Crossfire Atlas - Index
- World map - image of the world map with labels of where regions are located, map image has links to that section's summary page
- Zoomable World map - zoomable world map images
- Indices
- Region list - sortable map region list using the long and short names
- All maps by level - list of maps sorted by level, then alphabetically
- All maps (alphabetical) - list of maps in alphabetical order
- NPCs with special messages - (*spoiler*) long list of everything NCPs have to say and their trigger words
- Signs and Books with a special message - (*spoiler*) long list of the content found on signs and in books to all maps
- Special items found in maps - (*spoiler*) table containing stats of all unique items found in maps (meaning, not found in the archetypes)
- Maps associated with quests - (*spoiler*) list of maps that have been tagged as being part of a quest
- Map Reset Groups - list of all reset groups and maps associated with them
- Quests Lists - (*spoiler*) list of quests and introductory summary
- Monsters and the maps they are found on - (*spoiler*) table containing all monsters (even unique ones), how many maps they appear in, and a listing of said maps
- Keys, containers, doors, and detectors with special slaying requirements - (*spoiler*) list of keys and what map the item that the key unlocks is located in
- Shop Information - shop name, location and what they specialize in - helpful for buying and selling
- Map Images by Region - assembled collection of images that make up each region
- Cults - Sortable table listing cult map names or maps that contain a cult altar, cult name and region location (except apartment and guild maps)
- Map Path Layout - (*spoiler*) Diagrams to show how maps are connected, sorted by region with links to map pages
- News - index of site updates and related news for
- Images
- World - world map image with no labels or tags
- World/Regions - world map image with region labels
- World features - image of the world map with major city locations & names and roads or paths leading between them
- Region locales - listing and location of major city locations and names only - no terrain or other information shown
- World elevation - color coded image to show elevation of world map terrain