Placeholder for call out content.
Map world_120_109, in region Hamlet of Lord Marksel. Map level: 1.
Map view:
(click for larger view)
Exits from this map:
- Bank of Marksel
- Church to Valriel
- Grumm's Inn
- Marksel Blacksmith
- Marksel Imperial Post Office
- Marksel Keep
- Marksel Shoppe
- Mines
- Navar to Darcap Tunnel
- Sages' Tower
- world_119_109
- world_120_108
- world_120_110
- world_121_109
Exits leading to this map:
- Bank of Marksel
- Church to Valriel
- Grumm's Inn
- Marksel Blacksmith
- Marksel Imperial Post Office
- Marksel Keep
- Marksel Shoppe
- Mines
- Navar to Darcap Tunnel
- Sages' Tower
- world_119_109
- world_120_108
- world_120_110
- world_121_109
No monster on this map.
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