Item List
Placeholder for call out content.
Special items found in maps
Name | Map(s) | Item power | Calc item power | Description |
A crude medal | 0 | 0 | msg This appears to be a crudely constructed military medal. The inscription reads, "For exceptional Valor and Cruelty in the Art of Pillaging." endmsg resist_confusion 0 resist_slow 0 resist_paralyze 0 resist_fear 0 material 76 item_power 0 startequip 0 |
Acid boots | 2 | 5 | hp 2 exp 2 resist_physical 0 resist_confusion -15 resist_acid 15 resist_fear 15 resist_deplete 15 material 0 value 2500 item_power 2 applied 1 damned 1 |
Acid crown | 5 | 3 | ac 1 resist_physical 0 resist_magic -20 resist_acid 45 resist_fear 30 resist_deplete 30 material 0 value 17000 item_power 5 applied 1 damned 1 |
Acid robe | 5 | 4 | Con 2 resist_fire -20 resist_acid 35 resist_fear 25 resist_deplete 25 material 0 value 9000 last_sp 0 item_power 5 applied 1 damned 1 |
Alfalfa's dress | 0 | 0 | race_restriction :giant: msg This dress is huge, far larger than any normal-sized person might wear. endmsg value 1 |
Ali's turban | 0 | 1 | Int 2 |
Amber Blade | 0 | 0 | dam 1 material 0 |
amulet | 0 | 9 | title of Gorokh msg A dark amulet that grants the wearer some powers of Gorokh. endmsg sp 2 ac 5 resist_physical 50 resist_magic 30 resist_cold -5 resist_fear 100 path_attuned 131072 path_repelled 257 material 0 value 500000 |
amulet of poisoning | 0 | 0 | face amulet_lif.111 Dex 1 attacktype 1024 |
Amulet of Yendor | 3 | 0 | slaying Amulet of Yendor material 0 lifesave 0 |
Animator's Ring | 4 | 4 | material 0 value 1000 |
Arch-Lich's Gloves of Magic | 9 | 3 | Str -1 Dex 1 Pow 1 hp -1 sp 2 food -1 ac 1 resist_physical 5 resist_magic 15 path_attuned 4 value 1200 magic 1 item_power 9 applied 1 cursed 1 |
arrow | 0 | 0 | title of the Phantom attacktype 513 |
arrow | 0 | 0 | weight 32 magic -3 cursed 1 |
arrow | 0 | 1 | title Fire attacktype 5 value 20 magic 2 |
arrow | 0 | 1 | title Frost attacktype 17 value 20 magic 2 |
arrow | 0 | 1 | title Lightning attacktype 9 value 20 magic 2 |
axe | 1 | 2 | weight 4800 magic 2 |
axe | 2 | 3 | weight 3570 magic 3 item_power 2 |
axe | 2 | 0 | weight 7200 magic 1 |
axe | 0 | 0 | title of Gnarg dam 8 value 190 weight 9000 magic 1 |
Axe of B1FF | 4 | 5 | slaying kobold dam 60 attacktype 257 |
Baba Mal the War Hammer | 6 | 13 | Str 0 dam 13 attacktype 256 resist_magic -100 resist_electricity 0 resist_weaponmagic 30 resist_paralyze 100 resist_fear 100 magic 2 |
balanced rapier | 0 | 0 | weight 7000 is_thrown 1 |
balanced sword | 0 | 0 | weight 13500 is_thrown 1 |
balanced taifu | 0 | 0 | weight 3400 is_thrown 1 |
banded mail | 0 | 1 | title of Lorania ac 5 resist_physical 25 resist_magic 30 material 2 value 5000 weight 25000 |
Battle Axe | 0 | 9 | title of the Phantom slaying undead msg This axe was crafted by the Durant mystics to aid the town guard in their defense against the swamp wraiths. endmsg attacktype 517 resist_ghosthit 25 resist_fear 10 value 85000 magic 2 last_sp 9 |
Battle Axe | 1 | 7 | title of Mostrai slaying goblin,giant hp 1 dam 25 attacktype 257 value 50000 magic 3 item_power 1 |
Bavinson's amulet | 3 | 4 | msg Some words are engraved: "The burning arrow will lead you deeper underground." endmsg resist_paralyze 100 value 5000 lifesave 0 |
bear's skull | 0 | 0 | material 0 |
Belzebup's sword | 40 | 24 | msg This is not the true Belzebub's Sword. endmsg Con 0 Int 0 sp 0 dam 2 attacktype 0 material 1 value 500 magic 0 last_sp 10 |
Belzepub's sword | 40 | 1 | msg This is not the true Belzebub's Sword. It's a fake, made of paper. endmsg Con 0 Int 0 sp 0 dam 1 wc -10 attacktype 1 resist_magic 0 resist_confusion 0 resist_drain 0 material 1 value 10 magic 0 last_sp 10 |
bolt | 1 | 2 | weight 35 magic 3 item_power 1 |
bolt | 0 | 1 | weight 40 magic 2 |
bolt | 0 | 1 | title of Blessedness slaying undead,demon msg These missiles are invested with a great holiness so that even a scratch might banish an undead creature or a demon back to the hell from which it came. endmsg food 80 dam 20 wc 9 level 50 attacktype 131073 value 1000 weight 800 magic 2 |
bolt | 0 | 0 | weight 45 magic 1 |
bolt | 0 | 0 | weight 30 magic -4 cursed 1 |
bolt | 0 | 0 | title of inaccuracy wc -5 value 0 cursed 1 |
bonespike shield | 0 | 9 | dam 5 resist_physical 5 resist_drain 100 resist_ghosthit 30 value 1000 magic 1 |
bow | 4 | 3 | weight 6840 magic 4 item_power 4 |
bow | 3 | 3 | weight 5400 magic 4 item_power 3 |
bow | 2 | 3 | weight 7920 magic 4 item_power 2 |
bow | 2 | 0 | weight 8640 magic 1 |
bow | 2 | 0 | weight 16800 magic -4 item_power 2 |
bow | 2 | 0 | weight 15960 magic -4 cursed 1 |
bow | 2 | 0 | weight 11520 magic -2 cursed 1 |
bow | 1 | 2 | weight 8400 magic 3 item_power 1 |
bow | 1 | 0 | weight 5400 magic -4 cursed 1 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 9240 magic -3 cursed 1 |
bow | 0 | 4 | title of Skill weight 7000 magic 5 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 10560 magic -2 cursed 1 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 10800 magic 1 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 11880 magic 1 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 13200 magic -1 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 14400 magic -2 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 16800 magic -4 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 8400 magic -3 |
bow | 0 | 0 | weight 13200 magic -1 cursed 1 |
broadsword | 2 | 1 | title of Crushing Str 2 dam 16 wc -1 value 10000 last_sp 10 item_power 2 |
broken bolt | 0 | 0 | race NULL_doesnt_work |
broken bow | 0 | 0 | race nothing |
bronze plate mail | 0 | 0 | weight 90000 magic -1 last_sp 6 |
Carrillium apron of great protection | 0 | 30 | msg This apron surrounds the user with a protective force which unfortunately deadens the magical powers of the wearer. endmsg sp -2 resist_physical 30 resist_magic 30 resist_fire 30 resist_electricity 30 resist_cold 30 resist_confusion 30 resist_acid 30 resist_drain 30 resist_weaponmagic 30 resist_ghosthit 30 resist_poison 30 resist_slow 30 resist_paralyze 30 resist_fear 30 path_denied 32768 value 30000 |
Chaos crown | 0 | 9 | msg An ancient silver crown. endmsg sp 2 ac 5 resist_physical 5 resist_confusion 30 resist_chaos 40 value 170000 weight 5000 magic 2 applied 1 |
Chaos shoes | 0 | 0 | ac 5 resist_physical 5 resist_chaos 10 material 0 value 125 applied 1 |
club | 2 | 7 | weight 7290 magic 1 |
club | 2 | 0 | weight 5400 magic -4 cursed 1 |
club | 2 | 0 | weight 12600 magic -4 cursed 1 |
club | 2 | 0 | weight 10800 magic -2 cursed 1 |
club | 1 | 2 | weight 8100 magic 1 |
club | 1 | 1 | weight 8100 magic 1 |
club | 1 | 0 | weight 9900 magic -1 cursed 1 |
club | 0 | 0 | weight 8640 magic -2 cursed 1 |
club | 0 | 0 | weight 8100 magic -1 |
club | 0 | 0 | weight 48600 magic -1 |
club | 0 | 0 | weight 29700 magic -1 |
club | 0 | 0 | weight 11700 magic -3 cursed 1 |
club | 0 | 0 | weight 10800 magic -2 cursed 1 |
club | 0 | 0 | weight 9900 magic -1 |
coif | 0 | 0 | weight 2160 magic 1 |
coif | 0 | 0 | weight 2700 magic -1 |
coif | 0 | 0 | weight 3300 magic -1 |
coif | 1 | 0 | weight 15600 magic -3 item_power 1 |
coif | 1 | 0 | weight 2160 magic -2 cursed 1 |
Crook'd sword | 0 | 1 | slaying dojo |
crossbow | 0 | 0 | weight 27500 magic -1 |
crossbow | 0 | 0 | weight 30000 magic -2 |
crossbow | 1 | 2 | weight 19250 magic 3 item_power 1 |
crossbow | 2 | 1 | weight 19000 magic 2 |
crossbow | 2 | 3 | weight 16500 magic 4 item_power 2 |
crossbow | 3 | 1 | weight 18000 magic 2 |
crossbow | 4 | 2 | weight 15750 magic 3 item_power 4 |
crown | 0 | 0 | title of Jove |
Crown of Fire | 0 | 0 | material 256 |
Crown of Fire | 0 | 1 | resist_fire 30 path_attuned 2 path_repelled 4 value 20000 |
Crown of Ice | 0 | 1 | resist_cold 30 path_attuned 4 path_repelled 2 value 24000 |
Crown of Lordliness | 0 | 4 | Wis 2 Cha 2 Int 1 value 20000 |
Crown of Magi | 0 | 3 | Int 2 sp 2 value 50000 |
Crown of Might | 0 | 2 | Str 1 Dex 1 Con 1 value 50000 |
crown of Odo | 0 | 0 | msg On this crown, mysterious patterns are carved. It seems to be made by ancient people. endmsg Int 1 ac 1 resist_physical 4 material 64 value 320000 weight 33000 |
crown of Odo (replica) | 0 | 0 | msg This is a well made replica. endmsg value 1 |
crown of raffle | 0 | 2 | luck 3 |
Crown of the Elements | 0 | 5 | resist_fire 30 resist_electricity 30 resist_cold 30 path_attuned 8 value 50000 |
Custom crossbow | 5 | 4 | msg This custom crossbow was specially commissioned for Fearless personal guards in the Zorn Castle. endmsg Dex 5 sp 50 dam 15 wc 0 value 7500 item_power 5 applied 1 |
Custom katana | 0 | 4 | msg The Custom katana was commissioned for Zorn Fearless personal guards in the Zorn castle. endmsg Str 2 Dex 2 dam 10 attacktype 257 material 0 value 300 last_sp 3 applied 1 |
dagger | 1 | 2 | weight 1600 magic 2 |
dagger | 3 | 4 | weight 1200 magic 4 item_power 3 |
dagger | 2 | 3 | weight 1600 magic 2 |
dagger | 2 | 0 | weight 2400 magic -2 cursed 1 |
dagger | 2 | 0 | weight 1800 magic -1 cursed 1 |
dagger | 1 | 2 | weight 1280 magic 2 |
dagger | 1 | 0 | weight 1870 magic -1 cursed 1 |
dagger | 0 | 0 | weight 6600 magic -1 |
dagger | 0 | 0 | weight 2800 magic -4 cursed 1 |
dagger | 0 | 0 | weight 2200 magic -1 |
Dagger of Temple Naive | 15 | 0 | Cha -4 hp -3 dam 1 luck -3 attacktype 5120 item_power 15 |
Darkblade | 15 | 27 | title of Gorokh slaying angel msg A dark, one handed sword with a bone chilling evil force radiating from within. endmsg Str 1 Dex 1 Wis -3 Cha -5 sp -1 grace -1 dam 15 resist_poison 45 resist_paralyze 50 path_attuned 131072 value 1043000 weight 10000 last_sp 3 xrays 1 |
Demonslayer | 7 | 50 | Str 2 Pow 2 Cha 2 Int 2 dam 30 attacktype 256 resist_magic 40 resist_fire 40 resist_cold -20 resist_drain 100 resist_deplete 100 material 256 value 1000000 weight 15000 magic 7 |
Demonspawn Shield | 10 | 0 | title of Gorokh msg There is an incredibly powerful evil spirit in the shield controlling your mind. You find it nearly impossible to regain control of yourself. endmsg Wis -5 Pow -5 ac 10 resist_physical 25 resist_fire 40 material 0 value 3000000 weight 15000 applied 1 |
dragon claw dagger | 6 | 3 | msg Ancient dagger made from a claw donated to the Zorn family by Xxvlorf the Legendary Dragon. endmsg face dragon_claw.111 dam 15 wc 5 attacktype 1053 material 0 value 55000 weight 1 last_sp 2 weapontype 5 item_power 6 applied 1 |
Dragon Mail of Prowess | 5 | 3 | Str 2 Con 2 Int -5 |
dragon paw | 0 | 0 | slaying dragon Str 0 dam 10 ac 1 attacktype 4 path_attuned 2 path_denied 4 material 32 |
Dragon Shield | 2 | 7 | msg This Dragon Shield has both red and green scales carefully smithed in. It will protect you well from fire and cold alike. endmsg resist_cold 30 magic 4 |
Dragonbane | 7 | 45 | msg Mopoon's Dragonbane. It was forged long long ago. The first master of the the sword has been forgotten, together with the arcane magic that forged it. The Dragonbane glows with hunger for dragon blood. endmsg Str 3 exp 3 dam 81 weight 64000 magic 9 |
dress of great beauty | 0 | 0 | value 3500 |
dress of great beauty | 0 | 0 | value 4000 |
dress of lifesaving | 0 | 5 | lifesave 1 |
Ebony Blade | 0 | 0 | dam 1 material 0 invisible 1 |
elven boots | 4 | 3 | item_power 4 |
elven moon bow | 15 | 7 | Dex 3 sp 90 dam 25 luck 1 wc 5 item_power 15 |
enhanced axe | 0 | 0 | Str 2 Dex -10 dam 7 |
enhanced bow | 0 | 0 | Str 1 sp 25 dam 6 |
enhanced hammer | 0 | 0 | dam 50 weight 300000 |
enhanced nunchacu | 0 | 0 | Dex 2 magic -3 damned 1 |
enhanced speed boots | 9 | 13 | Str 1 exp 9 resist_physical 5 value 100000 weight 3000 item_power 9 applied 1 |
enhanced staff | 0 | 0 | Con -20 Pow 2 Int 2 |
Feather Crown | 0 | 0 | msg This crown has a lot of feathers. Feathers move cooperatively like bird wings. endmsg material 256 weight 1 map_layer item move_type fly_low |
Fighter's honor | 3 | 9 | Cha 3 |
Filur's morningstar | 0 | 0 | dam 13 value 100 weight 16000 magic 1 |
Fire Shield | 2 | 21 | Cha 2 resist_physical 24 resist_magic 40 resist_fire 40 magic 4 reflect_spell 1 |
Fist of the Earth | 4 | 11 | slaying earth_elemental Str 2 Con 1 dam 30 ac 1 resist_physical 20 value 300000 weight 75000 magic 4 |
Flame Tongue | 5 | 27 | Con 2 Int 1 exp 3 dam 25 wc 3 resist_fire 30 resist_cold 20 material 0 value 300000 magic 5 |
Flametongue | 5 | 27 | Con 1 Pow 1 dam 23 attacktype 260 resist_magic -20 resist_fire 45 path_attuned 2 material 0 value 260000 weight 17000 magic 7 |
Floe Shield | 0 | 1 | dam 10 resist_physical 10 resist_fire 15 resist_cold 20 material 4098 value 25000 |
full helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 10800 magic -1 |
full helmet | 3 | 3 | weight 9600 magic 2 |
full helmet | 3 | 2 | weight 10800 magic 1 |
full helmet | 3 | 0 | weight 7200 magic -4 cursed 1 |
full helmet | 1 | 0 | weight 15600 magic -3 item_power 1 |
full helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 43200 magic -1 |
full helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 38400 magic -2 |
full helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 132000 magic -1 |
full helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 13200 magic -1 |
full helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 8640 magic 1 |
gauntlets | 0 | 0 | weight 3150 magic -4 cursed 1 |
Gauntlets of Electric Power | 0 | 0 | Con -1 Wis -2 Cha 1 Int -2 dam 3 attacktype 9 resist_electricity 30 path_attuned 8 path_repelled 256 |
Gloves | 3 | 2 | title of Ice msg Dark gloves worn by the Ice Master. endmsg resist_physical 0 resist_cold 30 path_attuned 4 material 0 item_power 3 |
Gloves | 3 | 2 | title of Fire msg Dark gloves worn by the Fire Master. endmsg resist_physical 0 resist_fire 30 path_attuned 2 material 0 item_power 3 |
Gloves | 3 | 2 | title of Electricity msg Dark gloves worn by the Electricity Master. endmsg resist_physical 0 resist_electricity 30 path_attuned 8 material 0 item_power 3 |
gloves of surehandedness | 0 | 0 | wc 3 |
Glowing Holy Avenger | 30 | 50 | title of Valriel slaying demon msg The glowing, holy sword granted to ascended followers of Valriel. endmsg Str 2 Wis 3 dam 25 attacktype 4194568 resist_magic 35 resist_electricity 35 resist_blind 35 weight 15000 last_sp 3 glow_radius 5 item_power 30 applied 1 reflect_spell 1 |
Gold-plated necklace | 0 | 0 | value 1200 |
golden amulet | 0 | 0 | value 25000 |
golden axe | 0 | 0 | face axe_3_golden.111 materialname gold value 10000000 |
golden long sword | 0 | 0 | value 1000 weight 20000 |
Golden Unicorn Horn | 0 | 0 | msg A beautiful unicorn horn shines with golden light. You feel really soothing holding it. It sure is one of the most powerful healing artifact in the realm. It is rumored to have been created by a god of healing. Hanuk imprisoned the god by trickery and acquired the artifact. endmsg face u_horn.114 hp 100 maxhp 100 value 10000000 |
Gorokh's rod | 0 | 0 | maxhp 500 level 75 randomitems none |
gray unicorn horn | 3 | 50 | speed 0.100000 value 50000 weight 3000 last_sp 1 |
Grey King's crown | 0 | 0 | glow_radius 5 |
Greyshield | 30 | 50 | msg The arts that crafted this shield have long been lost. The Grey Master's works are but a distant shadow of the might contained in the shield! As you look away from the shield, its image still seems to burn before you, as if you had been looking at a bright light. But looking back at the shield, you decide that it certainly doesn't emit any light. As a matter of fact, it looks as if it would absorb light, were that possible... endmsg Dex 3 Con 3 Wis 2 Cha -3 ac 8 resist_physical 100 resist_magic 100 resist_fire 100 resist_electricity 100 resist_cold 100 material 256 value 1000 weight 5000 magic 5 glow_radius 5 item_power 30 reflect_missile 1 reflect_spell 1 |
Greysword | 10 | 24 | Str 2 Wis 1 Cha -2 attacktype 257 resist_magic 30 material 256 magic 5 |
Guuh's club | 0 | 0 | dam 25 value 40 magic 1 |
Hammer | 15 | 9 | title of Justice dam 20 attacktype 3 resist_electricity 0 value 175000 weight 30500 item_power 15 reflect_spell 1 been_applied 1 |
head-cutter | 0 | 1 | dam 20 attacktype 131328 value 5000 weight 6000 last_sp 8 |
heavy bolt | 0 | 0 | dam 6 |
heavy crossbow | 0 | 0 | dam 10 weight 50000 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 3600 magic 1 |
helmet | 4 | 4 | weight 3500 magic 3 item_power 4 |
helmet | 3 | 2 | weight 4500 magic 1 |
helmet | 1 | 1 | weight 4050 magic 1 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 7000 magic -4 cursed 1 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 6500 magic -3 cursed 1 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 6000 magic -2 cursed 1 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 5600 magic -4 cursed 1 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 5500 magic -1 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 4500 magic -1 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 26000 magic -3 |
helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 22000 magic -1 |
helmet of reflect spells | 0 | 5 | ac 2 resist_magic 30 magic 1 applied 1 reflect_spell 1 |
Holy Amulet | 40 | 50 | title of Valriel msg A holy amulet imbued with some of the powers of Valriel. endmsg Wis 5 Pow 5 Cha 3 sp 5 grace 5 resist_magic 50 resist_electricity 50 resist_confusion 100 resist_drain 100 resist_fear 100 resist_blind 100 value 2000000 glow_radius 5 item_power 40 lifesave 0 |
holy mace | 0 | 2 | slaying undead dam 8 attacktype 8193 value 150 weight 12000 |
Holy Ring | 40 | 50 | title of Valriel msg A holy ring imbued with some of the powers of Valriel. endmsg face ring.117 Wis 5 Pow 5 Cha 3 sp 5 grace 5 resist_magic 50 resist_electricity 50 resist_confusion 100 resist_drain 100 resist_fear 100 resist_blind 100 value 500000 glow_radius 5 item_power 40 |
horn | 0 | 0 | title of efreet face horn3.111 hp 100 maxhp 100 |
horn | 0 | 0 | title of fear hp 100 maxhp 100 |
horn of high voltage | 0 | 0 | hp 20 maxhp 20 level 10 |
horned helmet | 0 | 0 | weight 6600 magic -1 |
Human skin robe | 0 | 0 | Cha -5 path_attuned 9216 path_repelled 192 value 30000 |
Ice crown | 0 | 3 | resist_cold 15 value 17000 applied 1 reflect_spell 1 |
Ice robe | 0 | 2 | resist_cold 15 value 3000 last_sp 25 applied 1 reflect_missile 1 |
Ice sandals | 0 | 1 | exp 1 resist_cold 10 value 5000 applied 1 |
Incredibly beautiful dress | 0 | 1 | value 30000 |
Ivory Blade | 0 | 0 | material 0 |
jack boots | 0 | 2 | title of Valriel resist_magic 10 material 0 value 140000 glow_radius 3 applied 1 |
jack boots | 1 | 0 | weight 5460 magic -3 cursed 1 |
jack boots of surefootedness | 0 | 4 | resist_confusion 100 |
Jade Dragon | 0 | 0 | face jadedragon_figurine.111 hp 10 maxhp 50 speed 0.050000 level 30 material 0 materialname jade value 50000 |
Jagre's Horn | 0 | 0 | title of Undiminishing Power hp 500 maxhp 500 level 10 |
JessyHammer | 6 | 50 | dam 30 resist_confusion 100 resist_acid 100 resist_slow 30 resist_paralyze 100 resist_fear 30 weight 120000 magic 4 |
katana | 2 | 7 | weight 6666 magic 4 item_power 2 |
Katana of Masamune (unfinished) | 40 | 11 | Str 0 Dex 0 Con 0 dam 10 attacktype 1 resist_drain 30 resist_ghosthit 30 magic 1 last_sp 7 |
large weighted knife | 0 | 0 | weight 4000 is_thrown 1 |
leather armor | 0 | 0 | title of Clumsiness Dex -1 value 600 cursed 1 |
leather gloves | 2 | 0 | weight 225 magic 1 |
Lightning sticks | 0 | 30 | Dex 4 exp 5 dam 3 attacktype 8 resist_electricity 40 material 0 value 75000 magic 4 |
long blanced sword | 0 | 0 | weight 10500 is_thrown 1 |
long sword | 0 | 0 | weight 52200 magic -2 |
long sword | 3 | 4 | weight 8700 magic 4 item_power 3 |
long sword | 2 | 3 | weight 10150 magic 3 item_power 2 |
long sword | 2 | 0 | weight 20300 magic -4 cursed 1 |
long sword | 1 | 1 | weight 13500 magic 1 |
long sword | 0 | 0 | weight 54000 magic -2 |
long sword | 2 | 0 | weight 10150 magic -3 cursed 1 |
long throwing spear | 0 | 0 | weight 18000 is_thrown 1 |
lovely collar | 0 | 2 | Cha 3 |
mace | 2 | 3 | weight 12250 magic 3 item_power 2 |
Makhovian horned helmet | 0 | 0 | ac 2 |
Meganthropopulos' Crown | 0 | 0 | material 0 |
Missile Swarm | 0 | 0 | maxhp 100 level 75 value 70000 weight 20000 randomitems none startequip 1 |
Mithrandir staff | 0 | 50 | Wis 2 Cha 2 sp 2 resist_magic 30 resist_confusion 30 resist_drain 100 resist_fear 30 value 22000 weight 5000 magic 4 |
mithril armor | 1 | 7 | Str 1 Con 1 magic 5 |
mithril chainmail | 1 | 0 | item_power 1 |
mithril chainmail of Odo (replica) | 1 | 0 | msg This is a well made replica. endmsg ac 1 resist_physical 1 value 1 |
mithril chainmail of Winter | 1 | 4 | msg This special chainmail is covered with patterns of snow flake. It was created by ancient high elves. endmsg Cha 3 attacktype 16 resist_cold 90 resist_poison -30 path_attuned 4 path_denied 2 |
moogly falchion | 0 | 1 | msg An evil looking blade, encrusted with gemstones. endmsg dam 9 value 2400 weight 7000 magic 2 |
Mudman's ring | 0 | 2 | face ring_green.111 resist_physical 20 resist_poison 30 resist_slow 30 value 8000 |
Necromancer's ring | 0 | 0 | msg This ring is enchanted by the art of necromancy. The wielder is able to perform death attacks. endmsg face ring_drain.111 Con -1 Wis 2 attacktype 131072 value 300000 |
needle | 0 | 0 | face needle.111 |
Orc Arrow | 0 | 0 | food 100 dam 25 wc -35 attacktype 262147 no_drop 1 |
orcish helmet | 0 | 2 | ac 2 resist_physical 3 resist_poison 30 weight 8000 magic 1 |
pair of shoes | 2 | 0 | weight 1980 magic 1 |
Pete's Violin | 0 | 0 | hp 10 maxhp 20 level 5 value 1 weight 1701 |
pitchfork | 0 | 0 | is_thrown 0 is_turnable 0 |
plate mail | 0 | 0 | title of dominion msg This plate mail is forged of high quality steel. It is lighter than usual but just as strong. It even seems to protect a little against fire. endmsg resist_fire 20 value 5000 weight 60000 |
plate mail | 0 | 0 | weight 420000 magic -4 last_sp 4 |
plate mail | 0 | 2 | title of Valriel Wis 2 resist_physical 60 resist_magic 20 material 0 value 100000 weight 20000 last_sp 0 glow_radius 3 applied 1 |
plate mail of courage | 0 | 11 | Str 1 resist_fear 100 magic 3 |
Princess' Hair | 0 | 3 | Cha 4 |
punching daggers | 0 | 0 | weight 11070 magic -1 |
punching daggers | 1 | 1 | weight 2952 magic 1 |
punching daggers | 2 | 7 | weight 3321 magic 1 |
Purple turban of brilliance | 0 | 1 | Int 2 value 30000 |
quarterstaff | 0 | 0 | weight 21600 magic -2 |
quarterstaff | 3 | 4 | weight 5400 magic 4 item_power 3 |
quarterstaff | 1 | 0 | weight 11700 magic -3 cursed 1 |
quarterstaff | 0 | 0 | weight 29700 magic -1 |
quarterstaff | 0 | 0 | weight 10800 magic -2 |
ring | 0 | 5 | title of Gorokh msg A self adjusting ring that grants the wearer some powers of Gorokh. endmsg ac 5 resist_physical 50 resist_magic 30 resist_cold -5 resist_fear 100 path_attuned 131072 path_repelled 257 material 0 value 500000 |
ring mail | 0 | 0 | weight 144000 magic -2 last_sp 8 |
Ring of Betrayal | 0 | 0 | Dex 1 Wis -2 Cha -4 Int 1 value 2500 |
Ring of Elements | 0 | 5 | resist_magic 15 resist_fire 15 resist_electricity 15 resist_cold 15 resist_acid 15 resist_poison 15 path_attuned 64 value 10000 |
Ring of Power | 4 | 15 | msg This is the legendary Ring of Power, the hero ring. endmsg Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 |
ring of Resist Elements | 25 | 24 | msg An ancient silver ring that glows with a protective shield. endmsg face ring.117 Con 2 ac 3 resist_physical 45 resist_fire 45 resist_electricity 45 resist_cold 45 resist_poison 45 path_attuned 14 value 500000 item_power 25 |
robe | 2 | 5 | title of Lesser Protection resist_fire 25 resist_electricity 25 resist_cold 25 value 10000 magic 2 item_power 2 |
robe | 0 | 0 | weight 36000 magic -2 last_sp 9 |
rod of ali | 0 | 0 | level 1 randomitems none |
Rod of Ball Lightning | 0 | 0 | hp 40 maxhp 40 level 15 randomitems none |
Rod of Bombs | 0 | 0 | hp 40 maxhp 40 level 15 carrying 750 randomitems none |
Rod of Changes | 0 | 0 | hp 50 maxhp 50 level 15 randomitems none |
Rod of Fire | 0 | 0 | hp 60 maxhp 60 level 15 randomitems none |
Rod of Fire Ball | 0 | 0 | hp 60 maxhp 60 level 3 randomitems none |
Rod of Knowledge | 0 | 0 | hp 120 maxhp 120 level 20 value 1000 randomitems none |
rodent skeleton | 0 | 0 | material 32 |
Ruggilli's Whisker | 0 | 50 | slaying dragon msg You see Ruggilli's whisker. It is said that to help his priests keep his fractious minions under control, Ruggilli pulled a whisker out and transformed it into this powerful weapon. Not many may use this weapon without being devoured by it. endmsg Str 8 Dex 8 Con 8 Wis 8 Pow 8 Int 8 hp 5 sp 5 food 5 dam 100 luck 5 wc 8 ac 8 level 127 attacktype 1179904 resist_magic 30 resist_fire 100 resist_electricity 100 resist_cold 100 path_attuned 28 material 256 weight 850 magic 15 last_sp 0 last_eat 127 reflect_missile 1 reflect_spell 1 xrays 1 lifesave 1 |
scale mail | 0 | 0 | weight 22000 magic -1 last_sp 8 cursed 1 |
scale mail | 3 | 3 | weight 16800 magic 2 last_sp 10 |
Scepter of the Fire God | 0 | 1 | hp 600 maxhp 600 speed 1.000000 speed_left -0.560000 level 99 resist_fire 30 material 256 value 350000 randomitems none |
sharp axe | 0 | 2 | dam 18 value 2000 weight 10000 magic 3 |
sharp bones | 1 | 0 | Dex 1 Con -1 Wis -1 dam 3 wc 2 resist_death 5 material 32 value 5 magic 2 last_sp 15 item_power 1 cursed 1 |
Shield | 10 | 0 | title of Corrupted Wood msg An evil shield made of the same corrupted wood as the master of the pygmy forest. endmsg Cha -5 food -5 dam 5 luck -5 ac 10 resist_physical 25 resist_drain 100 resist_poison 50 resist_deplete 100 path_denied 524545 material 16 item_power 10 reflect_missile 1 reflect_spell 1 damned 1 |
shield | 2 | 1 | weight 13200 magic 2 |
shield | 2 | 0 | weight 21000 magic -4 item_power 2 |
shield | 1 | 2 | weight 12000 magic 2 |
shield | 1 | 1 | weight 10500 magic 3 item_power 1 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 16800 magic -4 cursed 1 |
shield | 1 | 0 | weight 19500 magic -3 item_power 1 |
shield | 0 | 1 | weight 9600 magic 2 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 9000 magic -4 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 72000 magic -2 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 21000 magic -4 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 66000 magic -1 |
shield | 0 | 0 | title of Mass value 110 weight 60000 cursed 1 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 12000 magic -2 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 12000 magic 2 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 16500 magic -1 cursed 1 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 16500 magic -1 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 180000 magic -2 |
shield | 0 | 0 | weight 18000 magic -2 |
shield of Odo (replica) | 5 | 4 | msg This is a well made replica. endmsg ac 0 resist_physical 0 value 1 |
shimmering turban | 0 | 13 | title of heaven Con 2 Cha 2 ac 2 resist_physical 5 resist_fire 30 resist_electricity 30 resist_cold 30 resist_weaponmagic -20 value 1000000 glow_radius 2 xrays 1 |
shining amulet of repulsion | 0 | 9 | slaying tttower32amushn resist_acid 10 material 256 value 10000 magic 2 glow_radius 3 reflecting 1 blocksview 1 reflect_missile 1 reflect_spell 1 no_steal 1 |
shining dragon mail | 5 | 5 | Str 1 |
shining dragon shield | 2 | 4 | Cha 1 |
shirt "I LOVE the ARENA" | 0 | 0 | weight 100 last_sp 10 |
shortsword | 1 | 0 | weight 4800 magic -4 cursed 1 |
shortsword | 3 | 4 | weight 5400 magic 4 item_power 3 |
shortsword | 2 | 0 | weight 4800 magic -4 item_power 2 |
shortsword | 1 | 1 | weight 7200 magic 1 |
shortsword | 1 | 0 | weight 8640 magic -2 cursed 1 |
shortsword | 0 | 0 | weight 12000 magic -2 |
shortsword | 0 | 0 | weight 11000 magic -1 |
silk gloves | 0 | 0 | sp 1 material 128 value 10000 |
silken slippers of comeliness | 0 | 1 | Cha 2 value 25000 |
silver ring | 0 | 0 | face ring.117 value 600 |
skull | 0 | 0 | material 32 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 120000 magic -2 |
small shield | 2 | 0 | weight 15400 magic -4 cursed 1 |
small shield | 1 | 2 | weight 8000 magic 2 |
small shield | 0 | 1 | weight 6400 magic 2 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 9000 magic 1 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 8000 magic 2 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 52800 magic -2 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 48000 magic -2 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 44000 magic -1 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 36000 magic -1 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 32000 magic -2 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 13200 magic -2 |
small shield | 0 | 0 | weight 12000 magic -2 |
soft shoes | 0 | 1 | msg These soft shoes don't offer much protection but they can keep your toes warm in the winter. endmsg ac 0 resist_cold 30 material 128 value 15000 |
soup ladle | 0 | 0 | magic 1 |
Special Dagger | 0 | 0 | face dagger_r.111 dam 9 value 400 |
Staff | 0 | 0 | food 20 level 20 randomitems none |
Staff of Bezmodin | 0 | 1 | material 256 value 200 magic 2 |
staff of healing | 0 | 0 | food 20 randomitems none |
staff of healing | 0 | 0 | food 20 value 10400 randomitems none |
stake | 1 | 2 | item_power 1 |
steel gloves | 0 | 1 | title of Valriel material 0 value 142000 glow_radius 3 applied 1 |
stick of holding | 0 | 0 | food 7 level 20 randomitems none |
strange club | 0 | 2 | identified_name Large Club title of Troll Canyon sp -1 dam 35 attacktype 1025 resist_magic 10 material 2064 value 200 weight 45000 magic 2 |
strange ring | 4 | 0 | item_power 4 |
strange ring | 15 | 13 | item_power 15 |
sword | 3 | 4 | weight 10850 magic 3 item_power 3 |
Taifu | 0 | 4 | value 100 magic 5 |
Talok's scythe | 0 | 0 | drop_if_quest darcap/Cameron-wine 30 material 0 |
thief's gauntlets | 2 | 3 | Dex 2 ac 2 value 10000 magic 2 item_power 2 |
throwing axe | 0 | 0 | weight 6500 is_thrown 1 |
throwing axe | 0 | 0 | weight 4000 |
throwing star | 0 | 0 | weight 780 magic -2 |
Thunderfist | 6 | 15 | Con 1 dam 22 attacktype 264 resist_electricity 45 resist_cold -20 path_attuned 8 material 0 value 250000 weight 17000 magic 5 |
toy shield | 0 | 0 | msg Written on the shield: "I am the HERO!" endmsg ac 0 material 16 value 0 |
toy sword | 0 | 0 | dam 1 material 16 value 0 last_sp 12 |
Trident of Sea Mastery | 0 | 30 | Cha 3 dam 25 attacktype 33 resist_confusion 100 resist_acid 75 resist_drain -30 value 50000 magic 5 |
Undead Banisher | 4 | 4 | slaying undead msg The Banisher glows with fierce bright light. You feel its hunger for power. endmsg |
Unholy Bow | 0 | 0 | Wis -1 sp 25 magic 1 applied 1 |
Unholy Bow | 0 | 0 | Wis -1 value 10000 magic 1 applied 1 |
unholy shield | 12 | 24 | msg This dark shield of bone radiates a malevolent aura. You are afraid to even be near it. endmsg face shield2.111 Pow 2 Cha -2 sp 1 luck -1 ac 5 resist_physical 30 resist_fire 20 resist_drain 0 resist_holyword 66 resist_blind 33 path_attuned 393216 path_repelled 524544 path_denied 65536 material 2048 value 40000 weight 15000 magic 3 item_power 12 applied 1 reflect_missile 1 reflect_spell 1 damned 1 |
uniform rock | 0 | 0 | face rock2.111 dam 1 value 10 weight 220 is_thrown 1 |
Valriel's Holy Scepter | 0 | 0 | msg Let there be light ... endmsg maxhp 500 level 100 value 700000 glow_radius 5 randomitems none |
Vardimar the Singing Axe | 4 | 3 | slaying djinn dam 18 attacktype 262145 resist_confusion -100 resist_chaos 30 weight 28000 magic 5 last_sp 10 |
Venomtooth | 10 | 27 | dam 30 attacktype 82945 resist_poison 80 |
vicious spiked shield | 0 | 0 | dam 4 resist_physical 5 magic 1 |
Vorpal Blade | 0 | 11 | Dex 3 magic 5 |
wand | 0 | 0 | title of Firebolt of Plenty food 50 level 1 value 5000 randomitems none |
wand | 0 | 0 | title of Unique Firebolt food 1 level 1 randomitems none |
Wand |
0 | 4 | other_arch thaumaturg_desk hp 100 carrying 75000 lifesave 1 |
Wand | 5 | 50 | title of Mastery msg This wand was crafted by the Master Sorceror Saromok. It is a tool of immense power, that greatly augments the wielder's magic abilities. However, it is horrible as a melee weapon. Also, it can be customized to further its power even more. endmsg face wand.111 animation wand Str 0 Dex 0 Pow 2 Int 2 dam -500 path_attuned 1048575 material 0 last_sp 5 weapontype 8 client_type 711 item_power 5 is_animated 1 |
Warrior's Helmet | 0 | 7 | hp 1 resist_magic 30 resist_fear 30 material 4 magic 3 |
weaponmagic bolt | 0 | 0 | msg These custom made bolts do weaponmagic damage to one's opponent. endmsg food 1 dam 10 wc 0 attacktype 257 value 20 |
weighted falchion | 0 | 0 | weight 9200 is_thrown 1 |
wig of comeliness | 0 | 2 | Cha 3 value 1400 |
Winterblade | 5 | 18 | Con 2 sp 1 dam 21 attacktype 272 resist_fire 35 resist_electricity -50 resist_cold 40 path_attuned 4 material 0 value 250000 weight 15000 magic 5 |
Xandra | 5 | 9 | slaying human msg Inscription: To our dear daughter Xandra on her 16th birthday. endmsg dam 11 wc 3 attacktype 81984 material 0 value 3800 last_sp 3 item_power 5 applied 1 reflect_spell 1 |
Yolanda | 5 | 4 | slaying human dam 5 wc 5 attacktype 5376 value 20000 last_sp 1 weapontype 5 item_power 5 applied 1 |
Yoroi of Banzai | 0 | 4 | ac 4 resist_death 100 value 100000 weight 5000 |
Zerina | 5 | 5 | slaying human msg Inscription: To Zerina our Eldest Daughter on her 21st birthday. endmsg dam 10 wc 5 attacktype 262161 material 0 value 20000 last_sp 2 weapontype 5 item_power 5 applied 1 xrays 1 |
Zorn's boots | 2 | 0 | ac 2 resist_physical 5 resist_magic 5 material 256 value 600 weight 2500 item_power 2 applied 1 |
Zorn's chainmail | 2 | 4 | Wis 1 Int 1 ac 7 resist_magic 35 magic 1 last_sp 10 item_power 2 applied 1 |
Zorn's Mournblade | 15 | 15 | dam 10 resist_magic 35 material 256 value 200000 weight 20000 magic 0 last_sp 5 applied 1 |