignition.
    • magic_mouth (6, 16)
      In order to advance, you must demonstrate your alchemical knowledge relevant to the fire god. Begin by naming the liquid required to make dust of ignition.
    • magic_mouth (6, 15)
      In order to advance, you must demonstrate your alchemical knowledge relevant to the fire god. Begin by naming the liquid required to make dust of ignition.
  • Fire Temple, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (38, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (37, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (36, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (35, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (34, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (34, 22)
      The crater you see here is filled with a strange, almost burning liquid.
    • magic_mouth (33, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (32, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (31, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
    • magic_mouth (30, 23)
      You see before you the most amazing effect. A lavafall is pouring down through a rift in the ceiling and falling into a crevice in the floor. Passage seems difficult.
  • Fire Temple, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (22, 14)
      The wall here seems strange.
    • magic_mouth (1, 14)
      You quake with fear as you realize you stand in the presence of the earthly form of the Fire God. Would you pit your strength against that of a god?
  • Fire Temple, Mezzanine
    • magic_mouth (27, 15)
      Graduate students love talking about their research.
    • magic_mouth (27, 14)
      Graduate students love talking about their research.
    • magic_mouth (27, 12)
      Graduate students love talking about their research.
    • magic_mouth (27, 11)
      Graduate students love talking about their research.
    • magic_mouth (26, 14)
    • magic_mouth (26, 12)
    • magic_mouth (25, 12)
      Please do not EAT, DISEMBOWEL, CLAW, DECAPITATE, RIP LIMBS OFF OF, or otherwise MOLEST the graduate students. THEY ARE DOING USEFUL RESEARCH.
       --The Management
    • magic_mouth (25, 11)
      Please do not EAT, DISEMBOWEL, CLAW, DECAPITATE, RIP LIMBS OFF OF, or otherwise MOLEST the graduate students. THEY ARE DOING USEFUL RESEARCH.
       --The Management
    • magic_mouth (24, 12)
      Please do not EAT, DISEMBOWEL, CLAW, DECAPITATE, RIP LIMBS OFF OF, or otherwise MOLEST the graduate students. THEY ARE DOING USEFUL RESEARCH.
       --The Management
    • magic_mouth (24, 11)
      Please do not EAT, DISEMBOWEL, CLAW, DECAPITATE, RIP LIMBS OFF OF, or otherwise MOLEST the graduate students. THEY ARE DOING USEFUL RESEARCH.
       --The Management
    • magic_mouth (18, 5)
      Secretary's office.
    • magic_mouth (14, 5)
    • magic_mouth (11, 5)
    • magic_mouth (8, 5)
    • magic_mouth (5, 5)
      Prof. Smith's office.
    • magic_mouth (2, 5)
      Prof Lau's office.
  • Fire Temple, Third Floor
    • scroll (10, 22)
      ... This is part of a highly technical report on alchemical research. About the only part you can understand is that the author thinks it likely that a fire para-elemental's residue would be one of the ingredients needed.
    • scroll (10, 9)
      This is another complex incomprehensible alchemical treatise, apparently related to the ones you've seen before. He writes something about his colleagues also needing 7 pile of sulphur in order to do the summoning.
    • scroll (1, 5)
      More of the same alchemical gibberish you've seen before. However, this time he's babbling about bottle of philosophical oil.
  • Fisherhouse South
    • sign (5, 8)
      Note: Gone fishing, be back when the tide comes in.
  • Flawless Beauty
    • sign (13, 23)
      Jewelry Shop, Flawless Beauty!!
      How about jewels for your girlfriend?
  • Food Shop Warehouse
    • sign (6, 15)
      Have food that you'd like to sell? Get a good price in our food buyback corner!
  • Fortress of Lord Butakis
    • sign (12, 29)
      Prepare enough platinum, rubies and diamonds. For you need these to gamble. Also prepare scrolls of recall to get out of impasses otherwise you may die an agonizing death. On the first level, each altar takes 100 platinum coins to operate. On the second and third level, it takes a lot more. Luck is really hard to come by there, but rewards are huge.
    • magic_mouth (2, 5)
      Travel safely.
  • Fortress of Lord Butakis Prison, Dungeon
    • magic_mouth (9, 2)
      High security prison
    • magic_mouth (9, 1)
      High security prison
    • magic_mouth (8, 2)
      High security prison
    • magic_mouth (7, 2)
      High security prison
    • magic_mouth (6, 2)
      High security prison
    • magic_mouth (6, 1)
      High security prison
  • Fortress of Lord Butakis Prison, Heavily Guarded Chamber
    • magic_mouth (5, 17)
      Tasury asks you:
      What are you looking for in the Chamber of Portals?!?
    • magic_mouth (5, 16)
      Tasury asks you:
      What are you looking for in the Chamber of Portals?!?
    • magic_mouth (2, 18)
      Royal Guard asks you:
      Who are you looking for?
    • magic_mouth (2, 17)
      Royal Guard asks you:
      Who are you looking for?
    • sign (1, 8)
      As partial cost, drop 100 diamonds to use the Chamber of Portals.
  • Fortress of Lord Butakis Prison, West Gatehouse
    • sign (11, 7)
      Guard house closed. Please use the south gateway to access the prison.
    • sign (5, 8)
      Guard house closed. Please use the south gateway to access the prison.
  • Fortress of Lord Butakis, Inner Gate
    • magic_mouth (8, 7)
      "What's your business to the inner royal city?" the High Royal Guard asks.
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      "What's your business to the inner royal city?" the High Royal Guard asks.
    • magic_mouth (6, 15)
      A voice whispers to you, "There's a party at Mother's."
    • magic_mouth (3, 15)
      You enter a dark room hidden from the guards view. It must have been used by some kind of spy to steal in and out of the inner city
  • Fortress of Lord Butakis, Outer Gate
    • magic_mouth (14, 11)
      "This is a restricted area," the guard says, "You won't find it pleasant."
    • magic_mouth (14, 8)
      A guard says, "Speak the password."
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      A guard says, "Speak the password."
    • magic_mouth (14, 3)
      "This is a restricted area," the guard says, "You won't find it pleasant."
    • magic_mouth (13, 8)
      A guard says, "Speak the password."
    • magic_mouth (13, 7)
      A guard says, "Speak the password."
    • magic_mouth (13, 6)
      A guard says, "Speak the password."
    • magic_mouth (2, 11)
      The guard asks, "What's the password? Leave and don't risk your life, if you don't belong here!!"
    • magic_mouth (2, 3)
      The guard asks, "What's the password? Leave and don't risk your life, if you don't belong here!!"
    • magic_mouth (1, 8)
      A guard shout, "Who are you stranger? Come to the window and answer my question."
    • magic_mouth (1, 7)
      A guard shout, "Who are you stranger? Come to the window and answer my question."
    • magic_mouth (1, 6)
      A guard shout, "Who are you stranger? Come to the window and answer my question."
  • Friendly Giant's Tower, Entrance
    • sign (9, 15)
      Do you like Kobolds?
  • Friendly Giant's Tower, Level 2
    • sign (6, 13)
      You sure you want to do that?
  • Friendly Giant's Tower, Level 3
    • sign (10, 1)
    • magic_mouth (8, 8)
      A sign on the door reads, "Do not enter."
  • Frost Cavern
    • magic_mouth (19, 45)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (18, 45)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (17, 45)
      The current seems weaker here.
  • Fun Zone Boatracing
    • magic_mouth (7, 10)
      Racer 4 has finished!
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      Racer 3 has finished!
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      Racer 2 has finished!
    • magic_mouth (7, 6)
      Racer 1 has finished!
    • Boat Racing Explanation (3, 8)
      The objective of this game is to be the first one to the finish line. To play, have every racer position themself at the starting gate and then someone say 'start'. This causes the gate to open. After it opens, go to the right towards the finish line as fast as you can, but watch out for the jagged rocks and randomly generated 'strange water' which slows you down. In order to tell who won, look at the order of the 'Racer x has finished!' and see who was first.
  • Fun Zone Boulderball
    • Boulderball Explanation (44, 11)
      To play boulderball, form two teams (a team can be 1-4 players) and have one team gather on one group of pentagrams, and the other team on the other, then say 'start' to be teleported in. The goal of this game is to push the Boulderball into the opposing team's goal (reference the signs by the starting boxes for location information). The game is won at 1 point, so upon a team scoring a goal, both teams are teleported out, and the winning team is declared. (Warning: no tiles anywhere on this map are arena tiles, meaning that any kills anywhere on this map will be a PK with the usual penalties, so please do not do that.) (Note: do not worry about accidentally pushing the boulder against a wall rendering it stuck--the wall lining denies boulders. Also, players cannot stand inside the goal, to prevent them from just sitting right in there to block it.) (Note: the teams start in a line in between the ball and their goal to prevent one team from just drilling the Boulderball into the opponent's goal right off the start.)
    • Team 2 Starting Box (39, 14)
      This is the Team 2 starting box. If you are Team 2, your opponents' goal is on the right side of the court.
    • Team 1 Starting Box (39, 8)
      This is the Team 1 starting box. If you are Team 1, your opponents' goal is on the left side of the court.
    • magic_mouth (21, 11)
      Team 2 wins!!!
    • magic_mouth (21, 11)
      Team 1 wins!!!
  • Fun Zone Deatchmatch Lobby
    • Deathmatch Explanation (6, 5)
      This is the Deathmatch lobby. Deathmatch is similar to arena dueling, except it is really laid back. It is not restricted to 2 people at once... any number of people can play. Also, it is open, meaning anyone can enter and leave whenever they want. There are no trophies for killing either, since it is so unofficial and laid back. Also, the fighting areas are much larger than the traditional arena, and offer varying circumstances to fight under.
  • Fun Zone Deathmatch 1
    • sign (59, 30)
      There are multiple entrances to the Deathmatch area, but only one exit (near the center). This is to help fight against entrance/exit camping/popping in and out while casting. Also note that the entrances are laid out in this room similar to how they are in the Deathmatch area, location wise.
  • Fun Zone Lobby
    • Single Player (47, 11)
      Single Player
      Please purchase your Fun Zone Pass downstairs
    • Multiplayer (16, 11)
      Please purchase your Fun Zone Pass downstairs.
  • Fun Zone Lobby
    • magic_mouth (23, 1)
      You hear angry muttering coming from inside this slot machine. Perhaps it is broken.
    • Single Player (18, 7)
      Single Player
    • Multiplayer (7, 7)
  • Fun Zone Obstacle Course Lobby
    • Obstacle Course Explanation (3, 5)
      This is the obstacle course lobby. Each obstacle course here is a 1-player course, filled with dangerous traps and obstacles meant to stop you from making it to the end. To enter an obstacle course, stand on the teleporter and say 'start'.
  • Fun Zone Sphere Racing 1
    • magic_mouth (41, 34)
      Racer #2 has finished!!!
    • magic_mouth (41, 33)
      Racer #1 has finished!!!
    • Sphere Racing Explanation (38, 27)
      To play Sphere Racing, have 1 player enter Sphere 1, and another player enter Sphere 2, then maneuver both spheres to their respective starting positions (Sphere 1 on left, Sphere 2 on right). A few moments after that is achieved, the starting gate will open. The objective is to race the other person to the finish line. When a player passes over the finish line, it will be declared to all on this map that he has finished. In order to tell who won, see which player's message came first in the message box. Also note that there are randomly generated obstacles to hinder you and to prevent scripts from being effective.
  • Fun Zone Sphere Racing Lobby
    • Racing Explanation (6, 5)
      Racing is pretty self-explanatory, multiple people race each other to the finish.
  • Fun Zone Sumo Wrestling
    • Sumo Wrestling Explanation (24, 8)
      To play Sumo Wrestling, have one player stand on one pentagram, and another player on the other, and then wait a few moments. Once that is achieved, both players will be teleported into the wrestling area. The goal of this game is to push your opponent outside of the wrestling area (onto the 'battleground' tiles) which will cause them to lose, and die (there is no death penalty though). The remaining player will be teleported out upon victory. (WARNING: the only way this map can work is to have *only* the fatal/out-of-boundary area as arena tiles, that means if you use magic or go hostile and end up killing someone in the wrestling area or outside the safety fence, it will be a PK with the usual penalty, so please do not do that.
  • FWB Diamond Exchange
    • Partnership Accounts (11, 7)
      Partnership Accounts
      The First World Bank has partnered with the Bank of Skud to bring you fast transaction account access anywhere in the world.
    • First World Bank Diamond Exchange (9, 14)
      Welcome the Minatomachi branch of the First World Bank Diamond Exchange. Here First World Bank 2000 Diamond Notes can be redeemed or purchased. Also accounts are accessable through our Bank of Skud affiliate accountant.
  • Gaea's shrine
    • magic_mouth (20, 5)
      Beware, not all of Gaea's children are friendly.
  • Galmorus' Hut
    • ragged book (16, 14)
      There was a catacomb dwelled by ancient undeads. It was rumored that one can reach it climbing the mountains of north in this land. But all that is waiting is death. Many in search of it as a final challenge but fail to return.
    • book of the floating castle (15, 14)
      The flying castle was ancient and only registered in forgotten legends. According to the legend, it is a citadel hidden in the cloud. The only way to it was rumored to be carried by a mysterious tornado that constantly appeared in the north mountains. But the trip is very dangerous. One ghost of an courageous warrior returned to warn me, when I was seeking the flying castle myself. "Keep to the right path to the forbidden peak, or you would end up in the catacomb."
    • Yellow book (14, 14)
      [You find the following interesting]
      There are two ways to access the Sunset Castle. One is by underwater current. The other is by way of the druids.
    • faint scroll (14, 11)
      The password the fortress gateguard need is:
    • magic_mouth (12, 15)
      The wall dissolves under your touch. You step through the wall and enter the wooded backyard.
    • sign (10, 4)
      Go to the east wing to meet me.
    • Galmorus' Diary (8, 14)
      One of the recent notes and the few that are not encrypted:
      ... I suspect someone in this house is associated with Guild of Ebony Tiger.
      Maybe thing has gone far worst than I think.
      Another note:
      Today I discovered the secret passage in my own house! Someone made it behind my back. I will investigate into it later.
    • scroll (6, 2)
      If you see this note, I am either out or don't want to meet guests at the moment. So please come visit me again some other time. Take some refreshment and food before you leave.
  • Gates of Hell, Gate 5
    • magic_mouth (19, 8)
      Once again, do NOT turn this handle unless you know what will happen...
    • magic_mouth (17, 9)
      Turn the handle and regret your action.
    • magic_mouth (16, 9)
      Turn the handle and regret your action.
  • Glacier Keep, Dungeon Level 1
    • Instructions (4, 1)
      Step into a box and stand next to the teleporter. Summon a character there and they will be teleported into a cell and will not be able to leave until their time has expired.
      Times are actual playing time, so a character has to be logged in in order for their time to expire.
      Saying 'sorry' in a cell will deliver bread and water to a character.
      Teleporters are damned, so the characters save bed will be changed to the center of their cell. They will not be able to suicide and get out early.
      The Warden's key will allow you to open cell doors when you are not flying (dm). Prisoners will not be able to leave even if the door is open.
    • magic_mouth (2, 3)
      You have been jailed for life for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
      You have been jailed for 4 hours for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (1, 3)
      Get comfortable.. you're here for life.
    • magic_mouth (1, 1)
      4 hours.
  • Go Dojo
    • sign (12, 15)
      Welcome to the Go Dojo!
      New beginner-sized board, free to play!
  • Goblin Fort
    • orcish note (5, 6)
      Beewar! Du not tuch! Danjir!!
    • scroll (4, 11)
      The second word of power is:
  • Goblin Fortress, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (19, 15)
      You notice a crack in the wall . . .
  • Goblin Fortress, Northwest Tower
    • encrypted letter (12, 11)
      nt swle looewbruxw,
      tiy qwkk jbiq rgw reiyvkw lbs vwreltlk rglr dlxwa ya biq. tiy qukk aiib vw ib tiye iqb. u glcw kwdr qglr kurrkw u xlb ri lus tiy qgwb u ln fibw. rgw jwt kuwa vwbwlrg rgw dudrg arlryw. u hyar giow ur ua wbiyfg.
  • Goblin Island Dungeon, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (13, 5)
      Here sits a food stained altar.
  • Goblin Island Dungeons, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (12, 8)
      What a stench!
  • Goblin Training
    • magic_mouth (33, 4)
    • magic_mouth (33, 2)
      You have roughly 30 to 45 minutes to train here. Following that time the Goblins will have a meeting to attend and will be unavailable a while.
  • Gork's Grovel, Level 1
    • sign (9, 16)
      'Ere be Gork's. You be eatn if youse come en here.
    • Gate Pass (3, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the City of Scorn to the rest of the continent without further charges and penalties. The City of Scorn reserves the right to revoke said access at any time of its choosing without recompense or liability.
  • Gorokh Final
    • limited time (58, 59)
      Gorokh has not yet become aware of you. You feel as though you should get this quest finished. That you should get out of here quickly.
      You know once Gorokh knows you are here you will die ...
    • hideous evil laughter (56, 59)
      Gorokh has noticed you. You feel the regard of Gorokh to the depths of your soul. You hear hideous, evil laughter ...
    • magic_mouth (50, 8)
      You have a strong feeling you should pray to your cult gods before venturing beyond this gate. Perhaps that altar over there is here for a reason.
    • DM Lounge (29, 60)
      Dungeon Master's Lounge
    • magic_mouth (11, 49)
      When crossing over this spot you hear a sepulchral voice say: "Only the Advocate may enter..."
  • Goth's Tavern
    • sign (33, 21)
      POKER ROOM --
    • magic_mouth (11, 31)
      Cloak Room
    • magic_mouth (10, 21)
      You see some graffiti on the wall. It says: The Gate Password is "Chain."
    • sign (8, 3)
      Presenting the Lucky Lady Slots - Courtesy of Casino Infernal
      Pull the handle and try your luck.
      Please visit our Casino in Navar!
  • Goth's Tavern, Guest Rooms
    • note (19, 20)
      Adventurers Needed:
      Please go see the magistrate in Scorn castle at your earliest convience. They are in desperate need of assistance.
  • Gothwolte's Castle, Dungeon
    • magic_mouth (23, 16)
      You are very proud that you have finally discovered the secret passage into the castle.
    • magic_mouth (23, 15)
      You are very proud that you have finally discovered the secret passage into the castle.
  • Gothwolte's Castle, Entrance
    • delivery note (21, 26)
      The article "Surtur, Slug of Terror" (ordering no. 14625) has been delivered to Mr. Gothwolte successfully. Payment of dark souls will be executed, as always, via dimension-portal.
    • magic_mouth (18, 13)
      You don't know what is going on here, but it must be something terrible!
    • magic_mouth (17, 18)
      You feel that something is wrong about this place... Something must have changed since Cordish left...
    • magic_mouth (17, 9)
      Buah! It smells awful at this place. You hear some weird noise from the other room...
  • Gothwolte's Castle, Level 2
    • sign (24, 12)
      An emergency exit.
    • magic_mouth (19, 14)
      You translate the ancient symbols:
      "The story continues the time flew by, four brethren grew old and soon they would die. Shall the realm now shatter? Shall the peace be gone? That is out of question, so life must go on."
    • ancient epigraph (19, 14)
      You are unable to decipher those strange symbols. It seems to be an ancient script... You need a translation book to read that!
    • magic_mouth (17, 6)
      You translate the ancient symbols:
      "This is the story of four brethren, in quest for salvation, they prayed to god. So blessed and gifted they ruled with might, the realm was peaceful, the crowd at delight."
    • ancient epigraph (17, 6)
      You are unable to decipher those strange symbols. It seems to be an ancient script... You need a translation book to read that!
  • Gothwolte's Castle, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (17, 20)
      You decipher the ancient symbols:
      "The story would end now if there wasn't that man, dressed like a stranger, an offer at hand. So the contract was signed, it was written in blood. Four brethren would not die, so far it sounds good..."
    • ancient epigraph (17, 20)
      You are unable to decipher those strange symbols. It seems to be an ancient script... You need a translation book to read that!
    • magic_mouth (14, 9)
      You decipher the ancient symbols:
      "Four brethren relieved, but how could they dare? The contract was foul and the price wasn't fair: A corpse a week to leave death behind, a pact with the devil but still, it was signed."
    • ancient epigraph (14, 9)
      You are unable to decipher those strange symbols. It seems to be an ancient script... You need a translation book to read that!
  • Gothwolte's Castle, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (11, 19)
      You decipher the ancient symbols:
      "To meet Gothwolte, speaketh the name of his sword."
    • sign (11, 19)
      You are unable to decipher those strange symbols. It seems to be an ancient script... You need a translation book to read that!
    • magic_mouth (11, 3)
      The prisoner is screaming of pain! You feel very sorry for him.
    • magic_mouth (5, 3)
      Urg! This place smells rotten... A huge hall filled with corpses, you hardly believe your eyes! The time has come to put an end to this cruelty!
    • magic_mouth (3, 5)
      Urg! This place smells rotten... A huge hall filled with corpses, you hardly believe your eyes! The time has come to put an end to this cruelty!
  • Gothwolte's Castle, Level 6
    • magic_mouth (28, 12)
      The Cloak of Magic Resistance!
      This old artifact is one of the most powerful ever possessed by mortals. Remember that it will only accept one owner! You shall take it, but never drop it again. It would dissolve after being dropped!
    • magic_mouth (28, 2)
      You hear a voice deep inside you:
      "You are our last hope. Your courage is like a candle that might guide us to a better future. Now go and save the realm."
    • magic_mouth (28, 1)
      You defeated all of the Evil Masters and saved the realm! You feel an incredible force building inside your body.
    • magic_mouth (14, 22)
      You decipher the ancient symbols:
      "The end of the story turns out to be sad, four brethren with cold hearts their minds have gone mad. They burned their bodies only ashes to remain, but their spirits lived on to spread terror and pain."
    • ancient epigraph (14, 22)
      You are unable to decipher those strange symbols. It seems to be an ancient script... You need a translation book to read that!
    • magic_mouth (9, 23)
      To meet the last and most powerful Evil Master, speak his old name. The gate will only open once!
    • magic_mouth (4, 22)
      You decipher the ancient symbols:
      "The four brethren:
      - Fulgor the brave
      - Gandar the wise
      - Ivan the honorable
      - Bymon the righteous "
    • ancient epigraph (4, 22)
      You are unable to decipher those strange symbols. It seems to be an ancient script... You need a translation book to read that!
  • Gothwolte, Collection
    • very old book (35, 18)
    • very old book (35, 14)
    • very old book (35, 10)
    • very old book (35, 6)
    • very old book (34, 18)
    • the way to perfection (34, 14)
      The Terrorslug I ordered has finally been delivered. I need it's skin to prepare the last immunity scroll. Unfortunately it appears to be quite strong so my minions don't dare to leave the castle these days. Very amusing that the townsmen believe the `locked entrance' would hinder us.
    • very old book (34, 10)
    • very old book (34, 6)
    • very old book (33, 18)
    • very old book (33, 14)
    • very old book (33, 10)
    • of bodies and minds (33, 6)
      This new body was one big stroke of luck! It came rushing into my castle and it was so strong, it managed to slaughter my old incarnation. And then the common mistake: Thought I was dead and picked up the sword. My new frame feels great. My quest for the perfect body was finally successful.
    • very old book (29, 14)
    • very old book (29, 10)
    • treasury (28, 14)
      My treasure hoard inside the volcano is endangered by the present seismic activities there. The tunnel-system could collapse any time. However, I don't really care - I am so close to perfect immunity, I won't have to pay for anything anymore...
    • very old book (28, 10)
    • very old book (27, 14)
    • diary of Gothwolte (27, 10)
      ... The Evil Masters still don't want to accept me as their leader. But once I find my last missing immunity they'll have no choice! ..
    • very old book (23, 18)
    • very old book (23, 14)
    • very old book (23, 10)
    • very old book (23, 6)
    • very old book (22, 18)
    • very old book (22, 14)
    • very old book (22, 10)
    • very old book (22, 6)
    • the days of rulership (21, 18)
      I am looking forward to my life as an invincible form of being. I'll reshape this planet, and the disgusting human race will be the first to be made extinct!
    • very old book (21, 14)
    • very old book (21, 10)
    • very old book (21, 6)
    • scroll of immunity to turn undead (16, 17)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to chaos (16, 15)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to cold (16, 13)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to weaponmagic (16, 11)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to paralyze (16, 9)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to poison (16, 7)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to depletion (16, 5)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to death (14, 19)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to electricity (14, 3)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to cancellation (12, 19)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to god power (12, 3)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • magic_mouth (9, 2)
      Ah! That looks like Gothwolte is still lacking one last immunity. So it is still possible to hurt him with that single attacktype. But which one is it? And do you have the appropriate weapon?
    • scroll of immunity to physical (6, 19)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to holy power (6, 3)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to slow (4, 19)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to ghosthit (4, 3)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to counterspell (2, 17)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to draining (2, 15)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to blinding (2, 13)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to fear (2, 11)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to fire (2, 9)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to magic (2, 7)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
    • scroll of immunity to confusion (2, 5)
      If you can read this, you're a cheater!
  • Gothwolte, Training Arena
    • training arena (9, 19)
      If you enter, you'll be treated like a punching bag.
    • magic_mouth (9, 18)
      Gothwolte shouts:
      Ha! Who are you? I'll demonstrate to you the incredible power of my new body! I bet you won't live long enough to feel it entirely...
  • Grave
    • gravestone (8, 1)
    • gravestone (6, 1)
    • magic_mouth (5, 10)
      Offer the heads of seven angels.
    • gravestone (4, 1)
    • gravestone (2, 1)
  • Grey Castle Arena
    • sign (15, 5)
      Fire and Ice!
    • sign (3, 27)
      To Factory...
  • Grey Castle Factory
    • sign (23, 19)
      Factory Office.
    • sign (6, 5)
      Parts and Pieces.
    • magic_mouth (4, 30)
      You hear machines moving. It seems this factory is still active.
  • Grey Castle Fortress
    • magic_mouth (30, 16)
      Be careful near the furnaces!!!
    • sign (15, 29)
      None may enter except by the Grey King's request!
  • Grey Cavern Entrance
    • magic_mouth (14, 7)
      You feel some wind...
  • Grey Cavern, Level 2
    • sign (29, 7)
      To fortress..
    • sign (23, 6)
      To Grey Castle entrance..
  • Grey Master
    • magic_mouth (27, 17)
      Brrrrr!!! It's COLD in here!
    • sign (5, 20)
      space for teleporting walls...
    • sign (4, 9)
      These 3 dragons get teleported to entrance; one with each trigger press. The fourth trigger press opens the wall up... (I used teleporters to move foods to an altar to trigger the movements. I had to use altars because large buttons trigger once when the map is loaded, causing the dragons to teleport :< )
    • sign (0, 12)
      Space for pillar
  • Greysword
    • sign (7, 8)
      Ah... fools! All of them!
      Lured by their greed, I have changed their appearance and locked them into this immortal dance...
      Beware, lest the same fate befall you! For those who have only one purpose shall be successful...
  • Guest of the Marquis
    • note (40, 27)
      Something awesome in power and dark, very dark, has engulfed the Marquis' spirit. He is forever locked in his castle and I fear to approach it. Dark, terrible, creatures run amok there. At the approach there lives a sort of wraith which I dare not name it's kind. My enchanted rings started to tingle and yearn to be theirs as I passed near the walls last week. Ever since then I have stayed here in this room... I cannot stay any longer... not even in this house does the night rest. I fear if I stay my soul will be devoured and no sword of mine could ferry those terrible beings away.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Black Shield, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Black Shield, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Black Shield, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Black Shield, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Black Shield, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Black Shield, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Black Shield, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Damned Heretics, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Dreaming Sage, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Drunken Barbarian, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Green Goblin, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work.  You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs.  You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Green Goblin, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work.  You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north.  This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs.  You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Ketsueki Itsuryuu, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Laughing Skull, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Law
    • sign (22, 7)
      Keep pushing the button. And proceed with *caution*...
    • scroll (22, 5)
      Say "unusual" to the reception guy.
    • 3 (21, 1)
      The Regular Army recruiter says:
      Excellent. You've been accepted as a member of the Regular Army. Here is your passport. Talk to the guildmaster for further instructions.
    • sign (2, 11)
      Cave of Ordeal
      (at least level 15 required)
  • Guild of Law, Information Center of Regular Army
    • 3 - elec (23, 2)
      Well done, you made it through the Tower of Electricity! Speak to the guildmaster now.
    • 2 - water (23, 2)
      Well done, you made it through the Tower of Water! Speak to the guildmaster now.
    • 1 - fire (23, 2)
      Well done, you made it through the Tower of Fire! Speak to the guildmaster now.
    • magic_mouth (20, 4)
      There is a crack in the wall.
    • sign (18, 3)
      Pet Room of the Guild Master. Don't enter!
    • sign (8, 19)
      Information Center of the Regular Army
  • Guild of Law, Pet Room of Guild Master
    • magic_mouth (1, 9)
      Strange smell...
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Mailed Fist, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Mockers, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Mockers, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Mockers, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Mockers, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Mockers, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Mockers, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Mockers, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs.  You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mockers, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mockers, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mockers, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Mockers, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mockers, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Mockers, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Mockers, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses.  Your brain is on fire!  The Oracle zaps a wand.  The bolt hits you.  You feel a wrenching sensation.  Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Nenshou Youso, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter. Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Poisoned Dagger, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter. Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter. Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Purple Butterfly, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter. Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Smoking Cauldron, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter. Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter. Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Basement
    • rest area (7, 10)
      Items left on the floor of the sleeping area will be periodically cleaned by guild staff.
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Guild Alchemy Lab
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Guild HeadQuarters
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (26, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (25, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (24, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 16)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 10)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Jeweler Token (24, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      The Oracle points at you and curses. Your brain is on fire! The Oracle zaps a wand. The bolt hits you. You feel a wrenching sensation. Something is wrong!
    • Thaumaturgy Token (22, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Tannery Token (22, 14)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Tannery Token (22, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Toolshed Token (21, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (19, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Jeweler Token (18, 15)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Jeweler's Workshop.
    • Glowing Crystal Token (18, 13)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Crystal Room.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (18, 11)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Garden Token (18, 9)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (18, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (18, 5)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Tannery Token (18, 3)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tannery.
    • Kennel Token (18, 1)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (17, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Thaumaturgy Token (16, 26)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Thaumaturgy Room.
    • Toolshed Token (15, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Tool Shed.
    • Garden Token (14, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Attention (14, 1)
      Our vending machines are old, give them time to process your money.
    • sign (13, 15)
      To trophy room
    • Garden Token (11, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (11, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (11, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Garden Token (8, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Garden.
    • Alchemy Token (8, 22)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (8, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (5, 24)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (5, 20)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • Alchemy Token (2, 25)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Alchemy Room.
    • Kennel Token (2, 21)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the Kennel.
    • sign (2, 15)
      Hall of Joining
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Guild Jeweler
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Be sure to pick up after yourself, otherwise the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Guild Thaumaturgy Lab
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      Be sure to leave no items behind; the cleaning staff is very, very thorough.
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Guild Tool Shed
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      Did you clean up after yourself? If not, the cleaning staff will.
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Guildman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, GuildMaster's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Journeyman's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Main Floor
    • How to buy a Guild (32, 22)
      Three people are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amberium coins for the altar.
      Two must stand on the pedestals in the first two alcoves and the third must take the payment into the third alcove.
      When the third person has entered the third alcove the gates will be raised on the first two.
      When the payment is made all three people shall be made GuildMasters and the way will be open to enter the guildhouse.
      Remember, owning a guild is a very big responsibility.
      If you are not ready for the time and effort involved perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
    • Altar (30, 28)
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 100 amber for the altar.
      After the fee is paid three characters must stand on the pedestals in the small rooms.
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Posted: No Tresspassing (14, 26)
      Violators will be jailed, if they live that long.
      In all seriousness, permanant character damage can result from trying to break into the guild.
    • Owners Guide (12, 14)
      Welcome to your new Guild House!
      A few things to note, bugs should be reported to alestan@meflin.com.
      In the upper left corner, there are two levers, the left one pays out fees and dues, fees are dropped onto the floor and dues go straight into your inventory. The one on the right sets what happens if a non member tries to enter. In the left position, they are held in a prison and must wait for the guild master, get a DM to help, or step into chaos long enough to word of recall out. In the right position, it simply throws them out of the entry portal. The work rooms are not player unique maps, so multiple people can enter the same work room. The maps also do not reset, there is a small fee for using the maps, that the guild masters collect, use the funds from it to replace broken equipment. To control who has access to the rooms, in the basement there are tokens, one of each kind is free, further ones must be purchased at ten gold apiece. Once in a while the mechanism malfunctions and eats your money, just like a real vending machine, if this happens, sorry, just put more in and it should work. You may buy four additional tokens per map reset, if you buy a fifth, it will refund your money and tell you it is sold out, putting more money in is simply eaten by the machine. Questions or comments, please send them to alestan@meflin.com
      New in this update: Security system for the guild. It's not perfect yet, but it catches most people trying to sneak into the guild. Guild Storage room, the old storage hall is set up, thanks to Chad, to be a sorting/staging room. It is not secure, so it is suggested that valuable items are not left unattended in it. Also, if the gates are up in front of the stairs and you jump down one of the holes, a guildmaster will have to come rescue you because there is no way out. New guild storage area is added under the guild. The entrance is through the basement to the north. This one splits up whose allowed to enter by guild rank. Play around with it, most of the bugs should have been fixed already.
      Known bugs: Some areas may be accessible by dimension door that should not be accessible. Some of the floor in the storage rooms beneath the guild hall may not be buildable. Those are the major ones.
      P.S. This latest version now includes a security system. Anyone caught on the mainfloor who does not belong is jailed for a random length of time between 15 minutes and four hours, or life. Anyone caught entering the GM only area in the guild_hq, will be given one of 9 random curses. At present, they must see a DM to have it removed.
    • Guild HQ (8, 3)
      Guild Masters Only. Keep out.
    • Dues (6, 7)
      Pay guild dues here.
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Masters' Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Novice's Lounge
    • Note to the Lucky Owners (3, 8)
      As you are certainly aware, we at Guild Houses Inc. take great care of our customer's satisfaction.
      Unfortunately this is not the case of all our suppliers.
      Thus the roof of the Big Storage Room collapsed last time a dragon flew too low.
      While we sue the indelicate supplier who made the roof up to his last silver coin, and the dragon to its last scale, we decided to let you, the Customer, pay for the repairs. You will, this way, be able to customize this Big Storage Room to your tastes, and pay our partner organization Acme Inc. many building fees.
      We hope you will enjoy building this place!
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      This crystal glows brighter than anything you've ever seen. You wonder if touching it might be a bad idea.
  • Guild of Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku, Storage Room
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Guardian says: If you are worthy to enter here, say enter.
      Be warned - if you are not welcome here you will suffer my wrath.
    • Owner's Guide (27, 9)
      Welcome to your storage building. This fine facility has a auto-storing feature, so that you can store all your items into their respective areas faster than normal. Also, there are powerful anti magic fields all through this facility, to make it impossible to have your loot destroyed. To use the auto sort feature, place items on the pits above, then pull the lever. That causes the items to fall through tubes and end up in different rooms to your sorting delight. Enjoy!
  • Hall of Bones
    • magic_mouth (13, 7)
      You wonder if there is something hidden behind this wall.
  • Hall of Dungeon Masters
    • DM Message Board (21, 26)
      This is an inter-DM messageboard. If you don't know how to use it, say help.
  • Hall of Fame
    • monument (6, 2)
      The greatest Heroes of Pup Land:
  • Hall of Fame, Level 2
    • Chronicle of Pup Land (3, 1)
      Welcome wanderer,
      Pup Land is huge, great adventures await you. These maps contain more "action" and storyline than most. As you advance, the tasks will become more and more difficult - Don't forget that the finest of artifacts are waiting for you! And always keep in mind: *Anything* can happen on Pup Land maps. Don't be afraid of the unexpected...
  • Hall Of Selection
    • magic_mouth (10, 30)
      Step forward to become a Priest.
    • magic_mouth (10, 28)
      Step forward to become a Paladin.
    • magic_mouth (10, 26)
      Step forward to become a Monk.
      Beware!  Monks cannot use weapons.
      This is a significant handicap: experienced players only.
    • magic_mouth (10, 24)
      Step forward to become a Thief.
    • magic_mouth (10, 22)
      Step forward to become a Ninja.
    • magic_mouth (10, 20)
      Step forward to become a Swashbuckler.
    • magic_mouth (10, 18)
      Step onto the circle to become a Barbarian.
    • magic_mouth (10, 16)
      Step on the circle to become a Warrior.
    • magic_mouth (9, 30)
      As a priest, you've learned an intense devotion to your god, and you've learned how to channel the energies your god vouchsafes to his devotees.
      You've been taught the use of weapons, but only cursorily, and your physical training has been lacking in general.
      Since you're in tune with the holy powers, you can tell when a god has marked an object as accursed.
    • magic_mouth (9, 28)
      You are a militant priest, with an emphasis on 'priest'.
      You've been taught archery and the use of weapons, but great care has been taken that you're doctrinally correct. Now you've been sent out in the world to convert the unrighteous and destroy the enemies of the faith. Your church members have been charged a pretty penny to equip you for the job!
      All other areas of your education have been neglected. Perhaps aware of your deficiency, your superiors have given you some measure of protection from magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 26)
      In the Monastery, they believed in mental discipline and peace through physical training, meditation, and, to a lesser extent, religious devotion.
      Your mental equilibrium requires you to forego the use of weapons, but your physical training in karate means you're not helpless.
      Your inner peace grants you the ability to regenerate faster and to sense metaphysical auras.
    • magic_mouth (9, 24)
      Trained to be a thief from a young age, you've learned to steal and you're familiar with the value a fence will give you on your "finds".
      You've had some weaponry training, including archery; this being advisable to someone who is likely to have acrimonious disagreements about the ownership of valuable objects.
      You've had no time for either religious devotion or the study of magecraft, but your quick wits have been enough to keep you alive so far.
    • magic_mouth (9, 22)
      As a member of the secret society of the Ninja, you've been taught archery, the use of weapons, and also the art of combat without weapons. Your style of combat, leans very much toward the sneak attack, so you've been taught how to be inconspicuous and to appear in places you're not expected.
      You have had no introduction to either religious devotion or magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 20)
      Shipboard most of your life, you've learned good balance and agility, and you've also become strong and hardy. Because of occasional oars work, you and your shipmates have an admirable command of rhythm, and you can sing well.
      You've learned to make the most of your time in port:  after passing out drunk in a bar and waking to find yourself short your pay, you've found ways to acquire new capital, or at the very least, talk someone into helping you out of your fix.
      On numerous occasions, you've taken up arms and bow in defense of your ship, so you're facile with weapons, but you've had no chance to learn magic or the ways of gods.
    • magic_mouth (9, 18)
      Growing up in the howling wilderness, you've had no chance to pursue anything remotely intellectual, let alone learn your letters!  It's amazing you ever thought of leaving your hovel and going somewhere else, you're so ignorant. But now you have.
      You find that you're a lot tougher and stronger than these city folk, and you know how to get around in rough terrain. You've learned archery in order to fill your cook pot, and weaponry is second nature to anyone who's had to fight with the local orc-tribe over food once a month.
      You're deeply afraid of magic, and it'll be a while before you get over that and develop any facility with it.
      You've no deep problem with the idea of gods, but you don't know much about them.
    • magic_mouth (9, 16)
      As a Warrior you've been trained in the art of combat with weapons and in archery.
      Because of your training, you're stronger, more agile, and hardier than you would be otherwise.
      Your education, however, has not included studies in the magical arts or religious devotion, and, in general, lacks breadth.
    • magic_mouth (7, 15)
      To begin choosing, walk into the room
      below, and examine the different
      classes until you are satisfied.
      When you find a class you like, walk
      forward onto the circle for that
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      Crossfire Primer #6.
      Religions are acquired by praying at an altar. Any player with the praying skill may pray at an altar and become a devotee of that god.
      The deities are very different from each other and can vastly affect how the game is played. Beginning players should probably choose either Mostrai or Valriel, and should probably avoid Gaea and Ruggilli.
      Praying at an altar can have a number of advantages. For example, your god may grant you extra grace points, or may spontaneously bless you with some unexpected boon. Don't give up on praying at the altar as sometimes it takes quite a bit of prayer to convince your god that you are worthy.
      Temples for most of the religions may be found in the town of Scorn, where new players should go after selecting a class.
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      To begin choosing a character class, walk into the room ahead. Examine the different classes by stepping on the first tile of each aisle. When you find a class that appeals to you, walk forward onto the teleport circle for that class. At that point, your character usually assumes the appearance of the fellow standing at the end of the aisle.
      Note that your character's statistics like strength, dexterity, and so on, will be automatically adjusted according the chosen class. Keep this in mind when making a selection. Some statistics will get higher, and others will get lower.
      It may be helpful to choose a class keeping in mind which statistics are high and low. For example, it may not be wise to pick a warrior class if your character has very low strength, and electing a magical class with a very low power statistic may prevent your character from using magic until artifacts may be found that raise your characters statistics to a useful level.
    • magic_mouth (7, 13)
      Crossfire Primer #5:
      Players with the praying skill can ask help of their gods. Prayers and magical spells are used in much the same way as magic spells. For example:
      cast holy word
      cast cause light wounds
      These commands set a ranged attack to that prayer. Then, like other ranged weapons, the spell is "fired" in a direction to invoke the prayer. The "invoke" command also works with praying spells.
      Grace is a measure of how pleased your god is with you at the moment. Your god will grant you favors if you have sufficient grace, or even sometimes when you don't.
      Asking for a big favor when you have insufficient grace may bring down divine retribution, so watch your grace meter when casting spells.
      Grace is slowly replenished, up to a point. You must pray to gain more grace, or gain it faster than the natural replenishment rate. The following command may be used to set up a convenient way to pray:
      bind use_skill praying
      This is called keybinding, and sets up a hotkey for a commonly entered text command. After binding the command to the P key, pressing P causes your character to pray.
    • magic_mouth (7, 12)
      Crossfire Primer #4:
      Players with magical skills may cast mana-based spells. Magic skills are split into sub-groups called evocation, pyromancy, sorcery, and summoning, and are used by typing commands. For example:
      cast small lightning
      cast burning hands
      The cast command "readies" a spell and selects a ranged attack to prepare for "firing" magic. To invoke the spell, fire, or shoot, in some direction after it has been readied. It is also possible to invoke a spell without having to fire or ready it. For example:
      invoke word of recall
      invoke small lightning
      Using the invoke command does not change the melee or ranged weapon selection.
      Magical energy is called mana and is depleted whenever a player invokes a magical spell. Mana is normally replenished slowly, but certain items may speed the recharging process.
    • magic_mouth (7, 11)
      Crossfire Primer #3:
      Crossfire players can have many skills. Type in the command "skills" to see which ones you have. Remember, the apostrophe key is used to begin entering typed commands. At the moment your character will have few or no skills. Selecting your character class is the way to choose your beginning skill set.
      The primary skills are organized into groups that represent abilities to use various forms of magic, weapons, and praying, but there are also many other skills that do not fall into these broad categories.
      Some skills are used by typing in commands like this:
      use_skill alchemy
      Other skills, like praying, weapons, and magic are used automatically. Skills may be inherent to your character, but they may also be acquired by using items like talismans, holy symbols, or other inventory items.
    • magic_mouth (7, 10)
      Crossfire Primer #2:
      Basic movement and melee combat.
      During your adventures, you often need to battle monsters. If you want to physically strike a monster, just run into him with your player, many times, and quickly. This is called melee combat. To combat foes or escape with your life, learn the keyboard commands for running and moving.
      Move using the following keys, or by using arrow key clusters or numeric key pads present on many keyboards:
      h l
      To run, hold the  key and press a direction key. When you run, it is not necessary to repeatedly press direction keys. You move in the indicated direction until the direction key is released.
      It is better to hit a monster with a weapon rather than with fists. Click on your inventory until you figure out how to get a weapon "wielded". Once that is done, you'll be able to hit the monster with the weapon when you run into him.
      Melee combat can be very effective, but be careful. Some monsters do a great deal of damage to character and equipment during close combat, and yet others are unaffected by physical damage, though these monsters do not appear in the easy dungeons you will play first.
      To avoid melee combat, use ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, or magic. Fire such ranged weapons by pressing the  key in combination with a direction key.
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      Crossfire Primer #1:
      How to pick up, drop, and apply things.
      On this square there is a piece of food. Click around with various mouse buttons. One of the buttons will cause you to apply (eat) the food. Another button is used to pick up or drop items. It is important to get comfortable with pickup and drop early so that you do not accidentally drop things that are given to you after you select a class. Some of those items will disappear forever if you drop them.
      The mouse is not the only way to do things. Keyboard keys are used also. For example, the "," (comma) key is quick way to pick up objects you are standing on.
      Crossfire also has a rich set of text commands. To begin entering a text command, use the apostrophe (') key. On most modern clients, this places your cursor in a text entry box.
      To pick up, drop, or apply objects, type an apostrophe followed by an appropriate text command. For example, typing a text command "take all" gets everything off of the floor at once. You can even be more specific by using an objects name. For example, "drop food" will cause all items named food to be dropped.
    • magic_mouth (7, 8)
      Welcome to the Hall of Selection.
      Here you pick a character class. Each class starts out with different skills. Picking a class here does not permanently affect the skills you know as it is quite possible to 'train' your character in additional skills. Like a person, a character can learn a new career if his native abilities allow it.
      Selection of a class also affects the appearance of your character on the game board. Even though a character may assume a new vocation by learning new skills, the appearance chosen here is permanent.
      On this walk toward your destiny, some basic game concepts will be offered to prepare you for your adventures. Do not worry too much about all the details yet. After you select a class, you will have another chance to learn more about how to start playing Crossfire.
    • magic_mouth (5, 28)
      The axis of your existence is your devotion to your god, but you've also been busy in other areas. Your sensitivity to godly powers has also caused your natural magical ability to bloom, and your religious order has encouraged your study. Your religious superiors have forced you to learn weaponry against your choice, but you will find that they were wise to do so. You haven't trained as assiduously as you should have, so you are soft and weak.
    • magic_mouth (5, 26)
      Your study of magic has been obsessive. Your frequent practice has greatly enhanced your powers, and your intellect has been sharpened enormously by your quest for ever better ways to channel energies. Barbarians used to push you around on the street until you blasted one's leg off with a lightning bolt. You reflected later on the stupidity of this, because you could by no means have blasted his friends, too. Fortunately, they ran off. You resolved to learn how to take out a whole group of barbarians before losing your temper again. On the other hand, you have totally neglected to learn to use weaponry, so you're soft and weak. Your study of magical devices allows you to notice when an object has a magical aura, and you are often able to fathom the purpose of magical devices.
    • magic_mouth (5, 24)
      Your specialty is magical devices and concoctions, but you've also had some training in weaponry, so that you could fend off townsfolk angered by the vile reeks that frequently emanate from your workshop. Searching for the ultimate recipe and trying to recover lost knowledge has sharpened your wits considerably. Your focus, however, has left little time for physical training, and your sedentary lifestyle has weakened you. Your dependence on magical devices extends to the use of a talisman to channel mana. The talisman has become attuned to detonation and transmutation because of the way you have used it.
    • magic_mouth (5, 22)
      You're the generalist of the spellcasters. You've emphasized the use of magic and studied all its areas equally. You've learned something about the gods and religious devotion as well. To a much lesser extent, you've studied weaponry, but you've not had much physical training: you're mostly sedentary, and so you're not nearly so strong and healthy as you could be.
    • magic_mouth (5, 20)
      You've had more of an emphasis on physical training than most spellcasters, at the expense of less practice with spellcasting. You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you. Your work has leaned heavily toward the art of summoning creatures to help you in a fight, and your talisman has become attuned to that. That attunement, however, makes it harder for you to reject unwanted creatures. You've also had a reasonable education in religious devotion.
    • magic_mouth (5, 18)
      Your specialty is the use of attack spells in combat. You practice these spells daily, and your capacity to cast them has increased hugely. You've had some training in weaponry to help defend yourself, but you tend to leave most of the fighting to others, so your physical training has been somewhat lacking. You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you. The attack spells have imprinted themselves somewhat on your talisman, making it good for those and less useful for anything else. You have not been trained in religious devotion: however, you come from a religious family and will have no particular difficulty taking up the service of a god.
    • magic_mouth (5, 16)
      You've divided your time between learning magic and learning weapons, but have totally disregarded religious devotion. You're physically stronger and hardier because of your training, and you know the use of weapons and bows. However, you're just a bit clumsy in both weaponry and magic because you've had to divide your time between them.
    • magic_mouth (4, 28)
      Step forward to become a Devotee.
    • magic_mouth (4, 26)
      Step forward to become a Sorcerer.
      Sorcerers are difficult to play and not recommended for beginners.
    • magic_mouth (4, 24)
      Step forward to become an Alchemist.
      Alchemists are for somewhat advanced players.
    • magic_mouth (4, 22)
      Step forward to become a Wizard.
    • magic_mouth (4, 20)
      Step forward to become a Summoner.
    • magic_mouth (4, 18)
      Step forward to become an Evoker.
    • magic_mouth (4, 16)
      Step forward to become a Warlock.
  • Hall Of Selection, Fireborn
    • magic_mouth (10, 30)
      Step forward to become a Priest.
    • magic_mouth (10, 28)
      Step forward to become a Paladin.
    • magic_mouth (10, 26)
      Step forward to become a Monk.
      Beware! Monks cannot use weapons.
      This is a significant handicap: experienced players only.
    • magic_mouth (10, 24)
      Step forward to become a Thief.
    • magic_mouth (10, 22)
      Step forward to become a Ninja.
    • magic_mouth (10, 20)
      Step forward to become a Swashbuckler.
    • magic_mouth (10, 18)
      Step onto the circle to become a Barbarian.
    • magic_mouth (10, 16)
      Step on the circle to become a Warrior.
    • magic_mouth (9, 30)
      As a priest, you've learned an intense devotion to your god, and you've learned how to channel the energies your god vouchsafes to his devotees.
      You've been taught the use of weapons, but only cursorily, and your physical training has been lacking in general.
      Since you're in tune with the holy powers, you can tell when a god has marked an object as accursed.
    • magic_mouth (9, 28)
      You are a militant priest, with an emphasis on 'priest'.
      You've been taught archery and the use of weapons, but great care has been taken that you're doctrinally correct. Now you've been sent out in the world to convert the unrighteous and destroy the enemies of the faith. Your church members have been charged a pretty penny to equip you for the job!
      All other areas of your education have been neglected. Perhaps aware of your deficiency, your superiors have given you some measure of protection from magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 26)
      In the Monastery, they believed in mental discipline and peace through physical training, meditation, and, to a lesser extent, religious devotion.
      Your mental equilibrium requires you to forego the use of weapons, but your physical training in karate means you're not helpless.
      Your inner peace grants you the ability to regenerate faster and to sense metaphysical auras.
    • magic_mouth (9, 24)
      Trained to be a thief from a young age, you've learned to steal and you're familiar with the value a fence will give you on your "finds".
      You've had some weaponry training, including archery; this being advisable to someone who is likely to have acrimonious disagreements about the ownership of valuable objects.
      You've had no time for either religious devotion or the study of magecraft, but your quick wits have been enough to keep you alive so far.
    • magic_mouth (9, 22)
      As a member of the secret society of the Ninja, you've been taught archery, the use of weapons, and also the art of combat without weapons. Your style of combat, leans very much toward the sneak attack, so you've been taught how to be inconspicuous and to appear in places you're not expected.
      You have had no introduction to either religious devotion or magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 20)
      Shipboard most of your life, you've learned good balance and agility, and you've also become strong and hardy. Because of occasional oars work, you and your shipmates have an admirable command of rhythm, and you can sing well.
      You've learned to make the most of your time in port: after passing out drunk in a bar and waking to find yourself short your pay, you've found ways to acquire new capital, or at the very least, talk someone into helping you out of your fix.
      On numerous occasions, you've taken up arms and bow in defense of your ship, so you're facile with weapons, but you've had no chance to learn magic or the ways of gods.
    • magic_mouth (9, 18)
      Growing up in the howling wilderness, you've had no chance to pursue anything remotely intellectual, let alone learn your letters! It's amazing you ever thought of leaving your hovel and going somewhere else, you're so ignorant. But now you have.
      You find that you're a lot tougher and stronger than these city folk, and you know how to get around in rough terrain. You've learned archery in order to fill your cook pot, and weaponry is second nature to anyone who's had to fight with the local orc-tribe over food once a month.
      You're deeply afraid of magic, and it'll be a while before you get over that and develop any facility with it.
      You've no deep problem with the idea of gods, but you don't know much about them.
    • magic_mouth (9, 16)
      As a Warrior you've been trained in the art of combat with weapons and in archery.
      Because of your training, you're stronger, more agile, and hardier than you would be otherwise.
      Your education, however, has not included studies in the magical arts or religious devotion, and, in general, lacks breadth.
    • magic_mouth (7, 15)
      To begin choosing a character class, walk into the room ahead. Examine the different classes by stepping on the first tile of each aisle. When you find a class that appeals to you, walk forward onto the teleport circle for that class.
      Note that your character's statistics like strength, dexterity, and so on, will be automatically adjusted according the chosen class. Keep this in mind when making a selection. Some statistics will get higher, and others will get lower.
      It may be helpful to choose a class keeping in mind which statistics are high and low. For example, it may not be wise to pick a warrior class if your character has very low strength, and electing a magical class with a very low power statistic may prevent your character from using magic until artifacts may be found that raise your characters statistics to a useful level.
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      Crossfire Primer #6.
      Religions are acquired by praying at an altar. Any player with the praying skill may pray at an altar and become a devotee of that god.
      The deities are very different from each other and can vastly affect how the game is played. Beginning players should probably choose either Mostrai or Valriel, and should probably avoid Gaea and Ruggilli.
      Praying at an altar can have a number of advantages. For example, your god may grant you extra grace points, or may spontaneously bless you with some unexpected boon. Don't give up on praying at the altar as sometimes it takes quite a bit of prayer to convince your god that you are worthy.
      Temples for most of the religions may be found in the town of Scorn, where new players should go after selecting a class.
    • magic_mouth (7, 13)
      Crossfire Primer #5:
      Players with the praying skill can ask help of their gods. Prayers and magical spells are used in much the same way as magic spells. For example:
      cast holy word
      cast cause light wounds
      These commands set a ranged attack to that prayer. Then, like other ranged weapons, the spell is "fired" in a direction to invoke the prayer. The "invoke" command also works with praying spells.
      Grace is a measure of how pleased your god is with you at the moment. Your god will grant you favors if you have sufficient grace, or even sometimes when you don't.
      Asking for a big favor when you have insufficient grace may bring down divine retribution, so watch your grace meter when casting spells.
      Grace is slowly replenished, up to a point. You must pray to gain more grace, or gain it faster than the natural replenishment rate. The following command may be used to set up a convenient way to pray:
      bind use_skill praying
      This is called keybinding, and sets up a hotkey for a commonly entered text command. After binding the command to the P key, pressing P causes your character to pray.
    • magic_mouth (7, 12)
      Crossfire Primer #4:
      Players with magical skills may cast mana-based spells. Magic skills are split into sub-groups called evocation, pyromancy, sorcery, and summoning, and are used by typing commands. For example:
      cast small lightning
      cast burning hands
      The cast command "readies" a spell and selects a ranged attack to prepare for "firing" magic. To invoke the spell, fire, or shoot, in some direction after it has been readied. It is also possible to invoke a spell without having to fire or ready it. For example:
      invoke word of recall
      invoke small lightning
      Using the invoke command does not change the melee or ranged weapon selection.
      Magical energy is called mana and is depleted whenever a player invokes a magical spell.  Mana is normally replenished slowly, but certain items may speed the recharging process.
    • magic_mouth (7, 11)
      Crossfire Primer #3:
      Crossfire players can have many skills. Type in the command "skills" to see which ones you have. Remember, the apostrophe key is used to begin entering typed commands. At the moment your character will have few or no skills. Selecting your character class is the way to choose your beginning skill set.
      The primary skills are organized into groups that represent abilities to use various forms of magic, weapons, and praying, but there are also many other skills that do not fall into these broad categories.
      Some skills are used by typing in commands like this:
      use_skill alchemy
      Other skills, like praying, weapons, and magic are used automatically. Skills may be inherent to your character, but they may also be acquired by using items like talismans, holy symbols, or other inventory items.
    • magic_mouth (7, 10)
      Crossfire Primer #2:
      Basic movement and melee combat.
      During your adventures, you often need to battle monsters. If you want to physically strike a monster, just run into him with your player, many times, and quickly. This is called melee combat. To combat foes or escape with your life, learn the keyboard commands for running and moving.
      Move using the following keys, or by using arrow key clusters or numeric key pads present on many keyboards:
      h l
      To run, hold the  key and press a direction key. When you run, it is not necessary to repeatedly press direction keys. You move in the indicated direction until the direction key is released.
      It is better to hit a monster with a weapon rather than with fists. Click on your inventory until you figure out how to get a weapon "wielded". Once that is done, you'll be able to hit the monster with the weapon when you run into him.
      Melee combat can be very effective, but be careful. Some monsters do a great deal of damage to character and equipment during close combat, and yet others are unaffected by physical damage, though these monsters do not appear in the easy dungeons you will play first.
      To avoid melee combat, use ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, or magic. Fire such ranged weapons by pressing the  key in combination with a direction key.
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      Crossfire Primer #1:
      How to pick up, drop, and apply things.
      On this square there is a piece of food. Click around with various mouse buttons. One of the buttons will cause you to apply (eat) the food. Another button is used to pick up or drop items. It is important to get comfortable with pickup and drop early so that you do not accidentally drop things that are given to you after you select a class. Some of those items will disappear forever if you drop them.
      The mouse is not the only way to do things. Keyboard keys are used also. For example, the "," (comma) key is quick way to pick up objects you are standing on.
      Crossfire also has a rich set of text commands. To begin entering a text command, use the apostrophe (') key. On most modern clients, this places your cursor in a text entry box.
      To pick up, drop, or apply objects, type an apostrophe followed by an appropriate text command. For example, typing a text command "take all" gets everything off of the floor at once. You can even be more specific by using an objects name. For example, "drop food" will cause all items named food to be dropped.
    • magic_mouth (7, 8)
      Welcome to the Hall of Selection.
      Here you pick a character class. Each class starts out with different skills. Picking a class here does not permanently affect the skills you know as it is quite possible to 'train' your character in additional skills. Like a person, a character can learn a new career if his native abilities allow it.
      On this walk toward your destiny, some basic game concepts will be offered to prepare you for your adventures. Do not worry too much about all the details yet. After you select a class, you will have another chance to learn more about how to start playing Crossfire.
    • magic_mouth (5, 28)
      The axis of your existence is your devotion to your god, but you've also been busy in other areas.
      Your sensitivity to godly powers has also caused your natural magical ability to bloom, and your religious order has encouraged your study.
      Your religious superiors have forced you to learn weaponry against your choice, but you will find that they were wise to do so. You haven't trained as assiduously as you should have, so you are soft and weak.
    • magic_mouth (5, 26)
      Your study of magic has been obsessive. Your frequent practice has greatly enhanced your powers, and your intellect has been sharpened enormously by your quest for ever better ways to channel energies.
      Barbarians used to push you around on the street until you blasted one's leg off with a lightning bolt. You reflected later on the stupidity of this, because you could by no means have blasted his friends, too. Fortunately, they ran off. You resolved to learn how to take out a whole group of barbarians before losing your temper again.
      On the other hand, you have totally neglected to learn to use weaponry, so you're soft and weak.
      Your study of magical devices allows you to notice when an object has a magical aura, and you are often able to fathom the purpose of magical devices.
    • magic_mouth (5, 24)
      Your specialty is magical devices and concoctions, but you've also had some training in weaponry, so that you could fend off townsfolk angered by the vile reeks that frequently emanate from your workshop.
      Searching for the ultimate recipe and trying to recover lost knowledge has sharpened your wits considerably.
      Your focus, however, has left little time for physical training, and your sedentary lifestyle has weakened you.
      Your dependence on magical devices extends to the use of a talisman to channel mana. The talisman has become attuned to detonation and transmutation because of the way you have used it.
    • magic_mouth (5, 22)
      You're the generalist of the spellcasters. You've emphasized the use of magic and studied all its areas equally.
      You've learned something about the gods and religious devotion as well.
      To a much lesser extent, you've studied weaponry, but you've not had much physical training: you're mostly sedentary, and so you're not nearly so strong and healthy as you could be.
    • magic_mouth (5, 20)
      You've had more of an emphasis on physical training than most spellcasters, at the expense of less practice with spellcasting. You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you.
      Your work has leaned heavily toward the art of summoning creatures to help you in a fight, and your talisman has become attuned to that. That attunement, however, makes it harder for you to reject unwanted creatures.
      You've also had a reasonable education in religious devotion.
    • magic_mouth (5, 18)
      Your specialty is the use of attack spells in combat. You practice these spells daily, and your capacity to cast them has increased hugely.
      You've had some training in weaponry to help defend yourself, but you tend to leave most of the fighting to others, so your physical training has been somewhat lacking.
      You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you. The attack spells have imprinted themselves somewhat on your talisman, making it good for those and less useful for anything else.
      You have not been trained in religious devotion: however, you come from a religious family and will have no particular difficulty taking up the service of a god.
    • magic_mouth (5, 16)
      You've divided your time between learning magic and learning weapons, but have totally disregarded religious devotion.
      You're physically stronger and hardier because of your training, and you know the use of weapons and bows. However, you're just a bit clumsy in both weaponry and magic because you've had to divide your time between them.
    • magic_mouth (4, 28)
      Step forward to become a Devotee.
    • magic_mouth (4, 26)
      Step forward to become a Sorcerer.
      Sorcerers are difficult to play and not recommended for beginners.
    • magic_mouth (4, 24)
      Step forward to become an Alchemist.
      Alchemists are for somewhat advanced players.
    • magic_mouth (4, 22)
      Step forward to become a Wizard.
    • magic_mouth (4, 20)
      Step forward to become a Summoner.
    • magic_mouth (4, 18)
      Step forward to become an Evoker.
    • magic_mouth (4, 16)
      Step forward to become a Warlock.
  • Hall Of Selection, Hatchlings
    • magic_mouth (10, 37)
      Step forward to become a Priest.
    • magic_mouth (10, 35)
      Step forward to become a Paladin.
    • magic_mouth (10, 33)
      Step forward to become a Monk.
      Beware! Monks are recommended for experienced players only.
    • magic_mouth (10, 31)
      Step forward to become a Thief.
    • magic_mouth (10, 29)
      Step forward to become a Ninja.
    • magic_mouth (10, 27)
      Step forward to become a Swashbuckler.
    • magic_mouth (10, 25)
      Step onto the circle to become a Barbarian.
    • magic_mouth (10, 23)
      Step on the circle to become a Warrior.
    • magic_mouth (9, 37)
      As a priest, you've learned an intense devotion to your god, and you've learned how to channel the energies your god vouchsafes to his devotees.
      You've been taught the use of weapons, but only cursorily, and your physical training has been lacking in general.
      Since you're in tune with the holy powers, you can tell when a god has marked an object as accursed.
    • magic_mouth (9, 35)
      You are a militant priest, with an emphasis on 'priest'.
      You've been taught archery and the use of weapons, but great care has been taken that you're doctrinally correct. Now you've been sent out in the world to convert the unrighteous and destroy the enemies of the faith. Your church members have been charged a pretty penny to equip you for the job!
      All other areas of your education have been neglected. Perhaps aware of your deficiency, your superiors have given you some measure of protection from magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 33)
      In the Monastery, they believed in mental discipline and peace through physical training, meditation, and, to a lesser extent, religious devotion.
      Your mental equilibrium requires you to forego the use of weapons, but your physical training in karate means you're not helpless.
      Your inner peace grants you the ability to regenerate faster and to sense metaphysical auras.
    • magic_mouth (9, 31)
      Trained to be a thief from a young age, you've learned to steal and you're familiar with the value a fence will give you on your "finds".
      You've had some weaponry training, including archery; this being advisable to someone who is likely to have acrimonious disagreements about the ownership of valuable objects.
      You've had no time for either religious devotion or the study of magecraft, but your quick wits have been enough to keep you alive so far.
    • magic_mouth (9, 29)
      As a member of the secret society of the Ninja, you've been taught archery, the use of weapons, and also the art of combat without weapons. Your style of combat, leans very much toward the sneak attack, so you've been taught how to be inconspicuous and to appear in places you're not expected.
      You have had no introduction to either religious devotion or magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 27)
      Shipboard most of your life, you've learned good balance and agility, and you've also become strong and hardy. Because of occasional oars work, you and your shipmates have an admirable command of rhythm, and you can sing well.
      You've learned to make the most of your time in port: after passing out drunk in a bar and waking to find yourself short your pay, you've found ways to acquire new capital, or at the very least, talk someone into helping you out of your fix.
      On numerous occasions, you've taken up arms and bow in defense of your ship, so you're facile with weapons, but you've had no chance to learn magic or the ways of gods.
    • magic_mouth (9, 25)
      Growing up in the howling wilderness, you've had no chance to pursue anything remotely intellectual, let alone learn your letters! It's amazing you ever thought of leaving your hovel and going somewhere else, you're so ignorant. But now you have.
      You find that you're a lot tougher and stronger than these city folk, and you know how to get around in rough terrain. You've learned archery in order to fill your cook pot, and weaponry is second nature to anyone who's had to fight with the local orc-tribe over food once a month.
      You're deeply afraid of magic, and it'll be a while before you get over that and develop any facility with it.
      You've no deep problem with the idea of gods, but you don't know much about them.
    • magic_mouth (9, 23)
      As a Warrior you've been trained in the art of combat with weapons and in archery.
      Because of your training, you're stronger, more agile, and hardier than you would be otherwise.
      Your education, however, has not included studies in the magical arts or religious devotion, and, in general, lacks breadth.
    • magic_mouth (8, 19)
      The poison hatchling says:
      Step through this pool to be born as a poison hatchling.
      You'll be green, have facility with poison spells, gain resistance to poison as you grow old, and other sick (giggle) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (8, 18)
      The poison hatchling says:
      Step through this pool to be born as a poison hatchling.
      You'll be green, have facility with poison spells, gain resistance to poison as you grow old, and other sick (giggle) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (8, 17)
      The cold hatchling says:
      Step through this pool to be born as a cold hatchling.
      You'll be black, have facility with cold spells, gain resistance to cold as you grow old, and other cool (wink) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (8, 16)
      The cold hatchling says:
      Step through this pool to be born as a cold hatchling.
      You'll be black, have facility with cold spells, gain resistance to cold as you grow old, and other cool (wink) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (7, 15)
      To begin choosing a character class, walk into the room ahead. Examine the different classes by stepping on the first tile of each aisle. When you find a class that appeals to you, walk forward onto the teleport circle for that class.
      Note that your character's statistics like strength, dexterity, and so on, will be automatically adjusted according the chosen class. Keep this in mind when making a selection. Some statistics will get higher, and others will get lower.
      It may be helpful to choose a class keeping in mind which statistics are high and low. For example, it may not be wise to pick a warrior class if your character has very low strength, and electing a magical class with a very low power statistic may prevent your character from using magic until artifacts may be found that raise your characters statistics to a useful level.
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      Crossfire Primer #6.
      Religions are acquired by praying at an altar. Any player with the praying skill may pray at an altar and become a devotee of that god.
      The deities are very different from each other and can vastly affect how the game is played. Beginning players should probably choose either Mostrai or Valriel, and should probably avoid Gaea and Ruggilli.
      Praying at an altar can have a number of advantages. For example, your god may grant you extra grace points, or may spontaneously bless you with some unexpected boon. Don't give up on praying at the altar as sometimes it takes quite a bit of prayer to convince your god that you are worthy.
      Temples for most of the religions may be found in the town of Scorn, where new players should go after selecting a class.
    • magic_mouth (7, 13)
      Crossfire Primer #5:
      Players with the praying skill can ask help of their gods. Prayers and magical spells are used in much the same way as magic spells. For example:
      cast holy word
      cast cause light wounds
      These commands set a ranged attack to that prayer. Then, like other ranged weapons, the spell is "fired" in a direction to invoke the prayer. The "invoke" command also works with praying spells.
      Grace is a measure of how pleased your god is with you at the moment. Your god will grant you favors if you have sufficient grace, or even sometimes when you don't.
      Asking for a big favor when you have insufficient grace may bring down divine retribution, so watch your grace meter when casting spells.
      Grace is slowly replenished, up to a point. You must pray to gain more grace, or gain it faster than the natural replenishment rate. The following command may be used to set up a convenient way to pray:
      bind use_skill praying
      This is called keybinding, and sets up a hotkey for a commonly entered text command. After binding the command to the P key, pressing P causes your character to pray.
    • magic_mouth (7, 12)
      Crossfire Primer #4:
      Players with magical skills may cast mana-based spells. Magic skills are split into sub-groups called evocation, pyromancy, sorcery, and summoning, and are used by typing commands. For example:
      cast small lightning
      cast burning hands
      The cast command "readies" a spell and selects a ranged attack to prepare for "firing" magic. To invoke the spell, fire, or shoot, in some direction after it has been readied. It is also possible to invoke a spell without having to fire or ready it. For example:
      invoke word of recall
      invoke small lightning
      Using the invoke command does not change the melee or ranged weapon selection.
      Magical energy is called mana and is depleted whenever a player invokes a magical spell. Mana is normally replenished slowly, but certain items may speed the recharging process.
    • magic_mouth (7, 11)
      Crossfire Primer #3:
      Crossfire players can have many skills. Type in the command "skills" to see which ones you have. Remember, the apostrophe key is used to begin entering typed commands. At the moment your character will have few or no skills. Selecting your character class is the way to choose your beginning skill set.
      The primary skills are organized into groups that represent abilities to use various forms of magic, weapons, and praying, but there are also many other skills that do not fall into these broad categories.
      Some skills are used by typing in commands like this:
      use_skill alchemy
      Other skills, like praying, weapons, and magic are used automatically. Skills may be inherent to your character, but they may also be acquired by using items like talismans, holy symbols, or other inventory items.
    • magic_mouth (7, 10)
      Crossfire Primer #2:
      Basic movement and melee combat.
      During your adventures, you often need to battle monsters. If you want to physically strike a monster, just run into him with your player, many times, and quickly. This is called melee combat. To combat foes or escape with your life, learn the keyboard commands for running and moving.
      Move using the following keys, or by using arrow key clusters or numeric key pads present on many keyboards:
      h l
      To run, hold the  key and press a direction key. When you run, it is not necessary to repeatedly press direction keys. You move in the indicated direction until the direction key is released.
      It is better to hit a monster with a weapon rather than with fists. Click on your inventory until you figure out how to get a weapon "wielded". Once that is done, you'll be able to hit the monster with the weapon when you run into him.
      Melee combat can be very effective, but be careful. Some monsters do a great deal of damage to character and equipment during close combat, and yet others are unaffected by physical damage, though these monsters do not appear in the easy dungeons you will play first.
      To avoid melee combat, use ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, or magic. Fire such ranged weapons by pressing the  key in combination with a direction key.
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      Crossfire Primer #1:
      How to pick up, drop, and apply things.
      On this square there is a piece of food. Click around with various mouse buttons. One of the buttons will cause you to apply (eat) the food. Another button is used to pick up or drop items. It is important to get comfortable with pickup and drop early so that you do not accidentally drop things that are given to you after you select a class. Some of those items will disappear forever if you drop them.
      The mouse is not the only way to do things. Keyboard keys are used also. For example, the "," (comma) key is quick way to pick up objects you are standing on.
      Crossfire also has a rich set of text commands. To begin entering a text command, use the apostrophe (') key. On most modern clients, this places your cursor in a text entry box.
      To pick up, drop, or apply objects, type an apostrophe followed by an appropriate text command. For example, typing a text command "take all" gets everything off of the floor at once. You can even be more specific by using an objects name. For example, "drop food" will cause all items named food to be dropped.
    • magic_mouth (7, 8)
      Welcome to the Hall of Selection.
      Here you pick a character class. Each class starts out with different skills. Picking a class here does not permanently affect the skills you know as it is quite possible to 'train' your character in additional skills. Like a person, a character can learn a new career if his native abilities allow it.
      On this walk toward your destiny, some basic game concepts will be offered to prepare you for your adventures. Do not worry too much about all the details yet. After you select a class, you will have another chance to learn more about how to start playing Crossfire.
    • magic_mouth (6, 19)
      The electricity hatchling says:
      Step through this lightning to be born as a electricity hatchling.
      You'll be blue, have facility with electricity spells, gain resistance to electricity as you grow old, and other shocking (snicker) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (6, 18)
      The electricity hatchling says:
      Step through this lightning to be born as a electricity hatchling.
      You'll be blue, have facility with electricity spells, gain resistance to electricity as you grow old, and other shocking (snicker) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (6, 17)
      The fire hatchling says:
      Step through this flame to be born as a fire hatchling.
      You'll be red, have facility with fire spells, gain resistance to fire as you grow old, and other hot (he he) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (6, 16)
      The fire hatchling says:
      Step through this flame to be born as a fire hatchling.
      You'll be red, have facility with fire spells, gain resistance to fire as you grow old, and other hot (he he) gifts.
    • magic_mouth (5, 35)
      The axis of your existence is your devotion to your god, but you've also been busy in other areas.
      Your sensitivity to godly powers has also caused your natural magical ability to bloom, and your religious order has encouraged your study.
      Your religious superiors have forced you to learn weaponry against your choice, but you will find that they were wise to do so. You haven't trained as assiduously as you should have, so you are soft and weak.
    • magic_mouth (5, 33)
      Your study of magic has been obsessive. Your frequent practice has greatly enhanced your powers, and your intellect has been sharpened enormously by your quest for ever better ways to channel energies.
      Barbarians used to push you around on the street until you blasted one's leg off with a lightning bolt. You reflected later on the stupidity of this, because you could by no means have blasted his friends, too. Fortunately, they ran off. You resolved to learn how to take out a whole group of barbarians before losing your temper again.
      On the other hand, you have totally neglected to learn to use weaponry, so you're soft and weak.
      Your study of magical devices allows you to notice when an object has a magical aura, and you are often able to fathom the purpose of magical devices.
    • magic_mouth (5, 31)
      Your specialty is magical devices and concoctions, but you've also had some training in weaponry, so that you could fend off townsfolk angered by the vile reeks that frequently emanate from your workshop.
      Searching for the ultimate recipe and trying to recover lost knowledge has sharpened your wits considerably.
      Your focus, however, has left little time for physical training, and your sedentary lifestyle has weakened you.
      Your dependence on magical devices extends to the use of a talisman to channel mana. The talisman has become attuned to detonation and transmutation because of the way you have used it.
    • magic_mouth (5, 29)
      You're the generalist of the spellcasters. You've emphasized the use of magic and studied all its areas equally.
      You've learned something about the gods and religious devotion as well.
      To a much lesser extent, you've studied weaponry, but you've not had much physical training: you're mostly sedentary, and so you're not nearly so strong and healthy as you could be.
    • magic_mouth (5, 27)
      You've had more of an emphasis on physical training than most spellcasters, at the expense of less practice with spellcasting. You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you.
      Your work has leaned heavily toward the art of summoning creatures to help you in a fight, and your talisman has become attuned to that. That attunement, however, makes it harder for you to reject unwanted creatures.
      You've also had a reasonable education in religious devotion.
    • magic_mouth (5, 25)
      Your specialty is the use of attack spells in combat. You practice these spells daily, and your capacity to cast them has increased hugely.
      You've had some training in weaponry to help defend yourself, but you tend to leave most of the fighting to others, so your physical training has been somewhat lacking.
      You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you. The attack spells have imprinted themselves somewhat on your talisman, making it good for those and less useful for anything else.
      You have not been trained in religious devotion: however, you come from a religious family and will have no particular difficulty taking up the service of a god.
    • magic_mouth (5, 23)
      You've divided your time between learning magic and learning weapons, but have totally disregarded religious devotion.
      You're physically stronger and hardier because of your training, and you know the use of weapons and bows. However, you're just a bit clumsy in both weaponry and magic because you've had to divide your time between them.
    • fire hatchling (5, 16)
    • magic_mouth (4, 35)
      Step forward to become a Devotee.
    • magic_mouth (4, 33)
      Step forward to become a Sorcerer.
      Sorcerers are difficult to play and not recommended for beginners.
    • magic_mouth (4, 31)
      Step forward to become an Alchemist.
      Alchemists are for somewhat advanced players.
    • magic_mouth (4, 29)
      Step forward to become a Wizard.
    • magic_mouth (4, 27)
      Step forward to become a Summoner.
    • magic_mouth (4, 25)
      Step forward to become an Evoker.
    • magic_mouth (4, 23)
      Step forward to become a Warlock.
  • Hall Of Selection, Wraith
    • magic_mouth (10, 29)
      Step forward to become a Priest.
    • magic_mouth (10, 27)
      Step forward to become a Paladin.
    • magic_mouth (10, 25)
      Step forward to become a Monk.
      Beware! Monks cannot use weapons.
      This is a significant handicap: experienced players only.
    • magic_mouth (10, 23)
      Step forward to become a Thief.
    • magic_mouth (10, 21)
      Step forward to become a Ninja.
    • magic_mouth (10, 19)
      Step forward to become a Swashbuckler.
    • magic_mouth (10, 17)
      Step onto the circle to become a Barbarian.
    • magic_mouth (10, 15)
      Step on the circle to become a Warrior.
    • magic_mouth (9, 29)
      As a priest, you've learned an intense devotion to your god, and you've learned how to channel the energies your god vouchsafes to his devotees.
      You've been taught the use of weapons, but only cursorily, and your physical training has been lacking in general.
      Since you're in tune with the holy powers, you can tell when a god has marked an object as accursed.
    • magic_mouth (9, 27)
      You are a militant priest, with an emphasis on 'priest'.
      You've been taught archery and the use of weapons, but great care has been taken that you're doctrinally correct. Now you've been sent out in the world to convert the unrighteous and destroy the enemies of the faith. Your church members have been charged a pretty penny to equip you for the job!
      All other areas of your education have been neglected. Perhaps aware of your deficiency, your superiors have given you some measure of protection from magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 25)
      In the Monastery, they believed in mental discipline and peace through physical training, meditation, and, to a lesser extent, religious devotion.
      Your mental equilibrium requires you to forego the use of weapons, but your physical training in karate means you're not helpless.
      Your inner peace grants you the ability to regenerate faster and to sense metaphysical auras.
    • magic_mouth (9, 23)
      Trained to be a thief from a young age, you've learned to steal and you're familiar with the value a fence will give you on your "finds".
      You've had some weaponry training, including archery; this being advisable to someone who is likely to have acrimonious disagreements about the ownership of valuable objects.
      You've had no time for either religious devotion or the study of magecraft, but your quick wits have been enough to keep you alive so far.
    • magic_mouth (9, 21)
      As a member of the secret society of the Ninja, you've been taught archery, the use of weapons, and also the art of combat without weapons. Your style of combat, leans very much toward the sneak attack, so you've been taught how to be inconspicuous and to appear in places you're not expected.
      You have had no introduction to either religious devotion or magic.
    • magic_mouth (9, 19)
      Shipboard most of your life, you've learned good balance and agility, and you've also become strong and hardy. Because of occasional oars work, you and your shipmates have an admirable command of rhythm, and you can sing well.
      You've learned to make the most of your time in port: after passing out drunk in a bar and waking to find yourself short your pay, you've found ways to acquire new capital, or at the very least, talk someone into helping you out of your fix.
      On numerous occasions, you've taken up arms and bow in defense of your ship, so you're facile with weapons, but you've had no chance to learn magic or the ways of gods.
    • magic_mouth (9, 17)
      Growing up in the howling wilderness, you've had no chance to pursue anything remotely intellectual, let alone learn your letters! It's amazing you ever thought of leaving your hovel and going somewhere else, you're so ignorant. But now you have.
      You find that you're a lot tougher and stronger than these city folk, and you know how to get around in rough terrain. You've learned archery in order to fill your cook pot, and weaponry is second nature to anyone who's had to fight with the local orc-tribe over food once a month.
      You're deeply afraid of magic, and it'll be a while before you get over that and develop any facility with it.
      You've no deep problem with the idea of gods, but you don't know much about them.
    • magic_mouth (9, 15)
      As a Warrior you've been trained in the art of combat with weapons and in archery.
      Because of your training, you're stronger, more agile, and hardier than you would be otherwise.
      Your education, however, has not included studies in the magical arts or religious devotion, and, in general, lacks breadth.
    • magic_mouth (8, 34)
      This road leads to the afterlife.
      You feel that you have unfinished
      business in the material world.
    • magic_mouth (7, 34)
      This road leads to the afterlife.
      You feel that you have unfinished
      business in the material world.
    • magic_mouth (7, 15)
      To begin choosing a character class, walk into the room ahead. Examine the different classes by stepping on the first tile of each aisle. When you find a class that appeals to you, walk forward onto the teleport circle for that class. At that point, your character will often assume the appearance of the fellow standing at the end of the aisle.
      Note that your character's statistics like strength, dexterity, and so on, will be automatically adjusted according the chosen class. Keep this in mind when making a selection. Some statistics will get higher, and others will get lower.
      It may be helpful to choose a class keeping in mind which statistics are high and low. For example, it may not be wise to pick a warrior class if your character has very low strength, and electing a magical class with a very low power statistic may prevent your character from using magic until artifacts may be found that raise your characters statistics to a useful level.
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      Crossfire Primer #6.
      Religions are acquired by praying at an altar. Any player with the praying skill may pray at an altar and become a devotee of that god.
      The deities are very different from each other and can vastly affect how the game is played. Beginning players should probably choose either Mostrai or Valriel, and should probably avoid Gaea and Ruggilli.
      Praying at an altar can have a number of advantages. For example, your god may grant you extra grace points, or may spontaneously bless you with some unexpected boon. Don't give up on praying at the altar as sometimes it takes quite a bit of prayer to convince your god that you are worthy.
      Temples for most of the religions may be found in the town of Scorn, where new players should go after selecting a class.
    • magic_mouth (7, 13)
      Crossfire Primer #5:
      Players with the praying skill can ask help of their gods. Prayers and magical spells are used in much the same way as magic spells. For example:
      cast holy word
      cast cause light wounds
      These commands set a ranged attack to that prayer. Then, like other ranged weapons, the spell is "fired" in a direction to invoke the prayer. The "invoke" command also works with praying spells.
      Grace is a measure of how pleased your god is with you at the moment. Your god will grant you favors if you have sufficient grace, or even sometimes when you don't.
      Asking for a big favor when you have insufficient grace may bring down divine retribution, so watch your grace meter when casting spells.
      Grace is slowly replenished, up to a point. You must pray to gain more grace, or gain it faster than the natural replenishment rate. The following command may be used to set up a convenient way to pray:
      bind use_skill praying
      This is called keybinding, and sets up a hotkey for a commonly entered text command. After binding the command to the P key, pressing P causes your character to pray.
    • magic_mouth (7, 12)
      Crossfire Primer #4:
      Players with magical skills may cast mana-based spells. Magic skills are split into sub-groups called evocation, pyromancy, sorcery, and summoning, and are used by typing commands. For example:
      cast small lightning
      cast burning hands
      The cast command "readies" a spell and selects a ranged attack to prepare for "firing" magic. To invoke the spell, fire, or shoot, in some direction after it has been readied. It is also possible to invoke a spell without having to fire or ready it. For example:
      invoke word of recall
      invoke small lightning
      Using the invoke command does not change the melee or ranged weapon selection.
      Magical energy is called mana and is depleted whenever a player invokes a magical spell. Mana is normally replenished slowly, but certain items may speed the recharging process.
    • magic_mouth (7, 11)
      Crossfire Primer #3:
      Crossfire players can have many skills. Type in the command "skills" to see which ones you have. Remember, the apostrophe key is used to begin entering typed commands. At the moment your character will have few or no skills. Selecting your character class is the way to choose your beginning skill set.
      The primary skills are organized into groups that represent abilities to use various forms of magic, weapons, and praying, but there are also many other skills that do not fall into these broad categories.
      Some skills are used by typing in commands like this:
      use_skill alchemy
      Other skills, like praying, weapons, and magic are used automatically. Skills may be inherent to your character, but they may also be acquired by using items like talismans, holy symbols, or other inventory items.
    • magic_mouth (7, 10)
      Crossfire Primer #2:
      Basic movement and melee combat.
      During your adventures, you often need to battle monsters. If you want to physically strike a monster, just run into him with your player, many times, and quickly. This is called melee combat. To combat foes or escape with your life, learn the keyboard commands for running and moving.
      Move using the following keys, or by using arrow key clusters or numeric key pads present on many keyboards:
      h l
      To run, hold the  key and press a direction key. When you run, it is not necessary to repeatedly press direction keys. You move in the indicated direction until the direction key is released.
      It is better to hit a monster with a weapon rather than with fists. Click on your inventory until you figure out how to get a weapon "wielded". Once that is done, you'll be able to hit the monster with the weapon when you run into him.
      Melee combat can be very effective, but be careful. Some monsters do a great deal of damage to character and equipment during close combat, and yet others are unaffected by physical damage, though these monsters do not appear in the easy dungeons you will play first.
      To avoid melee combat, use ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, or magic. Fire such ranged weapons by pressing the  key in combination with a direction key.
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      Crossfire Primer #1:
      How to pick up, drop, and apply things.
      On this square there is a piece of food. Click around with various mouse buttons. One of the buttons will cause you to apply (eat) the food. Another button is used to pick up or drop items. It is important to get comfortable with pickup and drop early so that you do not accidentally drop things that are given to you after you select a class. Some of those items will disappear forever if you drop them.
      The mouse is not the only way to do things. Keyboard keys are used also. For example, the "," (comma) key is quick way to pick up objects you are standing on.
      Crossfire also has a rich set of text commands. To begin entering a text command, use the apostrophe (') key. On most modern clients, this places your cursor in a text entry box.
      To pick up, drop, or apply objects, type an apostrophe followed by an appropriate text command. For example, typing a text command "take all" gets everything off of the floor at once. You can even be more specific by using an objects name. For example, "drop food" will cause all items named food to be dropped.
    • magic_mouth (7, 8)
      Welcome to the Hall of Selection.
      Here you pick a character class. Each class starts out with different skills. Picking a class here does not permanently affect the skills you know as it is quite possible to 'train' your character in additional skills. Like a person, a character can learn a new career if his native abilities allow it.
      On this walk toward your destiny, some basic game concepts will be offered to prepare you for your adventures. Do not worry too much about all the details yet. After you select a class, you will have another chance to learn more about how to start playing Crossfire.
    • magic_mouth (6, 34)
      This road leads to the afterlife.
      You feel that you have unfinished
      business in the material world.
    • magic_mouth (5, 27)
      The axis of your existence is your devotion to your god, but you've also been busy in other areas.
      Your sensitivity to godly powers has also caused your natural magical ability to bloom, and your religious order has encouraged your study.
      Your religious superiors have forced you to learn weaponry against your choice, but you will find that they were wise to do so. You haven't trained as assiduously as you should have, so you are soft and weak.
    • magic_mouth (5, 25)
      Your study of magic has been obsessive. Your frequent practice has greatly enhanced your powers, and your intellect has been sharpened enormously by your quest for ever better ways to channel energies.
      Barbarians used to push you around on the street until you blasted one's leg off with a lightning bolt. You reflected later on the stupidity of this, because you could by no means have blasted his friends, too. Fortunately, they ran off. You resolved to learn how to take out a whole group of barbarians before losing your temper again.
      On the other hand, you have totally neglected to learn to use weaponry, so you're soft and weak.
      Your study of magical devices allows you to notice when an object has a magical aura, and you are often able to fathom the purpose of magical devices.
    • magic_mouth (5, 23)
      Your specialty is magical devices and concoctions, but you've also had some training in weaponry, so that you could fend off townsfolk angered by the vile reeks that frequently emanate from your workshop.
      Searching for the ultimate recipe and trying to recover lost knowledge has sharpened your wits considerably.
      Your focus, however, has left little time for physical training, and your sedentary lifestyle has weakened you.
      Your dependence on magical devices extends to the use of a talisman to channel mana. The talisman has become attuned to detonation and transmutation because of the way you have used it.
    • magic_mouth (5, 21)
      You're the generalist of the spellcasters. You've emphasized the use of magic and studied all its areas equally.
      You've learned something about the gods and religious devotion as well.
      To a much lesser extent, you've studied weaponry, but you've not had much physical training: you're mostly sedentary, and so you're not nearly so strong and healthy as you could be.
    • magic_mouth (5, 19)
      You've had more of an emphasis on physical training than most spellcasters, at the expense of less practice with spellcasting. You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you.
      Your work has leaned heavily toward the art of summoning creatures to help you in a fight, and your talisman has become attuned to that. That attunement, however, makes it harder for you to reject unwanted creatures.
      You've also had a reasonable education in religious devotion.
    • magic_mouth (5, 17)
      Your specialty is the use of attack spells in combat. You practice these spells daily, and your capacity to cast them has increased hugely.
      You've had some training in weaponry to help defend yourself, but you tend to leave most of the fighting to others, so your physical training has been somewhat lacking.
      You've never learned to use magic innately, but instead rely on a magic talisman to channel mana for you. The attack spells have imprinted themselves somewhat on your talisman, making it good for those and less useful for anything else.
      You have not been trained in religious devotion: however, you come from a religious family and will have no particular difficulty taking up the service of a god.
    • magic_mouth (5, 15)
      You've divided your time between learning magic and learning weapons, but have totally disregarded religious devotion.
      You're physically stronger and hardier because of your training, and you know the use of weapons and bows. However, you're just a bit clumsy in both weaponry and magic because you've had to divide your time between them.
    • magic_mouth (4, 27)
      Step forward to become a Devotee.
    • magic_mouth (4, 25)
      Step forward to become a Sorcerer.
      Sorcerers are difficult to play and not recommended for beginners.
    • magic_mouth (4, 23)
      Step forward to become an Alchemist.
      Alchemists are for somewhat advanced players.
    • magic_mouth (4, 21)
      Step forward to become a Wizard.
    • magic_mouth (4, 19)
      Step forward to become a Summoner.
    • magic_mouth (4, 17)
      Step forward to become an Evoker.
    • magic_mouth (4, 15)
      Step forward to become a Warlock.
  • Harry's Place
    • Harry's Place (17, 15)
      To any who visit.. Don't! I am leaving this monster-infested city. The house has been invaded by ghosts, zombies and other beasts. If you are a level 4 Adventurer, I give it to you.
       - Harry Hoston
    • Mailbox (15, 17)
      11 Stronghold Road
      H**r* *lace
    • magic_mouth (13, 9)
      Upper level hard. Level 5 or more.
  • Harry's Place, Basement
    • letter (20, 19)
      The house is being over run with all types of monsters, help me. Arrghh! They are at the door! Help me, come quick.
    • magic_mouth (9, 5)
      Heh, Heh Heh, you thought you beat my haunted house, but you have only yet to begin! You shall perish...
    • gravestone (5, 2)
      Here lies LOCKJAW.
      thank go
    • gravestone (5, 1)
      Here lies Ender, What a troubled soul.
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
  • Haunted Crypt
    • scroll (18, 7)
      Dispatch from the city walls:
      Sirs, our legions are barely holding. We are outnumbered ten to one. We have little hope... may the gods forgive us.
    • sign (9, 4)
      Warning: This area is off limits to non-military personnel.
  • Headquarter of the Regular Army
    • 4 (20, 1)
      Lickmond says: What?!! You killed my sparring partner! Now YOU must do his job! C'mon... let's fight!
    • Public Supply (14, 4)
      Only for members of the Regular Army!
    • Elite Training Center (4, 4)
      Only for members of the Regular Army!
  • Headquarter of the Regular Army, Elite Training Center
    • Hints (25, 2)
      Dreads, beholders, and skulls are immune to magic. But they greatly fear sharp blades...
    • Information (4, 3)
      Welcome to the Regular Army's elite training center!
      Choose one of the difficulty levels and enjoy your training.
      - General Lickmond
    • Hints (2, 22)
      Hill giants can be easily killed with fire, cold, or the holy word of Mostrai. Trolls are vulnerable to fire and the holy word of Lythander.
    • Hints (?) (1, 27)
      If you die, you are too weak.
  • Heimser's Lab
    • book (6, 7)
      The book contains Metamathematics used by magicians to create new spells. You've never seen such formulae before, though.
    • book (6, 6)
      There are children's drawings in that book. They are all signed: "Keiran."
    • book (5, 7)
      The book contains Metamathematics used by magicians to create new spells. You've never seen such formulae before, though.
    • book (5, 6)
      The book contains Metamathematics used by magicians to create new spells. You've never seen such formulae before, though.
  • Heinrich
    • diary of Heinrich (3, 12)
      52 minutes past 10 o'clock pm, on the Day of the Great Gods. The 20th Day of the Month of the Dragon, Year 389.
      Today I had a good search all over the northern jungle, but I couldn't find anything pointing to the prehistorical site. I guess I'll go and search in the eastern jungle..
    • documents regarding archaeology (1, 12)
    • documents regarding archaeology (1, 11)
    • documents regarding archaeology (1, 10)
  • Herbert's Undertakers
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      You see an Angel appear before you The Angle says:
      "Stop brave adventurer...do not take what is not your from this lonely hovel. The owners have gone through great hardships. So if you do feel the need to take anything YOU WILL DIE!"
  • Hermes Inn Upstairs
    • magic_mouth (18, 3)
      The key opens the door.
  • High Court Building
    • magic_mouth (10, 3)
      The High Court must not be in session. There does not seem to be many people around.
  • High Volcano
    • NOTE! (17, 33)
      NOTE: Many wyverns on level. Multiple players required to get through gates.
  • Hole in the Ground
    • magic_mouth (16, 30)
      You hear...
      "Yahoo!! At last I found the prehistorical site!!!"
    • magic_mouth (15, 24)
      Strange... The ruin is filled with ogres. And there is light... How can this be? ...Magic?
    • magic_mouth (6, 27)
      There was a rap on the wall.
    • 101 (6, 1)
      Gnarr... Sequence completed!
    • magic_mouth (5, 1)
      Something is written on the door. But it's hard to read, because the surface of the gate is in the state of decay:
       sp..nx's h.ad
       G.an. Wo.m's e.e
       m.t..il cha..ma.l
       .rag.n'. h..rt
       .em.n's h.ad
       bo..le .. w.ne
       p.t..n .f a.th.r..lity"
    • magic_mouth (4, 27)
      There was a rap on the wall.
    • magic_mouth (2, 27)
      There was a rap on the wall.
  • Hole in the Ground
    • magic_mouth (26, 1)
      Don't pick up cristal.
    • magic_mouth (25, 2)
      Statue says:
       "One who robs the cristal will be cursed."
  • Hole Lot of Pain
    • magic_mouth (49, 13)
      This is the private Zoo of Jessy. If you want to enter, you must "ask" Jessy to give you the key......
  • Hole on Goblin Isle
    • scroll (5, 14)
      The first word of enchantment is `Arglebargle'
    • magic_mouth (5, 13)
      A secret room.
  • Hospitality Room
    • magic_mouth (27, 8)
      Welcome, Your Highness. We have prepared a feast in your honor.
    • magic_mouth (27, 7)
      Welcome, Your Highness. We have prepared a feast in your honor.
    • magic_mouth (25, 8)
      Royal dining hall.
    • magic_mouth (25, 7)
      Royal dining hall.
    • magic_mouth (22, 11)
      Welcome, Your Grace. We have laid out a feast for you.
    • magic_mouth (22, 9)
      Archduke's dining hall.
    • magic_mouth (22, 6)
      Duke's dining hall.
    • magic_mouth (22, 4)
      Welcome, Your Grace. We have laid out a feast for you.
    • magic_mouth (15, 11)
      Welcome, Your Excellency. We have laid out a feast for you.
    • magic_mouth (15, 9)
      Count's dining hall.
    • magic_mouth (15, 6)
      Earl's dining hall.
    • magic_mouth (15, 4)
      Welcome, Your Lordship. We have laid out some refreshments for you.
    • magic_mouth (9, 11)
      Welcome, Your Honor. We have laid out some refreshments for you.
    • magic_mouth (9, 9)
      Marquis's club.
    • magic_mouth (9, 6)
      Baron's club.
    • magic_mouth (9, 4)
      Welcome, My Lord Baron. We have laid out some refreshments for you.
    • magic_mouth (3, 11)
      Welcome, My Lord Baronet. We have laid out some refreshments for you.
    • magic_mouth (3, 9)
      Baronet's club.
    • magic_mouth (3, 6)
      Knight's club.
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Welcome, Sir Knight. We have laid out some refreshments for you.
  • House
    • 6 (unlucky) (18, 15)
      You hear the sound of bursting metal. (Looks like you had bad luck - Try again later.)
    • 8 (lucky) (18, 15)
      You hear the sound of an opening gate.
    • magic_mouth (13, 6)
      Someone scribbled a message on it:
      "Pull first lever (west) - wait ten seconds - pull second lever (east) - wait one second - pull second lever (east) again."
  • House
    • trap! (3, 4)
      This is a demon trap. Run away!
  • House
    • magic_mouth (13, 8)
      The hall echoed with loud voice:
       "Do you want to go back?"
    • magic_mouth (8, 14)
      Step on this teleporter if you want to become a scholar of Kurte. Prepare for a series of discerning tests.
    • magic_mouth (8, 8)
      The hall echoed with the loud voice:
       "What is your motive in coming here?
    • magic_mouth (8, 2)
      This teleporter accepts only scholars of Kurte!
    • magic_mouth (3, 8)
      The hall echoed with loud voice:
       "Do you want to go back?"
  • House by the Well
    • magic_mouth (10, 9)
      You feel a strange tingling running down your spine!
    • house sign (5, 1)
      This is a private home for adventurers, kept in typical dungeon style to make you feel at home.
  • House of Healing
    • How to Restore Drained Abilities (12, 26)
      Drained abilities (stats), lost by fighting undead, or dying, may be restored via drinking a "potion of life." The ones who are experienced in the skill of priesthood, they can pray over an altar and eventually get restored by their deity. However, this does not work for all cults.
    • Cures for Miscellaneous Problems (11, 27)
      Poison may be cured via the "cure poison" prayer. Madness or confusion may be cured via the "cure confusion" prayer. Blindness may be cured via the "cure blindness" prayer. The "restoration" spell cures all hazards mentioned above. Note that these spells are also available on scrolls.
    • magic_mouth (11, 24)
      Medical Library.
    • magic_mouth (11, 23)
      A sign on the door says "Healing for Travelers."
    • On the Healing of Wounds (10, 27)
      Many spells are effective for speeding the recovery of a wounded person. Some potions are also efficacious. In increasing order of effectiveness:
      minor healing
      medium healing
      major healing
      The healing potion is equivalent to the heal spell. The Restoration spell does NOT restore depleted stats.
    • On the Cure of Disease (10, 26)
      You find a lengthy treatise on disease and its cure. Some diseases, apparently, are more difficult to cure than others, and require a higher level of skill. Other diseases can be expected to run their course and go away without causing serious harm, unless of course, one is in a situation in which temporary incapacity is fatal. The cure disease spell is effective against disease, except as remarked above. Restoration also works well against disease. Cure wounds spells won't cure disease, but they will reduce symptoms. Cure wounds spells therefore can be used to keep a person alive until the disease may be cured. Also, they may keep him alive until the disease naturally goes away. There are also claims of herbal, alchemical, animal, or other magical cures for disease, but these belong in another treatise.
  • House of Porters
    • WARNING... (5, 2)
      WARNING: This Dungeon consists of one way teleporters! You must complete dungeon or die!
      Do not use unless you are at least 3rd level.
          -- Scorn Guild of adventurers
    • Mailbox (2, 2)
      17 Stronghold Road
      House of Porters
             Home of Teleporters Inc.
         You need to teleport somewhere?
      -- Closed due to monster infestation --
  • House of Power
    • tome (31, 22)
      Spell Point regeneration rate controls how fast one's Spell Points are replenished. Some races, such as elves, have an innately fast spell point regeneration. Spell-casting classes also regenerate Spell Points at a faster rate. Besides this, the equipment one uses may also affect spell point regeneration rate:
      o Some magical rings or amulets are resonant to the patterns of the aether, and cause Spell Points to flow into the wearer faster. These items show a (magic+N) when identified.
      o Although some armour specially crafted for mages may increase spell point regeneration, in general most heavy armour will impede the flow of Spell Points into the wearer and slow down Spell Point regeneration rates.
      o Special weapons crafted for mages may also have Spell Point regeneration bonuses.
    • exposition (30, 22)
      There are two factors controlling one's magical powers: Spell Point capacity, and Spell Point regeneration rate. Spell Points is the force that drives magical spells; Spell Point capacity is how much Spell Points one can naturally have. Spell Point regeneration rate is how fast the Spell Points are replenished. Spell Point capacity is controlled mainly by one's power (Pow) and level of magic experience. One's intelligence (Int) also affects this capacity, to a lesser degree. Some magical equipment grant Pow bonuses, which will increase this capacity while worn. Improvement potions may also permanently increase one's Spell Point capacity. There are also very rare gemstones that have capacity to store Spell Points. Spell Points stored in these crystals can be retrieved at a single touch. High-level wizards use these stones to increase the total amount of Spell Points they have at their disposal.
    • sign (28, 22)
      The Glowing Crystal exhibited here is one of the rare gemstones that are able to store Spell Points. Touching it when your Spell Points is at maximum capacity will transfer half your Spell Points into it. Touching it when you are below maximum capacity will retrieve any stored Spell Points, up to your capacity. This particular crystal can only store up to 200 Spell Points. Crystals with capacities for 1000 Spell Points and beyond are known to exist; and are very much sought after by all spellcasters.
  • House With Apartment
    • sign (6, 12)
      This is a house with a private apartment and a room for foreign travelers.
  • Humanoid Training
    • magic_mouth (11, 13)
      The shield we seek has this message when one examines the shield:
      There is a evil spirit in the shield.
      If that is not the shield you wish to offer then you do not have the correct one.
    • sign (10, 15)
      Training Centers Incorporated
      Please pay the designated fee to enter the training center to train with our humanoid trainers.
      Cowards need not enter. Cowardly running about may get one ejected from entering this training center.
  • Hut
    • sign (6, 13)
      Smithy :
         Closed until further notice.
  • Hut
    • scroll - obsolete (?) (29, 19)
      you: @
      key: X
      others: o
         o X
         o o
       eg ... N
       eG ... E
       Eg ... W
       EG ... S
  • Ice Cavern, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (66, 61)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (65, 61)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (64, 61)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (33, 18)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (32, 22)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (32, 18)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (31, 22)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      The current seems weaker here.
    • magic_mouth (30, 22)
      The current seems weaker here.
  • Ichi Roku Ginkou
    • Suno-yamatoshi Sale Shop (8, 14)
      Suno-yamatoshi Sale Shop
      Here you can sell or buy found goods.
  • Ichidou, Basement
    • magic_mouth (16, 16)
      This must be where they broke in.
  • Ichidou, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (9, 12)
      The guards see that you have the jade key, the key to the Jade Chest, and let you through. You peer into this room which holds the close of your quest, you see nothing, however. The Jade Chest is gone!
  • Iggy's House
    • sign (11, 25)
      Private Party - fancy dress only!
  • Iggy's House, Lower Level
    • magic_mouth (1, 5)
  • Inner Sanctum of Devourers
    • magic_mouth (24, 27)
      The wind here is gusting and bringing with it the awful stench of death - too many zombies are in the area.
    • magic_mouth (23, 26)
      You can see a cave exit ahead.
    • magic_mouth (21, 27)
      Up ahead you can see outside, it looks like this is a cave exit.
    • magic_mouth (20, 27)
      The horrendous smell from the zombies is almost unbearable and the constant wind gust is making it worse.
    • magic_mouth (7, 5)
      The wind here is constantly blowing.
    • magic_mouth (5, 5)
      The wind here is so strong here you can barely maintain your footing.
    • magic_mouth (4, 6)
      A massive gust of wind almost knocks you over.
  • Invulnerable
    • sign (23, 3)
      Drugstore, Invulnerable is here! Please Live a healthy life. :)
  • Itteifuhen Apa-to
    • Toransure-shon Chosho (38, 1)
      akki - demon, devil
      akuma - demon, evil spirit
      apa-to - apartment
      azuma - east
      chokinbako - bank
      chosho - book
      chozou - storage
      dzuki - to, under
      emono - weapon
      goei - guard
      honrui - stronghold
      ichi roku ginkou - pawn shop
      ichidou - shrine
      itsuryuu - spill, overflow
      itteifuhen - permanent
      kabuto - armour
      keiraku - capital
      ketsueki - blood
      kijutsu - magic
      kinko-shitsu - vault
      kutsurogi - room
      mezon - house
      machi - town
      minato - harbour
      mise - shop
      nagisa - shore, water's edge
      nenshou - burning
      oni - demon, orge
      ranbou - rough
      ryoku - power, strength
      senta - center
      shijou - market
      shougyoukumiai - guild
      shouhou - trade, commerce
      sumai - house
      suno- - snow
      tatemono - building
      teiburu - table
      toransure-shon - translation
      tou - tower
      uerukamu - welcome
      uindo - wind
      yama - mountain
      youso - element
      za - the
      zaseki - seat
  • J.Griffin's Hut, Upstairs
    • magic_mouth (6, 1)
      Put something on the floor.
    • note (5, 11)
      Location of To-jyo's hat:
      East of Red Island.  Ask To-jyo about "treasure."
    • note (4, 11)
      Password to meet To-jyo is "General"
  • Jack's House
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      Beware of guard dogs
    • sign (10, 14)
      Thieves are severely penalized in this town!!!
      Death to all thieves!
  • Jacob's House
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      Beware of guard dogs
    • sign (10, 14)
      Thieves are severely penalized in this town!!!
  • Jacob's Lighting Emporium
    • sign (7, 18)
      Keep the shop tidy... Sell your items in Jacob's Pawn!
    • sign (7, 17)
      Keep the shop tidy... Sell your items in Jacob's Pawn!
  • James' House
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      Beware of guard dogs
    • sign (10, 14)
      Thieves are severely penalized in this town!!! So be sure you mean to visit me when you come in. It would be nice of you not to bother with others' lives.
  • Jessy Castle, Entrance
    • Be CAREFUL... (16, 19)
      If I remember well, this castle is famous for the traps where nobody has ever escaped from......
      Lao Tse
  • Jessy Castle, Level 2
    • Card to the hole (10, 3)
      This is the pass to the little hole in the forest near Douarnenez. This is where Jessy has hidden his treasure and his pet....
  • Jeweler's Workshop of Scorn
    • thin book (10, 3)
      You can create a ring of Magic with a ring a potion of magical resistance, a potion of power, and 3 diamonds of great value.
    • thin book (9, 3)
      You can create an amulet of holy power with an amulet, two potions of wisdom, a holy symbol, and 30 pearls.
    • thin book (5, 3)
      You can create a ring of the Healer with a ring, a potion of wisdom, a holy symbol, and 3 emeralds of great value.
    • thin book (4, 3)
      You may create a ring of Beguilement with a ring, a potion of charisma, and 3 diamonds of great value.
  • Jordan's House
    • magic_mouth (14, 9)
      Loud barking can be heard from a short distance away.
  • Jungle
    • magic_mouth (25, 7)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (25, 6)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (25, 5)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (24, 7)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (24, 5)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (23, 7)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (23, 6)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (23, 5)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (17, 8)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (12, 5)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (11, 23)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (10, 9)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
    • magic_mouth (7, 13)
      You hear a voice, whispering your name.
  • Khazad, Entrance
    • sign (6, 21)
      Drop key to Moria on altar.
    • sign (2, 20)
      This dungeon was one large map that I split into several smaller pieces. This should be kept in mind when playing the map.
  • Khazad, Level 3
    • Diary (26, 20)
           Only in defeating the Balrog
         U'll find the way to the Staff...
      So take my advice, have look at the walls
    • R..I..P (26, 19)
      Balin son of Fundin
       Lord of Moria...
    • magic_mouth (20, 19)
      Chamber of Mazarbul
    • magic_mouth (20, 18)
      Chamber of Mazarbul
  • Kingdom Palace, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (12, 7)
      A deep voice says: This is the story that should bring you closer to the treasure that hides above.
      Right beside you is the key that leads into the first of the nine gates of hell. Pass through all nine and you shall be rewarded with the key that gives you access to the treasure chamber. In each of the nine gates, the key to the next gate resides. Don't go alone...
    • scroll (11, 7)
      The scroll reads: Go through all nine gates of hell and survive the final trial that resides below your wildest imagination.
  • Kingdom Palace, Level 2
    • note (7, 1)
      Congratulations! The biggest reward is not the treasure that you have gotten, it is the work you have done to get here...
  • Klondor's Wand Shop
    • scroll (17, 15)
      Hello my friend. Take the beers if you'd like. It's my hospitality.
  • Kurte
    • research 6 (13, 1)
       Gothwolte was so sure of his invulnerability, he always travelled and fought on his own. One day an enemy mage from the east set a pit trap for Gothwolte. Gothwolte fell in that very deep hole and it was quickly filled up by the mage. Gothwolte was immortal - but his body, the warrior was not. The warrior died of starvation and his flesh decayed. Gothwolte, without a body to control, couldn't move again...
    • research 5 (12, 1)
       Gothwolte lived in the castle of the Evil Masters, south of the ancient lake. While his powers rose, the Evil Masters accepted him as their leader. Gothwolte was about to become emperor of the whole world. But then he made a mistake...
    • research 4 (11, 1)
       As he grew stronger, Gothwolte learned to command the fighter through the sword. While under control of Gothwolte, the fighter continued to search for immunity scrolls, because improving the sword meant improving Gothwolte himself. His powers increased with every scroll and one day he finally was immune to everything - Gothwolte was invulnerable.
    • research 3 (10, 1)
       There were many powerful improvement scrolls available in the ancient world. Weapon protection to fire, cold, ..., Weapon immunity to physical, electricity, ... and many more. The fighter improved the sword by using many of these scrolls. The weapon enchantments also had an affect on Gothwolte. He also he gained protections and immunities. He started to recover and heal.
    • research 2 (9, 1)
       One day, Gothwolte was drawn to the power of an ancient dancing sword. His lust for power caused him to seek spirtual posession of the sword.  But the magical sword was different from controlling a living being. Gothwolte was badly injured during the process. He was also trapped in the sword, unable to move. By chance, a strong warrior came along just then. He picked up the sword and wielded it.
    • research 1 (8, 1)
       Gothwolte is some kind of ancient ghost. It's origin is unknown. It has a special skill, it can possess the living.
  • Kurte's House
    • Kurte's House (12, 18)
      Kurte's House:
         Kurte likes all people with good manners...
  • Kurte's Shop
    • sign (21, 13)
      No special offers today.
  • Lake Country Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (5, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (4, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Lake House
    • For Sale (3, 19)
                  For Sale
               Enquire Within
    • Mailbox (1, 18)
      Lake House
      7 Stronghold Road
  • Liberation Army Headquarters
    • sign (19, 2)
      prison & war funds
    • magic_mouth (9, 0)
      You hear voices from the other side of the wall...
      "Voice A : They entered the Castle of Eureca. Damn it!!
       Voice B : We must prevent them from getting Eureca's treasure.
       Voice C : ... I thought we should be more concerned about Eureca's safety... ???
       Voice A : What!? Do you think we are a welfare-company, idiot?! Forget Eureca, we need to get the treasure.
       Voice C : Forgive me, general... "
  • Lighthouse, Top
    • Gate Pass (5, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the City of Scorn to the rest of the continent without further charges and penalties. The City of Scorn reserves the right to revoke said access at any time of its choosing without recompense or liability.
  • Liomal's house, first floor
    • To map developers (83, 28)
      There are 4 zones. In each there is a blocked exit, blocked key, blocked "strange ladder".
      When the player uses the main lever (at entrance), random things are determined.
      Connection list:
      - 1: doors from entrance ; exit selection ; exit, ley and ladder repartition
      - 11-14: give access to the exit
      - 21-24: give access to the key
      with 1 east, 2 south, 3 west, 4 north (direction of the doors).
  • Lone Town
    • sign (22, 6)
      Lone Town, Pup Land
      Shining Kingdom
      Information is important for solving quests. Try going from tavern to tavern.
    • Houses & Dungeons (6, 17)
      Places to Visit:
      General Shop
      Magic Shop
      Bank of Skud, Lone Town Branch
      Magic Show (level 1)
      Training Center (level 3)
      Power Plant (level 5)
      Tower of Pupuly (level 7)
      Heinrich's Cave (level 9)
      Tower of Ordeal (level 13)
      Cave of Ordeal (level 15)
      Dressing Room (level 15)
      Well (level 20)
    • sign (4, 17)
      Help defeat Bauer and the Regular Army!
      Don't live a life of luxury during the war. Watch out for spies and thieves.
  • Lone Town Apartment, Ground Floor
    • Apartment Owner Guide (26, 31)
      Welcome to your new apartment.
      You will notice 3 windows along the West and East walls of your savebed room. In front of each window is a magical place to buy keys for extending your home. Step in front of each window to find out what to do. Extending your apartment will be expensive, but we think it's worth the cost.
      Enjoy extending and exploring your new apartment.
    • magic_mouth (24, 35)
      Please drop 5000 diamonds to purchase an apartment.
    • magic_mouth (16, 33)
      Drop 25000 diamonds for a study key.
    • magic_mouth (16, 32)
      Drop 30000 diamonds for a kitchen key.
    • magic_mouth (16, 31)
      Drop 10000 diamonds for a mudroom key.
    • magic_mouth (10, 33)
      Drop 10000 diamonds for a greatroom key.
    • magic_mouth (10, 32)
      Drop 10000 diamonds for an upper floor key.
    • magic_mouth (10, 31)
      Drop 10000 diamonds for a basement key.
  • Lone Town Apartment, Loft
    • note to the owner (16, 24)
      This upper floor area is buildable.
  • Lone Town Apartment, Shared Courtyard
    • magic_mouth (5, 8)
      You are entering an Acme Incinerator. Be sure to close the incinerator grate before triggering the incinerator. If you do not then your death is on your own head not the heads of the Acme Incinerator Company.
      If you kill bystanders by not closing the grate before triggering the Acme incinerator you will have to answer to the authorities for your manslaughter.
  • Lone Town Church, Cellar
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
      A thief shouts:
       "I don't want to die! Help me!"
  • Lone Town Gem Shop, Basement
    • message (9, 9)
      From Fox Tails, the gang of bandits to very poor gemshop-keeper: Don't worry, we'll take good care of your gems, hahaha!
  • Lone Town Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (5, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (4, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Lone Town Training Center
    • sign (21, 13)
      If you are locked into the room, shout, or tell someone "SOS", or cast word of recall at some spot.
    • Caution! (21, 1)
      Be careful!
      Very high level zone!!!
    • sign (13, 14)
      Level:          middle
      Contents:       orcs
      Comments:       We test your guts
      Note:           Please try this room AFTER the Room 1.
    • sign (6, 14)
      Level :         Low
      Contents :      kobolds
      Comment :       We test your ability.
  • Lone Town Training Center, Finale
    • sign (2, 3)
      Level:          Very High
      Contents:       orcs, goblins, gnolls, etc.
      Comment:        We test your luck.
  • Lone Town Well, Level 2
    • sign (12, 12)
      Very high level area, Be careful!
    • sign (11, 11)
      Don't steal.
  • Lone Town's Ye Olde Shoppe of Transport
    • Teleporter Information (12, 8)
      Information on using our teleporters
      1. Supply the proper payment.
      2. Step forward *quickly*.
      3. Apply the teleporter or wait a moment for the teleporter to activate.
    • magic_mouth (11, 7)
      Please supply the Pup Land password for teleport to Nurnberg.
    • magic_mouth (11, 5)
      Say the password again if you change your mind.
  • Lone Village
    • sign (7, 23)
      There are many monsters in this hole. But don't worry, Siegfried prevents them from coming out.
  • Lone Village Library
    • facts about Gothwolte, part 2 (11, 1)
      This book is empty because researching about Gothwolte is too dangerous for me to continue.
       -- the author
    • facts about Gothwolte, part 1 (10, 1)
      ... Not much is know about Gothwolte. He just appeared one day and lived in the Evil Master's castle since then. He seems to have become their leader...
    • silence (6, 11)
      Please be quiet in the library.
    • History of Pup Land, part 4 (4, 1)
      ... The Evil Masters could not be stopped. A weak army, consisting of farmers and townsmen mainly, was sent to combat them - they returned... undead... killing their own wives and children...
    • History of Pup Land, part 3 (3, 1)
      ... As the rulers were gone, wars erupted and a lot of blood was shed. But things should even get worse: The Evil Masters appeared, spreading terror and pain...
    • History of Pup Land, part 2 (2, 1)
      ... The pleasant Golden Age came to a sudden end as the four rulers disappeared under mysterious circumstances...
    • History of Pup Land, part 1 (1, 1)
      ... The `Golden Age' was a great period of peace and wealth. There were four kings ruling side by side...
  • Lone Village Tavern
    • magic_mouth (9, 14)
      Written on the wall:
       "Siegfried is our hero!
        Siegfried, banzai!"
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      Written on the wall:
       "Beware of the Necromancer!"
    • magic_mouth (5, 14)
      Written on the wall:
      "---- LoveLove Company ----
       Do you do one-side love?
       If you want to know someone's mind,
       We'll show you!
       ---- LoveLove Company ----"
  • Lord Byron's Castle, Main Floor
    • sign (25, 55)
      Note that killing guards may have... unintended consequences.
    • magic_mouth (25, 21)
      The guards shuffle nervously as you walk by.
  • Lord of the Rings
    • welcome (5, 8)
      This shop has the greatest variety of rings in the whole country. To see the huge collection you must pay an entrance fee of 100 plat.
  • Lord Ramsdre Mansion, Dungeon Level 1
    • Warning..... (11, 14)
      Turn back, or this WILL happen to you......
    • magic_mouth (6, 14)
      So, you didn't follow my advice... This shall be your doom...
  • Lord Ramsdre Mansion, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (29, 22)
      Training Hall
    • magic_mouth (29, 20)
      Dining Hall
    • magic_mouth (29, 12)
      Dining Hall
    • magic_mouth (29, 10)
    • magic_mouth (27, 28)
      Training hall
    • magic_mouth (27, 4)
    • magic_mouth (8, 28)
      Don't disturb the pets...
    • magic_mouth (6, 25)
      Don't disturb the pets...
    • magic_mouth (6, 9)
      Great danger lies beyond this door...
    • sign (5, 17)
      	Welcome to my mansion...
      Inside this most fantastic mansion lies unknown danger and treasure...
      Many have entered but, only a few have successfully escaped with the rumored great treasures...
  • Lord Spectre's lair
    • magic_mouth (8, 11)
      You hear a spectral whisper
      "so you think you can defeat me? Get ready for the bittest, and last, day of your miserable life!"
  • Lown Town Magic Shop
    • magic_mouth (23, 1)
      Rich persons only.
  • Lown Town Magic Shop, Cellar
    • magic_mouth (2, 14)
      Black Market:
      Please drop one hundred diamonds of exceptional beauty.
  • Magic Show !
    • book of illusions (11, 21)
      To create a dust of Biren's mist, you need the following ingredients:
      - water of the wise
      - icecube
      - booze
    • magic_mouth (7, 5)
      Stay here and enjoy the show.
    • magic_mouth (1, 6)
      To the underground of the magic show.
  • Marksel Blacksmith
    • sign (17, 8)
      Note: the connection is trigger by Hasphatois's animation for making his special pen.
      The button is here to make Gridarta happy, and also to ensure that if you change the value, you'll fix the animation too.
  • Marksel Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (10, 8)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (3, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Marksel Keep Cellar
    • bloody note (6, 8)
      That Doogan is a tricky bastard. Keep an eye on 'em. The new password is deaddwarf. We're gonna git their mines next! har har ha
    • magic_mouth (2, 3)
      Yuck. Don't they clean this place out? Something smells rotten...
  • Marposist's Maze
    • Marposist (84, 27)
      By decision of the town counsel, this house becomes the town's property, to be run as a place for adventurers to test their skills.
      -- 7392 EK
    • Warning (84, 25)
      Level 8 or over
      (Dragon hatchery)
    • magic_mouth (1, 29)
      Too late to back out now!
  • Marsh Maze
    • magic_mouth (18, 2)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (7, 18)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • note (3, 2)
      Be w.re of .t. bo. t.at swa..ows people!
      On the other hand you brave adventurers might want ask to be swallowed by the bogs.
      While you are taking a mud bath in one of the bogs, you might want to ask the bog to slurp you. You might be surprised of the outcome...
  • Marsh Maze
    • magic_mouth (9, 18)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (1, 6)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
  • Marsh Maze
    • magic_mouth (18, 16)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (10, 1)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
  • Marsh Maze
    • magic_mouth (8, 1)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (8, 0)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (7, 1)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (7, 0)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (6, 2)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (6, 1)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (6, 0)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (5, 2)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (5, 1)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (5, 0)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (4, 2)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (4, 1)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (4, 0)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (3, 0)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (2, 7)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (2, 6)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (2, 0)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (1, 8)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (1, 7)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (1, 6)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (1, 5)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (1, 4)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (1, 3)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 10)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 9)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 8)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 7)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 6)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 5)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 4)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 3)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
    • magic_mouth (0, 2)
      The marsh comes to life at this section. Mud stirring and turns. A big mouth of mud forms. It seems to sense you. It rises and hesitates before you, as if regarding you for permission.
  • Medieval Kitchen
    • book (7, 3)
      The fabled waybread of Aelingas requires 7 of the elven wafers, and a draught of hero's drink.
    • book (5, 3)
      A mushroom which provides a bit more for the refined tastes, can be made with 7 mushrooms, and water of the wise.
  • Meeting House
    • magic_mouth (11, 9)
      Oh no...you have interrupted a meeting of 'FED UP WITH ELVES' they look pretty pissed.
    • magic_mouth (9, 11)
      Oh no...you have interrupted a meeting of 'FED UP WITH ELVES' they look pretty pissed.
  • Mercenaries Agency
    • Dark Elf (12, 11)
      Dark Elf for hire. I'm fast, mean and good with bows. 100 gold.
    • Fighter (12, 7)
      Me fighter. Kill monsters for you. 80 gold.
    • Warrior (12, 3)
      I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok. Just kidding. I'm tough and nasty and killing's my business. 110 gold.
    • sign (9, 14)
      Welcome to the Mercenaries Agency! Look through our selection and get the bodyguard of your choice. And remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get money!
    • Ninja (7, 4)
      For a small fee, I'll do 'em in good. Just 60 gold.
    • Orc (3, 4)
      Me tough orc. Me fight for food. More than one, but less than many food.
  • Metal Smith's Workshop
    • thin book (9, 3)
      Combine a pair of shoes or boots with 3 crystals of mithril to create steel.
    • thin book (5, 3)
      To make gauntlets of the Titans, you will need gauntlets, the heart of a giant, and a bottle of philosophical oil.
  • MF
    • note (7, 11)
  • Mike Miler's cellar 1
    • magic_mouth (5, 4)
      Looks like a one-way teleporter...
    • magic_mouth (1, 16)
      To be or not to be...
  • Mike Miller's cellar 2
    • magic_mouth (2, 7)
      Pixie Firebolt Wand Factory
      Intruders will be atrociously dealt with!
    • magic_mouth (1, 12)
      This wall looks strange!
    • magic_mouth (1, 10)
      The button looks broken. You will need something *heavy* to activate it.
    • magic_mouth (1, 7)
      You might need these potions very soon...
    • sign (1, 5)
      To the North:
      Pixie Firebolt Wand Factory
      Intruders will be atrociously dealt with!
  • Mike Miller's house
    • note (4, 9)
      Now I understand why there are so many corpses near this chest. Do...  not... ( The rest of the text is unreadable )
  • Minatomachi IPO
    • Manual (19, 15)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask the postmaster for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command:
      use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
    • Prospectus (17, 18)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
  • Mines
    • magic_mouth (17, 8)
      A dwarf shouts excitedly, "By the anvil of Mostrai! I found me one! Look at that baby sparkle, lad!"
    • magic_mouth (13, 11)
      You hear the dwarves singing an old mining song...
    • magic_mouth (5, 14)
      You hear mumbled curses in dwarvish tongue.
  • Molthir's Potionshop
    • sign (5, 11)
      Alchemy Room
  • Monkey Temple, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (22, 11)
      The base of the wall is suspiciously clean from swamp grime.
    • magic_mouth (19, 14)
      This wall looks like it might be on some sort of rail...
  • Monkey Temple, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (6, 8)
  • Moogly Bill's Grave
    • note (18, 10)
      . . . take the . . . three sto es place upon    t re  al ars . . . th.n the g t   will open.
    • gravestone (9, 3)
      Moogly Bill was ill, left no will.
    • gravestone (7, 3)
      Let it be known, let it be said, Moogly Bill ain't alive.. he's dead.
  • Moogly Bill's Tomb
    • magic_mouth (11, 12)
      You sense dangerous magic nearby.
    • magic_mouth (10, 30)
      A briny scent fills the cavern.
    • magic_mouth (6, 20)
      Some of this water seems shallow.
    • magic_mouth (3, 28)
      On the wall is a painting. The painting depicts the sun setting behind a marble statue surrounded by lush plant life. The statue has its arm out and is pointing behind you and to your right.
    • nautical map (3, 28)
      `Here be tortola island'
      \ /
      / \
    • note (3, 1)
      2 paces west
      6 paces south
      4 paces east
      2 paces south
      4 paces east
      6 paces north
      2 paces west
      6 paces north
      2 paces east
      Here ye shout me name
  • Mopoon's Weapon Shop
    • magic_mouth (25, 15)
      Your toes feel itchy.
    • magic_mouth (25, 7)
      25 small diamonds to learn the weakness of electric dragons!
      Say 'start' to start the carnage.
    • magic_mouth (25, 6)
      Thanks for visiting dragon slaying guild.
    • warning1 (24, 15)
      A voice says, "No intruder shall live! So be gone!"
    • magic_mouth (23, 18)
      "That's how you deal with electric dragons. Run around and avoid the electricity whenever they shoot it. Now get out of here. I'd love to keep my pet alive for now."
    • warning2 (23, 16)
      A voice says, "Last warning. Be gone or die!!"
    • trickery (22, 15)
      A voice says, "So you must be friend of my master. Now remember the name Jessy."
    • magic_mouth (22, 15)
      You feel magical energy around.
    • sign (21, 6)
      10 small diamonds for tax to use the exchange.
    • instruct (20, 17)
      "Run into the target and I will do the rest."
    • magic_mouth (20, 16)
      Drop 25 small diamonds at the altar to mock the nasty; and get an inspiration of how to deal with electric dragon.
    • magic_mouth (17, 23)
      Want to practice your skills and weapons?
    • sign (10, 9)
      To the money exchange ...
    • magic_mouth (8, 11)
      Thanks for visiting my shop!
      Wood and metal are not the only weapons you can buy here.
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      Mopoon says, "Don't litter on this square. The square has some power. I feel uncomfortable when I feel it.
    • magic_mouth (6, 25)
      25 small diamonds for a practice.
  • Mountain
    • sign (27, 9)
      Dangerous! Don't jump down.
    • sign (21, 2)
      Dangerous! Don't jump down.
    • sign (19, 9)
      Dangerous! Don't jump down.
    • sign (17, 25)
      Dangerous! Don't jump down.
    • sign (12, 25)
      Dangerous! Don't jump down.
  • Mountain
    • sign (17, 25)
      Dangerous! Don't jump down.
    • magic_mouth (15, 21)
      You gained nothing for your trouble.
  • Mudman's Place, Eastern Swamp
    • 4 (21, 9)
      The Mudman says:
      The ssswamp sshall be your grave! Sstupid... ssstranger....
    • 3 (21, 1)
      The Mudman says:
      Ssstranger! The ssswamp iss just like you... Ssswallowing, never getsss enough...
  • Muramasa!
    • sign (11, 23)
      --- Sword shop, Muramasa ---
      Our weapons can destroy anything, even the walls of a castle!!
      --- Muramasa, sword shop ---
  • Museum of Arms
    • magic_mouth (46, 31)
      Speed Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 30)
    • magic_mouth (46, 29)
      Pair of Shoes
    • magic_mouth (46, 28)
      Levitation Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 27)
      Jack Boots of Light
    • magic_mouth (46, 26)
      Jack Boots of Death
    • magic_mouth (46, 25)
      Jack Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 24)
      Jack Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 23)
      Jack Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 22)
      Idaten Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 21)
      Golem Shoes
    • magic_mouth (46, 20)
      Elven Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 19)
      Dragonskin Boots
    • magic_mouth (46, 14)
    • magic_mouth (46, 13)
      Bracers of Dexterity
    • magic_mouth (43, 33)
      Serpent Cloak
    • magic_mouth (43, 32)
      Oilskin Cloak
    • magic_mouth (43, 31)
      Cloak of Plenty
    • magic_mouth (43, 30)
      Cloak of Magic Resistance
    • magic_mouth (43, 29)
      White Cloak
    • magic_mouth (43, 28)
      Black Cloak
    • magic_mouth (43, 27)
    • magic_mouth (43, 23)
      Wizard Gloves
    • magic_mouth (43, 22)
      Thunderking's Gauntlets
    • magic_mouth (43, 21)
      Shining Finger
    • magic_mouth (43, 20)
      God Finger
    • magic_mouth (43, 19)
      Gloves of Light
    • magic_mouth (43, 18)
      White Gloves
    • magic_mouth (43, 17)
      Black Gloves
    • magic_mouth (43, 16)
    • magic_mouth (43, 15)
      Gauntlets of Strength
    • magic_mouth (43, 14)
      Gauntlets of Dexterity
    • magic_mouth (43, 13)
    • magic_mouth (43, 12)
      Bronze Gauntlets
    • magic_mouth (38, 29)
    • magic_mouth (38, 28)
    • magic_mouth (38, 27)
      Harakiri sword
    • magic_mouth (38, 26)
      Holy Avenger
    • magic_mouth (38, 25)
      Katana of Masamune
    • magic_mouth (38, 24)
      Kobold Dagger
    • magic_mouth (38, 23)
      Lava Slasher
    • magic_mouth (38, 22)
    • magic_mouth (38, 21)
    • magic_mouth (38, 20)
      Order Sword
    • magic_mouth (38, 19)
    • magic_mouth (38, 18)
      Staff of the Magi
    • magic_mouth (38, 17)
    • magic_mouth (38, 16)
    • magic_mouth (38, 15)
      Unknown Sword
    • magic_mouth (37, 36)
      White Dress
    • magic_mouth (37, 8)
      Girdle of Strength
    • magic_mouth (36, 36)
      White Dragon Scale Mail
    • magic_mouth (36, 8)
      Girdle of Fighting
    • magic_mouth (35, 36)
      Unicorn Hide Robe
    • magic_mouth (35, 8)
      Girdle of Damage
    • magic_mouth (35, 5)
      White Dragon Shield
    • magic_mouth (34, 36)
    • magic_mouth (34, 8)
      Girdle of Constitution
    • magic_mouth (34, 5)
      Spiked Shield
    • magic_mouth (33, 36)
      Scale Mail
    • magic_mouth (33, 5)
      Small Shield
    • magic_mouth (32, 36)
    • magic_mouth (32, 29)
      Frost Hammer
    • magic_mouth (32, 28)
      Firestar named Fearless
    • magic_mouth (32, 27)
    • magic_mouth (32, 26)
    • magic_mouth (32, 25)
    • magic_mouth (32, 24)
    • magic_mouth (32, 23)
    • magic_mouth (32, 22)
    • magic_mouth (32, 21)
    • magic_mouth (32, 20)
    • magic_mouth (32, 19)
      Dagger of Fortune
    • magic_mouth (32, 18)
      Chaos Sword
    • magic_mouth (32, 17)
    • magic_mouth (32, 16)
    • magic_mouth (32, 15)
      Belzebub's sword
    • magic_mouth (32, 5)
      Small Shield
    • magic_mouth (31, 36)
    • magic_mouth (31, 5)
      Shield of Indigo Mana
    • magic_mouth (30, 36)
      Ring Mail
    • magic_mouth (30, 29)
      Twinblade Spear
    • magic_mouth (30, 28)
    • magic_mouth (30, 27)
      Throwing Star
    • magic_mouth (30, 26)
    • magic_mouth (30, 25)
    • magic_mouth (30, 24)
    • magic_mouth (30, 23)
    • magic_mouth (30, 22)
    • magic_mouth (30, 8)
      Wizard Hat
    • magic_mouth (30, 5)
    • magic_mouth (29, 36)
      Red Dragon Mail
    • magic_mouth (29, 8)
    • magic_mouth (29, 5)
    • magic_mouth (28, 36)
      Power Dragon Mai
    • magic_mouth (28, 31)
      Twinblade Spear
    • magic_mouth (28, 19)
      Long Sword
    • magic_mouth (28, 13)
      Wicked Sabre
    • magic_mouth (28, 8)
    • magic_mouth (28, 5)
      Bronze Shield
    • magic_mouth (27, 36)
      Plate Maill
    • magic_mouth (27, 31)
    • magic_mouth (27, 19)
      Long Sword
    • magic_mouth (27, 13)
      Two-handed Sword
    • magic_mouth (27, 8)
      Kabuto of Geisya
    • magic_mouth (27, 5)
      Polished Shield
    • magic_mouth (26, 36)
      Orange Dress
    • magic_mouth (26, 31)
    • magic_mouth (26, 19)
      Long Sword
    • magic_mouth (26, 13)
      Two-handed Sword
    • magic_mouth (26, 8)
      Horned Helmet
    • magic_mouth (26, 5)
      Lunar Shield
    • magic_mouth (25, 36)
      Mithril Chain Mail of Lightning
    • magic_mouth (25, 19)
      Long Sword
    • magic_mouth (25, 13)
      Throwing Dagger
    • magic_mouth (25, 8)
      Horned Helmet
    • magic_mouth (25, 5)
      Holy Shield
    • magic_mouth (24, 36)
      Mithril Chainmail
    • magic_mouth (24, 28)
    • magic_mouth (24, 27)
    • magic_mouth (24, 26)
    • magic_mouth (24, 25)
    • magic_mouth (24, 24)
      Long Spear
    • magic_mouth (24, 23)
    • magic_mouth (24, 22)
    • magic_mouth (24, 19)
      Light Sword
    • magic_mouth (24, 13)
    • magic_mouth (24, 8)
      Bronze Horned Helmet
    • magic_mouth (24, 5)
      High Shield
    • magic_mouth (23, 36)
      Midnight Robe
    • magic_mouth (23, 19)
      Light Sword
    • magic_mouth (23, 13)
      Steel Shortsword
    • magic_mouth (23, 8)
      Helmet of Xray Vision
    • magic_mouth (23, 5)
      Kite Shield
    • magic_mouth (22, 36)
      Leather Amor
    • magic_mouth (22, 28)
    • magic_mouth (22, 27)
    • magic_mouth (22, 26)
      Throwing Hammer
    • magic_mouth (22, 24)
    • magic_mouth (22, 22)
      Spiked Flail
    • magic_mouth (22, 19)
    • magic_mouth (22, 13)
      Sleek Katana
    • magic_mouth (22, 8)
      Helmet of Brilliance
    • magic_mouth (22, 5)
      Frost Shield
    • magic_mouth (21, 36)
    • magic_mouth (21, 19)
    • magic_mouth (21, 13)
      Sickle Sword
    • magic_mouth (21, 8)
    • magic_mouth (21, 5)
    • magic_mouth (20, 36)
      Green Dragon Mail
    • magic_mouth (20, 19)
      Giant's Knife
    • magic_mouth (20, 13)
      Sickle Sword
    • magic_mouth (20, 8)
      Bronze Helmet
    • magic_mouth (20, 5)
      Dragon Shield
    • magic_mouth (19, 36)
      Gale Armour
    • magic_mouth (19, 19)
    • magic_mouth (19, 13)
    • magic_mouth (19, 8)
    • magic_mouth (19, 5)
      Demonspawn Shield
    • magic_mouth (18, 36)
      Elven Robe
    • magic_mouth (18, 19)
      Dragonclaw Dagger
    • magic_mouth (18, 13)
    • magic_mouth (18, 8)
      Full Helmet
    • magic_mouth (18, 5)
      Demonspawn Shield
    • magic_mouth (17, 36)
      Chain Mail
    • magic_mouth (17, 19)
    • magic_mouth (17, 13)
    • magic_mouth (17, 8)
      Bronze Full Helmet
    • magic_mouth (17, 5)
      Demonspawn Shield
    • magic_mouth (16, 36)
      Bronze Scale Mail
    • magic_mouth (16, 28)
      Large Club
    • magic_mouth (16, 27)
    • magic_mouth (16, 26)
    • magic_mouth (16, 24)
    • magic_mouth (16, 23)
    • magic_mouth (16, 22)
      Large Morningstar
    • magic_mouth (16, 19)
    • magic_mouth (16, 13)
    • magic_mouth (16, 8)
      Eye Glasses
    • magic_mouth (16, 5)
      Demonspawn Shield
    • magic_mouth (15, 36)
      Bronze Plate Mail
    • magic_mouth (15, 19)
    • magic_mouth (15, 13)
      Serpentman Sword
    • magic_mouth (15, 8)
    • magic_mouth (15, 5)
      Belzebub's shield
    • magic_mouth (14, 36)
      Blue Dress
    • magic_mouth (14, 28)
    • magic_mouth (14, 27)
      Battle Axe
    • magic_mouth (14, 26)
      Bearded Axe
    • magic_mouth (14, 25)
    • magic_mouth (14, 24)
      Vicious Axe
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      War Axe
    • magic_mouth (14, 19)
    • magic_mouth (14, 13)
    • magic_mouth (14, 8)
    • magic_mouth (13, 36)
      Blue Dragon Mail
    • magic_mouth (13, 19)
    • magic_mouth (13, 13)
    • magic_mouth (13, 8)
    • magic_mouth (12, 36)
      Black Dragon Mail
    • magic_mouth (12, 19)
    • magic_mouth (12, 13)
    • magic_mouth (12, 8)
    • magic_mouth (11, 36)
    • magic_mouth (11, 19)
    • magic_mouth (11, 13)
    • magic_mouth (11, 8)
    • magic_mouth (10, 19)
    • magic_mouth (10, 13)
      Nine Ring Sword
    • magic_mouth (10, 8)
      Bone Helm
    • magic_mouth (8, 28)
    • magic_mouth (8, 27)
    • magic_mouth (8, 26)
    • magic_mouth (8, 25)
    • magic_mouth (8, 24)
    • magic_mouth (8, 23)
    • magic_mouth (5, 29)
      Thundar Bolt
    • magic_mouth (5, 28)
      Ivory Relfex Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 27)
      Bone Reflex Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 26)
      Reflex Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 25)
      Long Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 24)
      Lightning Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 23)
      Hunter's Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 22)
      Energy Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 21)
      Elven Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 20)
      Crossbow Pistol
    • magic_mouth (5, 19)
      Crossbow Pistol
    • magic_mouth (5, 18)
    • magic_mouth (5, 17)
      Composite Bow
    • magic_mouth (5, 16)
    • magic_mouth (5, 15)
    • magic_mouth (5, 14)
  • Name
    • note (7, 7)
      Caplluy higs gunamep tougpub epnterg.
                          by Pug
  • Narcopin Academy
    • sign (10, 10)
      Narcopin Academy.
    • note (2, 1)
      General Magic Construction 101
      -Professor Ing
      Today we shall discuss the magical nature of certain gems and minerals...
    • note (1, 3)
      Most curious of all was the necklace he had fashioned for his mistress. The altars were encrusted with the same stones as the jewels. What he was going to do with them, I cannot say...
      -Professor Ing
  • Narcopin Blacksmith
    • sign (1, 2)
      Narcopin Blacksmith
  • Navar Central Library
    • magic_mouth (14, 5)
      Very rare books room. See librarian for admittance.
    • Library (12, 11)
      Navar City Library
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
      Section 'SR': Rare Spell lore
    • Library (8, 14)
      NOTICE: leave your bags at the door. No admittance otherwise. Not responsible for lost or stolen bags!
    • magic_mouth (8, 6)
      Rare books room. Card holders only.
    • sign (7, 8)
      NOTICE: no library books are to pass beyond these doors. Thieves will be punished to the full extent of the law! For your convenience, we have chained all books to the shelves. Have a nice day.
    • magic_mouth (7, 5)
      Section 'S': Spell lore
    • magic_mouth (5, 12)
      Section 'R': Religious studies
    • sign (4, 9)
      Reading room please be quiet!
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      Section 'M' : monster lore
    • magic_mouth (3, 12)
      Sorting room
  • Navar Dragon Guild
    • sign (11, 14)
      Welcome to the dragon guild!
      All dragons are permitted to enter. Other creatures may enter only in company of a dragon.
    • flesh guide for wyrms (10, 7)
      Delicious meals for wyverns:
      skull's tongue (mjam!)
      wyvern/dragon steaks
    • flesh guide for wyrms (10, 6)
      Delicious meals for wyrms:
      beholder's tongue
      demon's head
      elemental residues
      wyvern's steak
    • flesh guide for hatchlings (10, 5)
      Delicious meals for hatchlings:
      zombie's corpse
      ogre's parts
      para elemental residues
      ghost's ectoplasm
  • Navar Gatehouse
    • sign (14, 10)
      By the order of the high court, all things Necromantic are deemed evil and are banned from the city of Navar.
      There is a note attached:
      If ya got any problems with this, talk to the high court, not the guards here.
    • Strange Book (13, 7)
      The Art of ...r....c.
      by the High Wizard of Navar, Morkov
      Hmmm, some of the title seems to be scratched out.
  • Navar Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (9, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (9, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Babs for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Navar Jail
    • magic_mouth (16, 13)
      You have been jailed for life for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (16, 11)
      You have been jailed for 4 hours for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (16, 9)
      You have been jailed for 2 hours for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (16, 5)
      You have been jailed for 1 hour for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (16, 3)
      You have been jailed for 30 minutes for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (16, 1)
      You have been jailed for 15 minutes for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (15, 13)
      Get comfortable.. you're here for life.
    • magic_mouth (15, 11)
      4 hours
    • magic_mouth (15, 9)
      2 hours
    • Instructions (15, 7)
      Step into a box and stand next to the teleporter. Summon a character there and they will be teleported into a cell and will not be able to leave until their time has expired.
      Times are actual playing time, so a character has to be logged in in order for their time to expire.
      Saying 'sorry' in a cell will deliver bread and water to a character.
      Teleporters are damned, so the characters save bed will be changed to the center of their cell. They will not be able to suicide and get out early.
      The Warden's key will allow you to open cell doors when you are not flying (dm). Prisoners will not be able to leave even if the door is open.
    • magic_mouth (15, 5)
      1 hour
    • magic_mouth (15, 3)
      30 minutes
    • magic_mouth (15, 1)
      15 minutes
  • Navar Lighthouse, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (9, 5)
      You look out across the bay and see lots of ships...one particular ship catches your eye...it is alone, which is strange, since they seem to be loading and unloading cargo on the deck. Could this be the smugglers ship?
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      Here you can see across both Navar and the ocean....you also find a telescope here...and viewing through it you can barely see the island nation of Kient and see its many warship.
    • magic_mouth (5, 1)
      You look north into the docks, seeing the many interesting warehouses, and all of the ships tied up to the docks.
    • magic_mouth (1, 5)
      You look across all of Navar, taking in all of its wonder.
  • Navar Market
    • Arnold's Grocery (47, 1)
      Arnold's Grocery
    • Mystic Notions (39, 10)
      Mystic Notions
    • The Hammer N Claw (19, 1)
      The Hammer N Claw
    • Wizzfields used books (9, 10)
      Wizzfields used books
  • Navar Prison
    • Torn Scroll (22, 21)
      This seems to be the torn remains of some evil spell. You cannot make the words out, but symbols of Death permeate the reading. You get the feeling some evil has been set loose upon the world. Something catches your eye on the scroll, it looks like something written in blood........ "You will pay for all that you have done Kurte!"
    • magic_mouth (5, 2)
      HALT! Who goes there?
  • Navar university, ground floor
    • sign (19, 32)
      Welcome to Navar university.
      Visitors are invited to go to the reception, on the left tower, for any inquiry.
    • magic_mouth (11, 6)
      A sign on the door reads: Professor Ulote
    • magic_mouth (10, 12)
      A sign on the door reads: Professor Lordil
  • Nethack in Crossfire -- Yendor
    • sign (67, 66)
      This is a random map.
    • sign (66, 67)
      This is a random map.
    • sign (66, 66)
      This is a random map.
    • magic_mouth (34, 17)
      You catch a whiff of brimstone, as of the fires of hell.
    • magic_mouth (34, 11)
      You put your ear to this door and you hear a metallic clanging.
    • magic_mouth (34, 5)
      Behind the door you smell something acrid, faintly reminiscent of vomit.
    • magic_mouth (33, 17)
      You catch a whiff of brimstone, as of the fires of hell.
    • magic_mouth (33, 11)
      You put your ear to this door and you hear a metallic clanging.
    • magic_mouth (33, 5)
      Behind the door you smell something acrid, faintly reminiscent of vomit.
    • magic_mouth (32, 17)
      You catch a whiff of brimstone, as of the fires of hell.
    • magic_mouth (32, 11)
      You put your ear to this door and you hear a metallic clanging.
    • magic_mouth (32, 5)
      Behind the door you smell something acrid, faintly reminiscent of vomit.
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You catch a whiff of brimstone, as of the fires of hell.
    • magic_mouth (31, 11)
      You put your ear to this door and you hear a metallic clanging.
    • magic_mouth (31, 5)
      Behind the door you smell something acrid, faintly reminiscent of vomit.
    • magic_mouth (30, 17)
      You catch a whiff of brimstone, as of the fires of hell.
    • magic_mouth (30, 11)
      You put your ear to this door and you hear a metallic clanging.
    • magic_mouth (30, 5)
      Behind the door you smell something acrid, faintly reminiscent of vomit.
  • Nethack in Crossfire Entrance
    • Note for Mappers (14, 6)
      A previous version of this map contained a save bed at (14, 1). On old servers, this save bed and square underneath might still exist. Therefore, this square must be kept clear and accessible in all future versions.
    • sign (6, 3)
      Welcome to the Mazes of Menace. The Mazes of Menace is a tribute to the venerable game Nethack, which inspired many of the things you will find in Crossfire. The resemblance of these random maps to the true game, Nethack, is more in spirit than in detail.
      Beware! In these series of maps, you'll find many customized monsters in the Nethack style, that will have little in common with monsters which may look like it in the broader Crossfire game. In particular, more monsters attack with acid, and the undead often have madness and paralysis in their touch, as in Nethack.
  • Nexus
    • Let's Play Name That City (19, 12)
      Ships in the port area of Navar can take you to two cities - name one of them.
    • To Navar (15, 12)
      Navar is a good place for more experienced players to start. You might have to do a bit more exploring, but it is more likely that you'll find something... interesting.
      -=> WARNING <=-
      Navar is not a "newbie friendly" place. Novices should start either in the tutorial or Scorn. Consider yourself warned!
    • Tutorials (12, 8)
      This passage leads to tutorial maps where you can learn the basics of Crossfire.
    • Tutorials (12, 5)
      There are 2 tutorials:
      - the right one is a "guided" one, in which you progress step by step
      - the left one is a "free-roaming" one, in which you explore an area
      Both contain the same explanations, they just differ in their form.
      Choose the one which suits you the best!
    • To Scorn (9, 12)
      Scorn is the best place for new players to start after they've completed the tutorial. Players starting in Scorn have a lot of options for adventuring. However, this does mean that there are probably other people adventuring in the same area.
      The password to get past the gate is "eureka".
    • magic_mouth (3, 12)
      Step into the portal to go to Scorn.
  • Night Flower Bar
    • sign (18, 8)
      box seat
    • sign (16, 2)
      Welcome to Night Flower Bar
      You must be over 18 to enter, ENJOY your immoral night.
    • sign (10, 18)
      Presenting the Lucky Lady Slots courtesy of Casino Infernal. Pull the handle and try your luck. Please visit our Casino in Navar!
    • sign (8, 2)
      Welcome to Night Flower Bar
      You must be over 18 to enter, ENJOY your immoral night.
  • North Barn
    • magic_mouth (3, 3)
      You hear the noise of stomping feet and rustling dragonscales! You are a little bit scared now...
  • North Gate, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (3, 3)
      Say the holy word.
  • North Gate, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (5, 6)
      Say the holy word.
  • North Gate, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      Say the holy word.
  • North Gate, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (5, 6)
      Say, "WORDS"
  • North Gate, Level 5
    • magic_mouth (3, 9)
      Say the holy word.
  • North Gate, Level 6
    • magic_mouth (4, 6)
      Say the holy word.
  • Nurnberg
    • Houses & Dungeons (28, 19)
      City of Nurnberg
      Places to Visit:
      Bank of Skud, Nurnberg Branch
      Muramasa! (weapon shop)
      White Dragon Scale (armour shop)
      Orcchop (food shop)
      Night Flower Bar (tavern)
      Invulnerable (potion shop)
      Polymorph (wand shop)
      Dick's house
      Castle (north side of the city)
      Headquarter of the Regular Army
      Aqueduct (underground)
      Click de Pon (level 3)
      Showinv de Pon (level 10)
      Bomb de Pon (high level)
      Reception Office (high level)
    • sign (28, 12)
      Down with the Resistance! Three cheers for Mayor Bauer!
  • Nurnberg Alchemy Shop
    • sign (15, 5)
      Shop for alchemists, Cauldron is here!
    • sign (11, 24)
      The quest of Pup Land Alchemy Society Membership is not available now.
    • sign (7, 2)
      Pup Land Alchemy Society Research Lab.
  • Nurnberg Apartment, Main
    • 5 (1, 14)
      You hear Kurte's voice in your mind:
      "My scholar, for your convenience I have opened a time-warp-portal in your apartment."
  • Nurnberg Hotel
    • magic_mouth (27, 15)
      You slide on the water chute.
    • magic_mouth (27, 14)
    • magic_mouth (25, 15)
    • magic_mouth (12, 8)
      Bath Room
  • Nurnberg Imperial Post Office
    • Manual (8, 7)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Betty-Lou for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command:
      use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Nurnberg Storehouse
    • the Siegfried-Saga (17, 3)
      By defeating the Evil Masters, Siegfried saved the world. We are the heirs of his bravery, upholding his spirit is our fate, our humble mission.
    • 1 (14, 29)
      The Farmer Ted says:
      Now I can finally deliver those potatoes to the "Orcchop." Thank you so much! I have opened the northern room for you. Take whatever you want.
  • Occupied Cabin
    • magic_mouth (14, 9)
      Loud snarls and growls can be heard from a short distance away.
  • Ogre Chief
    • lab notes (4, 14)
      Herein is described an alchemical procedure:
      The dust of piercing vision may be made using the following ingredients:
      7 carrots
      water of sapphire
    • notes (3, 13)
  • Ogre Training
    • magic_mouth (33, 4)
    • magic_mouth (33, 2)
      You have roughly 30 to 45 minutes to train here. After that time the ogres will be taking a short nap.
  • Old Mineshaft
    • sign (13, 10)
      The mine is closed. The workers at last refused to work here any more. Tales tell there was many strange sightings here. People swear they have heard voices and seen ghosts and demons. Some even say that dragons lurk in the lower levels. An old tale tells that an ancient race of giants is still living here. Beware ... You may have to dig.. Many adventurers have found their grave here.
  • Oldie Moldie's Jewelry
    • sign (17, 18)
      Crown the Elements(Protected: fire, cold, electricity, Attuned: electricity)
      Your quested item is the Winterblade owned by the Ice dragon highlord.
      Drop your quested items and you may take the crown..
    • sign (16, 18)
      Crown of Ice (Protected: cold, Attuned: cold, Repelled: fire)
      Your quested item is the heart of Takuse, the fiery dragon.
      Drop your quested items and you may take the crown..
    • sign (15, 18)
      Crown of Fire (Protected: fire, Attuned: fire, Repelled: cold)
      Your quested items are three dragon scales.
      Drop your quested items and you may take the crown..
    • sign (5, 18)
      Crown of Might(Con+1, Str+1, Dex+1)
      Your quested items are three Glowing Crystals from the GemTunnel in the Dark Forest.
      Drop your quested items and you may take the crown..
      Put one crystal on each of the three altars up there. Oldie Moldie has bad memory, so bring all three together
    • sign (4, 18)
      Crown of Lordliness(Cha+2, Int+1, Wis+2)
      The quested items are sixteen beholder eyes.
      Drop your quested items and you may take the crown..
    • sign (3, 18)
      Crown of Magi(magic+2, Int+2)
      Your quested items are ten potions of intelligence.
      Drop your quested items and you may take the crown..
  • Orc Farm
    • sign (13, 7)
      Orc Farm
  • Orcchop
    • sign (1, 10)
      Orcchop, the food shop.
      Orcchop is one of the most healthy food.
      Let's eat it!
  • Ordeals of Valkyrie
    • 450 Celsius (15, 17)
      What, you managed to read this book before it burned? Congratulations! But the exit isn't here...
    • This way (15, 15)
      Beware the dragon.
    • magic_mouth (8, 2)
      Choose your path. When your mission is complete, return to this point and wait a few seconds.
  • Park of the Isolation
    • Captain Herghist Appelnisht, Honorary Darcap Guard Commander (4, 1)
      Famous explorer, disappeared during a mission somewhere in a deserted plain.
  • Patch's House
    • Mailbox (12, 2)
      12 Wanderer's Way
      Mr. & Mrs. Patch
  • Path
    • magic_mouth (24, 23)
      The spirit of the mountain touches your mind:
      "I wanted to prevent mortals from entering the evil castle again. You defeated my minions but you are still a child yet."
    • magic_mouth (23, 0)
      Dammit! The tunnel must have collapsed recently. Huge rocks are blocking the way now.
    • magic_mouth (22, 13)
      You can feel the presence of powerful earth-spirits. It might be dangerous to jump down this hole...
    • magic_mouth (18, 7)
      This rock appears loose...
  • Personal Pet Apartment, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      Your vision fades to blackness.
    • magic_mouth (7, 12)
      A dart flies out from the wall, and you feel a sting in your arm!
    • magic_mouth (7, 8)
      You wake up in a cage! You think you may be able to tunnel out through the floor.
    • magic_mouth (5, 14)
      Your vision fades to blackness.
    • magic_mouth (5, 12)
      A dart flies out from the wall, and you feel a sting in your arm!
    • magic_mouth (5, 8)
      You wake up in a cage! You think you may be able to tunnel out through the floor.
    • Instructions (5, 1)
      Welcome to your pet storage apartment.
      To save a pet, bring the pet you wish to store to the teleporter and pull the lever. It will take a few moments for the pet to appear in the cell.
      To retrieve a pet, pull the lever in front of the cell.
      To escape from the pet cell if you get trapped, apply the floor.
      Attempting to store multiple pets in one cell may result in some pets escaping.
      If you allow a pet to release another pet, the released pet may become confused and angry.
      Pulling the lever during pet storage may result in your pet escaping.
    • magic_mouth (3, 14)
      Your vision fades to blackness.
    • magic_mouth (3, 12)
      A dart flies out from the wall, and you feel a sting in your arm!
    • magic_mouth (3, 8)
      You wake up in a cage! You think you may be able to tunnel out through the floor.
    • magic_mouth (1, 14)
      Your vision fades to blackness.
    • magic_mouth (1, 12)
      A dart flies out from the wall, and you feel a sting in your arm!
    • magic_mouth (1, 8)
      You wake up in a cage! You think you may be able to tunnel out through the floor.
  • Personal Pet Apartment, Level 2
    • card (6, 1)
      Due to the power of the magic involved, retrieving large creatures from their cells may not be completely safe. You may need to use town portal to bring your pets here, or to bring them with you after you retrieve them.
  • Personal Pet Apartment, Torture Chamber
    • note (2, 2)
      Warning: no responsibility assumed if you get trapped in your own torture chamber by one of your pets!
  • Pirate Beach
    • magic_mouth (5, 13)
      The water is shallow here.
    • magic_mouth (4, 27)
      Have ye the name of the treasure island?
    • magic_mouth (4, 13)
      You wade through shallow water.
    • magic_mouth (3, 27)
      Have ye the name of the treasure island?
  • Pirate Warehouse
    • magic_mouth (11, 20)
      There must be some sort of trigger.
    • magic_mouth (11, 19)
      There must be some sort of trigger.
    • magic_mouth (10, 20)
      There must be some sort of trigger.
    • magic_mouth (10, 19)
      There must be some sort of trigger.
  • Pirate's Puzzle
    • Rune of Marking (3, 7)
      One, Two.
  • Pirates' Arena
    • sign (37, 6)
      The Arena!
      Friday Night Line UP..
      See The Pirates take on the Vikes.
      Game starts at 6:00pm.
      Hope to see you there!
  • Pit
    • magic_mouth (2, 3)
      You climbed a long way down and there is still more to go. Do you want to go on?
  • Pixie's Delight
    • magic_mouth (17, 8)
      So you dare enter through spikes!
    • Rune of Marking (8, 8)
      Take care!
  • Playershops
    • Private Shops (40, 4)
      Private Shops office is at the other end of the road.
    • Private Shops (2, 4)
      Please go inside to purchase a key to your own private shop!
  • Playershops Purchase, Entrance
    • Manager (32, 7)
      @match hi|hello
      Well as long as you are here, make yourself useful and take these flowers to my wife. Put them on her vanity so she will see them.
      @match date
      *Sigh* She's starting to forget a lot of things. Our date is at 7!
      @match contract
      I can't finish the contract until I find my pen!
      @match pen
      If you find my pen put it on my desk.
      @match *
      I'm in the middle of something. Go away before I call the guards.
    • Manager (32, 6)
      Manager says:
      This is perfect for my collection.
    • Elite Dragon Guard (28, 4)
      @match *
      You may not enter.
    • Private Shop Info (15, 8)
      Shop keys cost 30,000 diamonds.
      Please do not purchase more then one shop.
      Players found to have more then one shop will have them removed and their items forfeit.
      Any shop whose owner has not logged in in 6 months will be at the discretion of the DM sold and all items forfeit.
      If all the keys are gone please contact a DM and he/she MAY be able to help you.
  • Playershops Purchase, Upstairs
    • Mireya (31, 5)
      @match hi|hello
      Oh, hello!  Did my husband send you?
      @match yes
      Good!  I forgot what time our date is. Be a dear and go downstairs ask him.
      @match 7
      Oh that's right, I remember our date is at 7. Thank you.
      @match pen
      Here. My husband left this up here, he will reward you for it.
      @match *
      You're beginning to bother me little man.
    • Mireya (31, 4)
      Mireya says:
      Ahh, how sweet! Thank you!
      Here, I have so many of these lying around, you take some.
    • Elite Dragon Guard (22, 8)
      @match mireya
      You may pass.
      @match *
      You may not enter.
    • magic_mouth (22, 7)
      Speak her name to enter!
    • magic_mouth (13, 5)
    • magic_mouth (12, 7)
      Food Storage
    • magic_mouth (3, 8)
      Her name is Mireya.
  • Port Gate of Scorn
    • magic_mouth (hero of scorn) (14, 4)
      The guard seeing that the Hero approaches turns the handle to open the gate.
    • magic_mouth (port pass) (13, 4)
      On seeing you have a port pass the guard turns a rusty handle and says... Everything appears in order. Pass friend.
    • magic_mouth (gate open/close) (12, 4)
      You hear from behind the eastern wall, a loud noise as ancient machinery is set in motion to move the rusty gates.
    • magic_mouth (7, 4)
      A sign on the door says:
      Private - No Entry
    • Office for Gate Passes (5, 10)
      Office for Gate Passes
    • Gate Pass (5, 8)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the City of Scorn to the rest of the continent without further charges and penalties. The City of Scorn reserves the right to revoke said access at any time of its choosing without recompense or liability.
    • Port Pass (5, 6)
      This is a merchants pass allowing paid access between the City of Scorn and the Port of Scorn, for the purposes of trade and commerce. Animal or plants entering the city of scorn must be quarantined in the Quarantine Warehouse in the port area.
    • Office for Gate Passes (4, 8)
      Office for Gate Passes
  • Port Gate of Scorn, Office of Passes
    • Gate Pass (8, 7)
      The holder of this card is allowed free access into and out of the City of Scorn to the rest of the continent without further charges and penalties. The City of Scorn reserves the right to revoke said access at any time of its choosing without recompense or liability.
    • Port Pass (8, 3)
      This is a merchants pass allowing paid access between the City of Scorn and the Port of Scorn, for the purposes of trade and commerce. Animal or plants entering the city of scorn must be quarantined in the Quarantine Warehouse in the port area.
    • Office of Passes (6, 11)
      Office of Passes.
    • Office of Passes (5, 7)
      Office of Passes..
      Merchants trading with the city of Scorn may purchase entry/exit pass for either the port or main gate from either here or one of our representatives elsewhere.
  • Port Inn
    • For Help, press 'A' (5, 4)
      To save your character, go to a room and 'A' on a bed.
  • Port Joseph Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (8, 6)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (4, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Portal
    • sign (5, 2)
      Teleporter to exit the swamp.
  • Portia's House
    • sign (18, 25)
      Beware of Dog!
    • book (7, 6)
      A coffee table book.
  • Power Plant, Dungeon Level 2
    • magic_mouth (6, 4)
      The cave chief appears to be a gnome of the tougher kind!
  • Power Plant, Dungeon Level 3
    • magic_mouth (9, 2)
      You hear a noise behind you. There - You've been trapped!
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      You feel watched by a pair of burning eyes.
    • magic_mouth (5, 4)
      Something is wrong about this place...
  • Power Plant, Level 1
    • Fuel Section (12, 4)
      Fuel Section: Caution! Fire hazard.
  • Power Plant, Level 2
    • sign (13, 5)
      Burning Section:
      Don't open the bulbs.
      It will cause a fire!
  • Power Plant, Level 3
    • sign (13, 5)
      Electric Section:
      Don't Pull Lever.
      It causes a short circuit.
  • Practice1
    • sign (1, 14)
      goblin and gnoll
  • Practice2
    • sign (1, 14)
      madman and ogre
  • Practice3
    • sign (1, 14)
      skeleton and zombie
  • Private Shop 1
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 1, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 1, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 1, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 1, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 10
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 10, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 10, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 10, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 10, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 11
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 11, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 11, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 11, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 11, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 12
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 12, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 12, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 12, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 12, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 13
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 13, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 13, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 13, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 13, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 14
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 14, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 14, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 14, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 14, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 15
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 15, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 15, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 15, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 15, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 16
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 16, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 16, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 16, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 16, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 17
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 17, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 17, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 17, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 17, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 18
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 18, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 18, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 18, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 18, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 19
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 19, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 19, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 19, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 19, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 2
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 2, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 2, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 2, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 2, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 20
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 20, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 20, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 20, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 20, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 21
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 21, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 21, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 21, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 21, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 22
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 22, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 22, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 22, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 22, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 23
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 23, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 23, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 23, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 23, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 24
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 24, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 24, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 24, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 24, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 25
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 25, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 25, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 25, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 25, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 26
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 26, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 26, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 26, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 26, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 27
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 27, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 27, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 27, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 27, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 28
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 3
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 3, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 3, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 3, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 3, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 4
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 4, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 4, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 4, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 4, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 5
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 5, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 5, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 5, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 5, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 6
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 6, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 6, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 6, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 6, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 7
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 7, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 7, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 7, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 7, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 8
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 8, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 8, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 8, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 8, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Private Shop 9
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Private Shop 9, 2nd Floor
    • Owner Notice (12, 20)
      We hope you enjoy your new Private Shop!
      For your convenience you may cast spells in this room.
      We are not responsible if you burn the place to the ground!
    • magic_mouth (12, 17)
      Owner Storage Room
  • Private Shop 9, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (31, 20)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 19)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 18)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • magic_mouth (31, 17)
      You hear the cogs squeal
    • For DMS (28, 23)
      Teleport these into place, don't let the buyer see it until he/she buys. This is a unique floored map. To reset it, use 'reset full-reset .' to fully reset the map.
    • Rune of Marking (23, 14)
      Magic Casting Square
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      To tour the perimeter,
      say go
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
      You watch in amazement as what looked like a manilla room with tables appears to grow Guards, statues, bookcases, boxes, and other interesting items.
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      Setup Complete.
      Enjoy your new addition!
      Uh oh! looks like you have a vermin problem. Don't worry, Mouser will take care of that...
    • Owner's Manual (11, 23)
      Welcome to level 2 of the Shop!
      This level has very interesting features:
      -A path for guests to view the perimeter
      -And 2 magic and prayer squares
      The management
    • Rune of Marking (7, 14)
      Prayer casting Rune
      Read the Owner's Manual
  • Private Shop 9, Basement
    • Monkey Notice (16, 1)
      Careful! If they get out, you might not ever get them back in...
    • sign (9, 6)
      This thief was caught trying to steal from my museum. Let that be a lesson to you.
    • Guard (6, 9)
      @match *
      Do not feed the prisoner.
    • sign (2, 16)
      The basement seems to have flooded some due to an underground river... We are NOT responsible for items left in the water that are washed away...
  • Private Shop 9, Groundfloor
    • sign (12, 17)
      Welcome to this private museum.
      You may look, but not touch.
  • Puddings Place
    • magic_mouth (21, 23)
      You smell acid! Acid can damage your precious equipment - Beware!
  • Pup Land Alchemy Society Research Lab
    • magic_mouth (11, 2)
      For Student Member.
    • magic_mouth (9, 4)
      Member's only.
    • magic_mouth (7, 2)
      Member's only.
    • magic_mouth (5, 14)
    • magic_mouth (5, 2)
      Member's only.
    • magic_mouth (3, 12)
      You have relieved your fatigue.
  • Pup Land Dragon Terminal
    • sign (14, 8)
      Present your Regular Army Passport to enter this gate.
    • Creators (9, 10)
      In order to solve quests, information is very important. Talking to the NPCs is inevitable in Pup Land.
      These maps were created by:
      Andreas Vogl
  • Pup Land Dragon Terminal, Raffles
    • sign (10, 10)
      You should know that every item in the raffles can be obtained elsewhere in Pupland. If you have a hard time winning, maybe you should go and look outside the raffles.
  • Raazle's Small House
    • magic_mouth (14, 6)
      You see an Angel appear before you The Angle says:
      "Stop brave adventurer...do not take what is not your from this lonely hovel. The owners have gone through great hardships. So if you do feel the need to take anything YOU WILL DIE!"
  • Raffle 1, Entrance
    • Instructions (8, 12)
      Follow these instructions to draw your raffle:
       1. Go to Dungeon No. 1 (downstairs) to retrieve the raffle ticket.
       2. Go upstairs and pull level 1 on the 2nd floor.
       3. Come back here and pull level 2 right in front of you.
       3. Pull level 3 (here as well).
       4. Finally, pull level 2 again and wait for your prize to appear on the table!
    • Dungeon No. 1 (3, 16)
      Raffle Dungeon for Beginners (~lvl 3-10)
  • Raffle 1, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (19, 9)
    • magic_mouth (18, 9)
      Beware and use caution!
  • Raffle 2, Entrance
    • Instructions (8, 12)
      Follow these instructions to draw your raffle:
       1. Go to Dungeon No. 2 (downstairs) to retrieve the raffle ticket.
       2. Go upstairs and pull level 1 on the 2nd floor.
       3. Come back here and pull level 2 right in front of you.
       3. Pull level 3 (here as well).
       4. Finally, pull level 2 again and wait for your prize to appear on the table!
    • Dungeon No. 2 (3, 16)
      Raffle Dungeon for Trained Heroes (~lvl 15-25)
      To solve the dungeon entirely, a team of two players is required.
  • Raffle 2, Level 1
    • sign (13, 1)
      This is the path for the Wise Sorcerer.
    • magic_mouth (12, 3)
      You see two parting ways. Obviously there are two players required to continue.
    • sign (11, 1)
      This is the path for the Brave Warrior.
    • magic_mouth (3, 15)
      An inscription on the wall:
      Apply the teleporter to enter the hall of trolls. Don't do it when you feel afraid.
  • Raffle 2, Level 2a
    • magic_mouth (25, 15)
    • magic_mouth (25, 11)
    • magic_mouth (25, 7)
    • magic_mouth (23, 17)
    • magic_mouth (23, 15)
    • magic_mouth (23, 13)
    • magic_mouth (23, 11)
    • magic_mouth (23, 9)
    • magic_mouth (23, 7)
    • magic_mouth (16, 17)
      A boulder of 400 tons.
    • magic_mouth (16, 15)
      A boulder of 200 tons.
    • magic_mouth (16, 13)
      A boulder of 100 tons.
    • sign (14, 15)
      Try your luck and strength. You have two chances.
    • magic_mouth (9, 21)
      Your effort has been recognized.
    • magic_mouth (2, 21)
      Money can settle it!
    • magic_mouth (2, 19)
      You've been unlucky, but..
  • Raffle 2, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (17, 12)
      Put items here.
    • magic_mouth (13, 28)
      You have the feeling that something is going to happen when you keep standing here...
    • sign (13, 26)
      Cast fireballs to kill Raffy.
    • Instructions (13, 12)
      With this transport mechanism you can send items to the other side (where your teammate is). To use it, follow the instructions:
      o Put an item into the cage on your right.
      o Set lever to "on."
      o After transport, set lever to "off."
    • 2010 (12, 2)
      The Dreads' eyes have appeared.
    • magic_mouth (11, 24)
      Cast show invisible.
    • Instructions (11, 12)
      With this transport mechanism you can send items to the other side (where your teammate is). To use it, follow the instructions:
      o Put an item into the cage on your left.
      o Set lever to "on."
      o After transport, set lever to "off."
    • sign (9, 19)
      Melt the icecube.
    • magic_mouth (7, 12)
      Put items here.
    • 1202 (5, 1)
      Click! The west gate has opened.
    • 1203 (1, 5)
      Rufus says:
      Arrgh! You murdered Raffy, my friend. Now I'll kill you!
  • Raffle 2, Level 3a
    • magic_mouth (10, 8)
      This is an emergency exit from the raffle dungeon. You will not be able to return.
    • magic_mouth (6, 8)
      This is an emergency exit from the raffle dungeon. You will not be able to return.
  • Raffle 2, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (15, 11)
      Say password.
    • sign (15, 8)
    • magic_mouth (9, 11)
      Say password.
    • sign (9, 8)
  • Raffle 3, Entrance
    • Instructions (8, 12)
      Follow these instructions to draw your raffle:
       1. Go to Dungeon No. 3 (downstairs) to retrieve the raffle ticket.
       2. Go upstairs and pull level 1 on the 2nd floor.
       3. Come back here and pull level 2 right in front of you.
       3. Pull level 3 (here as well).
       4. Finally, pull level 2 again and wait for your prize to appear on the table!
    • Dungeon No. 3 (3, 16)
      Raffle Dungeon for Advanced Heroes (~lvl 40-60)
  • Raffle 3, Level 1
    • sign (29, 9)
      Kill them all!
    • magic_mouth (11, 9)
      Say, "Fire"
    • magic_mouth (8, 12)
      Say, "Fire"
    • magic_mouth (8, 6)
      Say, "Fire"
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      Say, "Fire"
  • Raffle 3, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (20, 12)
      Put a crown of raffle.
    • sign (10, 12)
      Prove that you killed Mega Dragons.
  • Raffle 3, Level 2a
    • magic_mouth (13, 29)
      Put 100 diamonds.
    • magic_mouth (13, 25)
      Put 100 diamonds.
    • sign (11, 24)
      To the seats for the spectator.
    • magic_mouth (9, 29)
      Put 100 diamonds.
    • magic_mouth (9, 25)
      Put 100 diamonds.
  • Rainbow Islands Lighthouse, Basement
    • note (5, 2)
      Truth is sometimes under sticky things.
  • Ranbounagisatoshi IPO
    • Manual (12, 6)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask the postmaster for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command:
      use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
    • Prospectus (11, 2)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
  • Reception, Electricity Level 4
    • sign (11, 15)
      Intersection of Towers.
  • Reception, Electricity Level 5
    • sign (4, 14)
      Don't pull any trigger!
      Hint: Upstairs is hidden.
    • sign (3, 8)
      Don't push any PEDESTAL!
  • Reception, Electricity Level 6
    • sign (14, 1)
      Special Button:
      Releasing the special button under the booze causes the special gate to open ONLY for a few seconds.
    • magic_mouth (2, 12)
  • Reception, Electricity Level 7
    • instructions (12, 1)
      Bring this horn to the Guild of Law and drop it on the desk there.
  • Reception, Fire Level 2
    • magic_mouth (19, 10)
      The gate opened...
    • magic_mouth (19, 9)
    • magic_mouth (19, 8)
    • magic_mouth (19, 7)
    • magic_mouth (19, 6)
    • scroll (19, 1)
      You are very lucky!
  • Reception, Fire Level 4
    • sign (12, 10)
      Intersection of Towers.
    • sign (10, 9)
      Intersection of Towers.
  • Reception, Fire Level 5
    • 9 (19, 7)
      The tower is shaking!
    • 10 (18, 0)
      A wall has tumbled down...
    • magic_mouth (11, 7)
      From the craters you hear the noise of - can this be? - Chaos wyverns?!!
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
      Smells like... GAS!
    • magic_mouth (10, 2)
      Smells like... GAS!
    • magic_mouth (2, 5)
      Smells like... GAS!
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      Smells like... GAS!
  • Reception, Fire Level 6
    • magic_mouth (3, 13)
      Push small button to open this door.
  • Reception, Fire Level 7
    • instructions (3, 14)
      Bring this gem to the Guild of Law and drop it on the desk there.
  • Reception, Office
    • magic_mouth (29, 2)
      You feel wind.
    • magic_mouth (19, 19)
      Tower of Electricity.
    • magic_mouth (19, 15)
      Tower of Wind.
    • magic_mouth (15, 19)
      Tower of Fire.
    • magic_mouth (15, 15)
      Tower of Water.
  • Reception, Water Level 2
    • magic_mouth (5, 7)
      Drop frozen water.
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
      Drop A Huge Block of Frozen Water here.
  • Reception, Water Level 3
    • Interesting sign (14, 1)
      If you have not pushed the button yet, then you will feel very rewarded by pulling this lever first.
  • Reception, Water Level 4
    • sign (13, 10)
      Intersection of Towers.
    • sign (11, 7)
      Intersection of Towers.
  • Reception, Water Level 5
    • sign (10, 5)
      Amazing Crown. Don't touch it!
  • Reception, Water Level 7
    • instructions (12, 14)
      Bring this gem to the Guild of Law and drop it on the desk there.
  • Reception, Wind Level 2
    • sign (13, 7)
      Don't pull lever, or you'll be bothered by wind.
  • Reception, Wind Level 3
    • magic_mouth (4, 12)
      Rotate clockwise.
  • Reception, Wind Level 5
    • sign (6, 10)
    • sign (3, 19)
      Don't push any PEDESTAL!
  • Reception, Wind Level 6
    • magic_mouth (3, 11)
  • Reception, Wind Level 7
    • scroll (10, 7)
      * : jungle
      X : entrance
      | Guild |
      |   of  |
      |  Law  |
  • Resir's House
    • note (5, 4)
      Drats my house has been overrun!!! It seem my pets are stronger than I first thought. I will attempt to escape to my basement. Hope to see you soon!!!
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      DRATS THE STAIRS ARE BLOCKED. .o0O(I wonder if that secret passage is still located behind the house) I MUST HURRY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
  • Riverside Manor
    • #4 Riverside Manor (14, 12)
      Amy Barrnes
      Please knock
    • #2 Riverside Manor (14, 7)
      For Rent
      See Amy in #4 Riverside Manor for details.
    • sign (14, 2)
      Riverside Manor
      Luxury condominimums at affordable rates!
    • magic_mouth (7, 17)
      HONK HONK.
  • Rock Gardens
    • magic_mouth (19, 15)
      Looks like this is a vacant apartment.
    • sign (10, 2)
      Fine apartment Living.
      (level 10+)
  • Royal Library, 2nd Floor
    • blood stained book (13, 13)
      Wist knows and has the means to find the fallen angel, commonly called Dark Angel.
    • shiny black book (13, 12)
      In the depth of the snake pit, there lives a Great Wyrm of Chaos, who knows the magic of death. However it is death himself.
    • yellow book (13, 11)
      On third level of the Towers of luck there are 5 ancient electric dragons, Grunter the mighty, 2 big wizards, titans, 2 big wyvern of chaos, 2 giant worms and lots of artifacts and treasures. But you must have great luck to be able to get there.
    • crumbled note (11, 12)
      Sage Galmorus is suspected to be in alliance with Ebony Tiger, the thieves guild. We will search his hut tomorrow.
       -chief of fortress guard
    • sign (11, 8)
      Reserved section
      If there is any questions, please direct them to the librarians.
    • sign (11, 7)
      Reserved section
      If there is any questions, please direct them to the librarians.
    • silver studded book (5, 14)
      Wist(alias Twis) is one of the greatest wizard in the realm. Before he was imprisoned in the fortress he lived in his tower to the northeast and use the cave near the mountain to do research. The tower is deserted and is occupied by some unknown hosts. Some powerful wizards went and never returned. The tower has such defense that it's almost impossible to access it. As for the cave, it is believed that there is still a teleporter to go to the tower. And it was from the cave that our lord went to seize the wizard to stop his mad deeds. The teleporter should be activated by the name of someone, if I remembered correctly. Kashu was one of the people that the wizard respects. Maybe ...
    • copper studded book (5, 10)
      Mopoon is the Dragonslayer of the land. He has opened a weaponry in his cave near the mountains. The cave was originally owned by Wist. The cave has a lot of secrets that only Mopoon or Wist himself knows. Consult the book on Wist to find out more about him and the cave.
    • silver book (5, 8)
      The Dark Angel is a powerful angel that knows the summoning of celestial destruction power. He is as deadly as his name implies. It is rumored that nobody can hurt him from the front. A strong aura of his will force anyone back.
    • white book (4, 8)
      There is a snake pit in the north-east mountains. The pit is hard to find, because the entrance is hidden in the high mountains. Strange snakes lives there. You might also find a way to Mad wizard's tower from within. Takuse, the Old Red dragon dwells in the mountain cavern right above the snake pit. Rumors tell that you could also find a way to the dragon's lair from the pit.
    • rune covered book (3, 8)
      Rumors say that a Great Wyrm of Chaos lives deep down in the undergrounds. It is immune to almost everything. The only thing it fears are weapons that possess magical hitting power.
    • thin book (2, 8)
      Grunter looks similar to Joey but he is much stronger!
  • Ruggilli Testing Grounds
    • magic_mouth (14, 23)
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
    • magic_mouth (12, 23)
    • sign (11, 24)
      You must choose to make the best sacrifice!
    • magic_mouth (8, 13)
      Ahhh finally someone to challenge me! Defeat me and Ruggilli will accept you into his fire. Fail and you shall journey no more.
    • Notes on Ruggilli (6, 10)
      To Whom it may concern,
      Ruggilli is the true God of destruction. His power is the strength behind the mighty red dragons. You too can share this power, but at a cost. If you proceed with Ruggilli you will liken yourself to Him. Ruggilli has an immense appetite, you will find yourself eating more than is normal, carry a little extra food and you need not worry, but woe if you run out. As a follower of Ruggilli, his protections and vulnerabilities are also shared. You will become more resistant to fire but less to cold, also your very skin will protect you from any physical projectile. This will compensate for your inability to wear armour as Ruggilli deems such items lowly. Ruggilli is a god of chaos, you must use this to your advantage. A quick attack is your main strength as Ruggilli will immolate all your enemies. Be warned though, creatures immune to fire shall not be harmed by Ruggilli's will. If you prove yourself worthy your strength shall again be boosted with the aura of Ruggilli. By summoning this enemies of Ruggilli will quickly perish. Keep in mind though, both your strengths and weaknesses and you will surely thrive.
       - theservant_
  • Sails of the Silver Shark, Cargo Hold
    • magic_mouth (19, 13)
      You find a secret door!
  • Sam's house
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      Beware of guard dogs
    • sign (10, 14)
      Thieves are severely penalized in this town!!!
       -Old Sam
  • Santo Dominion City Hall
    • statue (19, 16)
      This guy was so much better than the guy over there.
    • Vacant (14, 12)
      Office Space for Rent
    • Vacant (14, 6)
      Office Space for Rent
    • Santo Dominion Ticket Office (10, 12)
      Santo Dominion Ticket Office
      Boarding passes are on sale here!
    • Psychotherapist (10, 6)
      Dr. Eliza's Office
      Walk-in visits are welcome. Please speak to receptionist.
    • statue (5, 16)
      This guy was way better than that other guy.
  • Santo Dominion Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (4, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (4, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Santo Dominion Library
    • magic_mouth (15, 4)
      Before you is a replica codex of Magehound. When cast, the spell creates a dog-like animal to act as a pet to the caster where the type of dog summoned depends on the level of the caster.
    • magic_mouth (12, 4)
      Before you is a replica spellbook of Asteroid. This evocation spell fires a very powerful asteroid that delivers weaponmagic damage and then explodes to cover the area in frost and ice.
    • magic_mouth (11, 4)
      Before you is a replica spellbook of Negative Energy Ball. Negative Energy Ball is a devestating evocation spell that creates a ball of negative energy that heads in the direction it is cast, and if it encounters a living target, sticks to it and does drain and cold damage.
    • magic_mouth (7, 4)
      Before you is a replica spellbook of Frost Nova. Frost Nova is a powerful evocation spell that fires a swarm of asteroid bullets that deliver a weaponmagic attack.
    • magic_mouth (6, 4)
      Before you is a replica spellbook of Meteor Swarm. This is an extremely strong pyromancy attack spell. This spell fires several comets in the direction of the caster.
    • Replica Spellbook of Meteor Swarm (6, 2)
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      Before you is a replica flametome of Comet. When cast, the spell fires a comet in the specified direction. The comet inflicts serious physical harm on whatever it hits, and then bursts into flames.
  • Santo Dominion Well
    • magic_mouth (22, 14)
      You hear quarreling ogres.
    • magic_mouth (20, 12)
      The way is flooded with water ahead. You'll have to walk against the stream to get to the other side.
  • Santo Dominion Well, Cavern
    • 12 (33, 13)
      The flames have attracted a fire elemental!
    • magic_mouth (29, 32)
      Woah! Stonewalls down here? This must be a secret storage place of some kind.
    • 13 (20, 32)
      The flames have attracted a fire elemental!
    • 11 (18, 9)
      The flames have attracted a fire elemental!
    • 10 (5, 9)
      The flames have attracted a fire elemental!
  • Santo Dominion Well, Underground
    • magic_mouth (8, 19)
      You see a weird bee making a really strange noise, which kind of resonates in your bones. This is probably what the innkeeper is complaining about.
    • magic_mouth (8, 6)
      You feel uncomfortable...
    • magic_mouth (4, 0)
  • Scorn Alchemy Shop
    • basic instructions (21, 12)
      To make an alchemical product, assemble your ingredients in the cauldron. Then perform the skill of alchemy on it. If your recipe is true and your skill is sufficient, then you will have made what you hoped for.
  • Scorn Armour Shop
    • sign (12, 6)
      Custom Armour made here.
    • sign (7, 16)
      Custom Armour made in the back of the store.
  • Scorn Castle, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (13, 16)
      The guards salute the Baronet of Scorn.
    • magic_mouth (13, 15)
      The guards bow to the Noble of Scorn.
    • magic_mouth (10, 16)
      The guards snap to attention for the Knight of Scorn.
    • magic_mouth (10, 15)
      The guards present arms for the Baron of Scorn.
    • magic_mouth (10, 14)
      The Guards kneel to the Prince of Scorn.
  • Scorn Central Library
    • magic_mouth (14, 5)
      Very rare books room. See librarian for admittance.
    • sign (12, 11)
      Library Shop
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
      Section 'SR': Rare Spell lore.
    • sign (8, 14)
      NOTICE: leave your bags at the door. No admittance otherwise. Not responsible for lost or stolen bags!
    • magic_mouth (8, 6)
      Rare books room. Card holders only.
    • sign (7, 8)
      NOTICE: no library books are to pass beyond these doors. Thieves will be punished to the full extent of the law! For your convenience, we have chained all books to the shelves. Have a nice day.
    • magic_mouth (7, 5)
      Section 'S': Spell lore.
    • magic_mouth (5, 12)
      Section 'R': Religious studies.
    • sign (4, 9)
      Reading room please be quiet!
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      Section 'M' : monster lore.
    • magic_mouth (3, 12)
      Sorting room.
  • Scorn City Hall
    • magic_mouth (26, 21)
      Welcome, my worthy disciple!
    • Updating Crossfire (17, 13)
      The development of Crossfire never stops. Keep your server and client up-to-date so you can always enjoy the latest features and bugfixes. For a detailed list of valid download sites, look at: http://crossfire.real-time.com/download/
    • Manual part III (17, 11)
      You can do several things by using only the mouse. In the inventory-window, you can examine, apply and drop things by clicking the different mouse-buttons. In the look-window you can do mostly the same, except you pick up items instead of dropping them when you click the right mouse button. In both windows you can move the scrollbar in different ways by clicking the different mouse-button on it (but only if there are more items than can be displayed in the window). In the graphical window, you can click at places with the left button to find out what is there, or with the right button to move in that general direction.
    • Manual part II (17, 10)
      When you have rolled your stats and chosen a profession, you can type `?' at any time to get information about the different keys. The apply command (bound to key `a') is used for several things, like wearing, removing, wielding, unwielding, drinking, eating, etc. If you hold down Shift while pressing `A', you will apply the object below you. This is the only way to enter a house. In addition to the direct commands which are bound to different keys, you can also type more complex commands by pressing the '-key first. To get more information about these, try typing "'help".
    • Manual part I (17, 9)
      Crossfire is a multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game made for the X-Window environment. It has certain flavours from other games, especially Gauntlet (TM) and Nethack/Moria. Any number of players can move around in their own window, picking up / using items and battle monsters. The players all do battle in the same world, and can communicate with each other (even fight with each other). The goal of the game is to survive and to have FUN.
    • History of Crossfire (17, 8)
      Frank Tore Johansen started writing Crossfire in March, 1992. Since then, many people throughout the world have contributed source code, maps, graphics, and other forms of support. Early versions of Crossfire looked much like early renditions of the game Gauntlet. Since then, features like that of Nethack and Moria were adopted. Presently development is moving in the direction of producing a more complex game similar to Ultima. Throughout the years though, Crossfire continues to maintain it's very own distinctive style.
    • Library (16, 3)
      This way is the library.
    • Hours (12, 13)
      City Hall services are available all the time, but beware zombies during the night.
    • Court Hall (11, 3)
      This way is the court hall.
    • Kevin Bulgrien (4, 20)
      Rayvin Was Here
      And BIB Was Too.
  • Scorn Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (4, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more?
      We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone.
      Try our TalkParrots(tm)!
      Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards!
      And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (4, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Colette for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Scorn Jail
    • magic_mouth (15, 13)
      You have been jailed for life for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (15, 11)
      You have been jailed for 4 hours for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (15, 9)
      You have been jailed for 2 hours for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (15, 5)
      You have been jailed for 1 hour for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (15, 3)
      You have been jailed for 30 minutes for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (15, 1)
      You have been jailed for 15 minutes for your actions.
    • magic_mouth (14, 13)
      Get comfortable.. you're here for life.
    • magic_mouth (14, 11)
      4 hours.
    • magic_mouth (14, 9)
      2 hours.
    • Instructions (14, 7)
      Step into a box and stand next to the teleporter. Summon a character there and they will be teleported into a cell and will not be able to leave until their time has expired.
      Alternatively one may use the 'arrest' command to give a player a 15 minute jail sentence without having to be in the jail yourself.
      Times are actual playing time, so a character has to be logged in in order for their time to expire.
      Saying 'sorry' in a cell will deliver bread and water to a character.
      Teleporters are damned, so the characters save bed will be changed to the center of their cell. They will not be able to suicide and get out early.
      The Warden's key will allow you to open cell doors when you are not flying (dm). Prisoners will not be able to leave even if the door is open.
    • magic_mouth (14, 5)
      1 hour.
    • magic_mouth (14, 3)
      30 minutes.
    • magic_mouth (14, 1)
      15 minutes.
  • Scorn Jail, Upperlevel
    • Instructions (14, 7)
      Step into a waiting cell. Summon a character there.
      Saying 'I understand' near a waiting cell door will open it.
      The Warden's key will allow you to open waiting cell doors when you are not flying (dm).
      When the door is open the character will be able to leave.
    • magic_mouth (10, 10)
      You were summoned here because you have been naughty. Say "I understand" and the door will open.
    • magic_mouth (10, 4)
      You were summoned here because you have been naughty. Say "I understand" and the door will open.
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      You were summoned here because you have been naughty. Say "I understand" and the door will open.
    • magic_mouth (6, 4)
      You were summoned here because you have been naughty. Say "I understand" and the door will open.
    • magic_mouth (2, 10)
      You were summoned here because you have been naughty. Say "I understand" and the door will open.
    • magic_mouth (2, 4)
      You were summoned here because you have been naughty. Say "I understand" and the door will open.
  • Scorn Magic Shop
    • healing potion (37, 9)
      Healing potions can be obtained in the shop area. Don't steal this one.
    • amethyst (37, 8)
      Amethysts are nice to look at, they can be obtained from shops. Don't steal this one.
    • improvement potion (37, 6)
      Improvement potions can be bought in the shop area. This particular one isn't supposed to be sold. Don't steal it and visit my shop instead.
    • magic power potion (36, 9)
      Magic power potions can be obtained in the shop area. Don't steal this one.
    • supreme potion of life (36, 6)
      You can buy potions of life from the shops. It's not necessary to steal this one.
    • magic power potion (33, 9)
      Magic power potions can be obtained in the shop area. Don't steal this one.
    • strange ring (33, 8)
      Strange rings can be found in the shop area. Don't steal this one.
    • potion of intelligence (33, 6)
      Potions of intelligence can't be obtained from shops. This one isn't an exception, so go and fight in the dungeons to get these potions. Don't steal this one.
    • potion of cold resistance (32, 9)
      Potions of cold resistance can be obtained in the shop area. Don't steal this one.
    • potion of dexterity (32, 6)
      Potions of dexterity cannot bought from shops. You don't want to steal this one. You want to go and fight for real loot in the dungeons.
  • Scorn Mansion - Muriskunes
    • sign (20, 45)
      Beware! The downstairs is significantly more difficult than this level. Be prepared to deal with draining attacks.
  • Scorn Mansion - Strange Tunnel
    • magic_mouth (28, 9)
      A grumpy voice shouts:
      Whoever challenges Filur to fight, will end up in Filur's stew tonight!
    • magic_mouth (21, 8)
      This seems to be Filur's dwelling.
  • Scorn Pawn Shop
    • Charity (12, 6)
      Charity - Help keep Scorn clean
      Please use this shop entry area for dropping free items to be used by other citizens in need.
    • Pawn Booth (12, 4)
      Items sold in these booths will be moved to the pawn shop floor. Note if one picks up an item after dropping it in a booth one has to pay the purchase price to get the item back.
    • Info (8, 6)
      Scorn Pawn Shop
      Items you sell here will stay roughly "forever" unless someone buys the item. If the shop gets too crowded with items a Proprietor will clear out the excess. You can sell items in the pawn booths or you can go and browse our inventory of items for a small fee.
    • Pawn Booth (8, 4)
      Items sold in these booths will be moved to the pawn shop floor. Note if one picks up an item after dropping it in a booth one has to pay the purchase price to get the item back.
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      Pulling this lever will clean the shop.
    • sign (5, 8)
      This area is set aside for Dungeon Masters to be able to reset the Scorn Sale Shop if necessary.
  • Scorn Port Ticket Office
    • Santo Dominion (3, 9)
      Buy tickets to Santo Dominion here for 1 platinum.
    • Stoneville (3, 7)
      Buy tickets to Stoneville here for 5 platinum.
    • Under Construction (3, 5)
      Under Construction
    • Under Construction (3, 3)
      Under Construction
  • Scorn Prison
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      The guard shakes his halberd at you.. Watch it will you! I can't see with you standing there.
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      The prison guard shouts at you.. Move it will you, you are blocking my view!
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      The prison guard gets angry and yells.. Will you get out of the way!
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      The prison guard mutters morosely, "What do you want?"
  • Scorn Prison, Holding Cells
    • Gate Room (7, 45)
      No entry - this means you!
  • Scorn Private Shop
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Scorn Private Shop 4336
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Scorn Private Shop 4337
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Scorn Private Shop 4834
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Scorn Private Shop 4835
    • Variables (49, 1)
    • Variables (49, 0)
      Owner: Unowned
      Date: 2010-01-01
      Days: 0
    • Notice (7, 7)
      This lever renames all floor tiles in the shop to Shop Floor. Use if your items are melting.
    • Notice (6, 7)
      Left position makes shop non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
    • Notice (5, 7)
      Left position makes magic Denied in the shop. Right makes it Allowed.
    • Notice (4, 7)
      Left position makes owner area non buildable. Right makes it buildable.
  • Scorn Sale Shop
    • Notice (12, 11)
      The No Sale Area floor will NOT pay you for items dropped there. Use the white tiles for dropping items for which you wish to be paid.
      The Management
    • A tiny fairy voice (11, 15)
      A tiny fairy appears and says in a tiny voice:
      "The first floor is for selling your less desirables for money. The second floor is for trading, charity and pawn shop. There is an "identify items" table on the second floor. Items dropped in the pawn shop will stay ... oh, Peter's calling me. Bye!"
      The tiny fairy disappears.
    • A tiny fairy voice (10, 15)
      A tiny fairy appears and says in a tiny voice:
      "The first floor is for selling your less desirables for money. The second floor is for trading, charity and pawn shop. There is an "identify items" table on the second floor. Items dropped in the pawn shop will stay ... oh, Peter's calling me. Bye!"
      The tiny fairy disappears.
    • A tiny fairy voice (9, 15)
      A tiny fairy appears and says in a tiny voice:
      "The first floor is for selling your less desirables for money. The second floor is for trading, charity and pawn shop. There is an "identify items" table on the second floor. Items dropped in the pawn shop will stay ... oh, Peter's calling me. Bye!"
      The tiny fairy disappears.
  • Scorn Tannery
    • thin book (9, 3)
      A cloak of minor protection can be manufactured by adding a balm of aethereality to a cloak.
    • thin book (5, 3)
      Gloves of Marksmanship can be made with gloves, 5 arrows of accuracy, and a bottle of mineral oil.
  • Scorn's Acme Inc. Building Shop
    • sign (11, 19)
      Welcome to Acme. Inc construction shop!
      You will find here everything you need to build your own customized home, sweet home. Make sure to read our documentation on how to build nice maps.
  • Scorn's Brewery Cantina
    • sign (30, 6)
      (Non)Human Resources
    • sign (26, 24)
    • sign (19, 1)
      Manager's Office. Appointment required.
    • sign (13, 15)
      Quality Control Room
    • sign (8, 1)
      Manager's Office. Appointment required.
    • sign (3, 6)
  • Scorn's Brewery Cellar
    • half-erased note (5, 3)
      ... Power is not sufficient... Maybe get one from the well... ... danger...
  • Scorn's Brewery Entrance
    • letter (14, 2)
      The text is written in a language you cannot decipher. Maybe some wise man could?
    • monument (13, 1)
      Scorn's Extra Ale Recipe:
      (buh! you'll never look your booze with the same eye!)
  • Scrolls Galore, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (10, 18)
      WARNING! If you go up to the third floor do NOT feed the rats!
    • magic_mouth (9, 18)
      WARNING! If you go up to the third floor do NOT feed the rats!
  • Sean's House
    • magic_mouth (14, 14)
      Beware of guard dogs
    • sign (10, 14)
      Thieves are severely penalized in this town!!! It would be nice of you not to bother with others' lives.
  • Seaside Tavern
    • A sign on the wall (9, 6)
    • Scurvy Dog's Of the Sea (5, 15)
      This is the story of Buccaneer Bodingo, Lord of the Isle of Dread, Scourge of the Seven Seas, and the single most blood-thirsty pirate in history.
  • Shining Tower, Floor 1
    • sign (5, 8)
      Floor 1.
  • Shining Tower, Floor 2
    • sign (7, 10)
      Floor 2.
  • Shining Tower, Floor 3
    • sign (1, 13)
      Something is upon the button.
  • Shining Tower, Floor 5
    • sign (8, 3)
      Floor 5.
  • Shining Tower, Floor 6
    • note (19, 14)
      Where is Floor4?  Floor4 is next to Floor3?
    • sign (8, 8)
      Floor 6.
      Only one of these gates will open when the lever is pulled.  You only get one chance to try it.
  • Shining Tower, Floor 7
    • sign (2, 9)
      Floor 7.
      You're done!
  • Shining Village
    • sign (8, 3)
      We*co*e to S*in*ing Vi**age!
  • Ship to Santo Dominion
    • Boarding (10, 6)
      Board the ship here. Please have your boarding pass ready. If the first gate is closed, then we're still getting ready for the next voyage.
  • Ship to Scorn
    • Boarding (10, 6)
      Board the ship here. Please have your boarding pass ready. If the first gate is closed, then we're still getting ready for the next voyage.
  • Ship to Stoneville
    • Boarding (10, 6)
      Board the ship here. Please have your boarding pass ready. If the first gate is closed, then we're still getting ready for the next voyage.
  • Shipwreck, Main Deck
    • magic_mouth (9, 11)
      The deck of the ship . .
    • log book (4, 16)
      . . . we sail now as if under a curse . . . I cannot shake the feeling we are damned . . . The cursed pearl, I wish I had never set sight on the thing . . . I cannot rid myself of it . . . it is better that I lock it away in the hidden . .
  • Shore
    • sign (7, 3)
      Welcome to Keira's beach!
      Enjoy swimming.
      Very fast current.
      Do not swim outside the fence.
  • Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Ketsueki Itsuryuu
    • Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Ketsueki Itsuryuu (9, 4)
      Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Ketsueki Itsuryuu
      30,000 Diamonds
  • Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Nenshou Youso
    • Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Nenshou Youso (9, 4)
      Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Nenshou Youso
      30,000 Diamonds
  • Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku
    • Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku (9, 4)
      Shougyoukumiai dzuki za Zaseki Dzuki Ryoku
      30,000 Diamonds
  • Shougyoukumiai Mezon Mise
    • Instructions (16, 21)
      Welcome to Shougyoukumiai Sumai Inc. where you can purchase your very own Shougyoukumiai Sumai.
      Three characters are required to purchase a guild house.
      To purchase your guild house, you will need 30,000 diamonds for the altars.
      After the fee has been paid, two characters must stand on the pedestals in the small southern rooms, while the third picks up the keys from the rooms above the altars.
      If there are no keys available, we're very sorry, but it means we've run out of available guild houses. Perhaps you should look into joining an existing guild instead.
  • Shouhou Senta
    • Shouhou Senta (8, 15)
      Welcome to Ranbounagisatoshi's shouhou senta. Here 2 players may place their tradable goods in the trade zones. Then both players can turn their levers to complete the trade.
    • Trader 1 (6, 13)
  • ShowInv de Pon
    • Proof Scroll (21, 7)
    • sign (11, 12)
      Use two spells and one item:
       1. show invisible
       2. create earthwall
       3. a heavy item
      Careful. It only works one time.
    • sign (6, 2)
      Cast show invisible here.
    • Instruction (4, 1)
      There is an invisible lever. Cast show invisible.
  • Siegfried's House, Basement Level 1
    • magic_mouth (3, 10)
      If you want to Open the gate, say password.
  • Siegfried's House, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (38, 24)
      beep - Security system online...
      Alert! Intruder detected...
      All items must be eradicated...
      beep - beep...
    • magic_mouth (16, 20)
      Why do you know me?
    • magic_mouth (16, 19)
      How did you know my name?
    • magic_mouth (16, 18)
      You know my deepest secret, don't you?
    • magic_mouth (16, 17)
      All who know my secret are dead.
    • magic_mouth (16, 16)
      And you'll be dead, because...
    • magic_mouth (16, 15)
    • magic_mouth (8, 18)
      Siegfried shouts:
       "Don't kill me!"
  • Siegfried's House, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (18, 13)
      The key got burned, your quest is over! Leave now - and regret your mistake.
    • magic_mouth (15, 13)
      These gates seemingly require a password to open.
    • magic_mouth (14, 8)
      You spot a lever, hidden under the bed!
    • spellbook of meteor swarm (1, 1)
      You are a winner! You'll get teleported directly to the true spellbook of meteor swarm. All you gotta do is say `I agree`. Damn, you are SO lucky!
  • Skeleton Training
    • magic_mouth (33, 4)
    • magic_mouth (33, 2)
      You have roughly 30 to 45 minutes to train here. After that time the skeletons will be to too tired to fight for a while.
  • Skud Tower, Court
    • magic_mouth (32, 18)
      You hear an evil laugh.
    • magic_mouth (32, 3)
      You hear an evil laugh.
    • magic_mouth (26, 3)
      You hear an evil laugh.
    • magic_mouth (21, 5)
      You hear a most unholy roar and wonder what type of creature awaits you.
    • magic_mouth (20, 5)
      You hear a most unholy roar and wonder what type of creature awaits you.
    • magic_mouth (19, 37)
      WHO DARES ENTER THESE WALLS!!!!!!! You'll shall perish and I will feast on your soul!
    • magic_mouth (19, 5)
      You hear a most unholy roar and wonder what type of creature awaits you.
    • magic_mouth (18, 37)
      WHO DARES ENTER THESE WALLS!!!!!!! You'll shall perish and I will feast on your soul!
    • magic_mouth (18, 5)
      You hear a most unholy roar and wonder what type of creature awaits you.
    • magic_mouth (7, 28)
      Who DARES enter my CASTLE!!!!
  • Skud Tower, North
    • scroll (24, 16)
      Guat' hdolamar, a greater demon from the sixth plane of hell, is the gatekeeper to that dimension. To kill Guat would give me access to the planes of hell and the terrors within.
    • magic_mouth (24, 11)
      This appears to be what used to be Skud's laboratory. You see books, potions, and other strange things.
    • How to summon (21, 11)
      Summoning greater monsters is an artform. If done correctly, creatures far more powerful then the caster can be summoned to do thy master's bidding. But should the caster show weakness or fear these monsters will turn on thee and crush you to little bits.
    • magic_mouth (11, 23)
      A foreboding feeling comes over you.
    • magic_mouth (8, 6)
      Before you see some sort of portal surrounded by a unholy fire.
    • magic_mouth (4, 16)
      The door is made of ice, yet it does not seem to melt.
  • Skud Tower, West
    • magic_mouth (16, 9)
      I smell MAGGOTS.
    • The Unicorn (7, 1)
      The north wing of the tower can be entered by sacrificing one unicorn. Only when this is done will the seal to the north wing be broken.
  • Small Inn
    • Rooms (7, 7)
      Rooms are available for 100 gp. This gives you a day access to the facilities. There is a dining room available for guests for an additional small fee.
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      The bartender says, "Drop 10 platinums and you can enjoy the food; while sit at my right and chat. You may find some useful information, only if you buy my food, that is."
    • magic_mouth (5, 10)
      The bartender says, "Drop 10 platinums and you can enjoy the food; while sit at my right and chat. You may find some useful information, only if you buy my food, that is."
    • magic_mouth (4, 10)
      The bartender says, "Drop 10 platinums and you can enjoy the food; while sit at my right and chat. You may find some useful information, only if you buy my food, that is."
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      Bartender says, "Welcome traveler, want some food or drink? Ask me about rooms if you want some rest between your adventures."
    • magic_mouth (4, 4)
      Bartender says, "Welcome traveler, want some food or drink? Ask me about rooms if you want some rest between your adventures."
    • magic_mouth (3, 10)
      The bartender says, "Drop 10 platinums and you can enjoy the food; while sit at my right and chat. You may find some useful information, only if you buy my food, that is."
  • Small Manor, Upstairs
    • old diary (11, 5)
      ... At last I find that I am dying, and I hope that the gods will finally give me peace. Since the destruction of our fair city by the lake I have come here -- to do the best that I can with what is left. Humans, goblins and gnolls - we have put aside old hatred to build this last outpost community. Many of us humans are favored as food by the cyclops, too many of us have lost our lives to the cooking pot. I am the last human, and if I leave no children from my loins, then I consider the goblins and gnolls whom I have taught human skills my legacy. Let those foolish immortals judge lesser men! I am a man now without religion. Shame on those who worship such fickle beings! And a pardon on the three who have dared defy them!
  • Smith's Armour
    • sign (14, 4)
      If you have killed any large dragons or large beholders, you can bring your dragonscales and beholder eyes here. Just drop the items at the appropriate anvil besides the smith, and he will turn them into shields and armours for a small fee.
  • Smith's House
    • mail box (12, 13)
      Mr. & Mrs. Smith
      5 Old South Road, Scorn
    • magic_mouth (11, 11)
      The house is being over run with monsters!
    • magic_mouth (10, 11)
      The house is being over run with monsters!
  • Smugglers Camp
    • sign (2, 1)
      Smugglers cove
      Level 7+
  • Snake Pit, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (33, 23)
      A harsh voice asks, "Who's this?"
    • magic_mouth (33, 20)
      Chest with an inscription on it. It reads, "Kasnuk."
    • magic_mouth (11, 26)
      A male voice asks, "Do you wish to enter?"
  • Snake Pit, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (34, 17)
      An chilly voice speaks, "Congratulations! For finding your way to your doom!!"
    • magic_mouth (34, 16)
      Echoing howling can be heard from below. More terrifying than anyone could imagine. An ominous chill creeps up your spine. Maybe it's better to leave before meeting your doom. Greed for something that you are not even sure of being there? Better leave now before it's too late...
    • magic_mouth (30, 17)
      Around the altar, you see scraps and ashes of burnt-out human corpses. The purple flame enveloping the blood-stained altar flares as you step close. You feel its unearthly hunger.
    • magic_mouth (22, 25)
      You feel unexpected draft and heat.
    • magic_mouth (17, 9)
      A low husky voice ask from behind the rock, "Who goes there?"
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
      You can't see the bottom of this hole. It's dark and quiet. You may not be able to return if you enter.
    • magic_mouth (1, 4)
      Wind is blowing into your face. This cave seems to lead outside of the mountain.
  • Snake Pit, Level 4
    • blood stained parchment (6, 5)
      Don't go down! ... It's not for man to conquer. Only god can handle a monster like that!! Take my advise and leave.
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      You find a crude shelter from the harsh battles.
    • magic_mouth (1, 6)
      From down below you hear noise of hell.
    • magic_mouth (1, 4)
      From down below you hear noise of hell.
  • Snake Pit, Level 5
    • magic_mouth (2, 16)
      It's rather quiet down there.
    • magic_mouth (2, 15)
      It's rather quiet down there.
    • magic_mouth (2, 14)
      It's rather quiet down there.
  • South Lighthouse, Level 2
    • sign (10, 20)
      Hello, nice day is it not?
  • Spiral Tower, Finale
    • magic_mouth (25, 4)
      The vile demilich Morkov has thrown the switch opening a pocket to the realm of the dead. You must clear this pocket out and throw the inner switch, so that nothing may get out.
    • magic_mouth (10, 30)
      Congrats!!! You have completed the quest!!!
  • Spiral Tower, Level 1
    • magic_mouth (4, 8)
      A Magic Mouth appears before you:
      Hear ye this bold adventurer, to enter this tower you must say who my master is, what art my master practices, and who my master hates the most.
  • Spiral Tower, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (6, 23)
      Look at the whelp, thinking he is all high and mighty by reaching this point. Well you have not seen anything yet, you must face the Master soon.... If this is what you wish to do, then you must answer me my riddle.... What is at the end of time and at the beginning of the end?
  • Sport Center
    • magic_mouth (34, 34)
  • St. Andreas the Ravenous
    • gravestone (29, 19)
      ? - 7392EK
      May he dream of dragons.
    • sign (17, 10)
      Please don't disturb the eternal peace of this place.
  • St. Dominion Sale
    • info (6, 14)
      Welcome to St. Dominion sale!
      This is a very special shop. What you sell here will stay forever. If the shop gets too crowded with items, please pull the lever several times.
    • magic_mouth (5, 12)
      Pulling this lever will clean the shop.
  • Starting House
    • sign (15, 22)
      If, unfortunately, you should lose stats after being defeated by an evil foo, drink a potion of life.
      It will restore everything you lost.
      Depending on your level, you must drink a minor, medium, major or supreme potion.
      Note that some gods can also restore you if you pray enough over their altar.
      Take the potions next to this sign, they may prove useful!
    • sign (15, 13)
      This door opens only when you say
    • sign (15, 9)
      There are many different types of doors.
      The most basic type is a simple closed door. You can open this kind of door with a generic key like the one beside this sign.
      If you have no keys you can try to break the door down by attacking it.
      If you have the lockpicking skill you can try to open the door by typing 'ready_skill lockpicking' and then 'firing' (usually pressing shift + ) towards the door like you would fire an arrow or a bolt.
      There are also locked doors which can only be opened with special keys...
    • sign (15, 4)
      Keys can also be used to open locked chests, but not all chests are locked. Beware, though, as some doors and chests are trapped. Use caution.
      The chest is locked by chance, but the key to open it is right there.
    • sign (14, 13)
      This door opens when you walk near it.
    • magic_mouth (13, 29)
      Say 'hello world' if you want the door to open.
    • sign (12, 13)
      Apply one of those 2 levers to open one door.
    • Food (11, 24)
      Remember, you need to eat or you'll starve. Never forget to carry food with you. If you have food and your food level reaches zero, your character will randomly eat some of it.
      Would you like some more food now? If so, go near the altar and say 'food'.
    • Books (11, 18)
      You will find a lot of books in the Crossfire world.
      Some are so difficult your character may not understand them.
      Not everyone finds all books interesting, but one important fact is: Reading them often yields experience.
      Simply apply a book to read it.
      Reading is important:
      - learning high-level spells requires a high literacy level, gained by reading a lot
      - texts contain various information about the world, including places that may be interesting to visit, monsters, and so on
      - texts may give hints about quests
      - crafting (alchemy, for instance) recipes are usually found in books, so you can learn how to make many items
    • Using Items (11, 12)
      Tutorial: Using items
      To use items in Crossfire, there are two basic methods.
      The first is to use mouse buttons on your inventory.
      The second is to use the command
      which uses the top object on the ground where you are standing.
      Of course it isn't easy to type the command each time you want to use a lever or eat some food. I recommend you bind the command to a key.
      If you don't know how to do bind commands to keys, follow the binding tutorial by talking to Manu, the crazy key binder. He is to your left.
    • Doors and Keys (11, 10)
      Doors and Keys
    • Ranged Weapons (10, 16)
      If you have a ranged weapon this would be a good chance to practice firing it at the ants.
      First you ready the weapon, then hold down the fire key and press a direction key to fire a missile.
      Fire is usually bound to the  key by now you must know what direction keys are to have gotten as far as this sign.
      Make sure to keep enough ammo on hand!
    • sign (9, 5)
      Welcome to Crossfire!
      If you are new to this game, this map was made for you! Here you will find information on how to play.
      Want a quick start? Speak to Sigmund at the entrance. Don't remember how to speak? Just type:
      say hello
      in the command box of your client or use the chat boxes (if there are any).
      You will find many signs like this one in the game.
      Never forget to read them as they give you useful information.
    • sign (7, 18)
      Tutorial: Traps
      Searching for traps can save your life in Crossfire.
      Some traps are difficult to find, others are easy.
      Some traps are dangerous, others are harmless.
      To find a trap, use your trap finding skills by typing
      use_skill find traps
      but it is a lot easier to use the default "s" keybinding to find traps.
      Some traps are hard to find, so you might want to search a number of times.
      If you find a trap, disarm them so you can continue your way fully secure.
      To disarm a trap, use the command
      use_skill disarm traps
      If at first you do not succeed, try, try again.
      The "d" key is bound to the disarm command by default.
      It is really useful to use keybindings for these actions since they are used a lot.
      Now follow the black marbled path and try to find and disarm all the traps.
      Are you confused yet?
    • Fighting (7, 15)
      Get your first experience points!
      Ants are the easiest creatures to kill in the world of Crossfire.
      Nothing is easier than fighting. Just run into the ants.
      Go ahead, you can kill them!
    • Beds to reality (7, 10)
      Beds to reality
    • magic_mouth (4, 25)
      You would have been quite badly hurt by that trap...
    • Gates and Doors (4, 7)
      Some doors and gates automatically swing open by triggering a (sometimes hidden) button or switch. Be careful not to stand in the way when they are swinging open or closed... Ouch.
    • Food (2, 13)
      Food is important for you to stay alive. Apply it to eat it. If your food bar runs down, you will begin to rapidly lose HP. Regenerating HP and mana also requires food, so remember to bring plenty to battles!
    • sign (0, 14)
      Curiosity is it's own reward but a bit of money is nice too...
  • Station
    • magic_mouth (6, 10)
      10 platinum coins to enter the watch.
    • sign (6, 7)
      Red Island is the best place for tourists. Beautiful nature and friendly people will cure your stress.
  • Stoneville Dragon Hangar, Restricted Area
    • magic_mouth (24, 28)
      One more to go...
    • Diploma (18, 27)
      Thanks for "taming" the dragons.
    • Admission (14, 30)
      The first dompteur pass is free and entitles you and your friends admission to the dragon room. If you leave and decide to return, you will have to buy another pass.
    • Entrance (14, 28)
      If the entrance is closed, then another player is already inside.
    • Exit Only (14, 24)
      To enter the dragon room, obtain a dompteur pass and enter through the entrance.
    • dompteur pass (13, 30)
      This pass entitles the owner (and his/her friends) to enter the Dragon Room.
    • dompteur pass (11, 30)
      This pass entitles the owner (and his/her friends) to enter the Dragon Room.
    • dompteur pass (9, 30)
      This pass entitles the owner (and his/her friends) to enter the Dragon Room.
  • Stoneville Dragon Hangar, Rookery
    • magic_mouth (23, 25)
      Stop. Where are you going?
    • note (20, 27)
      The teleporter is not working. An engineer has been called to fix it.
    • Room 2 (18, 18)
      Room 2
    • Room 4 (18, 10)
      Room 4
    • Room 6 (18, 2)
      Room 6
    • To the teleporter (17, 30)
      To the teleporter
    • Room 1 (16, 20)
      Room 1
    • Room 3 (16, 11)
      Room 3
    • Room 5 (16, 2)
      Room 5
    • sign (5, 29)
      Out of order
  • Stoneville Estates
    • Stoneville Estates, Ltd. (6, 12)
      Welcome to Stoneville Estates, Ltd.!
      Here you can buy keys to various private apartments scattered around town. No, we do not accept refunds.
  • Stoneville Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (6, 10)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (3, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Stoneville Ticket Office
    • Scorn (3, 9)
      Buy tickets to Scorn here for 1 platinum.
    • Under Construction (3, 7)
      Under Construction
    • Under Construction (3, 5)
      Under Construction
    • Under Construction (3, 3)
      Under Construction
  • Strange Mountain Chamber
    • magic_mouth (9, 46)
      A metallic plate around the remains of the beck reads "Kolgar".
  • Strange Old Wizard
    • magic_mouth (30, 5)
      Your reward lies below...
      *Strange Old Wizard Vanishes...*
    • magic_mouth (16, 9)
      The air in this room does not feel right.
  • Strange Old Wizard's Reward
    • magic_mouth (30, 17)
    • magic_mouth (30, 1)
      Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...
  • Stronghold
    • Mailbox (35, 27)
      End of Stronghold Road (where else!)
    • sign (30, 1)
      The City of Scorn has sealed this building due to monster infestation. Only access is through the old tunnel that connects this building to the nearby mansion, caution is advised.
    • magic_mouth (19, 15)
      You feel a strong presence of evil in here. This room appears far more dangerous than the ones behind.
  • Sumai Dzuki Jade
    • magic_mouth (16, 9)
      Here is where the thieves have taken the Jade Chest!
  • Summoner's House
    • 5 (19, 2)
      The Great Summoner says:
      Oh no! Something went wrong... Arrrgh!!
    • stay out (9, 16)
      The owner of this house is CRAZY. Do not talk to him. DANGER!
    • sign (1, 6)
      secret passage
  • Suno-yamatoshi Dojo
    • Suno-yamatoshi Dojo (39, 57)
      Welcome to the Suno-yamatoshi Dojo.
      *You may fight as if in an arena.
      *Spells are prohibited.
      *Dojo weapons and equipment stay in the dojo.
      *Personal weapons and equipment stay out;
      *To exit the dojo place the dojo weapons and equipment on the respawn mats.
      *You may leave your weapons and equipment here.
  • Takuse Lair
    • magic_mouth (33, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (32, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (31, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (30, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (29, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (29, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (28, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (28, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (27, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (27, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (26, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (26, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (25, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (25, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (24, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (24, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (23, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (23, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (22, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (22, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (21, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (21, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (20, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (20, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (19, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (19, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (19, 20)
      You fall to the bottom to the dark pit.
    • magic_mouth (18, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (18, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (18, 20)
      You fall to the bottom to the dark pit.
    • magic_mouth (18, 19)
      You enter a gigantic cavern on the cliff side. To the north lies the dark cave, south open air and a small ledge. Right in front is a dark pit.
    • magic_mouth (18, 18)
      You look down the dark pit. Nothing can be make out. It's eerily silent.
    • magic_mouth (17, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (17, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (17, 18)
      You look down the dark pit. Nothing can be make out. It's eerily silent.
    • magic_mouth (16, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (16, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (16, 18)
      You look down the dark pit. Nothing can be make out. It's eerily silent.
    • magic_mouth (15, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (15, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (15, 20)
      You look down the dark pit. Nothing can be make out. It's eerily silent.
    • magic_mouth (15, 19)
      You look down the dark pit. Nothing can be make out. It's eerily silent.
    • magic_mouth (15, 18)
      You look down the dark pit. Nothing can be make out. It's eerily silent.
    • magic_mouth (14, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (14, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (13, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (13, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (12, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (12, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (11, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (11, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (10, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (10, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (9, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (9, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (8, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (8, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (7, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (7, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (6, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (6, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (5, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (5, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (4, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (4, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (3, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
    • magic_mouth (3, 21)
      You walk on the high ledge of a mountain cliff.
    • magic_mouth (2, 22)
      You fall to the bottom of the mountain. Lost your potential preys or predators.
  • Tavern
    • magic_mouth (9, 14)
      Written on the wall:
       "Siegfried is our hero!
       Siegfried, banzai!"
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      Written on the wall:
       "Beware of the Necromancer!"
    • magic_mouth (5, 14)
      Written on the wall:
      "---- LoveLove Company ----
       Do you do one-side love?
       If you want to know someone's mind,
       We'll show you!
       ---- LoveLove Company ----"
  • Team War Register
    • Arena Master (13, 5)
      @match *
      Greetings! So which if you is brave enough to enter the Arena?
      Team 1 should enter on the left, and Team 2 on the right!
      Oh, we have been having some trouble powering the teleporters...
      You will probably need some more rubies to power them. I think 250 should do it for your team for awhile..
    • Tourist Guide (12, 10)
      @match *
      Greetings! You can purchase premium tickets right here! Premium tickets give you access to the exclusive view from the center of the arena, right where all the action is!
    • magicmouth (6, 12)
      The Sphere in the center of the lava somehow floats in the air. Small red tinted tendrils seem to flow from the piles of rubies to the sphere - almost as if it is feeding on them. Periodically you notice guards drop more rubies on the piles.
    • Frosty (6, 11)
      @match hi|hello
      Hello, isn't the Sphere beeautiful?
      @match sphere
      The Sphere draws it's power from the rubies.
      @match ruby|rubies
      Rubies are very valuable to our society.
    • magicmouth (6, 10)
      The Sphere in the center of the lava somehow floats in the air. Small red tinted tendrils seem to flow from the piles of rubies to the sphere - almost as if it is feeding on them. Periodically you notice guards drop more rubies on the piles.
    • magicmouth (6, 9)
      The Sphere in the center of the lava somehow floats in the air. Small red tinted tendrils seem to flow from the piles of rubies to the sphere - almost as if it is feeding on them. Periodically you notice guards drop more rubies on the piles.
    • Guard (3, 6)
      @match *
      Stand back. Guards only.
  • Teamwar
    • Registration Office (36, 2)
      Please enter here to sign up for Team Wars!
    • Brave Players (33, 11)
      Smart players who read this first would consider a team strategy...
    • magicmouth (33, 7)
      Sorry.. I just can't get them powered again.
      Must be a short somewhere...
      You'll have to manually power them on the alter.
    • RULES (19, 23)
      Please proceed to the registration room if you want to join the fight or to purchase your spectator tickets.
      Make sure you read the rules!
      We are not responsible for anything that goes wrong!
    • sign (19, 17)
      Pull the lever to leave!
    • magicmouth (19, 2)
      Paying Spectators Only!
      Purchase your ticket at the registration office!
    • Brave Players (5, 11)
      Smart players who read this first would consider a team strategy...
    • magicmouth (5, 7)
      Sorry.. I just can't get them powered again.
      Must be a short somewhere...
      You'll have to manually power them on the alter.
  • Temple
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      Upon the altar is a bowl forged from platinum.
  • Temple Justice, Entrance
    • sign (17, 25)
      Temple Justice
      Intruders Beware!
      If the lower map resets, then you may get stuck.
      Not recommended for low level characters.
    • sign (15, 25)
      Sword and Shield starts the pursuit, Hammer the keyhole to get the loot.
  • Temple Justice, Level 4
    • magic_mouth (10, 3)
      There is only one key. Which door do you open?
    • magic_mouth (2, 3)
      There is only one key. Which door do you open?
  • Temple Justice, Level 5
    • magic_mouth (6, 2)
      There is a hole for a gem.
  • Temple Naive, Level 1
    • drop 10 diamonds (28, 14)
      How high is your grace?
      Low to Mid level characters should probably be in a party.
    • gravestone (27, 17)
    • magic_mouth (27, 14)
      You hear ghostly laughter.
  • Temple Naive, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (27, 12)
      Immense magic is sensed from behind the gate.
    • magic_mouth (21, 11)
      Immense magic is sensed from behind the gate.
    • magic_mouth (14, 5)
      Only followers may enter.
    • magic_mouth (11, 7)
    • magic_mouth (11, 6)
      Vampires drop from the ceiling!
    • magic_mouth (11, 5)
      Vampires drop from the ceiling!
    • magic_mouth (11, 4)
      Vampires drop from the ceiling!
    • magic_mouth (11, 3)
      Vampires drop from the ceiling!
  • Temple of Healing
    • Cures for Miscellaneous Problems (12, 27)
      Poison may be cured via the "cure poison" prayer. Madness or confusion may be cured via the "cure confusion" prayer. Blindness may be cured via the "cure blindness" prayer. The "restoration" spell cures all hazards mentioned above. Note that these spells are also available on scrolls.
    • How to Restore Drained Abilities (12, 26)
      Drained abilities (stats), lost by fighting undead, or dying, may be restored via drinking a "potion of life." The ones who are experienced in the skill of priesthood, they can pray over an altar and eventually get restored by their deity. However, this does not work for all cults.
    • magic_mouth (11, 24)
      Medical Library.
    • magic_mouth (11, 23)
      A sign on the door says "Healing for Travelers."
    • On the Healing of Wounds (10, 27)
      Many spells are effective for speeding the recovery of a wounded person. Some potions are also efficacious. In increasing order of effectiveness:
      minor healing
      medium healing
      major healing
      The healing potion is equivalent to the heal spell. The Restoration spell does NOT restore depleted stats.
    • On the Cure of Disease (10, 26)
      You find a lengthy treatise on disease and its cure. Some diseases, apparently, are more difficult to cure than others, and require a higher level of skill. Other diseases can be expected to run their course and go away without causing serious harm, unless of course, one is in a situation in which temporary incapacity is fatal. The cure disease spell is effective against disease, except as remarked above. Restoration also works well against disease. Cure wounds spells won't cure disease, but they will reduce symptoms. Cure wounds spells therefore can be used to keep a person alive until the disease may be cured. Also, they may keep him alive until the disease naturally goes away. There are also claims of herbal, alchemical, animal, or other magical cures for disease, but these belong in another treatise.
  • Temple of Mostrai, Underground
    • All who enter read this! (6, 3)
      The estimated level one should be is level 10 for this random dungeon. Perhaps higher.
  • Temple of Ruggilli
    • magic_mouth (12, 11)
      Proceed down those stairs and defeat The Servant. Ruggilli will then permit entrance.
  • Temple of the Devourers
    • sign (4, 14)
      Here there be the dark ones of death..
  • Temple to Lythander
    • sign (1, 4)
      Gravestones placed on the brown grass will be here to stay.
  • Temple to Ruggilli
    • magic_mouth (8, 7)
      Proceed down those stairs and defeat The Servant. Ruggilli will then permit entrance.
  • Temple to Sorig, Level 2
    • warning sign (4, 1)
      Be careful when making ritual sacrifices: high voltages can be dangerous.
  • Temple to Valkyrie
    • Notice (10, 10)
      Due to repeated theft of our chairs, we have opted to nail our chairs to the floor.
      We apologize to our practicioners for any inconvenience.
    • magic_mouth (8, 12)
      Huh. The nails seems to be pulled out of this chair.
  • Terry's Farm
    • magic_mouth (21, 10)
      Better close the doors so more bandits don't come in.
    • magic_mouth (20, 10)
      Better close the doors so more bandits don't come in.
    • magic_mouth (19, 10)
      Better close the doors so more bandits don't come in.
  • Test of Ruggilli
    • magic_mouth (9, 12)
      Ahhh finally someone to challenge me! Defeat me and Ruggilli will accept you into his fire. Fail and you shall journey no more.
    • Notes on Ruggilli (3, 10)
      To Whom it may concern,
      Ruggilli is the true God of destruction. His power is the strength behind the mighty red dragons. You too can share this power, but at a cost. If you proceed with Ruggilli you will liken yourself to Him. Ruggilli has an immense appetite, you will find yourself eating more than is normal, carry a little extra food and you need not worry, but woe if you run out. As a follower of Ruggilli, his protections and vulnerabilities are also shared. You will become more resistant to fire but less to cold, also your very skin will protect you from any physical projectile. This will compensate for your inability to wear armour as Ruggilli deems such items lowly. Ruggilli is a god of chaos, you must use this to your advantage. A quick attack is your main strength as Ruggilli will immolate all your enemies. Be warned though, creatures immune to fire shall not be harmed by Ruggilli's will. If you prove yourself worthy your strength shall again be boosted with the aura of Ruggilli. By summoning this enemies of Ruggilli will quickly perish. Keep in mind though, both your strengths and weaknesses and you will surely thrive.
  • The Adventurous Shop, Entrance
    • sign (6, 11)
      Welcome to the adventurous shop!
      In order to gain access to a shop level, you will first have to win against the monsters guarding it. Please take care, they get more dangerous the more you advance upwards!
  • The Golden Lion
    • sign (15, 18)
      Welcome to the Golden Lion!
  • The Golden Lion, 2nd Floor
    • readme (32, 27)
      The buttons are merely here to please Gridarta, the connections 14 and 15 will be called by the animation
    • 20 (31, 26)
      Bonzo the Banker cries:
      Guards!! Kill this filthy thief!
    • magic_mouth (23, 17)
      This chest is decorated with silver ornaments of crossed hammers.
    • magic_mouth (21, 23)
      In the other room you see a warrior lying on the floor. His face is pale and gaunt, he is coughing. The poor guy seems to be very ill.
    • magic_mouth (8, 9)
      Bonzo the Banker says:
      Hey stranger - Stop right there! This money is mine. Don't touch it! Get out!!!
  • The Jones'
    • book (18, 14)
      Passion's Surrender
    • book (17, 14)
      Unbridled Ecstasy
    • book (5, 3)
    • book (4, 3)
      How to Be your own Exterminator
    • book (4, 2)
      Probability and Statistics
    • sign (2, 1)
      Jones Residence
  • The Little Peacock
    • 2 (25, 2)
      The worshipper of Gaea says:
      Arrgh! My cabbages!! Gaea, help me...
  • The Necropolis of Gax, Hole
    • magic_mouth (6, 24)
      Looks like a tomb!
  • The Old Warehouse, Cavern
    • sign (4, 8)
      You might want to turn around an run now...
  • The Old Warehouse, Cellar
    • Smugglers Guilde (6, 17)
      This be the word of the Smugglers Guilde. There be six Masters in the Guilde who shall be the whole of the law.
    • letter (5, 17)
      How are those beasts I sent you working out Master Nim?
      I trust your payment will be prompt. If not I can always send some more of my pets your way - this time without restraints...
       - Aza
  • The Old Warehouse, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (7, 17)
      It looks like something has been nibbling on the walls.
    • magic_mouth (4, 17)
      These walls look ...chewed on.
    • magic_mouth (3, 7)
  • The Random House
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      A sign reads: Drop 10 silver coins to enter.
  • Three Sisters Tower, Dungeon
    • magic_mouth (8, 14)
      You hear something large breathing just on the other side of the wall. Peeping through a crack you spy a large troll!
    • magic_mouth (0, 7)
      You hear the sound of rock sliding on rock.
  • Three Sisters Tower, Entrance
    • sign (8, 9)
      Tower of the Three Sisters -
       Beware! Those who enter this domain invoke the bane of Chaos!
  • Three Sisters Tower, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (5, 7)
      You sense something funny about these statues. They seem to be watching you and waiting for you to make a mistake.
  • Three Sisters Tower, Level 3
    • magic_mouth (8, 2)
      You hear old women talking nearby.
    • magic_mouth (7, 2)
      You hear old women talking nearby.
  • Tim the Bowyer
    • Tim the Bowyer (6, 12)
      Feel free to rent the facilities but stay out of my house! I'm sick of you people pestering me!
  • Titan Gate
    • magic_mouth (7, 5)
      Hmm, these guards look thirsty.
    • magic_mouth (7, 4)
      Halt! Who goes there!
    • magic_mouth (7, 3)
      You better not attack the guards or they'll never let you in.
    • magic_mouth (6, 4)
      Halt! Who goes there!
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      You better not attack the guards or they'll never let you in.
  • To Past
    • 15 (8, 16)
    • 14 (7, 16)
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      You shall circle the pentagrams, then step here.
    • 13 (6, 16)
    • 12 (5, 16)
    • 11 (4, 16)
  • To-jyo's Hut
    • sign (33, 8)
      To-jyo's crystal - keep off!
    • To-jyo's research note (32, 2)
      The key to the ancient ruins... I suspect it's Odo's legendary equipment:
      1. crown
      2. sword
      3. armour
      4. shield
      5. cloak
      In this order, put in place.
    • magic_mouth (30, 7)
      You are tempted!
    • sign (23, 6)
      Do NOT steal!
    • To-jyo's research note (20, 3)
      Rumours say that the Sword of Odo would pretty much look like Belzebub's sword, but I've never seen Belzebub's sword, so I can't make a replica.
  • Tobias Tower
    • 4 (25, 11)
      The Tobias says:
      Thank you very much for cleaning my tower! Here is your reward.
  • Tower Dungeon
    • magic_mouth (13, 26)
      You sense a force drawing you towards the hole.
  • Tower of Demonology Air Study
    • Air Master's Book of Names (7, 2)
      This is the Air Master's book of names. You open the pages and flip through. Inside are the names of many air elementals. One page in particular is very dog-eared. The Air Master apparently had many uses for this particular elemental. The name is written as Akhalgenyaldandamarshkulat.
  • Tower of Demonology Air Tower, Elementals
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      To the Air Master's room. You sense very great danger above you.
  • Tower of Demonology Apprentice Level
    • magic_mouth (15, 10)
      Demonstration room
    • magic_mouth (10, 14)
      Apprentice Practical Lab
    • magic_mouth (10, 4)
      Apprentice Practical Lab B
      enter at your own risk
    • magic_mouth (9, 16)
      Fifteen Hundred gold, please.... That is the price of admission to the journeyman's level.
    • magic_mouth (9, 14)
      Apprentice Practical Lab C
      Senior Apprentices only
    • magic_mouth (9, 4)
      Apprentice Practical Lab A
      Knock before entering
    • magic_mouth (4, 10)
      Lecture room
  • Tower of Demonology Earth Study
    • Earth Master's Book of Names (7, 2)
      This is the Earth Master's book of names. You open the pages and flip through. Inside are the names of many earth elementals. One page in particular is very dog-eared. The Earth Master apparently had many uses for this particular elemental. The name is written as Griknaldamandarakar.
  • Tower of Demonology Earth Tower, Elementals
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      To the Earth Master's room. You sense great danger above you.
  • Tower of Demonology Fire Study
    • Fire Master's Book of Names (7, 2)
      This is the Fire Master's book of names. You open the pages and flip through. Inside are the names of many fire elementals. One page in particular is very dog-eared. The Fire Master apparently had many uses for this particular elemental. The name is written as Frundlamakramath.
  • Tower of Demonology Fire Tower, Elementals
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      To the Fire Master's room. You sense great danger above you.
  • Tower of Demonology Ground Level
    • magic_mouth (15, 11)
      You look at the pentagram but see nothing which might activate it.
    • magic_mouth (15, 10)
      Demonstration room.
    • magic_mouth (15, 9)
    • magic_mouth (15, 8)
      You take one look at the vacant faces of these bureaucrats and decide they have nothing useful to say.
    • magic_mouth (10, 1)
      A wild cacophony wafts down the stairs. You wonder what chaos could produce the sounds you hear.
    • sign (9, 10)
      Welcome to the Tower of Demonology and Summoning. Here is taught the summoning and control of beings from other planes.
    • magic_mouth (9, 1)
      A wild cacophony wafts down the stairs. You wonder what sort of chaos could produce all the noises you hear.
    • magic_mouth (4, 11)
      Just an empty lecture room.
    • magic_mouth (4, 10)
      Lecture room.
    • magic_mouth (4, 9)
    • magic_mouth (4, 8)
      These people don't look quite as dumb as the bureaucrats did.
  • Tower of Demonology High Tower
    • magic_mouth (5, 5)
      From upstairs you get a whiff of brimstone, and you hear something massive shifting its weight about.
    • magic_mouth (5, 4)
      This teleporter is activated by the word 'down.'
    • magic_mouth (5, 3)
      From upstairs you get a whiff of brimstone, and you hear something massive shifting its weight about.
    • magic_mouth (4, 5)
      This teleporter is activated by the word 'down.'
    • magic_mouth (4, 3)
      This teleporter is activated by the word 'down.'
    • magic_mouth (3, 5)
      Four elementals, one of each kind, examine you to see if you have visited the four towers of mastery. Only those who have stood at their tops in the small pentagrams may pass.
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      This teleporter is activated by the word down.
    • magic_mouth (3, 3)
      From upstairs you get a whiff of brimstone, and you hear something massive shifting its weight about.
  • Tower of Demonology Master Level
    • magic_mouth (15, 10)
      The Masters of Fire Elementals.
    • magic_mouth (15, 9)
      The Masters of Water Elementals.
    • magic_mouth (14, 10)
      The Masters of Fire Elementals.
    • magic_mouth (14, 9)
      The Masters of Water Elementals.
    • magic_mouth (10, 10)
      Stairs to the Center Tower of Demonology and Summoning Masters.
    • magic_mouth (10, 9)
      Stairs up to the School of Advanced Demon Summoning.
    • magic_mouth (9, 10)
      Stairs down to the Journeyman's level.
    • magic_mouth (5, 10)
      The Masters of Air Elementals.
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      The Masters of Earth Elementals.
    • magic_mouth (4, 10)
      The Masters of Air Elementals.
    • magic_mouth (4, 9)
      The Masters of Earth Elementals.
  • Tower of Demonology Water Study
    • Water Master's Book of Names (7, 2)
      This is the Water Master's book of names. You open the pages and flip through. Inside are the names of many water elementals. One page in particular is very dog-eared. The Water Master apparently had many uses for this particular elemental. The name is written as Rukmahalthalreay.
  • Tower of Demonology Water Tower, Elementals
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      To the Water Master's room. You sense great danger above.
  • Tower of Demonology, Demons
    • sign (7, 1)
      The large demons are very strong and their touch drains life.
  • Tower of Demonology, Gates
    • magic_mouth (7, 7)
      Questioning the domestic about the doors might be a good idea..... She's bound to know.
  • Tower of Demonology, Summoning Chamber
    • magic_mouth (8, 7)
      You get the feeling that this teleporter requires you to say something in order to activate.
    • magic_mouth (7, 8)
      You get the feeling that this teleporter requires you to say something.
    • magic_mouth (7, 6)
      You get the feeling that this teleporter requires you to say something in order to activate.
    • magic_mouth (6, 7)
      You get the feeling that this teleporter requires you to say something in order to activate.
    • magic_mouth (6, 6)
      You notice that throwing this lever will open 4 gates.
  • Tower of Illusion, 4th Level
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      YOU WILL DIE SCUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
      YOU WILL DIE SCUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • magic_mouth (1, 2)
      YOU WILL DIE SCUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tower of Illusion, 5th Level
    • sign (31, 9)
      One way leads to life...
      One way leads to death...
      Stand before the gates and say the color gate you want open...
      The trees know the true way..
  • Tower of Illusion, 7th Level
    • magic_mouth (10, 10)
      A voice enters your head:
    • magic_mouth (10, 9)
      A voice enters your head:
    • magic_mouth (10, 8)
      A voice enters your head:
  • Tower of Illusion, Exit
    • Main St. (8, 8)
      Town Square this way.
  • Tower of Ludo, Level 2
    • Warning (33, 4)
      Be reasonable, you have had enough treasure!
  • Tower of Ordeal, Basement 3
    • sign (12, 6)
      ! elbisivini wohs
    • this way (7, 3)
      This way.
  • Tower of Ordeal, Entrance
    • scroll (7, 8)
      Please say, "Let's protect nature" to the Reception of the Guild.
  • Tower of Pupuly
    • magic_mouth (50, 11)
      Uh, oh, Nazgul doesn't seem to be a *nice* fellow... He looks dangerous!
    • magic_mouth (47, 4)
    • servant's notes (41, 14)
      Tomorrow I'll have to plant trees again. That crazy old man... I should try to make him lose count.
    • 10 (26, 10)
      The old man says:
      That l.. lever doesn't work; this gate is l.. locked. P.. Please go upstairs and t.. try to open the escape pit for me.
  • Tower of Sorcery, 1st Floor
    • sign (19, 15)
      Open Sesame
    • magic_mouth (19, 11)
      Do you want to continue on this silly test? Well, then, go on and kill these pesty worms.
    • sign (2, 24)
      Ahh, life, what a precious thing!
      Be sure to have a firm grasp on it...
    • sign (2, 6)
      Big Suckers!!
  • Tower of Sorcery, 3rd Floor
    • Warning Sign (27, 4)
      It's going to get real tough from now on..
  • Tower of Sorcery, 6th Floor
    • magic_mouth (17, 19)
      You feel a draft...
    • magic_mouth (10, 17)
      You hear two booming voices:
      "Did you feel a draft just now, Fonzy?"
      "Yeah, southwest wind."
  • Tower of Sorcery, Dungeon
    • sign (3, 1)
      Beware of Dangerous Pets!!
      Proceed at your own risk, you've been warned!!
  • Tower of Sorcery, Entrance
    • magic_mouth (13, 7)
      You have reached the famed Tower of Sorcerery.
    • glowing scroll (12, 12)
      Welcome to the Tower of Magi, the traditional testing ground for those who wish to advance further in the art of magic.
      Be warned, however, that the journey ahead, should you wish to take it, is long and dangerous.
      For your convenience, there are various safe resting places inside the tower where you may restore your strength and determination.
      - GOOD LUCK.
    • magic_mouth (12, 7)
      You have reached the famed Tower of Sorcerery.
    • magic_mouth (11, 7)
      You have reached the famed Tower of Sorcerery.
  • Tower of Sorcery, Vault
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
      The floor here is missing something made of gold.
    • magic_mouth (2, 18)
      You feel breeze ...
  • Tower of Sorcery, Wizards
    • magic_mouth (16, 19)
      You get a strange feeling that a key is missing...
  • Tower of the Necromancer, Dungeon
    • 2 (14, 4)
      The Necromancer says: Stranger, what a bad idea to come here!
      Golems: Kill him. But don't make such a mess again like yesterday. I need his corpse in one piece.
  • Tower of the Necromancer, Entrance
    • 23 (24, 20)
    • 20 (21, 24)
      The Necromancer say:
      Arrgh! Leave me alone - I didn't invite you! Continue to annoy me and I'll teach you some respect!
    • warning (5, 5)
      You feel uncomfortable... This room smells like DEATH!
  • Tower of the Necromancer, Level 2
    • 3 (12, 20)
      The Necromancer say:
      Doors: close! I won't let you pass...
    • 10 (0, 18)
      The Necromancer say:
      Hah! This time you'll die. Good bye my friend. Have fun with my pets...
  • Tower of the Necromancer, Level 3
    • 16 (13, 3)
      The Necromancer say:
      Grr... Looks like I must kill you with my bare own hands. Now I'll show you my true strength!
    • magic_mouth (6, 12)
      The Necromancer whispers some unholy words...
    • 11 (4, 12)
      The Necromancer shouts:
      You want to know about the secret Art of Necromancy, right? Forget it!
  • Tower of the Necromancer, Level 4
    • 11 (7, 5)
      The pet monster is sleeping...
  • Tower of the Stars, Barracks
    • magic_mouth (4, 8)
      Speak the password.
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      Speak the password.
  • Tower of the Stars, Dungeon
    • magic_mouth (4, 4)
      This cell door has 'traitor' written on it....
  • Tower of the Stars, Ground Level
    • magic_mouth (1, 8)
      The Ground level of the Tower.
    • magic_mouth (1, 7)
      The Ground level of the Tower.
  • Tower of the Stars, Library
    • magic_mouth (3, 7)
      An evil, sulfurous odor is wafting down these stairs...
  • Tower of the Stars, Officers
    • magic_mouth (8, 8)
      Captains' Quarters.
    • magic_mouth (8, 7)
      Major's Quarters.
  • Tower of the Stars, Servants
    • magic_mouth (13, 8)
      Senior servants quarters.
    • magic_mouth (13, 7)
      The Kitchen.
    • magic_mouth (10, 3)
  • Tower of the Stars, Top
    • magic_mouth (17, 14)
      You look down from a great height, and realize that the devastation in this area is the result of Yqreth's toying with the spell you found below. You resolve not to let power go to your head, and not to sell your soul for power, as Yqreth had. Or at least, you resolve to sell your soul for a higher price. Yqreth wasn't much of a lich -- strong liches are reputed to be much more powerful than the creature you destroyed.
  • Tower of Zoon
    • Tower of Zoon (1, 1)
      Lord Zoon invites to step in and discover his treasures. Please deposit 50 foods on the altar.
  • Tower of Zoon, Level 1
    • Crossfire room (37, 68)
      This is the room where some of us play Crossfire the whole day.... Be careful, this department is not so easy to visit....
    • book (15, 22)
      Don't try to kill the poor secretary. She has so many things to do that she won't open the door very quick...
  • Towers of Luck, 1st Floor
    • magic_mouth (18, 12)
      100 platinum coins for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (17, 2)
      100 platinum coins for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (9, 18)
      100 platinum coins for another chance.
    • magic_mouth (5, 16)
      100 platinum coins to gamble for treasure.
    • magic_mouth (3, 18)
      100 platinum coins to gamble for treasure.
    • magic_mouth (3, 9)
      100 platinum coins for another chance.
    • magic_mouth (3, 3)
      100 platinum coins for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (1, 18)
      To activate teleporter say, "activate".
    • magic_mouth (1, 14)
      100 platinum coins for another chance.
  • Towers of Luck, 2nd Floor
    • magic_mouth (30, 25)
      If the inner door is closed, you are out of luck. Well, still you can get closer to take a look of what's inside.
    • magic_mouth (30, 17)
      If the entrance is blocked, it means it's in use. Come back later.
    • magic_mouth (30, 16)
      If the entrance is blocked, it means it's in use. Come back later.
    • sign (29, 10)
      Try more of your luck?
      Go upstairs.
    • sign (28, 17)
      Rules and warnings:
      This is an arena. You enter and cannot come out until your luck is good enough to find an exit. This arena is not for the weak. The winner will gain the symbol of mightiest of the realm.
    • sign (28, 16)
      Rules and warnings:
      This is an arena. You enter and cannot come out until your luck is good enough to find an exit. This arena is not for the weak. The winner will gain the symbol of mightiest of the realm.
    • magic_mouth (27, 17)
      Open it and do not think of coming back.
    • magic_mouth (16, 18)
      Sacrifice 333 diamonds for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (16, 17)
      Sacrifice 333 rubies for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (16, 16)
      Sacrifice 3333 platinum coins for a chance.
    • sign (15, 19)
      We reserve the right to ignore the request for a chance to anyone.
    • magic_mouth (15, 18)
      Sacrifice 66 diamonds for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (15, 17)
      Sacrifice 66 rubies for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (15, 16)
      Sacrifice 666 platinum coins for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (14, 18)
      Sacrifice 9 diamonds for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (14, 17)
      Sacrifice 9 rubies for your chance.
    • magic_mouth (14, 16)
      Sacrifice 99 platinum coins for your chance.
  • Towers of Luck, 3rd Floor
    • magic_mouth (30, 25)
      If the inner door is closed, you are out of luck. Well, still you can get closer to take a look of what's inside.
    • magic_mouth (30, 17)
      If the entrance is blocked, it means it's in use. Come back later.
    • magic_mouth (30, 16)
      If the entrance is blocked, it means it's in use. Come back later.
    • sign (28, 17)
      Rules and warnings:
      This is an arena. You enter and cannot come out until your luck is good enough to find an exit. This arena is not for the weak. The winner will gain the symbol of mightiest of the realm.
    • sign (28, 16)
      Rules and warnings:
      This is an arena. You enter and cannot come out until your luck is good enough to find an exit. This arena is not for the weak. The winner will gain the symbol of mightiest of the realm.
    • magic_mouth (27, 17)
      Open it and do not think of coming back.
    • magic_mouth (16, 18)
      Sacrifice 333 diamonds for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (16, 17)
      Sacrifice 333 rubies for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (16, 16)
      Sacrifice 3333 platinum coins for a chance
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      You hear a booming voice:
      Who dares to challenge Grunter, the mighty?!!
    • sign (15, 19)
      We reserve the right to ignore the request for a chance to anyone.
    • magic_mouth (15, 18)
      Sacrifice 66 diamonds for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (15, 17)
      Sacrifice 66 rubies for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (15, 16)
      Sacrifice 666 platinum coins for a chance
    • magic_mouth (14, 18)
      Sacrifice 9 diamonds for a chance.
    • magic_mouth (14, 17)
      Sacrifice 9 rubies for your chance.
    • magic_mouth (14, 16)
      Sacrifice 99 platinum coins for your chance.
  • Trader Joe's Trademarket
    • Trader Joe's (8, 15)
      Welcome to Trader Joe's Trademarket. Here 2 players may place their tradable goods in the trade zones. Then both players can turn their levers to complete the trade.
    • Trader 1 (6, 13)
  • Training Center
    • magic_mouth (8, 9)
      Quiet! Someone is in here!
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      You hear voices near the back wall ...
    • magic_mouth (7, 9)
      You! What are you doing?
    • magic_mouth (6, 14)
      You hear voices near the back wall ...
    • magic_mouth (6, 9)
      I heard something! Check it out!
    • sign (5, 17)
      Notice: This Training Center has been closed due to defaulting on the business loan. New owners have taken over the training centers and moved them to other parts of the world. This building is now for sale.
      Loan Officer, Bank of Skud
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      HEY! Who goes there?
  • Treasure
    • 2 (12, 25)
      Finally! You've reached Gothwolte's legendary treasure hoard.
    • warning (4, 22)
      This path leads to Gothwolte's treasure hoard. Nobody is allowed to pass! Intruders will suffer horribly. (In other words: You - will - die!)
  • Treasure Cave
    • magic_mouth (3, 7)
      This niche is decorated with firey inscriptions. In the floor is a charcoal smeared bowl shaped indentation.
    • magic_mouth (3, 3)
      This niche is decorated with an aquatic scene. On the floor is carved a large oyster, open faced.
    • magic_mouth (1, 7)
      The walls of this niche are smooth as glass. There is a small hole cut in the floor, shaped for a crystal of some kind.
  • Troll Canyon
    • magic_mouth (57, 16)
      Troll droppings line the entrance.
    • magic_mouth (57, 15)
      Troll droppings line the entrance.
    • magic_mouth (57, 14)
      Troll droppings line the entrance.
    • magic_mouth (45, 5)
      The top of the building is missing. Jagged broken stones line the top.
    • magic_mouth (44, 5)
      The top of the building is missing. Jagged broken stones line the top.
    • magic_mouth (43, 10)
      You see a partially destroyed structure.
    • magic_mouth (43, 9)
      You see a partially destroyed structure.
    • magic_mouth (43, 8)
      You see a partially destroyed structure.
    • magic_mouth (43, 7)
      You see a partially destroyed structure.
  • Tutorial 1
    • sign (22, 13)
      === Fighting ===
      Ready for your first fight? On the other side of this door are some ants. They're mostly harmless, so run into them as fast as you can, until you kill them. Be sure to kill the anthill too, so it can't produce more ants. Remember to run hold  then press and hold direction key. Many monsters have "generators" like this which produce more monsters every so often.
      After you kill the ants, go through the next door.
    • sign (22, 11)
      === Inventory ===
      Stop and take a look at your inventory for a moment. If you started the game with any armor or a hand-to-hand weapon like a sword, you probably should ready them now. (In most clients you do this by middle-clicking the item in your inventory, or also try holding the  key and then right-click mouse.) Don't make the mistake of many new players, and run into your first monsters naked and empty-handed. :-)
      You can also try the long-form of the commands like: 'apply sword OR 'apply chainmail
      Using the 'apply command multiple times on the same item will toggle between "readied" and "unreadied".
    • sign (22, 9)
      Other kinds of walls can also have weak spots. Look for cracks in the wall, especially if you hear voices or have reason to think there might be secret areas nearby.
      Sometimes walls are illusions that can be walked through. Go south from here.
    • sign (22, 6)
      Some gates and doors are opened by levers. Apply the lever to your south to continue.
    • sign (22, 1)
      By the way, it's a good idea to always check for traps before trying to open a door. Do this with the command ('use_skill find traps), which is often bound to the 's' key for Search. If you find a trap, you can try to disarm it with ('use_skill disarm traps). Usually the "d" key for Disarm. You can only find and disable traps if you have those skills.
      Some doors will open when you walk up to them, then close after a moment. Be careful not to get crushed by standing in the doorway too long!
    • sign (20, 9)
      === Earthwalls ===
      Some walls, called "earthwalls," are soft and can be battered down and destroyed. Run at the wall to your east until you pass through.
    • sign (20, 5)
      === Information ===
      There are many sources of information other than signs like this one. Did you see the sign on the wall as you were running here? Sometimes information comes from non-visible sources like that, so always keep your eyes open and don't miss anything that shows up in your Messages area.
      Information also comes from books, notes, and many other sources. The smallest note can be the first clue to a large treasure or heroic quest, so always gather as much information as possible. Some notes and books you will be able to pick up and take with you, while others will be fixed where they are, but they all may be important to read.
    • magic_mouth (20, 3)
      A sign on the wall says:
      Here is a note you can pick up and take with you. (You may have already picked it up automatically if your client is set to do that. If so, find it in your inventory panel and read it by middle-clicking or whatever action your client uses to apply inventory items.) You may wish to read it first (press the 'a' key), and then pick it up (press the  key or type 'take). Now it will be in your inventory, so you can read it anytime you need to.
    • note (20, 3)
      The exit password is "orc-knuckle"! (TAKE this note with you. Use the comma key to pick it up. You'll need it much later, after you meet Harold.)
    • sign (19, 9)
      Cool, huh! Buttons and other switches can be used to do all sorts of things, sometimes on completely different areas of a map, so if you ever think you're stuck, look around for any of these kinds of triggers that might open a way out for you.
    • sign (19, 7)
      Sometimes large buttons in the floor can be activated by a large weight. Run into this boulder to push it onto the button to your west, and see what happens.
      Boulders and other "rollable" items like barrels can only be pushed, never pulled, so be careful not to push them into corners from where you won't be able to move them to their destination.
    • sign (19, 1)
      === Doors ===
      There are many kinds of doors in Crossfire. Some doors will open for you, so you can walk right through. Ordinary locked doors can be bashed open by attacking them or using lockpicks. Stronger locked doors may require a certain key, or open when you speak a magic word or activate a certain trigger somewhere.
      To get through this first door, run into it until you break through.
    • sign (18, 3)
      === Talking to People ===
      You can also get information from non-player characters (NPCs) in the game by talking to them. To talk to the man at the end of this hallway when you're finished reading this, walk up next to him and type: 'say hello
      The 'say command will let you talk to nearby NPCs and other Crossfire players who are on the same map as you, so it is your main way to communicate inside the game. The  key (") is often a binding for the command: 'say
      Many NPC have useful information, but they will only tell you about it if you ask about the right things. Saying "hello" is a good start. If the NPC replies, look for words in his reply that might be important, and ask about them. For example, if he says, "Hello, do you have any food?" ask him about food ('say food), and he may say something else in response to that. Saying words like quest, key, treasure, and other things you're interested in may start up very interesting conversations!
      Be careful not to run into friendly NPCs; dead men tell no tales.
      Now go talk to that old man.
    • sign (17, 11)
      Would you like to take on something stronger? If so, there are a few kobolds on the other side of this door to your east that shouldn't give you too much trouble. If the ants were enough of a challenge, skip the kobolds and go north.
    • Rune of Marking (17, 9)
      Marking runes like this one are created with magic spells, but they contain messages just like signs do. Marking runes are harmless, but other runes can be very dangerous, so step carefully!
    • magic_mouth (17, 1)
      A message scrawled on the wall says:
      Waybreads are the MRE (Meals-Ready-to-Eat)
      of Crossfire. They weigh very little but pack
      a large food value. They are much more
      expensive than normal food, but when you
      can afford them, they are the best food to
      take on long trips or dungeon excursions,
      since their light weight won't slow you down.
    • magic_mouth (16, 1)
      A message scrawled on the wall says:
      When you kill monsters, sometimes they leave body parts behind, and these can be taken and eaten also.
    • sign (15, 14)
      Did you get the key under the anthill? If not, go back and get it. You will need it to get through this door. Keep in mind that keys are often hidden under other objects like that.
    • sign (15, 12)
      How did you do? Watch your hit points (HP) / Health closely during battle. If they get too low, you can always retreat and come back. Hit points gradually regenerate over time, so if you took damage, wait until your HP is back to the maximum before moving on. Eating food speeds up HP regeneration, so you may want to eat this food now.
    • Rune of Marking (15, 9)
      See that rune to the north? You may have to wait a few seconds to see it. Don't step on it; it might hurt you! If you have the find traps and disarm traps skills mentioned earlier, you can step NEXT to it and attempt to find and disarm it. Since it's at the end of the hallway, you might decide it's not worth the risk, since there's nothing beyond it, but it's good to increase your experience in those skills whenever possible.
      Remember: to search for traps, press 's' (or type 'use_skill find traps), and to attempt to disarm any traps you find, press 'd' (or type 'use_skill disarm traps).
      Sometimes you may need to press 's' or 'd' many times (10-30 times!) before your character finally finds the traps and then disarms it. If your Messages window (here) doesn't say you spotted the trap, or disarmed it (or set it off accidentally) then keep trying 's' and 'd' a bit more.
    • magic_mouth (15, 5)
      A sign on the wall says: Slow Down!!
    • magic_mouth (15, 1)
      A message scrawled on the wall says:
      There are many types of food you can eat. Be careful, though: food that you find may be poisonous, so to be safe, don't eat food until you've identified it. (More on identifying items later.) Most things you buy at a shop are already fully identified for you in advance.
    • magic_mouth (14, 1)
      A message scrawled on the wall says:
      This is a standard food. You can apply it while it's on the ground, the same way you apply signs and other objects, or you can pick it up and take it with you.
    • Rune of Marking (13, 9)
      There is a rune at the end of this hallway too, but you might not be able to see it. You can try to find and disarm it, though.
    • Rune of Marking (11, 9)
      Chests and other containers are often protected by traps. To find and disarm these traps, stand on the chest or next to it while using the find traps and disarm traps commands.
      Once you think a chest is safe, open it by applying it with the 'a' key, and see what's inside.
      Sometimes you won't be able to find a trap, or it will be triggered when you try to disarm it. That's just the risk you take in the pursuit of treasure! If you get hurt by a trap, let yourself heal before you move on, in case you walk into another one.
    • sign (11, 5)
      === Movement ===
      You can move in any of eight directions: north, south, east, west, and the four diagonals in between. Pressing a movement key once (or executing a movement command) will move you one tile in that direction. If something is in the way, for example a monster, then you would normally attack it. By default you will avoid attacking friendly game characters.
      To run in a direction, which is very useful when fighting, battering down doors, or traveling long distances, hold down the  key and press and hold the key for direction you wish to run.
      To see a reminder of movement commands / directions, type: 'help move
      Now run to the end of this hallway, and read the sign there.
    • sign (11, 3)
      === Commands ===
      There are many commands you can use to do everything from movement to attacking to casting spells to identifying treasure. Any command in Crossfire can be executed by typing ' (a single quote) followed by the command.
      So to move southeast, for example, you could type 'southeast. To read this sign, you could type 'apply sign. These "long-form" commands are always available for everything you can do in the game.
      However, it would be cumbersome to type commands like that for common actions, so many commands are bound to keys by default. "Bound" or "binding keys" means assigning a single key as a substitution for typing the entire command. This varies from client to client, but you will probably find that the movement commands are bound to the arrow keys on your keypad, for example. In the example above, the key 'a' has a binding to the command for 'apply
      There are many other default keybindings, and you can create your own for any action or series of actions that you use regularly. See the documentation for your Crossfire client for more information on keybindings.
    • magic_mouth (11, 1)
      Welcome to Crossfire!
      You are now in the beginner's area, which will
      teach you the fundamentals of playing Crossfire,
      and prepare you to survive in this vast and
      sometimes dangerous world.
      As you pass through these halls, read all the
      signs and any other information provided, and
      you'll soon learn the basics of the game.
      From here, move south (press your down-arrow key,
      or type 'south ) and press the 'a' key to
      read the next sign. Good luck!
    • Press the 'a' key to read me (11, 1)
      Welcome to Crossfire!
      You are now in the beginner's area, which will teach you the fundamentals of playing Crossfire, and prepare you to survive in this vast and sometimes dangerous world.
      As you pass through these halls, read all the signs and any other information provided, and you'll soon learn the basics of the game.
      Move south to the next sign by using the down-arrow key, or the '2' key on the key pad or type 'south. Place your character directly on the sign. Press the 'a' key to read (apply) the sign. Good Luck!
    • Rune of Marking (9, 9)
      Not all runes are harmful. The rune to your north will restore your health!
    • sign (7, 13)
      Ready your bow or crossbow by clicking on it. Arrows or bolts in your inventory will be used automatically.
      To fire a missile weapon, hold down your Fire  key, and press the movement key in the direction you want to fire.
      On the other side of these doors are some monsters. Pull the lever to open the doors, and shoot them all! Don't worry, there's a force preventing them from reaching you. Continue down the passageway until you get back to this hallway, then go north.
    • sign (7, 9)
      If you have a bow or crossbow in your inventory, go south for missile weapons training. If you do not, go north.
    • Rune of Marking (7, 5)
      === Altars ===
      Altars have many different uses. Some altars are consecrated to a particular god. Do not pray over these altars unless you wish to worship that god! (More on gods later.) Altars can also cast spells and perform other actions if you place the correct sacrifice on them.
      The altar to your east is an "altar of detect magic." Dropping money on it will cause it to cast detect magic on all the items in your inventory. To drop money, right-click on it in your inventory while standing on the altar. (Make sure you pick up your change.)
      Magic items are often worth more than identical non-magic items, so detect magic can help you decide which ones to sell and which ones to identify or keep.
    • Rune of Marking (7, 3)
      This altar to your east is a "detect curse" altar. It works the same as the "detect magic" altar below. Altars like these are often found in shops in towns.
      Always detect curse on items you find before applying them. If you apply a cursed item, you won't be able to remove it until the curse is removed.
    • Rune of Marking (7, 1)
      Tables work much like altars. The table to the
      east is an "identify item" table. It will identify the unidentified items in your inventory, one at a time, for 20 gold pieces each. Tables are often found in shops too, especially magic shops.
    • sign (5, 9)
      Magic scrolls like the one to your south contain one spell each. When you read a magic scroll, the spell is cast and the scroll crumbles into dust. Take this scroll and save it for some time when you have collected a bunch of items and want to cast detect magic on them.
    • sign (5, 7)
      Some monsters, like mice, can multiply without a generator. If not killed quickly, these monsters can spread to fill up a map completely. Run through this door and kill the mice inside before they get out of control.
    • sign (5, 3)
      In areas other than shops, teleporters can transport you instantly from place to place. Beware: a teleporter might send you into a dangerous area! This teleporter, however, will take you right across the fence to the south.
    • sign (5, 1)
      Shops are an important part of Crossfire. Shops will sell you all sorts of adventuring supplies and they buy almost any treasure you bring back to sell.
      To enter a shop, step on the shop mat (with a "$"). This will transport you to the inside. To exit, simply step on the inside mat. To sell items, drop them on the shop floor. To buy items, simply pick up what you want and leave. The cost of the items will be taken from your inventory. If you don't have enough money to pay your bill, you won't be allowed to leave, and you will have to drop enough of the items you picked up until you can afford what you're holding.
      You may enter this shop and look around, and buy something if you have the money. When you're in the shop, clicking on an item in your inventory will tell you how much the shop will pay you for it. Standing over an item on the shop floor and examining it (press the 'e' key or type: 'examine) will tell you that item's price.
      WARNING: Be very careful not to drop anything you aren't sure you want to sell! Once dropped, an item is sold and belongs to the shop, and the price for buying it back may be many times what you sold it for. Check your client's documentation (maybe a HELP button?) for instructions on how to lock your important inventory items so you can't accidentally drop them.
    • magic_mouth (3, 14)
      What is the password?
      (Do you still have the note you got back at the beginning of this trip? Apply it and see what it says, if you don't remember.)
    • sign (3, 9)
      Potions can help you in many ways, boosting your stats temporarily or permanently, giving you resistance to certain attacks or healing you. Save this potion of healing for some time when you are injured and unable to retreat to heal slowly.
      Keep in mind that potions you find can be cursed just like other objects, so always get them identified before using them.
    • monument (2, 14)
      Here lies Harold the Slow
    • sign (1, 14)
      Congratulations, you have completed this part of the tutorial! Take the exit to your east to move on. Step past the gravestone of Harold, who didn't pay very close attention and paid the price. :-)
    • sign (1, 12)
      A Bed To Reality is used as a natural exit from the game. When your character restarts the game again, they will start at the same place they (press the 'a' key) applied the last Bed To Reality. It's also a way for you to (re)set your character's "home base", if you prefer to start/save in a particular town, like the one at the end of this hallway.
      The next time you login, your player will start from that bed's location, with all the inventory items you had when you saved. Also, if your player ever dies, you will be returned to the location of the last bed of reality you used.
      You may use this one now, and then continue on after logging back in. Your NEXT mission will be to exit this map and find the Wanderer's Inn located in the city of Scorn. This is where you want to use a Bed To Reality to make sure it's your next starting place for your character.
  • Undead Church
    • magic_mouth (13, 14)
      HELP! This church has been overrun with zombies!!
    • Binary Bible (10, 4)
      In the beginning, the Giver of Data (GOD) generated silicon and carbon, and the system without architecture, and un-initialized, randomness was upon the arrangement of the matrix.......
    • magic_mouth (7, 14)
      HELP! This church has been overrun with zombies!!
  • Undead Training
    • sign (10, 15)
      Training Centers Incorporated
      Please pay the designated fee to enter the training center to train with our undead trainers.
      Cowards need not enter. Cowardly running about may get one ejected from entering this training center.
  • UndeadShaft, 1st Level
    • sign (2, 2)
      This mine is haunted. Be careful of the lower levels.
    • sign (2, 1)
      This mine is haunted. Be carful of the lower levels.
    • sign (1, 2)
      This mine is haunted. Be carful of the lower levels.
  • UndeadShaft, 4th Level
    • magic_mouth (7, 3)
      Something is not right...
    • magic_mouth (7, 2)
      Something is not right...
  • Under Breezy Acres
    • magic_mouth (25, 22)
    • magic_mouth (24, 22)
    • sign (21, 25)
      Pull the handle to fire the device. This is powerful magic - beware.
    • magic_mouth (17, 26)
      You hear a gate open.
    • magic_mouth (16, 5)
      Hmm, someone needs to dust these cobwebs...
    • magic_mouth (16, 2)
  • Under Breezy Acres, Sublevel 2
    • magic_mouth (19, 18)
      WhooOOOoo let those dogs looOOse?
    • note (18, 18)
      I believe this cell is haunted...
    • magic_mouth (18, 17)
      Now you've done it...
    • magic_mouth (17, 18)
      You are standing on my foOOOooot!
    • magic_mouth (17, 17)
      I told him not to put mustard on that sandwich......
    • magic_mouth (16, 18)
      Be careful with that axe Eugine....
    • magic_mouth (16, 17)
      Eat at JOOOoooOOOes.
    • magic_mouth (13, 20)
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      You hear echos of orc laughter.
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
    • magic_mouth (1, 2)
      Smells like goblins...
  • Under Riverside
    • note (23, 1)
      Mrk, yu lev us lon an we sta in hows an we lev yew lon. ok.
      -burrg ogr chif
  • Underground
    • scroll (9, 6)
      We are the gang!
    • 3 - no symbol (8, 10)
      This teleporter seems to require a certain item to activate.
  • Underground River 1
    • sign (18, 9)
      Goblin holding area. Send one down the river every once in awhile...
    • magic_mouth (13, 5)
      The river is deep here where the two meet. To your east you can see a crack of daylight, maybe it's a way out?
    • magic_mouth (12, 13)
      The water is moving to fast to go any further upstream.
    • magic_mouth (11, 12)
      The river seems to flow under the northwest wall.
    • magic_mouth (10, 13)
      The water is moving to fast to go any further upstream.
    • magic_mouth (10, 11)
      You crash through the wall.
      Goblin Leader shouts:
      "Kill the intruder!"
    • magic_mouth (10, 5)
      The current is to strong to go that way.
    • magic_mouth (5, 11)
      The current seems to deposit items in the soft banks of the river here.
    • magic_mouth (2, 1)
      You seem to be stuck in some sort of an underground river... The water is moving to fast to go back up, I guess you'll have to find another way out.
  • Underground, Level 1
    • sign (41, 26)
      You kill all the monster,
      and lost your money...
      Don't forget that experience is
      the biggest treasure!
                 dixit El Barchio.
    • sign (21, 11)
         Quit or double...
        put 20 gold coins,
      kill your opponent,
        and double your bet..
    • sign (15, 15)
      Not so quiet area!
    • magic_mouth (7, 20)
      Par Belzebuth!
      Par Lucifer!
      I invoke Evil Forces!
    • sign (2, 18)
      You need to put 5 rabbits
                on it
         Black sabbath club
    • magic_mouth (2, 8)
           Ah! Ah! Ah!
         U've now entered
       ENSTB's underground!
      May the force be with U
  • Underground, Level 2
    • sign (58, 14)
      Glowing and Cold potions may be very useful.
    • sign (1, 12)
      Let's play Abalone... Be careful not to leave the board.
  • Underwater Dungeon Level 2
    • magic_mouth (11, 9)
      Homeward express.
  • Underwater Dungeon Level 3
    • magic_mouth (11, 12)
      Homeward express.
  • Underworld
    • magic_mouth (19, 18)
      A statue of the ancient Hero, Kelly
    • statue (19, 17)
      This is a statue of Kelly, Hero of the Realm
    • sign (15, 15)
      Keep Off Grass
    • sign (11, 34)
      Standing in the center of the gatehouse, speak the Underlord's name in reverse.
    • magic_mouth (7, 8)
      Speak The Name Of The Lord Of the Land Below and You May Enter.
  • Volcano Cavern
    • magic_mouth (34, 32)
      Waaah - a hole in the floor!
  • Volcano, Entrance
    • info (12, 6)
      To get moving, you need to push the lore. Therefore, apply the ground beneath the lore.
    • magic_mouth (11, 16)
      Hey... This is fun!
    • warning_2 (4, 12)
      This old lore looks dangerous. If you take a ride, it could be difficult to find your way back out of this mountain. And magic won't help you in here...
    • warning_1 (3, 12)
      You can feel something fizzle inside you... The volcanic activities of this mountain seem to block any form of magic or prayer. Perhaps you should leave again...
  • Volcano, Inner Cavern
    • magic_mouth (3, 4)
      That tunnel collapsed recently. Huge rocks are blocking the rail-track.
  • Voragray's First Test
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      My pets await...
    • magic_mouth (3, 6)
      Find the three keys to continue on .. if you survive!
  • Voragray's Second Test
    • magic_mouth (6, 3)
      My pets await...
    • magic_mouth (3, 6)
      Find the three keys to continue on .. if you survive!
  • Wand Shop
    • sign (23, 5)
      ---- Polymorph, the wand shop ----
      We have various powerful wands.
      To swing once causes flame!
      To swing twice causes lightning!
      To swing three time causes storm!
      ----- Wand shop, Polymorph ----
  • Wanderer Inn
    • Help (13, 18)
      To save, stand over a bed to reality and then (a)pply it. If necessary, stand over a lever and (a)pply the lever to open the gate.
    • Guestbook (11, 17)
      Guests:		From:		To:
      Lord Murky	14/12-134	16/12-134
      Sir Gwain		15/12-134	25/12-134
      Lord Skud	19/12-134	4/ 1-135
      Sir Gwendale	25/12-134	2/ 1-135
      Mr. Pompe	1/ 1-135
      Sir Wise		2/ 1-135		3/ 1-135
  • Warden
    • 26 (19, 23)
      You hear the sound of moving rock.
    • 25 (19, 23)
      Oh my god - the statues are moving! Suddenly they raise their mechanical arms... to unleash a sparkling inferno!
    • 16 (19, 10)
      You hear the sound of moving rock.
    • 15 (19, 10)
      Oh my god - the statues are moving! Suddenly they raise their mechanical arms... to unleash a fiery inferno!
    • 51 (11, 3)
      You feel uncomfortable... The statues seem to be watching you...
    • magic_mouth (10, 33)
      You spot a narrow bridge ahead. There is something evil about it... you sense a magical aura...
    • 36 (6, 23)
      You hear the sound of moving rock.
    • 35 (6, 23)
      White statues emerge from another dimension! They look extremely dangerous...
    • 6 (6, 10)
      You hear the sound of moving rock.
    • 5 (6, 10)
      Oh my god - the statues are moving! Suddenly they rise their mechanical arms... to unleash an inferno of snow and ice!
  • Warehouse #2
    • sign (13, 24)
      For shipment to Scorn Zoo
  • Warehouse #3
    • magic_mouth (18, 11)
      You hear some muffled voices.... "Now where did those drunken slobs get off too? What! Out drinking again??"
  • Warehouse #5
    • sign (22, 9)
      DO NOT ENTER!!!
      Wyverns for transport
  • Warriors' Tower, Catacombs
    • magic_mouth (14, 5)
      These simple gravestones don't mark anyone important.
    • magic_mouth (10, 20)
      There seems to be some really important person buried down here.
    • magic_mouth (10, 7)
      People getting their own rooms must have been important in life.
    • magic_mouth (6, 5)
      These simple gravestones don't mark anyone important.
  • Warriors' Tower, Cave
    • magic_mouth (29, 27)
      Deadly silence downstairs... For some reason, you don't want to go down.
    • magic_mouth (28, 27)
      Deadly silence downstairs... For some reason, you don't want to go down.
    • magic_mouth (27, 27)
      Deadly silence downstairs... For some reason, you don't want to go down.
    • magic_mouth (26, 27)
      Deadly silence downstairs... For some reason, you don't want to go down.
    • magic_mouth (25, 27)
      Deadly silence downstairs... For some reason, you don't want to go down.
  • Warriors' Tower, Chamber
    • 2 - has dshield (18, 2)
      As the tree monster attacks you, the Demonspawn Shield vibrates! You struggle to remain control over yourself.
    • magic_mouth (18, 2)
      A big tree monster attacks you! It seems to hurt you without even touching.
  • Warriors' Tower, Chaos Dragons' Lair
    • magic_mouth (28, 24)
      Wonder which lever might be best to pull?
    • magic_mouth (28, 2)
      Wonder which lever might be best to pull?
    • magic_mouth (15, 25)
      Wonder which lever might be best to pull?
    • magic_mouth (14, 1)
      Wonder which lever might be best to pull?
    • magic_mouth (2, 24)
      Wonder which lever might be best to pull?
    • magic_mouth (2, 2)
      Wonder which lever might be best to pull?
    • magic_mouth (1, 13)
      Wonder which lever might be best to pull?
  • Warriors' Tower, Dungeon Level 1
    • magic_mouth (11, 22)
      These kobolds seem to have gone insane by the madness of this place.
  • Warriors' Tower, Electric Dragons' Lair
    • magic_mouth (15, 13)
      Pull the lever to start the trial or say 'help' to chicken out.
  • Warriors' Tower, Giants Main Floor
    • magic_mouth (10, 21)
      You can here loud snoring coming from behind this door.
  • Warriors' Tower, Giants Third Floor
    • 14 (30, 5)
      You hear a thundering voice: "Ah finally! Food has arrived..."
  • Warriors' Tower, Main Floor
    • 121 (28, 1)
      A magic portal appeared!
    • strongman diploma (27, 44)
      Diploma - I managed to move the heavy statue.
    • magic_mouth (27, 40)
      The watcher says:
      Welcome to the first test. A simple show of strength is needed to continue. Just push the weights all the way to the plates to show us that you at least have some strength in that scrawny body.
    • 111 (25, 1)
      An new altar appeared!
    • The mausoleum (19, 26)
      Undeads, zombies etc, slightly harder.
    • Unnatural moshpot (19, 17)
      Spellcasters, now it starts to get interesting. =)
    • Giants galore (19, 10)
      Lotsa giants - now this is fun =)
    • magic_mouth (18, 3)
      Drop the strongman diploma here.
    • magic_mouth (17, 3)
      Drop the sharp axe here.
    • magic_mouth (16, 3)
      Drop the banded mail here.
    • magic_mouth (15, 3)
      Drop the bearskin belt here.
    • temple of the fallen (14, 9)
      There is an ancient temple beneath this tower. Only the bravest warriors are allowed to go there. You must pass all the test in here to prove yourself worthy!
    • magic_mouth (14, 3)
      Drop the silk gloves here.
    • magic_mouth (13, 3)
      Drop the soft shoes here.
    • magic_mouth (12, 3)
      Drop the ancient bracers.
    • A good place to start (11, 29)
      To the mansion - really easy.
    • Troll cave (11, 20)
      Trolls of varying sizes, a tad bit tougher.
    • dragons (11, 11)
      Dragons of all kinds - hard?
    • magic_mouth (8, 5)
      Drop a shimmering turban of heaven.
    • CHAOS (6, 15)
      You will need to finish the three other dragon tests before you can enter here.
    • magic_mouth (2, 11)
      Pull the lever to start the trial or say 'help' to chicken out.
  • Warriors' Tower, Mansion - Second Floor
    • magic_mouth (33, 13)
       You wonder what might have happened..?
    • magic_mouth (27, 11)
      You see a loose board in the southern wall.
  • Warriors' Tower, Rancid's Chamber
    • magic_mouth (11, 14)
      This pentagram seems to hunger for a sacrifice.
  • Warriors' Tower, The Fallen
    • magic_mouth (28, 31)
      You have a really bad feeling about this place.
    • 50 (7, 27)
      Only half of the gates have opened... Could this mean there is a second lever, yet to be found? Could this mean you're only half done?
    • magic_mouth (3, 31)
      You have a really bad feeling about this place.
    • shortcut (1, 18)
      This way leads outside.
  • Warriors' Tower, Tri Temples
    • magic_mouth (47, 19)
      Hm... three gates here... three rooms upstairs... Maybe there is a relation?
    • Gorokh (21, 19)
      Gorokh the duke of hell
       Demon king, temptor and tormentor
    • Ruggilli (19, 13)
      Ruggilli the consuming worm
       Chaos god of slaughter and terror
    • Devourers (13, 19)
      Devourers the Soul eaters
       Harbingers of Death
       Nameless Lords of the Tomb
  • Warriors' Tower, Troll Cave Entrance
    • magic_mouth (2, 4)
      This tunnel seems to have been blocked off by a cave.
  • Warriors' Tower, Unnatural Mosh Pit
    • sign (1, 3)
      Pull the lever to enter, cool eh?
  • Warriors' Tower, Vultoor's Chamber
    • magic_mouth (11, 14)
      This pentagram seems to hunger for a sacrifice.
  • Watch Tower
    • 12 (19, 3)
      "Klang!" - What was that?
    • note (9, 15)
      You have the talent to be a good treasure hunter. Find me. Then I'll tell you a secret.
  • Watch Tower Roof
    • magic_mouth (5, 6)
      Wow! What a wonderful view!!
  • Water House
    • sign (3, 6)
      Hello, and welcome to the Water House! This house was used by Julio the Great for various experiments. Enjoy the exhibition!
  • Water Well
    • sign (26, 24)
      Part of Darcap elemental quest
      Level 8+ Adventurers.
      Pull the lever to go swimming...
  • Waterfront Inn
    • letter (26, 16)
      My friend,
      I write to tell you of our trials in the land of Darcap. We went south, to a volcano where all manners of firey creatures attacked us. We were forced to retreat...
    • More Info (23, 17)
      To claim the rewards in the courthouse all four parts of the quest must be tackled:
    • Info (23, 16)
      Tourists: Visit the courthouse.
      Adventurers: Apparently the well on the south side of town is a good place to start.
    • Help (6, 12)
      To save, go into a room and press pply on the bed.
    • Waterfront Inn (5, 9)
      Waterfront Inn
      We have plenty of vaccant rooms, so come on in!
  • Well of Intelligence
    • sign (25, 10)
      Do you like your equipment?
    • sign (21, 20)
    • magic_mouth (11, 8)
    • This Way (9, 26)
      Can you open the door?
    • treasure sign (8, 8)
      This way to reward.
    • creator note (2, 29)
      Dungeon by Damaris.
    • Welcome sign (2, 24)
      Welcome to the Well of Intelligence. Brave the dangers and learn!
  • Well to Catacombs, Level 1
    • old battered book (30, 26)
      This book tells the tale of an ancient catacomb extending deep beneath the earth. It tells of a race that once lived in the catacomb but has disappeared leaving only a few treasures to remind explorers of their existence. Of particular note is the reference to a dragon that the race captured:
       In order to trap intruders, the Veloria captured a dragon and kept it in a large cavern. The Veloria themselves knew the safe exit was through a g---e---d which they referred to as the bonesway.
      Unfortunately the book is damaged so you are unable to make out all the text...
  • Well to Catacombs, Level 4a
    • magic_mouth (16, 11)
      The smell of death is sharp like a knife blade in this room.
    • magic_mouth (8, 7)
      This room has the mustiness of a place that once saw death a long time ago. The furniture is sturdy but finely made.
    • magic_mouth (6, 7)
      You feel uneasy as you enter this room.
    • magic_mouth (1, 8)
      A great sadness sweeps over you.
  • Well to Catacombs, Level 4d
    • magic_mouth (41, 31)
      A small village has been built in what was once a great meeting hall.
    • magic_mouth (41, 30)
      A small village has been built in what was once a great meeting hall.
  • West Scorn Trade Market, Entrance
    • Trader 2 (17, 16)
      Trader 2
    • Trader 1 (16, 16)
      Trader 1
    • Warning (5, 7)
      High level.
    • West Scorn Trademarket (4, 9)
      Welcome to the West Scorn Trademarket.
      Here 2 players may place their tradable goods in the trade zones.
      Then both players can turn their levers to complete the trade.
  • West Scorn Trade Market, Upstairs
    • magic_mouth (6, 18)
      You have a bad feeling about plundering that which is behind this door. You think about turning back and remember that few are compassionate towards thieves.
  • West Scorn Trade Market, Vault Level 1
    • First World Bank Diamond Exchange (8, 15)
      Welcome the Scorn branch of the First World Bank Diamond Exchange. Here First World Bank 2000 Diamond Notes can be redeemed or purchased.
  • Western Navar Tavern, Basement Level 1
    • First World Bank Diamond Exchange (54, 22)
      Welcome the Navar branch of the First World Bank Diamond Exchange. Here First World Bank 2000 Diamond Notes can be redeemed or purchased.
    • welcome (29, 20)
      Welcome to The CoM3dY HoLE
  • Western Navar Tavern, Basement Level 4
    • the hole (20, 13)
      the hole
  • Western Navar Tavern, Level 10
    • magic_mouth (4, 7)
      To think he could save his own soul the wizard imprisoned the souls of all who came upon a town. Scorn took it's name not from itself; it was named by others. Through drink he deluded them, through tricks beguiled them, and thus enslaved them to his master; the master of all who practice that which does not come from above... thus they came here to Navar and raised his tower to the heavens.
  • Western Navar Tavern, Level 2
    • magic_mouth (52, 20)
    • magic_mouth (50, 20)
    • magic_mouth (47, 15)
    • magic_mouth (41, 31)
    • magic_mouth (41, 17)
    • magic_mouth (40, 29)
    • Reserved (39, 17)
      Reserved For Army Regulars
    • magic_mouth (33, 31)
    • magic_mouth (33, 29)
    • magic_mouth (21, 8)
    • Reserved (21, 7)
      Reserved For Freemasons.
    • magic_mouth (20, 33)
    • magic_mouth (20, 18)
    • magic_mouth (15, 34)
    • The Imperial Tribune: EXTRA EDITION (4, 36)
      A bomber detonated a high powered explosive device in the popular Goth's Tavern in Scorn. The blast killed two and injured 5. The bomber is reported to have screamed "Die booze ridden devil worshipers! Viva Valriel!" before throwing the bomb and then fleeing on foot. He is believed to have be a popular priest at the 'Traveling Ministry Of The Most Holy Power.'
      The Ministry of Peace has released a report saying that crime in Scorn is skyrocketing. The Ministry blames "piracy." The Guild of Showmen supports the study.
      An undercover investigation into the 'Holy Church of Valriel' has discovered monetary ties to a militant group operating under the 'Traveling Ministry Of The Most Holy Power.' When asked about this situation the High Priest of Valriel said, "Ask God."
      Three women were killed when trying to enter a tavern near the western wall of Navar. Before they could give the password for entry into the tavern a figure unleashed a nerve agent into the air killing the women. It is believed this was an attack by a right wing religious organization who worship Valriel.
      A child killed himself by stabbing himself. All knives over one foot are now banned by order of the high court of Navar, swords are unaffected.
      The census of last year has now confirmed that Scorn is now the largest western city by population. Taxes are expected to rise, Navar unaffected.
      Talk of war against the dragons is circulating around Scorn. Since the Dragon Emissary started demanding tribute tensions have worsened. The question now seems to be how big an army must be raised?
    • Room 103 - Master Suite (4, 27)
      Accommodations for four including ample food and storage. Luxurious setting and a overlooking view of western Navar to make your stay the best it can be. Complementary newspaper included.
    • Room 102 - Double (4, 25)
      Room 102 - Double
    • Room 105 - Single (4, 23)
      Room 105 - Single
    • Room 106 - Single (4, 21)
      Room 106 - Single
    • magic_mouth (3, 17)
      Would you like to stay the night? We have wonderful rooms! Cheap rates. Oh don't try anything funny lest my friends become upset, he he he.
  • Western Navar Tavern, Level 7
    • A testament to Sarnach (9, 6)
      Such a great being was he.
      Gave of his time.
      Gave of his meager wage.
      Gave of his magic.
      Such a gentle being was he.
      Raised his hand against nothing.
      Raised his voice against nothing
      Raised his magic against none.
      Such a wise being was he.
      To all whom asked wisdom spoken.
      To all whom strived magic dispensed.
      To all whom needed guidance given.
      Such a murdered being is he taken to darkness in sleep never to wake.
      Murdered cowardly in the slumber.
      A roll of the dice and the fool taketh his life, and his corpse.
      To the alter his physical being strives.
      To the alter where the physical must to dust turn so the spirit may be free.
    • magic_mouth (8, 8)
      There was a wizard. He had an apprentice. What is said are lies. There are no good wizards. No good apprentice of magic ever existed. It was not murder but justice. He who hast slain the apprentice did good. He who hast slain the slayer must be dealt justice.
  • Western Navar Tavern, Mainfloor
    • sign (68, 51)
      20,000 Diamonds are required to purchase this property. Navar Prop Inc: Part of Guild Houses Inc.
    • contract (49, 3)
      You can not decipher the encoded text.
    • The Imperial Tribune (45, 10)
      A bomber detonated a high powered explosive device in the popular Goth's Tavern in Scorn. The blast killed two and injured 5. The bomber is reported to have screamed "Die booze ridden devil worshipers! Viva Valriel!" before throwing the bomb and then fleeing on foot. He is believed to have be a popular priest at the 'Traveling Ministry Of The Most Holy Power.'
      The Ministry of Peace has released a report saying that crime in Scorn is skyrocketing. The Ministry blames "piracy." The Guild of Showmen supports the study.
      An undercover investigation into the 'Holy Church of Valriel' has discovered monetary ties to a militant group operating under the 'Traveling Ministry Of The Most Holy Power.' When asked about this situation the High Priest of Valriel said, "Ask God."
      Three women were killed when trying to enter a tavern near the western wall of Navar. Before they could give the password for entry into the tavern a figure unleashed a nerve agent into the air killing the women. It is believed this was an attack by a right wing religious organization who worship Valriel.
      A child killed himself by stabbing himself. All knives over one foot are now banned by order of the high court of Navar, swords are unaffected.
      The census of last year has now confirmed that Scorn is now the largest western city by population. Taxes are expected to rise, Navar unaffected.
    • goblin army (35, 34)
      Goblin Army
    • The CoM3dY HoLE (29, 20)
      Down to The CoM3dY HoLE
    • magic_mouth (27, 3)
      Speak the word.
    • store room (26, 36)
      Store Room
    • magic_mouth (26, 3)
      Speak the word.
    • magic_mouth (25, 3)
      Speak the word.
    • The Imperial Tribune (20, 6)
      A bomber detonated a high powered explosive device in the popular Goth's Tavern in Scorn. The blast killed two and injured 5. The bomber is reported to have screamed "Die booze ridden devil worshipers! Viva Valriel!" before throwing the bomb and then fleeing on foot. He is believed to have be a popular priest at the 'Traveling Ministry Of The Most Holy Power'.
      The Ministry of Peace has released a report saying that crime in Scorn is skyrocketing. The Ministry blames "piracy". The Guild of Showmen supports the study.
      An undercover investigation into the 'Holy Church of Valriel' has discovered monetary ties to a militant group operating under the 'Traveling Ministry Of The Most Holy Power.' When asked about this situation the High Priest of Valriel said, "Ask God."
      Three women were killed when trying to enter a tavern near the western wall of Navar. Before they could give the password for entry into the tavern a figure unleashed a nerve agent into the air killing the women. It is believed this was an attack by a right wing religious organization who worship Valriel.
      A child killed himself by stabbing himself. All knives over one foot are now banned by order of the high court of Navar, swords are unaffected.
      The census of last year has now confirmed that Scorn is now the largest western city by population. Taxes are expected to rise, Navar unaffected.
    • Prayer book of Valriel (19, 61)
      You cannot decipher the language this book was written in.
    • Private Party (9, 28)
      Private Party, NO ENTRY!
    • magic_mouth (1, 21)
      Speak the word.
    • magic_mouth (1, 20)
      Speak the word.
    • magic_mouth (1, 19)
      Speak the word.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 11
    • magic_mouth (10, 13)
      The wizard grew old... he was promised eternal life. He took on a student and taught him while the tower rose to heights. Tricks of deception the student came to know. Hidden identities he was able to conjure seemingly by thought alone. He was anyone he wished to be; evil or good as the people saw illusions; king, peasant, or even Skud from the grave. The student learned well.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 12
    • sign (10, 9)
      No Enter.
    • magic_mouth (10, 4)
      And the souls trapped mounted. They forever in torment acted as commanded.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 13
    • magic_mouth (5, 12)
      Death upon death grew to be the knowledge of the tower. The student learned. The great wizard died. But he was not great. And came the second wizard. Navar was but an infant.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 14
    • magic_mouth (10, 4)
      The apprentice was a master of manipulation and disguise. He completed the tower after two thousand dead one decade since the death of the first. He was the second. He is still. Scorn fell into despair, Navar grew.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 15
    • magic_mouth (7, 13)
      When the tower was completed there were no heavens to be found. Only clouds. The wizard knew nothing. The apprentice was the second wizard. He did not die. The second wizard grew herb and sustained for decades, then centuries, then longer. The herb was not of this world, it was of fire... for the wizard was useful, more so than the last.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 16
    • magic_mouth (11, 12)
      The old empire was no more. Chaos reigned as ceasar. The second wizard nearly perished and the bricks of the bones of the dead almost crumbled in rejoice. The second wizard, the student of once a time, concocted an amulet. The amulet protected him in his many deceptions. The second wizard persisted.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 17
    • magic_mouth (10, 4)
      A fright came upon the second wizard and upon a storm a city was born. More were trapped by it's wealth. New bricks were lain. White bricks of men.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 18
    • magic_mouth (7, 13)
      The tower was unseen for a century. A deception upon an abomination was committed. The wizard was powerful. The first wizard was not great. The second was in league. There are no good wizards. Navar was no longer a child.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 20
    • magic_mouth (9, 9)
      Then the mists cleared.
    • magic_mouth (8, 8)
      Then the mists cleared.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 21
    • magic_mouth (9, 1)
      Navar saw the tower and was in awe. Navar had forgotten it's name. Navar forgot the tower. A do-gooder appeared. His name was like a snake that set forth to snatch souls. He was the wizard; He was a trick.
    • magic_mouth (8, 1)
      Navar saw the tower and was in awe. Navar had forgotten it's name. Navar forgot the tower. A do-gooder appeared. His name was like a snake that set forth to snatch souls. He was the wizard; He was a trick.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 22
    • magic_mouth (13, 13)
      You wonder if this might not be easier with a collegue...
    • magic_mouth (12, 12)
      You wonder if this might not be easier with a collegue...
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 23
    • magic_mouth (13, 3)
      Only one in Navar saw the deception.
    • magic_mouth (12, 3)
      Only one in Navar saw the deception.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 24
    • magic_mouth (13, 23)
      The wizard in his cloaked form was slain. He did not die. His body did not rot.
      Many mourned the death of the do-gooder they thought to have had in their midsts and lost.
      The soul of the wizard was imprisoned in the deception and the body stashed away so none could release it.
      But that has ended and a most terrible crime has been committed. The bricks cry, their essence attack.
      The second wizard is not dead...
      His city is not destroyed...
      Nor the tower. The abomination.
    • magic_mouth (12, 23)
      The wizard in his cloaked form was slain. He did not die. His body did not rot.
      Many mourned the death of the do-gooder they thought to have had in their midsts and lost.
      The soul of the wizard was imprisoned in the deception and the body stashed away so none could release it.
      But that has ended and a most terrible crime has been committed. The bricks cry, their essence attack.
      The second wizard is not dead...
      His city is not destroyed...
      Nor the tower. The abomination.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 26
    • magic_mouth (13, 13)
      From above you hear thunderous rumblings of beasts angry. You are reminded of captive, caged animals urning to escape...
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 27
    • magic_mouth (5, 9)
      The wizard had vast riches. Riches picked off the bones of captive souls.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 30
    • magic_mouth (13, 13)
      He is still here. The second wizard is not dead.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 31
    • magic_mouth (12, 12)
      A great air potency drifts down the stairway upon you... you feel not at ease...
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 32
    • magic_mouth (14, 8)
      Perhaps now the bones of the bricks of the tower to the sky shall rest. Perhaps some are no longer captive. Perhaps not.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 34
    • magic_mouth (12, 9)
      You see some... other place... through the portal, dark, unnerving..... without structure....
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 8
    • magic_mouth (10, 4)
      It is said that the wizard created the tower. The wizard only created death... but not even. Death was purchased by the wizard and from the bones of hundreds were set bricks known as enchanted bricks; set for the tower; set for the wizard to reach the heavens. But the wizard knew nothing.
  • Western Navar Tower, Level 9
    • magic_mouth (13, 10)
      The wizard oversaw the rise of the tower through the clouds. The wizard oversaw the deaths of many. The wizard's powers did not come from what is good, or even said to be good. The tower was built to avoid a pact which every wizard has made. There is no good magic. It is of the black arts.
  • White Dragon Scale
    • sign (1, 8)
      White Dragon Scale, the armour shop is here. No weapon can go through our armours!
  • Wishing Well in Scorn Mansion
    • magic_mouth (55, 35)
      You feel an unusual draft against this.
  • Wist Portal
    • sign (6, 5)
      To Navar city ....
    • sign (5, 3)
      To Mopoon's cave ..
    • sign (5, 1)
      To White Pigeon Inn ...
    • sign (4, 5)
      To Wolfsburg ..
    • magic_mouth (2, 6)
      This portal is strictly forbidden to use! You are warned!!
    • magic_mouth (2, 5)
      This portal is strictly forbidden to use! You are warned!!
    • sign (2, 1)
      Back to the study ...
    • magic_mouth (1, 5)
      This portal is strictly forbidden to use! You are warned!!
  • Witherspoon Manor
    • magic_mouth (13, 2)
      This looks like a study.
    • magic_mouth (7, 6)
      This manor seems quite old, but unused, there is dust everywhere...
    • magic_mouth (4, 2)
      My, what a nice book collection.
  • Wizard's Workshop
    • thin book (9, 4)
      A talisman of Frost can be made with a talisman, a ring of ice, and the heart of a chinese dragon.
    • thin book (3, 4)
      A horn of fire can be manufactured with a unicorn horn and three dusts of ignition.
  • Wolfsburg Apartment
    • Apartment information card (4, 1)
      Welcome to your Wolfsburg apartment!
      This entire apartment is buildable.
      Use a destructor to remove the walls and begin your renovations.
  • Wolfsburg Imperial Post Office
    • Prospectus (5, 9)
      Imperial Post Services
      Thank you for choosing the IPS to take care of your messages. Want to get more? We have a wide range of products and services to offer to anyone. Pirate? Try our TalkParrots(tm)! Beholder? Enjoy our fabulous non-stereoscopical cards! And don't forget: The Empire Is Everywhere For You!
    • Manual (4, 9)
      Receiving Mail
      Open the mailbox and get the scrolls, read them by applying.
      Sending Mail
      Get a pencil and be sure that you are able to use the literacy skill. You can get both at the office; ask Postmaster Seruvvo for help.
      Get a pre-addressed mailscroll, mark it and write on it with the command: use_skill inscription 
      Multiple lines of text may be written.
      When done, drop the scroll in the mailbox and it will be sent.
  • Wolfsburg Prison
    • WARNING SIGN!!!!! (9, 15)
      This is not a newbie area!!!!!!
      If you are low level
      GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wolfsburg's Ye Olde Shoppe of Transport
    • Teleporter Information (12, 8)
      Information on using our teleporters
      1. Supply the proper payment.
      2. Step forward *quickly*.
      3. Apply the teleporter or wait a moment for the teleporter to activate.
    • magic_mouth (11, 7)
      Please supply the Pup Land password for teleport to Nurnberg.
    • magic_mouth (11, 5)
      Say the password again if you change your mind.
  • Wood House
    • magic_mouth (2, 5)
      A sign on the wall reads: Do *NOT* disturb the patients, especially the poor neko chan.
    • magic_mouth (1, 7)
      You smell a faint odor of blood.
  • world_100_116
    • sign (30, 17)
      Enchanted ford
    • magic_mouth (27, 24)
      You feel a strange sensation here, as if your senses were dulled.
  • world_101_114
    • sign (16, 39)
      Welcome to Port Joseph!
      Editor: langley@fermat.dartmouth.edu
      Church Tower
      Goblin Island
      Those of more experience:
      Portia's House.
      Yet another undead Church.
      The quest for Moogly Bill's gold.
  • world_102_108
    • sign (30, 11)
      Welcome to Santo Dominion!
      Follow the road ahead to the following destinations:
      Ruins of Euthville - 300 chains south
      The Kingdom of Scorn - 425 chains south
      Brest - 943 chains south
      Lake Country - 1100 chains south
      The Kingdom of Navar - 1373 chains south
      Hamlet of Lord Marksel - 1733 chains south
      The Sultanate of Darcap - 2438 chains south
    • Tickets (17, 10)
      Boarding passes are sold at the Santo Dominion Ticket Office located in City Hall.
  • world_103_127
    • Newest Additions (5, 15)
      Myrnek's House
      Damaris' House
      Enter at own Risk
      Well of Intelligence
      Dark Elf House
      Pixie's Delight
      Dreadful House
      Adventurers Guild
      Note: most of these additions are
  • world_104_112
    • sign (19, 14)
      Training Centers Incorporated
  • world_104_115
    • magic_mouth (45, 26)
      Welcome to the Scorn City Dragon Port
      Controlling rights are Doorn, 'n' Skud's
  • world_105_113
    • sign (25, 14)
      Welcome to the Ruins of Euthville!
      Follow the road ahead to the following destinations:
      The Kingdom of Scorn - 125 chains south
      Santo Dominion - 300 chains north
      Brest - 643 chains south
      Lake Country - 800 chains south
      Kingdom of Navar - 1073 chains south
      Hamlet of Lord Marksel - 1433 chains south
      The Sultanate of Darcap - 2138 chains south
    • Welcome to Euthville (9, 18)
      All dungeons are open.
      This is a 9th level (at least) area.
  • world_105_115
    • sign (33, 35)
      Welcome to The Kingdom of Scorn!
      Follow the road ahead to the following destinations:
      Ruins of Euthville - 125 chains north
      Santo Dominion - 425 chains north
      Brest - 518 chains south
      Lake Country - 675 chains south
      The Kingdom of Navar - 948 chains east
      Hamlet of Lord Marksel - 1308 chains east
      The Sultanate of Darcap - 2013 chains east
    • sign (23, 9)
      no trols undur brig
    • sign (19, 7)
      is gud brig, no trols
    • Out of Business (15, 25)
      Shipage to Wolfsburg is now closed due to lack of profitability.
      It's just too darn far mate...
      For passage to Wolfsburg, try Navar city.
    • More Information (11, 37)
      Unless BOTH combatants agree to it.
      Killing Town folk will upset the guards!
      For a lot of adventure information, talk to people in Goth's tavern, above the Eastern Gate House.
    • Advanced Dungeons (10, 37)
      Advanced Dungeons:
      Animal Quarantine (Port Area)
      Haunted House (South East of lake)
      Old City (Gatehouse, secret door quest)
      Old City (well, next to weapon shop)
      Old City Port (well in Port Area)
      Old Mansion (South of East Gate)
      Prison Courtyard
      Puddings Place (Port Area)
      The Arena (Port Area)
    • Beginner Dungeons (9, 37)
      Beginner Dungeons:
      Alfalfa's House (River road)
      Beginners 1 & 2 (Wanderer's Way)
      Dangerous Bungalow (west port area)
      Drinking Well (just below central square)
      Friendly Giant's Tower (near west wall)
      Fun House (North side of main road)
      Gork's Grovel (Below Eastern Gate)
      Goth's Tavern Cellar
      Houser of Porters (near fenced area)
      Jones' House (River Road)
      Lighthouse (northeast port area)
      Old City (Dark Well, Old South Road)
      Scorn Brewery Cellar (River Road, east)
      Smith's House (Old South Road)
      Undead Church (Old South Road)
    • General Information (8, 37)
      Safe places to visit...
      Central Library
      City Hall (west of central square)
      Goth's Tavern (near guard house)
      Oled's Cafe
      Patch's House (Wanderer's Way)
      Piriate Inn (in port area)
      Prison of Scorn
      The Barking Mule
      Wanderers' Inn (sleep to save!)
      Zoo (Old South Road) place to see many monsters
      ...and all the stores and temples.
    • Road of Riches (8, 34)
      Road of Riches...
    • Old South Road (6, 45)
      Old South Road...
    • Central Square of Scorn (5, 36)
      Read the signs to the right for information on where to go and what to do.
      WARNING: Magic is not permitted within Scorn city limits.
      Please do not litter.
    • To the Port (5, 32)
      Port Area of Scorn
    • magic_mouth (4, 25)
      Before you is a statue...
      The sea, is our mistress,
      The deep, our graves,
      To those that brave,
      The storm tossed waves. ''
      Guild of Seamen, Scorn - 26 Dec 1998
    • sign (3, 47)
      Castle of Scorn - Honor, Glory, and Royal Titles await for the Brave
    • sign (3, 44)
      Castle of Scorn - Honor, Glory, and Royal Titles await for the Brave
    • Street of Merchants (3, 32)
      Street of Merchants...
      We the merchants of Scorn cater to the needs of all adventurers. If you need Food, Equipment, Armour, Weapons, Magic, come and visit us.
    • Street of the Gods (1, 39)
      Street of the Gods...
      On the back of the sign is some graffiti:
      Be ever so humble,
      in the presence of greatness,
      or thou shalt face the wrath,
      of a God Scorned! -- Eric the Cleric
  • world_105_116
    • magic_mouth (4, 1)
      Welcome to Crossfire.
      To read these signs walk onto them and press `a' to apply (read) them. The same command will allow you to enter and leave any open buildings and dungeons.
    • sign (4, 1)
      NEWBIES! Check out the sign just to the left for where
      to get your NEXT bit of training!
      Safe places to visit...
      Eswald's Coffee Shop
      Wanderers' Inn
      Castle of Scorn (new Quests)
      Post Office
      City Hall
      Central Library
      Goth's Tavern (new Quests)
      The Barking Mule
      Scorn Port Area (new Quests)
      Zoo (Where to see a variety of monsters)
      ...and all the stores and temples.
      Visit the Central Square for more information (due north)
    • River Road (2, 5)
      River Road...
    • Wanderers' Way (2, 0)
      Beginners should head towards the houses to the west:
      Beginners 1 provides valuable life lessons, and
      Beginners 2 for some more advanced topics.
  • world_106_121
    • sign (29, 26)
      Brest - 221 chains south
      Lake Country - 287 chains east
      Kingdom of Scorn - 518 chains north
      Ruins of Euthville - 643 chains north
      Santo Dominion - 943 chains north
      The Kingdom of Navar - 1466 chains north
      Hamlet of Lord Marksel - 1826 chains north
      The Sultanate of Darcap - 2531 chains north
  • world_106_122
    • sign (27, 0)
      The province of Brittany lies ahead. This road leads over the ice crown mountains, which is a dangerous path to follow. Don't go any further unless you are level 15 at least.
  • world_107_123
    • sign (22, 13)
      Welcome to Brest!
      Follow the road ahead to the following destinations:
      Lake Country - 241 chains east
      The Kingdom of Scorn - 739 chains north
      Ruins of Euthville - 864 chains north
      Santo Dominion - 943 chains south
      The Kingdom of Navar - 1687 chains south
      Hamlet of Lord Marksel - 2047 chains north
      The Sultanate of Darcap - 2752 chains north
    • Tower of Ludo (20, 39)
      Lord Ludo invites to step in and discover his treasures. Please deposit 100 platinum coins at the Payment Booth. Special fees for groups of adventurers. Please don't touch the artifacts.
  • world_109_125
    • sign (16, 35)
      The province of Brittany lies ahead. This road leads over the ice crown mountains, which is a dangerous path to follow. Don't go any further unless you are level 15 at least.
    • sign (14, 45)
      Welcome to Lake Country!
      Follow the road ahead to the following destinations:
      Brest - 287 chains north
      Kingdom of Scorn - 675 chains east
      Ruins of Euthville - 800 chains east
      Santo Dominion - 1100 chains east
      The Kingdom of Navar - 1623 chains east
      Hamlet of Lord Marksel - 1983 chains east
      The Sultanate of Darcap - 2688 chains east
    • sign (13, 35)
      Training Centers Incorporated
  • world_109_126
    • magic_mouth (38, 20)
      A beam of orange light from the lower level of the Wist's tower hit you. You are teleported back.
    • magic_mouth (36, 18)
      A beam of orange light from the top of the Wist's tower hits you and you are teleported back. You realize it's impossible to approach this way.
    • magic_mouth (33, 39)
      The swamp bubbles with strange power. Someone must have done something to it!!
    • magic_mouth (33, 37)
      Vast swamp and water ahead.
    • bellow (32, 22)
      Beastily bellows reverberate within the cave mouth.
    • magic_mouth (31, 36)
      The leaves rustle,
      ".. call . upon the spirit of the forest ... and you can ride the wind; be one with the forest ..."
    • magic_mouth (29, 35)
      You hear the ground grunts, "Twak ... spirit of the forest."
    • warning1 (29, 18)
      West wind picks up speed. You sway unsteadily in the wind. Uncanny feeling creeps up your spine.
    • magic_mouth (28, 31)
      Wind brings a voice, "... remember my name."
    • warning1 (28, 18)
      West wind picks up more speed and you almost fell off the cliff!
    • fall (28, 17)
      Strong wind peels you off the mountain surface. You fall like a rock. Light is blocked by mountain peaks.
      You plunge into a dark mist.
    • magic_mouth (27, 30)
      Wind brings a voice, "Whisper ... my name."
    • warning1 (27, 18)
      The west wind is like no other wind you have experienced. You were ripped off rock you were holding onto.
    • magic_mouth (21, 41)
      The current pushes you ashore.
    • magic_mouth (21, 28)
      Welcome to Fortress of Lord Butakis.
    • magic_mouth (17, 42)
      You are taken by a strong current.
    • sign (17, 20)
      Local Dungeons:
      * Snake pit (near Mopoon's weapon shop)
      * Tower of Sorcery
      * Butakis' Elite Training Tower
      * Marsh Maze
      * Elven Moon
      * Quest of the crowns in Oldie Moldie's Jewelry
      * Mopoon's quest for successor in his shop
      * Quest for powerful artifacts in Ebony thief guild
      * Oldie Moldie's Jewelry
      * Clem's Fine Archery
      * Klondor's Wand Shop
      * Small Inn
      Ultimate artifacts you can acquire in this land include: Sword of Chaos, Golden Unicorn Horn, Spellbook of meteor swarm, Spellbook of face of death, and so on.
    • magic_mouth (15, 37)
      You are taken by a strong current.
    • magic_mouth (14, 42)
      Wind brings a voice, "... call .. my name."
  • world_111_116
    • sign (7, 33)
      Hermes' Inn
      40 chains east
  • world_111_117
    • magic_mouth (39, 42)
      You notice a well-hidden cave, high in the mountains here.
  • world_115_116
    • charred paper (35, 31)
      This charred page reads:
      Day 13 and Niome is recovering from a nasty ape bite.
      We are not sure why the apes were so aggressive.
      They seemed to be living in the ancient temple ruins perhaps we will be able to find out more when we enter the ruins tomorrow.
    • charred paper (32, 47)
      This charred page reads:
      Day 11 - a pleasant day but some rain kept us in out tent for most of the afternoon. The apes seem to be highly intelligent but very shy. Some of the younger males are becoming bolder and 
      They act almost like children who have a secret.
  • world_115_117
    • Rudger's Journal (31, 12)
      Journal of Rudger Howwager - natural philosopher
      Day 1
      We have arrived at the swamps of Arranore to study the local simian population. Legends speak of a time when Arranore was actually a thriving city state but in modern memory this swamp has always been home only to the gnats and the apes.
      Niome, my lovely wife is eager to look for relics or ruins to prove or disprove the existence of ancient Arranore, but for me it will be enough to study the gentle Arranorian apes.
  • world_116_102
    • Welcome to Darcap (29, 37)
      Open Areas:
      Church (North West corner of town)
      Well (South of town)
      Maze House (North East)
      Elemental Houses (North of Tavern)
      All the shops
      Inn (South, at edge of water)
      Tavern (Northern end of pier)
      Courthouse (Quest)
      Outside of town:
      Cave (southwest of town)
      Village in mountains
      Volcano (multiple players required)
      Warrior Proving Tower (northwest woods)
      Pirate Warehouse (South East)
    • sign (26, 46)
      Welcome to The Sultanate of Darcap!
      Follow the road ahead to the following destinations:
      Hamlet of Lord Marksel - 473 chains south
      The Kingdom of Navar - 1065 chains south
      The Kingdom of Scorn - 2013 chains south
      Ruins of Euthville - 2138 chains south
      Santo Dominion - 2438 chains south
      Brest - 2531 chains south
      Lake Country - 2688 chains south
    • Julio the Great (25, 41)
      Julio the Great, ?-6813 EK, benefactor of the town.
    • tame chicken (23, 44)
      Ooh, a tame chicken! And look, it's a new pet shop!